Підстановочні таблиці до теми "Охорона навколишнього середовища."

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Матеріал можна використовувати на уроках англійської мови до теми "Охорона навколишнього середовища" з метою розширення знань про довкілля, про екологічні проблеми.

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до теми «Охорона

навколишнього середовища»





















There’re а lot of simple things everyone can do to affect the air in a positive way.

I get a great satisfaction if I've



a tree; some plants; some flowers; some bushes.


the roads in the park, the



the flat, rooms, the class­room.


the furniture.

Children who grown up in the

polluted areas; big Industrial towns: Chicago; Detroit : Krivyi Rig.

often develop asthma: of­ten are admitted to hospi­tals; have already lost so­me of their lung capacity; have bronchitis; have allergies.

When a grown-up.

If its less then 10 blocks When you’re going to work

you'd better

walk: take a bike; take public transport (a bus. a trolley-bus), but not your car.

Our every little bit helps.

Not to contribute to the green-house effect .Tо keep the climate moderate and livable


we should; we are to

be careful with energy; switch off unused lamps; not leave lights on around the house; switch off unused

electric appliances; do all we can to present a tragedy.


Every year

Lung diseases;skin diseases

Affect millions

of people

because the air

is so bad; die water...

the warming of the Earth;harmful gases





The atmosphere is  critical to us

for we live off it; we breathe from it; it protects us from  dangerous solar rays.








It's vital that we  can’t afford not to

take great care of

our air, waters; forests; lakes; rivers; green belts around the towns

build enough

purificatory works

[pjuorifikeitori] smog warning



I think

As for me

To my mind


clean air

tastes good is our life force




We pollute

by flushing oil into the ocean; by fertilizing soil;


by carbon dioxide of Earth and so on.


It’s not

loo late;

up to «them», it’s up to us




Today the world is

at a critical turning point; facing an environmental tragedy.




There is time

to place enough value on environmental problem; to work; to act; to deal with complex environ­mental problems: to many (most) of us really car

There is no lime

to wait; to be indifferent.












Fill in the blanks.

  1.    Enviro-mental; pic----sque land; с-arm; to be pra--ed in; i-ple-entation of plants; to sa-is-y the needs.

(environmental; picturesque land; charm; to be praised in; implementation of plans; to satisfy the needs).

  1.    -otable water; dom---ie use; to bri-- up; to dr-- students in; to k--p an eye on; la-; solu---n; pr-mary duty; gene-ation.

(potable water: domestic use: to bring up; to draw students in; to keep an eye on; law; solution; primary duty; generation).

  1.     H—mful subst--es; to dis--arge into air; to a-mit; s-mptoms of su--ocation; city resi-ent.

(harmful substances; to discharge into air; to admit; symptoms of suffocation).


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 грудня 2018
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