Післяшкільна діяльність

Про матеріал
Темою моїх методичних пошуків є «Формування арт-педагогічних технологій на уроках англійської мови учнів початкової ланки». Даний урок є завершальним з вивчення цієї теми Мета даного уроку триєдина: Навчальна: Повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал теми. Ознайомити з ЛО і закріпити їх уживання в усному мовленні, практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності. Розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків; Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, та загальну культуру учнів. Для виконання поставленої мети були обрані такі види роботи: групова, хорова, індивідуальна та комбінована робота використання наочності та роздаткового матеріалу та ІКТ.
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План – конспект показового уроку

Тема: “After school activities”


навчальна: Повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал теми. Ознайомити з новими ЛО і закріпити їх уживання в усному мовленні.  Практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності.

розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків;

виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, загальну культуру учнів та  дбайливе ставлення до речей.

Обладнання: ноутбук, телевізор, набір карток, аудіо записи з теми.

Хід уроку

Warming up:

  1. Organizing moment. Creation of the favorable climate of the lesson.

T: Stand up, please! Good morning dear children!

Ps: Good morning dear teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you!

 Ps: We’re glad to see you too.

 T: I hope you are well!

Ps: We hope you are well too.

 T: Nice to meet you!

Ps: Nice to meet you too.

 T: Nice to see you!

Ps: Nice to see you too.

 T: How do you do?

Ps: How do you do?

T: So, my darling, who is on duty today?

Ps: I’m on duty today.

T: Who is absent today?

Ps: (….is/are absent today/ all are present)

T: What’s the weather like today?

Ps: Today is (cold, cloudy, windy, rainy)

II Substantiation of the training

  1. The development of inner motivation for studying the topic

T: OK. And now let’s do our phonetic drills.

T t t - Two tiny tigers take two taxis to  town.

W w w – Will you William?

Will you William ?

Will you William?

Can’t you.

Don’t you.

Won’t you.

G-g-g sound [g] Go pony Go

Go go go

Gallop pony gallop

Gallop gallop gallop

T h sound [ θ ], [ð ]This is this, that is that,  these are these, those are those.

Together together together

Together every day

Together together together

We work and play.

Not things here,

But those things there

H h h -Harry the hippo is happily eating ham in his house.

Ng sound [ŋ] and D d d -  the king ring rung wrong

Ding – dong said the gong

Ding – dong said the Bell

Ding – dong, Ding – dong, Ding – dong.



  1. Speaking drills.

T: We’ll done. And now I’ve got some questions for you. – What do you do after school?

 P: I help my mum!

T: And what about you?

P: I do my homework.

T: Do you read a book or watch TV after school?

P: I watch TV after school.

T: Do you like go swimming after school?

P: Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

T: After school you visit you grandma, don’t you?

P: Yes, I do. No, I don’t


III Reproduction of the knowledge on the topic of the lesson needed for the further stages of the lesson.

T: Thank you very much, and now let’s check up your home task. As far as I remember your home task was to learn the new words for the dictation. The aim of our today’s lesson is to develop your speaking, reading and listening skills. So, let’s recollect all the words together. Today we have an unusual lesson, so I offer your to make a collage. You see a lot of pictures on the black board, your task is to take the picture from the black board, show the picture to your classmates, name it, stick the pictures on the piece of paper and make the sentences using the structure “I can”.

And now, boys and girls who can guess the topic of today’s our lesson? (It’s after school activity). So, and now your task is to solve the puzzle according to the pictures. I’ll give you the small ones, and the big one is on the black board so let us do it by chain. Who’ll be the first?




IV The awareness of the meaning of the lesson.

  1. Listening Comprehension

T: So, it’s terrific.  We’ll continue our lesson, and now we are going to develop our listening skills and today we’ll do it with the help of the song “After school” and the special cards with the words and word combinations. Now I give you the  cards, and you have to listen to the song and try to understand it and when you’ll hear the word or word combination from your card, you need to rise it. So, be very attentively (song). The second your task is to fill in the gaps with the missing words from your cards. The third your task is to sing the song all together.

