Religious elements
Native songs in a foreign language
Patriotic crosswords
Short rhymes
Our flag is yellow and blue!
We are Ukrainians!
What about you?
The success of the state, as history shows, generally depends on the patriotism of its citizens. The dictionary definition says that "patriotism is a quality of personality that characterizes the highest degree of spiritual development and consciousness, expressed in valuable attitude to one’s homeland, its history, culture and willingness to sacrifice in the interests of the homeland." A person cannot be born as a patriot, but properly directed education forms such important at all times quality of the individual beginning from first days of child’s life. In the education of the child a major role is taken to the family, school brings up a pupil in a complex with influence of family on the consciousness of the personality.
History proves the high patriotic feelings of our Ukrainian people, otherwise there would be no independence and centuries-old struggle for it. The Patriots have always lived in our land, but since the beginning of independence, patriotism, though, has lost its popularity among Ukrainian, it has not extinguished completely, but stepped back into the background. Perhaps, such phenomenon can be explained by long-term Sovietism’s influence on people's minds and to compare this situation with the biblical story of Moses, who had been leading his nation through the desert until the last man who tasted slavery died and after the long period of time new and spiritually free people entered the Promised Land. And so do our nation, we need more than one year for rebirth.
Influenced by the events of recent years, patriotism came back and the citizens’ majority of our country, especially young people, have begun active promotion of the national ideas. Just look at the clothes with elements of state symbols, quoting lines taken from the poems of Great Kobzar Shevchenko, Ukrainian music popularization and so on. That’s nice, but not enough for the stable formation of patriotism.
As school is the second home for the child, that is why the instilling of the patriotic feelings should happen exactly here. But such process should not be intrusive or forced. Valuable attitude of a person to the Motherland should be broadly formed, that means, it's not just extra classes activities or the lessons of the Homeland Defending. Patriotic education must be present in the classes of all school subjects. School should be an institution that instills a sense of nationhood of young generation, increases the pride for their country, for the acts of their ancestors, prepares citizens and patriots. The creation of conditions for development and self-realization of each person as a citizen of Ukraine is extremely important and actual in the system of modern education.
English as a school subject occupies a special place among the variety of disciplines. Its uniqueness is that at the process of foreign language learning students get not only the basic knowledge of science but the ability and skills to use a foreign language as a tool for communication, a mean of obtaining new useful information. But learning of a foreign language is impossible without studying their native culture and language. Awareness of human values is an integral part of a national identity sense. Learning the language and the lifestyle of the other nations, students can compare the information with the life of their native land.
Foreign language learning at the general secondary education basic level aims to achieve the following objectives:
- development of foreign language communicative competence (linguistic, socio-cultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive);
- development and training of the ability and willingness of independent, continuous foreign language learning, further self-education, foreign language using in other areas of knowledge;
- the ability to self-esteem;
- citizenship and patriotic qualities formation.
Teaching English in the modern school gives teachers opportunities as to citizenship and patriotism education. The communicational component of the subject promotes it, studying of the lifestyle, customs, traditions and, above all, the language of another nations.
It’s necessary for teacher to create an atmosphere, teach children how to compare things and draw conclusions, choose some materials which would give pupils the knowledge about history, traditions and people. But there is no opportunity to devote patriotism every lesson because the school curriculum does not allow such experiments. However, the teacher can include some specific item into own lesson plan, which would remind students their origin, history of the region, state symbols, citizenship, and so on. Such minor excursus from the main theme of the lesson can be called like Patriotic Minute, Time for Patriotism etc.
So, let's start with the very beginning, which means greetings. Learning a foreign language course, children need to know the traditional phrases for greeting at the meeting. According to state educational programs in foreign languages, students learn to say hello and goodbye at the first foreign language lessons. But as to the patriotic education, why not the traditional foreign greeting phrases Hello, Hi, Good Morning try to combine with our national exclamations Glory to Ukraine! Glorious Heroes! Ukraine is the Dearest! One Mother Tongue, United Nation, the Only God, One Ukraine! That is not the absolute foreign greetings exclusion of use but the application of both variants in turn. It means, you can start one lesson traditionally in English, but at the next time greet pupils using Ukrainian patriotic exclamations in English. The beginning of the lesson by such way, especially in a secondary school, will make students focus on a civil way, remind children about their origins and thus will prompt them to learn everything new and not to forget own traditional items.
