Підведення підсумків роботи в 6 класі.

Про матеріал
Підтема: Повторення, Мата: Підведення підсумків роботи в 6 класі. Обладнання: Підручник, заліковий зошит для тематичного оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів. Revision Test.
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Підтема: Повторення,

Мата: Підведення підсумків роботи в 6 класі. Обладнання: Підручник, заліковий зошит для тематичного оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів. Revision Test.



  1.                Привітання.

Т: Hello, children! How are you today? Pm: We are fine, thank you!

  1.                Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we'll summarize the results of your work in the 6th form. We'll discuss the results of your tests and write a revision test to see what you've learned this year.

  1.                Обговорення результатів контрольної роботи.

Учитель підводить підсумки: повідомляє, які завдання було виконано успішно, а які — неправильно, й пояснює складні моменти. Якщо учні мають запитання стосовно завдань контрольної роботи, учитель відповідає на них.


Dltcuiilng the results of the test


RevisionTest1. Виконання коптрольної роботи.

Текст контрольної роботи див. на с. 330-331.

Discussing2. Обговоренії я контрольної роботи.

thetest Учні перевіряють контрольні роботи разом з учителем: по черзі називають варіанти

відповіді на завдання, аналізують складні моменти і типові помилки.

Summarizing3. Підведення підсумків навчання у шостому класі.

Т: This year you've learned a lot. Now you can speak on many different topics in English. You have learned a lot of new words and improved your grammar. Let's compare your knowledge and skills in the beginning and at the end of the school year. For excellent knowledge write for good knowledge write G, and write S if your knowledge is satisfactory but not really good.

Учні оцінюють свої знання на початку й наприкінці навчального року та заповнюють таблицю.























AM -6  p.94 A Robber or Robert  Choose and circle the letter of the correct variant. 

1) Natalie was   a) sleeping  b) watching TV c) reading a book

2) The noise was coming from the…  a) hall  b) kitchen c) street

3) Natalie took … .   a) a vase  b) a knife c) a hammer

4) The man was looking for something …. 

a) in the wardrobe   b) in the bookcase  c) in the fridge

5) The man was … .  a) her brother   b) her father c) a robber


AM -6  p.94 A Robber or Robert  Choose and circle the letter of the correct variant. 

1) Natalie was   a) sleeping  b) watching TV c) reading a book

2) The noise was coming from the…  a) hall  b) kitchen c) street

3) Natalie took … .   a) a vase  b) a knife c) a hammer

4) The man was looking for something …. 

a) in the wardrobe   b) in the bookcase  c) in the fridge

5) The man was … .  a) her brother   b) her father c) a robber


AM -6  p.94 A Robber or Robert  Choose and circle the letter of the correct variant. 

1) Natalie was   a) sleeping  b) watching TV c) reading a book

2) The noise was coming from the…  a) hall  b) kitchen c) street

3) Natalie took … .   a) a vase  b) a knife c) a hammer

4) The man was looking for something …. 

a) in the wardrobe   b) in the bookcase  c) in the fridge

5) The man was … .  a) her brother   b) her father c) a robber


AM -6  p.94 A Robber or Robert  Choose and circle the letter of the correct variant. 

1) Natalie was   a) sleeping  b) watching TV c) reading a book

2) The noise was coming from the…  a) hall  b) kitchen c) street

3) Natalie took … .   a) a vase  b) a knife c) a hammer

4) The man was looking for something …. 

a) in the wardrobe   b) in the bookcase  c) in the fridge

5) The man was … .  a) her brother   b) her father c) a robber



You usually dust the furniture.

Find the pupil who usually tides up his room.

You usually tidy up the room.

Find the pupil who usually dust the furniture.

You usually take the rubbish out.

Find the pupil who usually vacuums the carpet.

You usually vacuums the carpet.

Find the pupil who usually take the rubbish out.

You usually wash the dishes.

Find the pupil who usually irons clothers.

You usually iron clothers.

Find the pupil who usually washes the dishes.


You usually take the dog out.

Find the pupil who usually does the shopping.

You usually do the shopping. Find the pupil who usually takes the dog out.


You usually do the beds.

Find the pupil who usually waters the flowers.

You usually water the flowers.

Find the pupil who usually does the beds.


You usually sweep the floor.

Find the pupil who usually does the washing up.

You usually do the washing up. Find the pupil who usually sweeps the floor.





You usually dust the furniture.

Find the pupil who usually tides up his room.

You usually tidy up the room.

Find the pupil who usually dust the furniture.

You usually take the rubbish out.

Find the pupil who usually vacuums the carpet.

You usually vacuums the carpet.

Find the pupil who usually take the rubbish out.

You usually wash the dishes.

Find the pupil who usually irons clothers.

You usually iron clothers.

Find the pupil who usually washes the dishes.


You usually take the dog out.

Find the pupil who usually does the shopping.

You usually do the shopping. Find the pupil who usually takes the dog out.


You usually do the beds.

Find the pupil who usually waters the flowers.

You usually water the flowers.

Find the pupil who usually does the beds.


You usually sweep the floor.

Find the pupil who usually does the washing up.

You usually do the washing up. Find the pupil who usually sweeps the floor.








AM -6  p 105  Put the sentences of the joke in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

 □ Well, I was ironing my trousers when the phone rang and I answered the iron by mistake.

 □ But I thought you had burnt both your ears.

□Well, yes. I had ironed my trousers and started ironing a shirt when the phone rang again!

□What happened? How did you burn your ears?

AM -6  p 105  Put the sentences of the joke in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

 □ Well, I was ironing my trousers when the phone rang and I answered the iron by mistake.

 □ But I thought you had burnt both your ears.

□Well, yes. I had ironed my trousers and started ironing a shirt when the phone rang again!

□What happened? How did you burn your ears?


AM -6  p 105  Put the sentences of the joke in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

 □ Well, I was ironing my trousers when the phone rang and I answered the iron by mistake.

 □ But I thought you had burnt both your ears.

□Well, yes. I had ironed my trousers and started ironing a shirt when the phone rang again!

□What happened? How did you burn your ears?


AM -6  p 105  Put the sentences of the joke in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

 □ Well, I was ironing my trousers when the phone rang and I answered the iron by mistake.

 □ But I thought you had burnt both your ears.

□Well, yes. I had ironed my trousers and started ironing a shirt when the phone rang again!

□What happened? How did you burn your ears?


AM -6  p 105  Put the sentences of the joke in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

 □ Well, I was ironing my trousers when the phone rang and I answered the iron by mistake.

 □ But I thought you had burnt both your ears.

□Well, yes. I had ironed my trousers and started ironing a shirt when the phone rang again!

□What happened? How did you burn your ears?


AM -6  p 105  Put the sentences of the joke in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

 □ Well, I was ironing my trousers when the phone rang and I answered the iron by mistake.

 □ But I thought you had burnt both your ears.

□Well, yes. I had ironed my trousers and started ironing a shirt when the phone rang again!

□What happened? How did you burn your ears?

AM -6  p 105  Put the sentences of the joke in the correct order to make up a dialogue.

 □ Well, I was ironing my trousers when the phone rang and I answered the iron by mistake.

 □ But I thought you had burnt both your ears.

□Well, yes. I had ironed my trousers and started ironing a shirt when the phone rang again!

□What happened? How did you burn your ears?



Лисенко Андрій
8 травня 2020
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