План відкритого заняття
з предмету «Англійська мова»
відкритого заняття з предмету «Англійська мова»
Викладач: Гандзин О.М.
Тема заняття:
«Земля – наш дім. Бережіть її!»
(“The Earth is our home. Save it!”)
Мета заняття:
1) створити мовні ситуації, що моделюють реальні ситуації обговорення охорони навколишнього середовища на міжнародній конференції екологами, директорами великих промислових підприємств, які б мотивували використання іноземної мови з метою спілкування;
2) домогтися реалізації головної мети в процесі використання продуктивних вправ:
а) повідомлення й коментування фактів;
б) опис явищ;
в) аудіювання.
1) розвивати навички усного мовлення та аудіювання;
2) розвивати уміння відрекомендувати себе, розкритися як особистість, обізнана в культурному плані, як людина, яку цікавить широке коло проблем;
3) розвивати почуття особистої відповідальності;
4) надавати cтудентам можливість вносити у своє життя позитивні зміни.
1) підкреслити необхідність захисту оточуючого середовища;
2) підвищувати свідомість студентів, розуміння ними цінності навколишнього середовища;
3) поглиблювати обізнаність студентів з проблемами промислового забруднення.
Тип заняття: урок-конференція.
Методи проведення:
ігрова діяльність, бесіда, демонстрування, декламування, самостійна робота студентів, метод проектів, робота з підручником, робота в групах.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: географія, основи екології.
Навчальні посібники та обладнання:
Cтруктура заняття
I.Організаційний момент.
II.Повідомлення теми та мети заняття.
III.Актуалізація опорних знань студентів.
IV.Мотивація навчальної діяльності.
V. Програма конференції.
1.Перегляд відеоролика.
2.Виступи учасників конференції по проблемах довкілля:
3.Декламування вірша «Leisure»
4. Виконання вправи. (Вирішення проблеми)
5. Перегляд відеоролика. (Фізкультхвилинка)
6 .Презентація проектів.
7.Аудіювання тексту «A message from the Earth».(Робота з підручником)
8.Формування документу конференції. (Робота в групах)
1група: Написати прислів’я та вислови про захист навколишнього середовища.
9. Підсумок конференції. (Бесіда)
VI. Заключний етап заняття.
1. Підведення підсумків заняття.
2. Домашнє завдання.
I.Організаційний момент.
Teacher: Good morning students! I’m happy to greet you at our English lesson. Who is on duty today?
Student 1. I am on duty today. My name is … . I am a leader mechanical group №11. The group is ready for the lesson. All are present.
II.Повідомлення теми та мети заняття.
Teacher: Today we invite you to our International Ecological conference. We live in the world where there are a lot of ecological problems. Nowadays the global situation in ecology is very serious. Many people all over the world are worried about it and discuss it in Ukrainian, English, French and other languages. We are here to listen to your projects devoted to the problem of environment and to discuss several questions connected with pollution and other environmental problems.
So, students! Welcome to our conference!
The theme of our conference is ”Earth is our home. Save it!” and it will be devoted to problems of environmental protection.
Teacher: What is the motto of our conference ?
Student :
Ecology suggests activity!
Think globally, act locally!
Think of your future!
Teacher: You were informed about the program of the conference beforehand.
Program 1. The mankind is concerned about the nature pollution. 2.Different ways of saving the environment. 3.The duty of mankind is to save the nature. |
Teacher: The aim of our conference is to revise all the material and sum it up.
After the conference you’ll be able
III.Актуалізація опорних знань студентів.
Teacher:Last time we spoke about the ecological problems of environment. At home you have learnt some new words. Let’s revise them. Give the definitions of the main concepts of ecology. (Студенти по черзі встають і називають англійське слово та йог визначення).
trees in an area.
Teacher: Next task is: I’ll give you cards and you are to fill in the suitable words, then we shall check up.
– The country is rich in natural …(resources).
– We need a … .The water is very dirty. (filter)
– Is … radiation dangerous? (ultraviolet)
– … waste endangers people’s lives. (Nuclear)
– Industrial waste can be … for fish living in the seas. (poison)
– It is very good when there is much … in the air. (ozone)
Teacher: Now, answer the question:
– What are the most serious environmental problems?
IV.Програма конференції.
Teacher: I propose you to watch a short video. Look at the screen, please.
1.Перегляд відеоролика.
Teacher: Dear friends, just now you have seen the film about the environmental situation in our planet. As this problem is global, I want to discuss it. After the speech of each of the participants you should ask the questions you are interested in. Please, be active in the discussion. Who wants to be the first?
2. Виступи учасників конференції по проблемах довкілля:
Air Pollution
I do. My name is... I am an American specialist on biosphere. The film impressed me greatly. I and my teammates are sure that air pollution is a very serious problem.