Patriotism means love to spiritual values of the own Motherland, the desire to preserve its characteristics, its cultural heritage and protect the interests of the community and people in general. Historical source of patriotism is the formation of attachment to religion in the traditions of the ancestors. Christian faith in Ukraine absorbed the peculiarities of national mentality, ethnic and religious traditions and it is a symbol of Ukrainian spirituality.
Based on the foregoing, some prayer may be another element of patriotic education in the English lesson, for example, the one before studying, prayer for Ukraine, parents and guardian angel (Appendix №1). Children in Ukraine are raised in stable religious traditions. Growing up, they become active participants in the various sacraments (baptism, confession, communion, weddings, etc.). Parents teach their children to pray and attend church beginning from the childhood. Even traveling around own country one can see many churches and cathedrals, which indicates a highly religious nation. So prayer at the English lesson will provide children with a sense of something close and dear, it will pupils not only enrich spiritually, but subconsciously reinforce patriotism.
Studying the culture of English-speaking people at school students understand that the religious traditions of these countries are not at such high level as Ukrainian ones. And comparing the information students can realize what a treasure our nation has, its religious customs and traditions.
The idea of the emotional impact on students, such as poetry and songs is not new in foreign language teaching. There is the need of learning materials implementation into teaching practice that would provide not only learning a foreign language, but also promote education and spiritual formation of students' aesthetic taste. At present the selection of teaching materials is more often based not only on linguistic aspects, but on culture, communication, personal approach, which allows the use of culturally valuable authentic foreign language materials.
To make emotionally intense training, many courses use original or specially created for educational purposes music and song material. However, traditional forms of work with songs and poems in a foreign language teaching were mainly listening, reading and translation, analysis, learning by heart and singing. Recently some new approaches of working with verse and song material have begun to develop. Their main point is to use fiction as a teaching tool of one’s individual opinions expression based on the own life experience. Of course, songs and poems themselves can be used to form the phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills, but they may also have higher value in case of patriotic education and citizenship development.
During schooling students learn about the works of oral folklore. It happens every year at Ukrainian literature and Music classes or while extra school activities. At the seventh grade children get acquainted with lyrical songs and on that they become convinced that the words "Ukrainians are nation of singers" are true.
The song was a talisman for Ukrainian people during the whole period of their lifetime, it was their close friend, it helped them at the hard moments of tribulations. But in every historic epoch of our country songs sounded differently, recreating life events and national struggle for freedom, personal experiences, dreams and desires.
Ukrainian songs impress the whole world by their immensity, greatness and topics. They are ceremonial, historical, about family and household, social, domestic, songs of literary origin. And each species has many subspecies. All the songs are extremely melodious and charm everyone with beautiful images. The uniqueness and incomprehensibility of Ukrainian song treat the heart and soul. Also Ukrainian songs and melodies are known worldwide. For example, Ukrainian Christmas tune "Shchedryk" entitled "Carol of the Bells" (Appendix №2) became one of the most famous. It was used many times in American movies.
So, if Ukrainian songs are the national pride then why not use them as a supporting element for the Patriotic Minute at the English lesson, too? Of course, such idea will be popular among high school students, because they are young people with almost fully developed consciousness and understanding the cultural heritage value of their nation. Such musical gems as "Red Ruta", "Song about the Towel", "Hey, You, Striltsi from Ukraine” etc. (Appendix №2) are perfect for relaxation and class activities change. They also may help in patriotic education of children.
Another extremely effective form of work for Patriotic Minute is crossword. It has a unique feature to enable children express themselves, it motivates students to answer the questions, exploring the world on an intuitive level.
To solve the puzzle, you must define the word for its characteristic and write one letter in each blank, starting with the numbered one. Crosswords are widely used at nowadays’ teaching practice. Our own experience has shown that the use of crossword expands pupils’ outlook, develops their logical thinking and memory.
One of the main tasks in the modern school is to create the necessary and absolutely full conditions for personal development of each child. That is why we should teach students to acquire knowledge independently. In the other words, a teacher ought to organize the learning process so that each child can feel the need for self-learning, self-education and self-realization. Therefore, all needs form the educational interests.
Crossword has got a wonderful property every time it is the challenge to compete. Crossword is a way of independent searching for the answers to many questions and that, in some way, is some understanding the world through supposition. And of course it is fun! If a person copes with crossword he or she gets the same amount of optimism that may be given by at least five minutes of laughter. An individual often chooses the crossword which seems not difficult to him\her and it is chosen consciously or intuitively.
