Підготовка учнівства до випускних іспитів з англійської мови (9-11 класи)

Про матеріал
Розробка гендерночутливого уроку, мета якого формування соціокультурну компетенцію через здатність використовувати здобуті знання, життєвий досвід у різних життєвих контекстах.
Перегляд файлу


Тема уроку: Підготовка учнівства до випускних іспитів з англійської мови (9-11 класи)

Мета уроку:

- опрацювати текст з метою розуміння прочитаного автентичного текту, розширювати активний словниковий запас учнів/учениць, стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію та розвивати комунікативні вміння через рецептивні види мовленнєвої діяльності;

- формувати соціокультурну компетенцію через здатність використовувати здобуті знання, життєвий досвід у різних життєвих контекстах

Очікувані результати уроку:

  • організація письмової та усної взаємодіїчерез інтеакційні види мовленнєвої діяльності;
  • усне та писемне продукування – опис або представлення жінок-пілотес


Хід уроку

«Людина може стати розумною трьома шляхами: шляхом наслідування — це найлегший шлях, шляхом досвіду — це найважчий шлях, шляхом роздумів — це найблагородніший шлях»

Китайське прислів'я

І. Warming Up

1.Discussing the motto of the lesson (Chinese proverb)/pair work

2. To be a pilot, what personal gualitities you should have. Let’s make a mind-map

3. I wonder, you can name some famous women, who were or are pilots not flight-attendents. (Sts’ answers \We have spoken about Valentyna Hryzodubova who was known as one of the most famous woman-pilots in the 1930-40s.\)

4. Theme and aims of our lesson: by the end of the lesson students should

- revise personal gualitities and make a mind-map;

- do an exam task: read the text with some removing information;

- know some facts about working as a woman-pilot in the past and in the present;

- discuss women’s stories (the pros and cons)

II. Pre-readingtask

  1. You are going to read an article about a woman pilot. Eight sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from thesentences A-I the one which fits each gap (1-7).

A Polly’s 46,000 km record – breaking   journey began in January.

B This is the most dangerous kind of ice as it is difficult to see it forming.

C  Polly, however, was determined not to let what had happened in the past cause her anxiety.

D Strong winds meant that she had used more fuel than expected.

E  Up there in the sky you are completely free.

F The delay was the result of uncooperative weather.

G  There was tremendous media snterest and on one occasion she gave up to seven interviews in a 


H The moon and the stars appeared and she even had time to do some sewing.

I       In 2001 she flewto the ends of the earth and into the record books by becoming the first woman

               to fly the smallest aircraft around the world via Australia and the Pacific.

III. While-reading task

  1. There is one extra sentence which  you do not need to use. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.  There is an example at the beginning (0).


Polly Vacher is no ordinary woman pilot. (0 - І)

(1 - ….) It ended only three days behind schedule when she lander her Piper Dakota at Birmingham in central England in May, five months later.

(2 - …) This included storms and a cyclone in Fiji, a country in the South Pacific Ocean. Nor was the journey without incident for Polly, who only learned to fly at the age of forty-nine.

One of trip’s most  frightening  moments came,worryingiy,on same route  where Amelia Earhart ,the American pilot,went  missing  when she was attempting to fly around the world in 1937. (3 - ….)

In fact,she  allowed herself to be photographed as she  stood beside a Banyan tree, which Amelia Earhart had planted in 1935, before setting off for the 16-hour section of her flight from Hawaii to California.

According to Polly all went  well for the first part of her journey. (4 - …)

Then suddenly it started to get very bumpy. Checking the outside air temperature Polly discovered it was zero degrees. To her horror she found streams of ice-cold rain running baсk along the wings and  starting to freeze. (5 - …)

Though  Polly immediately dropped her height to prevent the weight of ice pulling her plane into the ocean, there was more drama when the cabin suddenly went quiet.(6 - …) As a result  the main tank had run dry an hourearly, but fortunately the emergency tank went into action and she was able to land safely.

The lonely hours spent flying were a great   contrast to the warm welcome she received wherever she landed. (7 - …) The  publicity she attracted also raised money for a charity which provides flying scholarships for disabled people.

Tip Strip

  1. Do not forget check your choises

IV. Post-reading task

Imagine that you are Polly and you has been asked to write  a story about your flight. Plan your story before you start writing (think about a beginning, a main part and an ending). Don’t forget about verb sequences, e.g. Past Simple\Past Perfect\Past Continuous. Usage linking words is nessesary

V. Sum Up

1. Is it easy to be a woman-pilot? Talk about the pros and cons to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of working as a woman-pilot

  1. Home Assignment

Try to find out the life-story of one of these women-pilots and their photos and present your ideas during next lesson (group work)