Підсумковий тест з англ.мови за т. " Подорож" у 6 кл. "

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Підсумковий тест у 6 кл.за т. " Подорож" дасть змогу перевірити знання учнів за даною темою.
Перегляд файлу

Test " Travelling".

1. What is the fastest way of travelling?

A. by car

B. by plane

C. by train

D. by ship


2. What is the cheapest way of travelling?

A. by car

B. by ship

C. by plane

D. on foot


3. What is the most expensive way of travelling?

A. by plane

B. by bus

C. by ship

D. by train


4. What things do you need for travelling?

A. balloon

B. suitcase

C. toy-car

D. sledge


5. Where do you go when you want to travel by plane?

A. to the airport

B. to the railway station

C. to the underground

D. to the bus station


6. What is the most dangerous kind of travelling?

A. on foot

B. by bus

C. by car

D. by plane


7. What do you enjoy when you travel by ship?

A. nature

B. fresh air and sea

C. museums and theatres

D. blue sky and clouds


8. What places are always busy in summer and on holidays?

A. underground

B. bus stations

C. airports and railway stations

D. ship stations


9. Where do you go in different cities?

A. restaurant

B. cafe

C. sightseeing

D. market


10. Whom do you usually visit on holidays?

A. teacher

B. parents

C. relatives and friends

D. classmates-

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 жовтня 2024
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