Підсумковий урок по темі "Мода"

Про матеріал
Системно узагальнюючий модуль(3/30хв) по темі Style Challenge до НМК Wider World 4 (Unit 3) для перевірки засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу. Розвиток навичок говоріння та аудіювання. Розкриття творчого потенціалу учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку: « Style Challenge»

Мета: Узагальнення знань по темі «Мода. Стиль. Зовнішність». Консолідація лексичного та  граматичного матеріалу. Удосконалення навичок  усного мовлення, письма, читання та аудіювання.

Обладнання: ноутбук, проектор, кольорові олівці, аркуші А3 та А4, прапорці, клей та ножиці.

Хід уроку.

I міні модуль

Warm up

Good morning, I hope you are fine. Today we have an international competition for fashion designers. Our participants are from different countries. They are from Italy, France and Ukraine.

Now let’s form  three teams. You have to choose a sheet of paper with a flag and then take your seats at the table with such flag. ( на столах кольорові олівці, клей, ножиці, аркуші)

Everybody will be the winner because I have awards for all of you. The first place will get 12, the second -11, the third -10. You will be able to see your marks at your online diaries after the lesson.

Формуємо  команди.  5min

For each task you will get a plus.

Let’s start our competition.

Warming up for everybody. Let’s revise the vocabulary of this theme. ( online ex.1 vocabulary)  5min

Для першого завдання роздати аркуші А4 із силуетом людини.

  1. I’m going to give you some instructions and you have to “dress” you model.

За вказівкою вчителя, учні домальовують одяг та аксесуари. Потім,прикріпивши свої  аркуші на дошці, по черзі описують. В кінці порівняти з оригіналом. 5min

Each team is very creative.

  1. Let’s play a game “Guess who is this?” I need one person from each team. You have to go out.

We have to choose one person in this classroom. You will describe this person but no names.

Команди домовляються яку присутню людину вони будуть описувати, не називаючи ім’я.

Представники команд заходять до класу.

We chose somebody and you have to look at the blackboard, listen carefully and try to guess who this  person is, but you have only one chance. That’s why listen carefully.  5min

Your next task is to put the words in the correct order. You have to remember that  when  you describe some clothes don’t forget about the scheme of the sentence.  I’ll give you the scrambled sentences and you have to put the words into correct order on the blackboard. You must hurry one by one!

На дошці учні розставляють слова у правильному порядку на швидкість. Отримують 3,2 або 1 плюс. Тихо лунає музика

Потім разом всі повторюють правильний порядок слів  та наводять приклади слів. 5min

( запасне завдання онлайн 7 vocabulary) each team has to describe a person

II міні модуль

We can’t imagine designers without models and fashion shows.

Dear participants, you have to be very attentive.

Today somebody visits our competition. Let’s give our big cheer for our guests. They are real students from model school “Dreams & Emotions”. 

(Під музику дефілюють  троє дівчат, моделей. Кожна має прапорець однієї команди. Після дефіле, команди, по памя’ті, мають описати свою модель письмово. Одяг та аксесуари.  Представники команд  виходять до дошки. Заходять  моделі. Представники зачитують опис. Перемагає той, хто має детальніший опис. ) 5min

I hope you were very attentive because now you have to describe a model from your country. You have 5 minutes (музика)

Робота з підручником.

You know that every country has its own styles and fashion. Today we will talk about Britain. We’ll watch a video and do some tasks that’s why open your books p. 45

You have to form two small groups inside your team because you have to watch a video and ex. 5 and 6 at the same time

BBC Culture p45 Student’s book

Watch the video and do the task. 20min

III міні модуль

I hope that you are not so tired. Let’s write a run dictation. You remember the rules. You have to go to the blackboard one by one and dictate one sentence to each other. 5хв

Fashion is just a style of living with some changes in person’s outlook according to the trend. To be trendy and fashionable, people are changing their style of dressing, talking, living completely according to the current fashion trend.

Fashion trend is the dressing and hair style of people especially teenage and young age boys and girls. We express our real identity by looking something different from others. 

Project work. ( роздати великі аркуші)

I know that most of you don’t like your school uniform. Today you have a chance to change this situation and create some fashionable masterpiece for autumn, winter and spring.  You have 15 minutes.  10 minutes for creation and 5 for presentation.     (про запас одяг та аксесуари на кожну літеру алфавіту)

Feed back 5min

All of you were great. You are well done. Thank you for your work. What task did you like more?

H/W Presentation about famous Ukrainian designer. Be ready for the test.

                                     D:\Users7\Пользователь\Desktop\117986707_images_14646499503.jpg          D:\Users7\Пользователь\Desktop\image_918.jpg           D:\Users7\Пользователь\Desktop\06e94765c6ddfb8.jpg


1 Dress your model                  

2 Who is this?

3 Word order

4 Fashion show

5 Video

6 Run dictation

7 Project

















Dress your model”

She is wearing white shorts.

She is wearing coloured scarf as a belt.

She is wearing a blue T-shirt under a short, yellow and white striped cardigan with short sleeves.

This model is wearing a big white hat.

She is also wearing a big ring on her left hand.



Word order

I bought a wonderful, fashionable, long, red, flowery, cotton dress.

I saw a scruffy, old-fashioned, baggy, black-and-white, striped, woolen sweater.

I dream about a new,  stylish, tight, grey, checked, leather skirt.










  • Kylie
    My cousin Kylie is very active. She runs every day and plays lots of sport. She's wearing running shoes, ,  leggings and a baggy . I don't think I've ever seen her wear clothes not made for sport! When she isn't dressed for running, she wears an old,  tracksuit at home. You can tell she does a lot of sport outdoors though. She's very  and .


  • Joel
    My uncle Joel works in an investment company, so he dresses well for work. He always wears a  suit to work and he  glasses. He has lots of  and a  complexion, but I think he's very .


  • Amanda
    My cousin Amanda is in her teens. She wears  clothes like old  and a baggy . She has  hair and she  a lot of jewellery –  , necklaces and !


18 вересня 2023
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