One can describe the positive aspects of this method endlessly, but the basic fact is that students really like such a form of work and it can be optimally used for patriotic education at English lessons. It is not difficult to prepare a small puzzle about culture, national cuisine, or tourist attractions of homeland (Appendix №3), but solving this puzzle the student remembers one more time or learns for the first time some things that can be pride for his native land.
Using some poetic material at the foreign language lessons is an effective learning tool. Almost all teachers and methodologists who work with children in various stages of training, often turn their attention to poetic texts at the process of foreign languages teaching. Some textbooks are entirely based on the use of poetic texts, authentic or specially created ones.
Short rhymes help a lot in the development of basic communicative skills, reading, listening and speaking.
The advantage of using rhyming material is that poetry helps pupils to learn and expand their vocabulary easily because the texts include new words and expressions. Known vocabulary, which has been already learnt, can be met in the new contextual environment. Do not forget about the use of personal and geographical names, poetic words. All these means of teaching promote the sense of language development and present its stylistic features to students.
It should be noted also that the specificity of poetry helps children to master the emotionally-valuable experience of communication. It helps teacher to create linguistic atmosphere and psychological contact at the lesson.
Considering all the information above as to the efficiency of rhyming texts during the learning a foreign language, we should note that this method will be very effective in the education of citizenship, if short rhymes are filled with patriotic content (Appendix №4). Short poetic texts can strengthen the sense of children’s patriotism greatly during English lessons and give them a chance to understand that one can say sincere words about own Motherland not only in native language, but also in foreign one.
Consequently, the topic of patriotic education at the English lessons should be developed and the teacher may use different pedagogical methods to achieve the aim. Popular forms of work at the lesson might be used differently with the patriotic meaning and they will be excepted by students successfully. But the most important thing is that a teacher should be a real patriot and only then he will be able to bring up his students as patriots.
Application № 1
Хресне знамення
В ім'я Отця, і Сина, і Святого Духа, амінь.
Sign of the cross
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Святий Боже, Святий Кріпкий, Святий Безсмертний, помилуй нас (тричі).
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (three times).
Молитва перед навчанням
Милосердний Господи, пошли нам милість Духа Твого Святого, що подає нам розум і зміцнює духовні сили наші, щоб ми, уважно переймаючи науку, виросли Тобі, Творцеві нашому, на славу, батькам нашим на радість, Церкві й Україні на користь.
Prayer before study
Merciful Lord, send us the grace of Your Holy Spirit that gives us the mind and strengthens our spiritual power for we, carefully adopting education, grow for Your glory, our parents’ joy, the Church’s and Ukraine’s benefit.
Господня молитва
Отче наш, що єси на небесах!
Нехай святиться Ім'я Твоє,
нехай прийде Царство Твоє,
нехай буде воля Твоя,
як на небі, так і на землі.
Хліба нашого насущного дай нам сьогодні.
І прости нам борги наші, як і ми прощаємо боржникам нашим.
І не введи нас у випробовування, але визволи нас від лукавого.
Бо Твоє є царство, і сила, і слава навіки. Амінь.
Lord's prayer
Our Father which art in heaven!
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
as in heaven, so on earth.
Our daily bread Give us today.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Ангеле Божий, Хранителю мій, Богом даний мені! Щиро благаю Тебе: просвіти мене сьогодні, вбережи від усякого зла, заохочуй до добрих учинків і веди спасенною дорогою. Амінь.
Prayer to Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my Guardian, God gave thee to me! I sincerely beseech thee to enlighten me today, to save me from all evil, to encourage me for good works, and lead me by the way of safe. Amen.
Молитва до святого Духа
Царю небесний, Утішителю, Душе істини, що всюди є й усе наповняєш, Скарбе добра і життя, подателю прийди і вселися в нас і очисти нас від усякої скверни і спаси, Благий, душі наші.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Which is everywhere and fills all things, treasure of goodness and life, Giver, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from all impurity and save, Oh Good, our souls.
Молитва до Пресвятої Тройці
Пресвята Тройце, помилуй нас, Господи, очисти нас з наших гріхів, Владико, прости беззаконня наші, Святий прийди та вилікуй немочі наші, імені Твого ради.
Господи, помилуй (3).Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.
Prayer to the Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity, have mercy on us, O Lord, cleanse us from our sins, O Lord, forgive our transgressions, Holy Lord, come and heal our infirmities, for Your Name's sake.