  1. Reading Comprehension

T: Ok, that’ll so. Now, we’ll practice our reading skills. I’ll give you the papers with the text, and you need to read it silently, try to understand it and be ready to answer my questions. (3 minutes)

What is the text about? (it’s about after school activities)

What can the children do after school? (read a book, write an email, go swimming). So, it’s fantastic. And now lets read the text by chain  and do the exercises below the text.

Ok, that’s good and now you have to answer the questions who does each activity and write M – Max, J – Julia, L – Luke and S – Sara.

And now let’s do exercise 2, we need to circle the correct letter.

 Exercise 2. Circle the correct letter

  1. After school Max: a) play computer games  b) fly a kite  c) do his homework
  2. What’s Julia’s favourite activity afterschool: a) drawing  b) dancing c) sinning.
  3. What is Luke really like:  a) films  b) music  c) games
  4. When is Sara play tennis with her brother: a) on Monday  b)on Friday c) on Tuesday
  5. Relaxation

That’ll do, and it’s high time to have a relaxation, so stand up and let’s show our guests the flesh mob devoted our free time.

  1. Speaking Comprehension

T: Great, my dear, and now we’re going to practice our speaking skills. First of all let’s us watch a video and them you’ve got an interesting task. (Video). That’ll do, and now, please, answer my questions:

  1. How many people are there in the video (3).
  2. What are they talking about? (after school activities).

Let’s divide our group into three teams. The first row is the first team, the second row is the second team and the third row is the third team You’ve got 3 minutes to make up your own conversation about your after school activity. Don’t forget to use all the material we’ve already learnt. You can use your poster as the example (video, polilogues )

Marina: Let’s play after school this week, Vlad!

Vlad: oh, great! That’s a good idea.

Marina: Can you play on Monday?

Vlad: I’d love, but I can’t. I do my homework on Monday. How about Tuesday?

Marina: Sorry, no! I have a music lesson every Tuesday.

Vlad: Well, I’m busy too on Tuesday. Thursday?

Marina: that’s a pity, I visit my grandma on Thursday.

Arina: Hello, Marina and Vlad. How are you today? Vlad, let’s visit our grandma with us!

Vlad:  Thank you

Marina: Thanks Mum.


Nikita: Let’s play after school this week, Ann!

Ann: That’s ok!

Nikita: Can you play on Monday?

Ann: Sorry, but I can’t. I help my mum on Monday. How about Tuesday?

Nikita: Oh, I can’t! I have a football training  every Tuesday. Wednesday?

Ann: mmm… sorry. I have to do my homework.  Thursday?

Nikita: Well…, I go swimming  every Thursday

Mila: Hello, Ann and Nikita. Nice to meet you! Ann can go swimming with us!

Ann:  Thank you

Nikita: Thanks Mum.


David: Hello Masha! How are you today? Let’s play after school this week,

Masha Hello David. I’m fine thank you. Ok. That’s a good idea.

David: Can you play on Monday?

Masha: I’d love, but I can’t. I have an art lesson. How about Tuesday?

David: Sorry, I can’t! I play tennis with my big brother every Tuesday.

Masha: Well, and what about Wednesday?

David: That’s a pity, But I have to read a book after school on Thursday.

Nastya: Hello, Masha and David! Nice to see.. How are you today? Masha, let’s read the book with David together.

Masha:  Thank you.

David Thanks Mum.


T: so, it’s fantastic, and now write down your homework. You need to do the project, about your own after school activity. Take the piece of paper, draw and write about your after school activity.

 T: dear children I’ve prepared for you a surprise. You see the picture of the train with 3 carriages now I give you the stickers and your task is to fix them. If you don’t understand the material from our lesson fix them on the first carriage, if you have some questions,  stick on the second carriage and if all is understandable for you stick on the third garriage.

T: and now let’s sing our good bye song.

T: so, our lesson is over, good bye dear children.


До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови 3 клас (Ростоцька М. Є., Карпюк О. Д.)
24 січня 2022
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