Phraseological units in different spheres of life.

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Опис, характеристика, приклади використання різноманітних фразеологізмів у англійській мові.
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The object of our research in this paper  are phraseological units with components-zoonyms.

The actual value of the research depends on the overall significance of phraseological units as linguistic tools, reflecting the view of the world people-native speaker country, as well as a large variety of semantic component of FU with components- zoonyms, their extensive stylistic - connotative potential and their using as an effective means of expression of  evaluation.

The purpose of the research  is the semantic and structural analysis of the phraseological units with the components-zoonyms , determination of their pragmatic orientation and contextual sensitivity, the sign of ([+] [-] [indifferently]), a comparison of the studied type in the original language, FU (English) and in the target language (Russian).

The methods  of the research: Linguistic and translational analysis.

As the material of our research  the examples of the studied type of the phraseological units, which are represented in the Kunin’s dictionary( 1967)and the phraseological units, obtained by the method of continuous sampling from the works of of English literature were used.

Statements to be defended:

  1. Phraseological body of the language is the means of the linguistic building of the surrounding reality, the way of forming and saving the person’s knowledge and culture. All the features of the people, socio –political and cultural, their place of living with its’flora and fauna are in the phraseological units.
  2. Phraseological units with the component - zoonym are partially universal, partially have a specific national character, defined with different socio - cultural factors and natural conditions with all the features of flora and fauna.
  3. The component – zoonym ( the name of the animal) is the means of the people’s characteristic in the structure of the phraseological unit:  his appearance, manner of behavior, personality traits, the character of performing certain activities, relationships with others, etc. The names of animals are exposed to reconsideration by metaphorical or metonymical transfers and implements of characteristic with the sign of ([+] [-] [indifferently]).
  4. The saving of the structure, pragmatic direction, stylistic colouring  of the phraseological units with the component – zoonym, represented in our paper, called the necesserity of using the following ways of translation:
  • the direct (the full) equivalent
  • the contextual changing
  • the generalization and concretization of the word’s meaning
  • the descriptive  translation
  • the literal meaning

The theoretical and practical value of our research as we see it, lies in the fact, that its results can be used in the course of lectures on English Lexicology and Stylistic, in seminars and practical English classes as well by students in their courses and graduation theses.

The purpose and tasks of the paper determined its structure:


Chapter I  Phraseology as a linguistic discipline . Phraseology as a part of the vocabulary of the language .

  1.                   Phraseology as a science.
  2.                   Types of phraseological units
  3.                   Semantic features of the phraseological units.

   Chapter II

Phraseological units with an element of-names of animals in modern English

2.1 Phraseological units with an element of-names of animals

2.2 Phraseological units with the component-zoonym in English and Russian languages.

2.3 Lexically - semantic characteristic of phraseological units with component-zoonym.

Chapter III

The problems of translation of phraseological units with the component-zoonym
















In this paper a branch of linguistics - phraseology was considered. Particularly its components, phraseological units with the component- the names of animals.

Phraseology (gr. phrasis - expression + logos - teaching) - the science of complex composition of linguistic units that have sustained.

There are different types of phraseological units. In this paper, we will adhere to the Vinogradov’s type of phraseological units, which divides the phraseological units into three types: "phraseological seam, phraseological unity and phraseological combination."

In turn, these types of phraseological units allocate a phraseological units containing the component - zoonym. The component-zoonym (the name of the animal) is the means of the characterization of people in the structure of the phraseology: his appearance, manner of behavior, personality traits, the character of performing certain activities, relationships with others, etc.

The names of animals are exposed to reconsideration by metaphorical or metonymical transfers and implements of characteristic with the sign of ([+] [-] [indifferently]).

Phraseological units with the component - zoonym are partially universal, partially have a specific national character, defined with different socio - cultural factors and natural conditions with all the features of flora and fauna.

By considering the features of the translation of  the phraseological units as a basis   the  Kunin’s provisions were used. He distinguish the following methods of translation of phraseological units:

  •              the full equivalent;
  •              the partial equivalent;
  •              the partial lexical equivalent;
  •              the partial grammatical equivalent;
  •              the overtone transfer (contextual replacement);
  •              the descriptive translation;
  •              the literal translation (tracing paper).

  That is why the phraseological units with the component – zoonym take a large part of the English and Russian language and is one of the most important spheres of the language. The phraseology also show us the natural picture of the people, their natural life and their history.

The phraseological units with the component – zoonym also have a large nominative potential and a large number of stylistic – connotative meanings.

Sometimes they are very difficult for translation but most often they are not a problem for translation because they took their roots from history and literature and because of this are similar in different languages.

Фалько Марина
13 лютого 2019
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