Lord, have mercy (3) . Glory to the Father, and the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Morning Prayers
Dear God!
Thank You for another day.
Please watch over my family and friends.
Thank You.
Give me strengths in me weakness.
Give me faith in me fear.
Give me power in my powerlessness.
I’m trusting You.
God, please enlighten my mind with truth;
inflame my heart with love;
inspire my will with courage;
enrich my life with service.
Pardon what I have been;
Sanctify what I am; And order what I shall be.
Application №2
Two Colours
(Два кольори)
When I was young and ready in the spring
To seriously start my own road,
My mother had embroided a shirt for me
With red and black, with black and red
On very soft and nice a piece of cotton.
Two colours are forever in my heart ,
Two colours are forever in my soul:
Red colour means the mother`s greatest love,
Black colour means unhappiness and sorrow.
My life`s been full of problems and bad luck,
But I came always back to a native town,
Thanks to my mother`s precious needlework,
I`ve had happy , sad, exciting,
My happy , sad, exciting, glorious triumph.
And when approaching my silver age
I haven`t brought the richness to my house,
I haven`t had nothing but my mother`s towel,
And all my own life , and all my own life,
Has been depicted brightly in both colours.
A Song about a Towel
(Пісня про рушник)
Dear Mother of mine, your long nights had been sleepless.
I remember you brought me to field countryside.
And without your blessing on my way rather tough I’d be helpless,
For my luck you bestowed the towel white.
And without your blessing on my way rather tough I’d be helpless,
For my luck you bestowed embroidered the towel white.
Let it blossom in nice dewy glorious pathway,
Nightingales and green wood will exist there too.
And my mum’s tender smile that illumes and inspires my soul,
And your kind truthful eyes, that will never betray.
And my mum’s tender smile, that illumes and inspires my soul.
And your sad truthful eyes that will never, will never betray.
I’ll accept your sweet gift for my fate to be happy,
In the wonderful songs of the birds and green grass.
Let that cloth will remind me of your love and your hasty departure,
Of your pray and true love so vital for us.
Let that cloth will remind me of your love and your hasty departure,
Of your pray and true love so vital and dear for us.
There is no other road to go
While Milky Way burns in the sky.
I’m so lucky to explore
Your golden paths in fields of rye.
There is no other way to love you
And you will always be in bloom.
It’s worth to live and coming back to,
My country I belong to you!
My Ukraine, my dear country,
After road which always bends
Faithful heart that’s full of loving
I’m commending to your hands.
Our love is strong like never was it
And aspiration never dies.
We’ll burn with our emotions
Another thousand of hearts.
Our candles are burning still somehow
And youth is a preference of us
The things we’re doing here and now
The time and people will discuss.
`Moonlight night`
(Ніч яка місячна)
Moonlight night is so quiet and starry,
Clear as in broad daylight.
Will you, my darling , though tired and weary,
Come out to sit by my side?
Let us be sitting so close together
Under a big snowball tree.
I feel like Lord of the Lords , high and mighty,
When in my arms I hold thee.
Don`t just fear that you may be cold-
There`s no wind ,no cloud.
Held so close to my heart on fire,
You will be warm ,no doubt.
Don`t just fear that white maiden`s feet
You may get wet with cold dew –
Here in my arms is the very door step
I will, my love ,carry you.
“Why did not you come?”
(Чом ти не прийшов?)
Why did not you come
When the night was calm,
When moonlight was shown?
Did your horse go stray?
Did you lose your way?
Mother didn`t allow?
Neither horse went stray,
Nor I lost my way,
And mother let me go.
Younger sis did meddle:
Took away the saddle,
Wish I never saw her grey
Little stream in front
Over I`ll jump;
Water runs without rest.
Mother, I beg thee
``Will you marry me
To the one I love best? ``
(Червона рута)
Can you tell me the truth?
Where you`ve got such a magic,
I have been all these days
In the spirit of sadness,
Maybe somewhere in the woods
You have looked for the spell herbs,
You have found the sunrut
And have charmed me with magic.
Don`t look for the Ruta ,
You don`t look for it in the evenings.
You are the only my love,
You are really one,
Cause of your beauty
That looks like clear water,
Quick shiny water
From mountain hills.
I meet you in my dreams,
I n the green oak-groves
And for me all this seems
Sign of luck and the hops,
And you don`t have to bring
Me the blossom of hope,
That`s because you forever
Stay with me in my dreams.
