Олімпіада з англійської мови для 2 класу

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Матеріал може бути використано як завдання шкільної олімпіади для 2 класу (базовий підручник - Quick Minds-2), як діагностичний або тренувальний тест, додаткові вправи для позакласної роботи тощо. Складено відповідно до нормативних документів.

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                                                   English. Form 2

  1. What pets can you see here?
  1. A mouse, a parrot, a fish, a hamster.
  2. A hamster, a rat, a rabbit, a bird.
  3. A monkey, a rabbit, a squirrel, a snake.
  4. A rabbit, a mouse, a fish, a rat.



  1. 8 O'clock | ClipArt ETCWhat time is it?
  1. It’s four o’clock.                                       
  2. It’s one o’clock.
  3. It’s eight o’clock.
  4. It’s eleven o’clock.  


  1. What is RIGHT?
  1. I am a child.  B. I am a Ukraine.  C. I am a smart.  D. I at school.


  1. What letter is in all these words: d_ll, fl_or, m_nkey?
  1. a                   B. u                         C. e                     D. o

C:\Users\Professional\Downloads\Firefly Grandfather is old but very nice 90673.jpg

5.Who is this in the photo? – It’s my _________ .

 A. mother   B. grandfather    C. baby brother    D. sister  


6.Your friend asks: - Do you like chips and burgers? (You say):

A. Yes, I am.     B. No, I can’t.    C. Yes, I have.   D. No, I don’t. 


7. Listen to the song “Point and Touch”. What is NOT in the song? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1V5fWL2WnM )

  1. Hair.     B. Head.    C. Foot      D. Ear.   E. Mouth


8. Mike says: - I like watching this game, but I don’t like playing it. It is difficult. I am not very good at ice skating.

     What’s the game? Write:  _______________________


9. Match the words and the holidays:

1) Christmas            2) St.Valentine’s Day        3) Easter

A. Eggs, spring, rabbit.

B. Heart, love, postcards.

C. December, tree, presents.    

10. Write only the letters of TRUE (+) sentences.

The Park - 10 lines, short and long essay for children



  1. There are nine children on the farm.
  2. There are two trees in the picture.
  3. One boy is painting.
  4. Three boys are listening to a story.
  5. Three children and a dog are playing baseball.
  6. A girl is reading a book on the grass.


  1.                   Match the texts and the photos. Поєднай номер кожного тексту з літерою малюнка.


  1.     She has got large green eyes and long dark hair in two tails. She wears glasses. She is wearing a white T-shirt and green trousers.
  2.     He has got curly red hair, small brown eyes and a nice smile. He is wearing a brown suit.
  3.     She has got blue eyes and brown hair. She is wearing a blue sweater.
  4.     He has got light brown eyes and short dark hair. He is wearing a yellow T-shirt.

A.    B.    C.   D.


  1.                   How does the story go in this cartoon? (from 03 min 30 sec; https://vimeo.com/477366411)


  1.     The little turtle cannot swim, but the chicks help him.
  2.     The little turtle helps the little chicks, and they are friends now.
  3.     The little turtle is bad and doesn’t want to play with the little chicks.
  4.     The little chicks like to play football with the little turtle.





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