Lesson 3
Тема: Улюблені письменники. Шкільна бібліотека.
Підтема: Чарлз Діккенс-мій улюблений англійський
Мета: Повторити й систематизувати лексику теми.
Ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою та тренувати її
вживання в усному мовленні.
Практикувати учнів у читанні.
Розвивати вміння логічно будувати розповідь.
Виховувати любов до світової літератури.
Обладнання:підручник,портрет Чарлза Діккенса,плакат з
висловом,книжкова виставка творів письменника.
Картки для самостійної роботи(НО1),для роботи в парах
(НО2),для роботи в групах (НО3).
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
Aim 1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
T: Students, the topic of our today’s lesson is ,,Charles
Dickens.Life and Heritage”.
By the end of the lesson you should be able:
-to listen and understand the details of the text;
-to identify details from the text for reading.
Warm-up 2.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
а) Association Web
Students have to write as many things as they know asso-
ciated with the name of Charles Dickens.
б) Group work.
A group discussion of the quotation
,,In the little world children have their existence,whosoever
brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so
finely felt as unjustice”.
Ch. Dickens ,,Great Expectations”
The placard with the quotation is stuck on the blackboard.
The teacher reads it and explains the meaning of unknown
words.The pupils work in groups and find out what Charles
Dickens meant by above mentioned words.After that each
group presents its ideas.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
Reading Pre-Reading Activity.
1.Введення нових слів.Introduction of new vocabulary
a lawyer - адвокат
a debt - борг
a prison - в’язниця
,,Sketches by Boz”-,,Нариси Боза”.
,,The Pickwick Papers”-“Записки Піквікського клубу”.
„The Cricket on the Hearth”-„Цвіркун на печі”.
„Bleak House”-„Холодний дім”.
2. Відпрацювання лексики.Vocabulary practice.
Учні працюють самостійно з картками,перекла-
дають речення ( Eng-Ukr).
,,Sketches by Boz”was the first book by Charles Dickens”. |
Charle’s father was taken to a pri- son for debt. |
He studied shorthand and worked as a parliamentary reporter of a London newspaper. |
After leaving school Charles worked in a lawyer’s office. |
,,The Pickwick Papers”made the author famous. |
While-Reading Activity
T: Students,read the text and be ready to tell why Charles
Dickens was called the greatest critical realist in 19 century
English literature.(Teacher gives the text to every pupil)
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens was the greatest critical realist in 19 century
English literature.He was born in the family of a poor clerk in
Portsmouth.There were eight children in the family and he
was t he second. In 1821 the family moved to London where
life was hard for the poor people.Charles’s father could not get
any work for a long time and was taken to prison for debts.
Little Charles had to work in a factory when he was only ten.
Dickens described this period of his childhood in the novel
,,David Copperfield”. When his father came out of prison,Charles was sent to school and stayed there for three years.
He learned foreign languages and studied literature.At fifteen Charles left school and worked in a lawyer’s office.He studied
shorthand at that time and took up the work of a parliamentary
reporter to a London newspaper.This work led him to journalism
and then to novel writing.In 1836 he published his first book
,,Sketches by Boz”,a collection of short stories about London life.
In 1837 he published ,,The Pickwick Paper”,which made him fa-
mous. In his next novels, ,,Oliver Twist”(1838) and ,,Nicholas
Nickleby”(1839),Dickens described the hard life of homeless
children. In 1842 the author visited America and wrote, Ame-
rican Notes”.During the following years Dickens published ,,The
Cricket on the Hearth”,,,Dombey and Son”, ,,Bleak House”.
His books are translated into many languages all over the world.
Post-Reading Activities
1.Form the right answers to the questions and make up a dialogue about Ch.Dickens (P1-P2).
1.Where was Ch.Dickens born? |
(clerk) |
2.Who was his father? |
(eight children) |
3.How many children were there in the family? |
(when he was only ten) |
4.When did the family move to London? |
(three years) |
5.When did the boy begin to work? |
(journalism led him to this career) |
6.How long did he stay at school? |
(in 1836) |
7.When did Dickens leave school and were did he work after then? |
(Portsmouth) |
8.How did Ch.Dickens come to be a writer? |
(in 1821) |
9.When did he publish his first book? |
(in a lawyer’s office) |
10.What novel made him famous? |
(in 1842) |
11.When did he visit America? |
(The,,Pickwick Papers” 1837) |
2. Group Work.The class is subdivided into two groups.Each
team gets a list of dates connected with life and literary heri-
tage of Ch.Dickens.The task of the students is to write the
date connected with the event .
Date |
Event |
he published his first book. |
the family moved to London. |
Ch.Dickens visited America. |
he died. |
he published,,The Pickwick Papers” |
he was born. |
he wrote Oliver Twist. |
Speaking (group work)
The pupils get a task to speak on the following situations:
1)Imagine that you are little Charles. Say some words about
your family and life.
2)Imagine that you are a close friend of Charles Dickens.
Speak about Charles as a person and a writer.
(pair work)
3.All the pupils break themselves into pairs and get the task.
Imagine that one of you is Charles Dickens and the other
is a reporter of well-known London newspaper.Act out an
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
Homework 1.Make up a plan to the text and be ready to speak
about Dickens’life and literary heritage.
Summarizing T:Today you have learnt a lot of new facts about
your favourite English writer. Which facts were
surprising for you?About what writer would you
like to learn more?Why?