4 клас
This is my family and this is our home. We live in a new flat. I like our flat. It's a 1 happy v place.
We've v |
In the flat there 2 are v four bedrooms. 3 also got a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and a dining room. Oh, and a hall too!
My favourite room is 4 my v bedroom! I've got pictures on the walls and lots of board games. In my bedroom, I've also got a computer, a TV and a guitar.
T: This is a living-room. It is light and clean. The sofa is next to the window on 'the left. The bookshelf is above the sofa. The armchair is next to the sofa. The TV is in front of the armchair. You can sit in the armchair and watch TV. The table is next to the window to the right. Four chairs are near the table. Children like sitting and playing table games there.
Bnpaeu Do ayöi1•oeaHHR
-fil<i CJIOBa 6yno I-la3BaHO B Tel<CTi:
favourite, visit, hat, pen, pictures, guitar, walls, windows, lamp
Choose g person. Then ask and answer,
O Read Chris's ernail and complete in your notebook.
14 NameShe lives ino
BnpaBl/4 noIHTepaI<TVlBHi
TeMi 'Duties" BnpaBI/4 no TeMi
Listen and read. Then answer. Who is Yu Lin?