Освіта у Великобританії ("Education in Great Britain")

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Викладач: Соломаха Л.П.


1. Текст «Education in Great Britain»1 2. Вправи за темою2 З.

Education in Great Britain

There are some stages in education in Great Britain. First children go to the kindergartens. Nursery education is up to 5 years old. Primary education begins at the age of 5 and ends at the age of I l . Primary education consists of 2 kinds of schools:infant schools and junior schools.

An infant school is like a kindergarten. Children draw, sing songs, listen to the stories. They begin learning to write and read.

In junior schools they learn to read, write and do sums. Children do many subjects: English, mathematics, history and music, natural history and drawing, handicrafts, French and Latin.

At I I pupils go to a secondary school called "comprehensive". They study many different subjects and at 16 pupils take a national exam called General Certificate of Secondary Education.

After that if pupils want to study for more practical diplomas, they choose colleges, which are often like Ukrainian vocational school. There they become mechanics, typists, hairdressers etc.

If young people want to enter a university, they need to continue their studies in the six form school or six form college. A six form college is like two last school forms.

At 18 pupils pass a national exam galled "A level" (Advanced level). When the pupils are 18 they can enter the university or colleges of higher education.

The British school system today offers a free education of all children between the age of 5 and 18, financed from public funds. At the end of 1993 the government introduced a new type of secondary school called the City Technology College. These colleges are in large cities and concentrate on teaching science and technology.

About 7% of pupils go to independent schools. These schools do not receive money from the government. Parents pay fees for sending their children to these schools which include such famous names as Eton College and Cheltenham Ladies' College. There are also a small number of special independent schools including theatre and ballet schools, schools for handicapped children and choir schools.

Words and word combinations

Stage — cTaAiA, eTan



Nursery education

40111KiJ1bHa ocBiTa

Primary education

not-raTK0Ba OCBiTa

Infant school

MOJIOÅ111a uncona

Junior school

noqaTK0Ba 111KOJ1a


peMecJ10, pyt-1Ha npauq



General Certificate of Secondery Education — aTecTaT npo cepeAH}0 OCBiTY

National exam

AepxaBHHä eK3aMeH

Vocational school


                    Typist                            MaillHHiCTKa

               Hairdresser                  nepyKap

                          Advanced level                               niÅBH11-xeHHii piBeHb

To finance

                 Public funds                     cycniJ1bHi

                            Independent school                               He3ane)K1--1a UlKOJ1a

Handicapped children — AiTH 3 BaaaMH Choir school        xopoBa 111KOJ1a

 o Answer the questüons

1.      Are there any stages in education in Great Britain ?

2.      What age does the nursery education begin at ?

3.      At what age does the primary education begin and end ?

4.      What kinds of schools does the primary education consist

5.      What do the children do in infant schools ?

6.      What do the children do in junior schools?

7.      When do the pupils go to a secondary school ?

8.      What way can the young people choose on leaving the secondary school ?

9.      Can the pupils enter the university or colleges of higher education and when ?

10.What does the British school system offer today ?

11.What new type of secondary school did the government introduce at the end of 1993 ?

12.  The City Technology College concentrates on teaching science and technology, doesn't it ?

13.  The independent schools do not reseive money from the government, do they?

14.  What schools belong to independent schools ?

2aTransUate the word combinations from Englüsh to Ukraünåan

Some stages in education; a new type of secondary school; to do sums; many different subjects; to enter a university; to introduce a new type of secondary school; to receive money from the government; to pay fees; a small number of special independent schools.

30Fünüsh each of the following sentences with the words and word wmbünatjons from the text

1.     There are some stages in education in ...

2.     Primary education consists of 2 kinds of schools•

3.     An infant school is like a ...

4.     A six form college is like ...

5.     The City Technology Colleges are in large cities and concentrate on teaching ...

6.     The independent schools do not receive money from the ...

7.     Parents pay fees for sending their children to ...

4.Güve the three forms of the foåbwüng dregular verbs. Find the sentences with thüs verbs in the text and translate them

into Ukraünüana

To be

to sing

to read

to draw

to write

to do

5aMake up sentences puttüng the words in the corect order

I .Some, in, Great, there, stages, in, are, Britain, education.

2.1s, infant, a, like, an, school, kindergarten.

3.To, children, the, listen, draw, songs, stories, sing.

4.Junior, they, schools, in, to, sums, read, do, write, learn, and.

5.Money, not, the, do, schools, receive, from, independent, government, the.

60Put the verbs ün brackets in the correct fom

1 .Nursery education ( to be ) up to 5 years old.

2.Primary education ( to begin ) at the age of 5 and ( to end ) at the age of I l.

3.1fyoung people ( to want ) to enter a university, they need to continue their studies in the six form school or six form college.

4.The British school system today ( to offer ) a free education to all children between the age of 5 and 1 8, financed from public funds.

5.At the end of 1993 the government (to introduce) a new type of secondary school called the City Technology College.

6. Independent schools ( not to receive) money from the government.

70Put the questions to the words ün ütalücsa

1.   There are some stages in education in Great Britain.

2.   An infant school is like a kindergarten.

3.   In junior schools children learn to read, write and do sums.

4.   At I I pupils go to a secondary school called "comprehensive".

5.   The British school system today offers afree education to all children between the age of 5 and 18.

6.   About 7% of pupils go to independent schools.

7.   Independent schools do not receive money from the government.

8.   Parents payfees for sending their children to independent schools.

Balmagüne you are speaküng wüth an

Englishman about education in Great

Bitaüno Act out thös düabgueo


1 .Гужва Т.Н. Английский язык. Разговорные темы.

 К.: Тандем, 1996,

2.€.O.MaHci. 101 розмовна тема з мови.  К.: АСК, 2001.

З.Е.А.Манси. Английский язьж. Разговорные темы.

т. 1-2. - к.: АСК, 2000.

24 грудня 2018
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