"A Ukrainian girl "
Many enemies captured me,
Murdered, killed ,didn`t let me free
But their efforts were in vain,
I regenerated all the same.
I was born in Ukraine.
People say I am like a flower,
That my words have magic power,
That my soul sings
Like a nightingale,
From Ukraine, I am a proud girl.
"My Ukraine"
(Моя Україна)
You are Unique and dear to me,
My Ukraine.-2 times
You in front of the enemy
Never kneeled.
You to the star of the dream
Went through hardship-2 times
You swam in the kind and still sea
Like a white ship.-2 times
It is my native land
That I`ll never, never change.
Rivers ,lakes and a wide plain-
This is my Ukraine.
There is my native land,
It is my dearest pearl.
In my soul it will never wend,
Ukraine is my Motherland.
Wherever I am,
You are with, my Ukraine.
You are my mother that has gained
The native language of a nightingale.
Here I drank from the spring of rain
The clearest water like a dove,
Here I was drunk without any pain
With the love.2 times
"Hey, you Striltsi from Ukraine"
(Гей ви, Стрільці Січовії )
Hey, you Striltsi from Ukraine, one-two-three.
All the girls do love you madly, one-two-three.
Go forward, be courageous, the retreat is out of question.
Refrain: One-two, one-two, one-two-three.
The commander leads us forward, one-two-three.
And for hell with us he’s ready, one-two-three.
He’s a brave chap, oh be sure, and his horse is like a devil.
Sir commander, what has happened, one-two-three.
No money, we are threatened, one-two-three.
For three days without bread, only water cold and sad.
"Carol of the Bells"
Hark how the bells,
sweet silver bells,
all seem to say,
throw cares away
Christmas is here,
bringing good cheer,
to young and old,
meek and the bold,
Ding dong ding dong
that is their song
with joyful ring
all caroling
One seems to hear
words of good cheer
from everywhere
filling the air
Oh how they pound,
raising the sound,
o’er hill and dale,
telling their tale,
Gaily they ring
while people sing
songs of good cheer,
Christmas is here,
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,
On on they send,
on without end,
their joyful tone
to every home
Ding dong ding: dong!
Application №3
National cuisine
1. Porridge consumed on Christmas Eve. (Kutia)
Famous Ukrainians
Cities of Ukraine
4. It is a city located in western Ukraine, at the border with Slovakia and near the border with Hungary, the administrative center of Zakarpattia Oblast. (Uzhhorod)
6. It is the third most populous city of Ukraine and a major seaport and transportation hub located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. (Odessa)
7. It is an important port on the Black Sea and Dnieper River, and the home of a major ship-building industry. (Kherson)
9. A historic city in northern Ukraine, Anriy Yarmolenko, Ukrainian footballer raised here. (Chernihiv)
10. It is a city in west-central Ukraine, located on the banks of the Southern Bug and the largest city in the historic region of Podillia. (Vinnytsia)
2. It is a city on the Styr River in northwestern Ukraine. It is the administrative center of the Volyn Oblast. (Lutsk)
3. It is Ukraine's fourth largest city, with about one million inhabitants, known as Ekaterinoslav until 1925. (Dnipro)
5. It is a city in southern Ukraine arguably the main ship building center of the Black Sea. (Mykolaiv)
8. It is the largest city in western Ukraine and the seventh largest city in the country overall, is one of the main cultural centres of Ukraine. (Lviv)
Sights of Kyiv
7. It is quite the contrary to the upper part of the city, a lot of interesting places, museums and monasteries are located there. (Podil)
8. It is the main street in Kyiv. (Khreschatyk)
9. It is the palace used for official state receptions such as presidential meetings and international conferences. (Mariyinskyi)
2. The cable car which was built in 1905 and until now it offers quick, exciting, and inexpensive rides from Podil up to Mykhailivska Ploscha. (Funicular)
3. One of the most interesting buildings in Kyiv, decorated with intricate sculptural ornaments of mythological and hunting themes. (Horodetskyi)
4. The cathedral of Russian Orthodox Church which was built in 1882 reflects features of the Neo-Byzantine style is located on one of city's central streets, Tarasa Shevchenka blvd. (Volodymyr)
5. Its thirteen gorgeous golden domes nicely blend with the city skyline. The grandiose ensemble was built by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in the XI century in commemoration of the victory over the Pecheneg tribe. (St. Sophia Cathedral)
