"Our Wonderful World.Ukraine."

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План уроку. Англійська мова - 4 кл . Ознайомити учнів із новими лексичними одиницями з теми, вчити впізнавати їх та застосовувати у мовленні Урок засвоєння нових знань.
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Form  4

Our Wonderful  World. Travelling around Ukraine.

Тип уроку :Урок засвоєння нових знань

Мета уроку: оволодіння  учнями новими навичками, матеріалом та новими інтерактивними засобами діяльності.

Цілі: 1)Розвивати мовленнєву реакцію та комунікативні здібності  і пізнавальні інтереси учнів;

         2) Виховувати зацікавленість і любов, повагу та інтерес до своєї країни, до її історії та традицій.

         3) Вдосконалювати навички читання за допомогою інноваційної методики “Snowballback”

        4) Повторити граматику Ступені зрівняння прикметників.


Обладнання: Ноутбук, слайди презентації, підручник,зошит Англійська мова 4 НУШ. Т.Б. Будна.




T-Ps. Hello everyone. Welcome  to our  unusual lesson.

Ps :Good morning teacher!

T-P1,2,3: How’re you today?

Ps: I’m fine, thank you.

T: So ,if you ‘re in high spirit, let’s go to school with the song and start the lesson.


Warm-up:  “Hello” song.

T-p1. Do you like this song?

P1: Yes, I do. I like to sing  songs in my free time. My hobbies are singing and dancing. I attend dance club. What about you P2?

P2: In my free time I prefer to do sport. Sport is important for people and their health. Health is above wealth.. What about you P3?

P3: You know, I like to go shopping with my mom. It is interesting. There is a big mall in the city centre. My favourite department is “Toys” department…What do you like to do in free time?

P4…I like travelling around Ukraine.

Speaking .T-Ps. Oh , it’s cool! What do you know about Ukraine?

Ps-T a poem about Ukraine. 1 слайд

We live in Ukraine, a beautiful land

It’s home for me and you, my friend

Its towns and villages are so nice.

The Ukrainian people are very wise.

   Main body. Presentation.



Ukraine is the oldest country with a great and long history, customs and traditions. Today Ukraine is independent country. Ukraine is situated in Europe. It is one of the biggest countries .Kyiv is a capital of Ukraine. It is an old and a beautiful city. The main street is Khreshchatyk.The longest  river of Ukraine is Dnipro. The biggest cities are: Dnipro,Odessa, Lviv and others.There are two seas in the South of Ukraine: the Black Sea and the sea of Azov. Our national symbol is a golden trident . Ukrainian people are  talented, friendly and hard-working.Ukraine is my Motherland. 



1.What country do you live in?

2. Where is it situated ?

3.Ukraine is an independent state,isn’t it?

4.What people live in Ukraine?

5.What is the longest river in Ukraine?

6. What is the biggest city in Ukraine?

7. Are you proud of your country?

True or false:

1.Ukraine is situated in Africa.

2. Ukraine is independent country.

3. Ukrainian people are not friendly.

4. The capital of Ukraine is Lviv.

5.The longest river is Dnipro.

6. Ukraine has got a trident, customs and traditions.

7.Ukraine is washed by oceans.

8.The biggest cities are Dnipro, Kyiv Lviv.


Find  colours and match word combinations


independent          people

to be                      traditions

Ukrainian               river

 to keep               country

the rich                situated

the longest           state

I’m proud to be Ukrainian because

1.I was born here.

2.Our country has got beautiful nature, wonderful steppes, rivers and lakes

3. Kind, friendly and hard working people live there.

4. Ukraine has got interesting customs and traditions

5. it is an independent state

6. my family and I live here.

7.Ukraine is my Motherland.

Writing Task



IV. Revision degrees of Comparison. http:// agendaweb.org.exercises/grammar/comparison/ positive-superlative.htm.

V.H/t. To learn the text “Ukraine.”

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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
22 лютого 2023
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