About 150 years ago the air was pure and clean. Then people started building factories and many of the things they make, like cars, put a lot of harmful gases into the air. Today the air is so polluted in some places that it`s not always safe to breathe there.
Many cities around the world have air polluted with “smog”. This is so strong in some places that the air, which should be a beautiful blue, looks brown.
Polluted air is not only bad for people and animals, but also for trees and plants. And in some places it`s even damaging farmers` crops – the food we eat. So it`s very important for us to “clean up our act”, and clean up the air we all breathe.
Greenpeace Correspondent How do you do? I am from the ecological organization named Greenpeace. How can we stop air pollution?
The Greenhouse Effect
My name is... I am a British scientist who studies the greenhouse effect. Pollution from cars, factories and power station is causing harmful greenhouse gases to build up in the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases prevent heat from escaping and as a result our planet is getting warmer.
Global warming is causing the ice at the North and South Poles to melt and sea levels and temperatures to rise, leading to serious flooding and violent storms in many parts of the world. In other places, there will be less rain and the land will be turned into desert.
Global warming
My name is ... . I am Ukrainian scientist who studies the global warming. I would like to add something. Global warming is sometimes referred to as the Greenhouse Effect. Global warming is one of the biggest problems facing the world today. Many scientists believe the changes we have seen over the last century are mainly due to man’s activities. The earth is kept warm by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide which have increased temperatures further. A climate change is also making conditions difficult for some animals. In the Arctic, the ice is melting threatening the survival of animals such as polar bears.
WWF-World Wide Fond Correspondent . I am from World Wide Fоnd the ecological international organization. What Must We Do to Stop Global Warming?
2.Plant trees
3.Turn off television, computers and lights when we leave home
4.Walk instead of driving a car
Teacher: There are many things that have negative influence on man’s health. What are they?
Depletion of the Ozone Layer
My name is... I am American scientist who studies the ozone hole. There many things that have negative influence on man’s health. One of them is the ozone hole. Up in the sky, above the air we breathe, there`s a layer of gas called ozone. It helps us by blocking out the sun rays that can harm our skin, and by letting the rays that are good for us come through. We are lucky to have the ozone layer to protect us. But the ozone layer is destroyed by a stuff that aerosol sprays and refrigerators contain. People will have to take measures because the dangerous rays get thought the atmosphere causing skin cancer and other diseases. Secondly farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticide. Scientists have found that these pesticides often end up in our food. They can cause health problems, especially for kids.
The “Holos Opillya” newspaper Correspondent I am the “Holos Opillya” newspaper Correspondent: What must we do to stop the depletion of the ozone layer?
Teacher: One of the climatic effects of air pollution is acid rain
Participant 5
Acid Rains
My name is... I am a British specialist on atmosphere. When we look up, we see the clouds and the blue sky. But there are other things in the sky that we don`t see. Some of them are harmful to the Earth.
When power plants burn coal to make electricity, and when cars burn gasoline, invisible gases are released into the air.
Some of these gases can mix with water and make it acidic, like lemon juice or vinegar. Sometimes the gases get into rain clouds, where they get mixed with rain or snow. This is called acid rain.
When acid rain falls in lakes, it changes them. The lakes and rivers become more acidic. It kills the plants and animals that usually live in the water. That is why fish are dying. The scientists are finding other effects of acid rain. In some large areas trees are dying. Some kinds of trees cannot live in the soil that is very acidic.
RSPCA-Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Correspondent
I am from Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: How can we stop the depletion?
It`s very important for us to stop making acid rains. One good way to do it to drive our cars less. Another good way is to save energy. The less energy we use, the less coal those power plants will have to burn.
To stop pollution from power plants we need to design, build and use solar, wave, wind, geo-thermal power plants.
Teacher: The rivers and lakes have some problems too
Participant 6
Water Pollution
My name is... I am a scientist from Scotland. I study water pollution. The planet Earth is mostly water. All life on the Earth – from the smallest bug to the biggest whale – depends on water. It’s precious. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers.
Nuclear power stations can go wrong and cause nuclear pollution. This happened in Wind scale in Britain, in the USA and Chernobyl. Nuclear pollution cannot be seen, but its effects can be terrible. In such places the birds and animals leave their habitats and many plants die.
Today people are worried about the threat of nuclear power. Chernobyl disaster 1986 is the result of the explosion of a nuclear reactor has badly effected Belarus. About 18% of soils in the country are unfitted for farming and many districts are dangerous to live in. The nine million people living in effect areas have received the highest known exposure to radiation in the history of the atomic age. No people have ever before been continuously exposed to such levels of long-lived, man-made radiation.