6. This fortified wall, defining the limits of the city and serving as a protective barrier from invaders in the centuries past, dates back to 1037, the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. (Golden Gate)
10. The most ancient and steep street in Kyiv is Kyivites' favorite place for outdoor fairs, festivals, and concerts. (Andriyivskyi Uzviz)
Ukrainian Famous Sights
4. It is the largest island on the Dnipro river has the status of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve. (Khortytsia)
9. It is the eastern orthodox monastery (lavra) in Ternopol region, the most sacred eastern orthodox holy place in Volyn and the second-important one after Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in Ukraine. (Pochaiv Lavra)
10. The most popular and famous castle in Lviv region. From a distance we can see the powerful defensive building on the picturesque hill. (Olesko)
2. An 'open-air' Museum of Folk Architecture is full of life-size models of different rustic buildings, 12km south of Kyiv, is one of the most fun and best maintained. (Pyrohovo)
3. It is a unique biosphere reserve in the Kherson Region which has existed for more than 100 years. (Askania Nova)
5. Arboretum in Uman was founded in 1796 by Stanislaw Pototsky and named after his wife. (Sofiyivka)
6. It is is one of the best bases from which to scale the heights of the Carpathian Mountains. The town’s central Pysanky Museum, housed in a giant Easter egg, is the obvious highlight. (Kolomyya)
7. It is one of the highest waterfalls in Ukraine which drops water from the height of the 18 meters and there are no similar ones in the country. (Manyava)
8. It is the village near Poltava in the Myrhorod District where a large fair is held. (Sorochyntsi)
Geographical Outlook
4. The climate of Ukraine. (Continental)
7. The capital city of Ukraine. (Kyiv)
10. It is the deepest lake in Ukraine, the second largest in the country, belongs to groups of Shatsk's lakes, which are located in Polissya. (Svitiaz)
2. The mountains in the west of Ukraine. (Carpathian)
3. The country's highest point. (Hoverla)
5. The sea Ukraine is bordered by. (Black Sea)
6. The longest river of Ukraine. (Dnieper)
8. Ukraine borders on it in the west. (Romania)
9. Where is Ukraine situated? (Europe)
Ukrainian Culture
1. It is a traditional Ukrainian fur coat. (Kozhukh)
4. It is a traditional Ukrainian decorative painting style, originating from the village of Petrykivka in Dnipropetrovsk oblast of Ukraine. (Petrykivskyi)
5. It is a national Ukrainian dance. (Hopak)
6. It is an ancient pre-Christian Slavic winter festival. It was later incorporated into Christmas. (Koliada)
8. It is celebrated in Ukraine on the night of 6/7 July in the Gregorian or New Style calendar. (Ivan Kupala)
11. It is the handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn. (Embroidery)
2. It is a Ukrainian folk holiday celebrated on 13 January, which is New Year's Eve in accordance with the Julian calendar, Old New Year. (Malanka)
3. It is a form of autumn-winter evening entertainment that took place in the house, young people told stories, danced, combining leisure with work. (Vechornytsi)
7. It is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method. (Pysanka)
9. In Ukraine it is an essential dish at the Ukrainian Christmas Eve Supper. (Kutia)
10. Wide trousers in Ukrainian national clothes. (Sharovary)
Application №4
Can you see the beauty around?
The sky is clear and blue,
Ukraine’s the best country!
It smiles to me and you.
We are Ukrainians!
Remember about that.
Love your home land
And never forget!
Dance hopak, eat varenyky
And Bukovel you should attend.
You stand on the unique land.
Enjoy Ukraine, my dear friend!
In Kyiv, Lviv, Poltava or Chernihiv,
Bukovyna, Podillia, East or West
We love Ukraine without doubts!
We love Ukraine! It is the best!
Let’s sing the cossacs’s songs
About freedom and native land.
To be the partriots in the hearts -
The only thing to understand!
Our flag is yellow and blue!
We are Ukrainians!
What about you?
It is my native land
That I`ll never, never change.
Rivers, lakes and a wide plain-
This is my Ukraine.
There is my native land,
It is my dearest pearl.
In my soul it will never wend,
Ukraine is my Motherland.
My Ukraine, my dear country,
After road which always bends
Faithful heart that’s full of loving
I’m commending to your hands.
There is no other way to love you
And you will always be in bloom.
It’s worth to live and coming back to,
My country I belong to you!
No enemies will capture me,
Their efforts will be in vain,
I’ll regenerate all the same.
I was born in Ukraine!