Нестандартний урок на тему: "Halloween"

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Розробка нестандартного уроку: "Halloween". Може використовуватись також у якості позакласного заходу з англійської мови. Доповнюється презентаціями та тематичними відео- та аудіофайлами.
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Мета:    Формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць. Удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення. Розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів. Виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. Поглибити знання про свято Хеловін.


Хід заняття


  1. Greeting and announcing the topic of the lesson.


  1. Warm-up. Phonetic exercises.



  1.                The witch, the witch,

The ugly old witch…

Oh, what a terrible sight!

“Just once a year comes,” –

People say.

“On scary Halloween Night”.




  1. In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house.

And in that dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room.

And in that dark, dark room there was a dark, dark chest.

And in that dark, dark chest there was a dark, dark shelf.

And on that dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box.

And in that dark, dark box there was- A GHOST.



  1. If a ghost ever scares you, just say,

“Crisscross, double cross,

                                                                            Ghost, ghost gets lost!”


  1. Traditions of celebrating of the holiday. Read the text and follow after the presentation.


On October 31, Americans celebrate Halloween. Halloween means “holy” (hallow) “evening” (een). This is the evening before the Christian holy day of All Saints Day. On All Saints Day, Christians remember the Saints but Halloween is even older than Christianity.

Before Christianity, people in Europe believed that on October 31 ghosts of dead people came back. To scare the ghosts, people dressed like devils and were very noisy. They also made big fires to keep the ghosts away. Later, people did not believe in ghosts, but they kept the day of Halloween for fun.

Immigrants came from Europe to America and brought with them the custom of Halloween. Halloween has some strange symbols. One symbol is the jack-o’-lantern in the window. The jack-o’-lantern is to scare the ghosts. People cut the pumpkin, throw away all of the inside, and cut a face in it.

Then they put a candle inside of it. Jack-o’-lantern usually look scary, too! 

Today, in the United States, Halloween is very popular with the children. They wear masks and special costumes. They want to look like skeletons and ghosts.

Then they go from house to house and say “Trick or treat! “. People give them candies,

cookies or fruit. When people give nothing, the children sometimes play tricks on them.


  1.          Watch the video about celebrating Halloween in British family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSsPTSMWoJE

Fill in the missing information according to what you’ve seen.

happy halloweenWe celebrate it on ________________.

The holiday has _______________ origin. The name Halloween means “All- Hallows (Saints) _________’

batsSymbols of Halloween: _____________________________________




Children wear __________________ knock the door and say “ _____________or ______________!”

Adults treat children with ______________________. 

A hollowed out pumpkin with a face cut in one side and a candle put inside is called _____________________________. In the old days people lit fires to scare away bad spirits. They believed light had power over darkness. The players, sometimes blindfolded must take an apple out of the water without using: it is _____________________ game. _____________ and ______________ are two traditional colours of Halloween.


  1.          Write T (true) or F (false) .

__ 1.  On October 31, Americans celebrate Christianity.

__ 2. In the past people made fires to keep the ghosts away.

__ 3. Halloween came from Europe.

__ 4. The jack-o’-lantern is a kind of special pumpkin to eat.

__ 5. On Halloween children wear special masks and costumes because they want to look like skeletons and      ghosts

__ 6. Children go from party to party and  collect masks.

__ 7. On Halloween children say: “Trick or fun”.


  1. Vocabulary work.

Learn new vocabulary, using “Learning Chocolate” site (http://www.learningchocolate.com/node/329)

  1. Imagine that you have the chance to visit Halloween Party. Chose the costume and introduce yourself. Halloween Characters.jpg


If I go to the Halloween party, I’ll have the costume of a_______. I will be __________________________.


  1. Play Board Game (Appendix)
  2. casper2.jpgWatching a cartoon about Casper the Ghost.



After-watching questions:

  • What is the main cartoon character’s name?
  • Who is Casper?
  • What holiday is this cartoon about?
  • What is Casper’s new friend’s name?
  • Is she a girl?
  • Did you like this cartoon? Why?


Hometask. Read the poem.  Turn the verbs in brackets into Present Simple tense.


Who_________ (knock) on my door now?    ___________________________________________________

 I_________ (open) it just to see                      __________________________________________________

An old which- she _______(laugh) at me.      __________________________________________________

Who_________(knock) on my door?              __________________________________________________

I_________(ask) with a fright                           _________________________________________________

Black bats- They ________(fly) in the night. __________________________________________________

Now I__________(walk) out that door          ___________________________________________________














Гранда Олена
27 квітня 2019
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