Participant 7
My name is... I am a nuclear scientist, the head of the atomic Power Station.
But modern life is imaginable without electricity and energy. It lights houses, buildings, streets, provides domestic and industrial hit and powers most equipment used in homes, offices and machinery in factories. At the moment 94% of the world energy comes from fossil fuels. Coal fuels over 40% of electricity world life. There is enough for the next 300 years. But only enough gas and oil for the next 50. What happens then? Well, one answer is nuclear energy.
Greenpeace Correspondent Beside, there are still nuclear weapons in some countries. As a result the environment is polluted with the industrial and nuclear wastes. It is dangerous to nature and to people, especially to kids. And we must say – No nuclear station! What must we do to save energy?
People must save themselves.
Teacher: One of the environmental problems is land pollution.
(Land Pollution)
My name is... I am a mayor of town Rohatyn. One of the environment problems of our town is that we are making much garbage. When you throw something away, it goes in a garbage can. Once a week a garbage truck comes and the can is emptied, and that`s the last you see of it. But what do you think happens to the garbage then? Does it just disappear? No way!
Almost all garbage is taken to a garbage dump, or landfill, where the garbage trick empties it onto the ground. After the truck leaves, a big tractor comes along and pushes dirt on top of the garbage. So, most of our garbage is just buried.
Now we are making so much garbage that in many places, there is not enough room to bury it all. "The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself" — these are the words of the American President Franklin Roosevelt.
TV “RAI” Correspondent I am representative of TV “RAI”
-You see the problem is very important. What must we do to improve the situation? Mayor. Of course, there are some solutions of the problem.
To stop land pollution we need to:
We must remember 3 R’s : reuse, reduce, recycle.
Teacher: You are absolutely right! What can we reuse, reduce and recycle? We must remember 3 R’s : reuse, reduce, recycle.
Student: Reuse : glass bottles and tins, metal tins.
Recycle : all kinds of paper, plastic, metal.
Reduce : using electricity, running water.
Teacher :
And what is our life without nature? I fully agree with Davies, the poet, who expressed his feelings in his poem "Leisure". I like it very much. Do you?
(Декламування вірша.)
3. Декламування вірша «Leisure» (фізкультхвилинка)
Participant 8
William Henry Davies (1871-1942)
What is this life, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see when wood we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see in broad daylight
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty glance,
And watch her feet how they can dance,
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
Teacher :
The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. How can we keep our environment clean. What can we do to keep our environment clean?
Match the problems and their solutions.
-Water is polluted! (stop hunting)
4. Презентація проектів.
Teacher: "Mother planet is showing us the red warning light — be careful — she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of your own house." (The Dalai Lama)
What are we doing to save the Earth?
Well, gentlemen! I think it's high time to invite the ecologists here.
British ecologist.
Ні! І am... I am British ecologist. I have been working in this sphere for 10 years already and I know all its burning problems. Protection of environment is paid much attention to in Great Britain. “The earth has music for those who listen.” ― George Santayana.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland covers an area of some 244 thousand square miles. It is situated on the British Isles. At the end of the 1980s Britain became much more conscious of the fact of degradation of the environment. Two incidents in 1988 triggered a major shift in attitude to this question.
І am…. I am Ukrainian ecologist.
Protection of the environment in Ukraine is paid much attention to. The worsening of the ecological situation has been closely linked to the Chernobyl explosion. On April 26, 1986, a fire burnt out of control and released radioactive materials. The disaster killed 31 persons immediately and caused the hospitalization of about 500 others. It has caused widespread illnesses and made the land in the area unusable. A radioactive cloud spread from the plant over most of Europe. Radiation even spread so far as to appearin Asia and in North America. Radiation has become one of the main problems. Many people died from radiation in Chernobyl. It was a great tragedy. People build nuclear stations and carry out nuclear tests. As a result, radiation represents one of the main problems nowadays. But some countries such as Schwitzerland and Austria stopped building nuclear power stations.
Another issue of concern in Ukraine is the question of where to put nuclear waste. This waste is largely the spent fuel of reactors. It is radioactive, and some of its components remain so forever. The waste is held at temporary sites until a solution of the problem can be found. At present the most promising solution of the problem of waste storage is recycling. Another environmental problem is air pollution. One of its results is acid rain. It is caused by smoke from factories and transport. Nowadays the emission of smoke is strictly controlled by special governmental agencies.
Nowadays Donbas is not only a zone of war, but ecological catastrophe.
The Russian troops and mercenaries in Donbas are intentionally ruining infrastructure, resulting in catastrophic environmental pollution, In the course of the ATO, artillery targeting has caused fires and explosions at several ecologically dangerous production facilities. Among them are the Avdiyivka and Yasynivsk chemical plants, the Lysychansk oil processing and Kramatorsk industrial engineering plants, as well as the Tochmash and Styrol factories. In Donetsk because of shelling a bomb exploded at the Donetsk state factory of chemical products
Two-thirds of Donbas coal mines have been flooded as a consequence of military action, Ukrainian Ecology Minister Andriy Mokhnik reports to Radio Liberty. According to him, underground waters and all of the potable water in the affected coal basin have been polluted as a result of the flooding. The Minister of Ecology accused Russian occupation troops and mercenaries of ruining the environment of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts.
The activity of various environmental organizations helps to improve the situation. Among the leading environmental organizations in Ukraine are the Greenpeace and the Green Party. They are very popular with the youth in Ukraine.
Teacher : As you see, the ecological problems are dangerous. Man is beginning to understand that his environment is not just his own town or country, but the whole earth. That’s why people form the organizations that work to protect the environment from harm. What ecological organizations help to protect nature? Greenpeace, RSPCA-Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, WWF-World Wide Fund - Its symbol is a big panda. - RSPB-Royal Society of Preserving Birds.
"Look after your planet, it's the only one we have", — this was the dramatic appeal of Prince Philip of Britain, President of the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). At our conference we have invited representatives of Greenpeace. Let’s listen to them about their activities.
Member of G.P.
My name is... I’m a member of G.P. and I want to tell you about our organization. I want to admit that there are global problems between the relations of Man with Nature. If we don’t begin to change our behavior, we will have no world to live in. So, in spite of everything, we believe that the Earth is our common home, a big green house. All the inhabitants - people, animals, birds – need to live in peace and harmony.
Greenpeace is an international environmental organization. Members of Greenpeace are in the places where the environment is in danger. They always act fast and bravely. Greenpeace members are often called "greens". Members of the Greenpeace Organization work all over the world. They say that our planet is in danger. Oceans and seas are polluted with dangerous chemicals. The atmosphere is polluted with toxins. Many animals and fish are killed.
Greenpeace was started on the 15th of September 1971 in Canada.
Today, Greenpeace is an international ecological organization that has 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and national as well as regional offices in 41 countries. Its headquarters are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The committee's founders were Dorothy and Irving Stowe, Marie and Jim Bohlen, Ben and Dorothy Metcalfe, and Bob Hunter.
Greenpeace message is “When the last tree is cut down and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can’t eat money “.( слайд )
As you know, April 22 is a special day around the world. Accoding to the UNESCO calendar all people on the planet celebrate Earth Day on that day. It is time when people show that they care about fragile planet. It is a day for people to learn what they can do to preserve the planet Earth. That's why the problem of environmental protection has become vital importance lately.
-Dear friends , we have brought a message from the Earth. Read and listen to it, please.
5.Аудіювання тексту «A message from the Earth».
“Dear boys and girls,
Take care of me. I’m ill. My water is polluted. The air is dirty. Don’t cut down the forests . Plant a tree a year. Don’t kill animals and birds.
They may all disappear.
Never throw or break glass bottles. You pollute the land. Take what you need from me. You are my parts.
So, keep me clean and healthy for future generations,
Love, your Earth”.
Thank you for your attention
Take care of the … .
It is … .
It’s water and air are… .
Don’t cut down the … .
Don’t kill … .
Never throw or break … .
keep me clean and healthy for … .
6.Формування документу конференції. (Робота в групах)
Teacher :
Every conference usually ends with a document.
Form three groups. I give you three problems for discussing.
Five minutes for you
Teacher : Read the proverbs and saying about ecology.
Gr. 1
Teacher :
What should we do to protect our nature? Read the main Laws of Ecology.
Gr. 2
Teacher : What can we do to live healthy in the healthy world? Read the ideas what can we do to live healthy in the healthy world.
Gr. 3
Teacher: Thank you very much! Your ideas are very good.
Teacher : Please, learn these slogans and try to make the World better!
V. Заключний етап заняття.
1. Підведення підсумків заняття.
Well, my friends, I think everybody know, how we can help our nature to protect the environment. We can help the Earth, working hard, cleaning the environment, planting trees, studying and loving nature. Children, I want you, to remember the wise advice of a great English writer J. Galsworthy who said: «If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it» Our conference is over. Thanks to everybody who took part in our conference.
You have worked hard. I’m satisfied with our lesson. Your marks are….
2. Домашнє завдання.
Write down your homework for the next lesson. Write an essay “Ecological Problems of Our Region”.
I want you to say that you must remember — the most dangerous pollution is pollution of the soul. Keep your soul clean! Don't pollute them with anger, envy or selfishness and the world will be better place to live. Bye!