Пізнавально-конкурсна програма «Свято радості і надії»

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 6 класів - пізнавально-конкурсна програма «Свято радості і надії» (The holiday of Joy and Hope) дає можливість неформально вивчати мову - розучувати вірші, пісні, уривки з літературних творів, готувати інсценівки.
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Пізнавально-конкурсна програма для учнів 6 класів

 «Свято радості і надії»

 Вчитель англійської мови Черняхівської гімназії Черняхівської селищної ради   Житомирської області Якобчук Ганна Іванівна

The holiday of Joy and Hope

Pupil 1: Open the windows and open the door

              And let the fresh breezes flow in,

              Cool days have gone away

D:\Моя папка\Downloads\images (51).jpg             And all of a sudden it’s Spring.

“Spring” comes in. The “Flowers” are sleeping

Pupil2: Spring makes the world a happy place

             You see a smile on every face

             Flowers come out and birds arrive

             Oh, isn’t it grand to be alive!

Spring: Open your eyes and do not sleep

             And I’ll rub spring across your cheeks

             Smooth as satin, soft and sleek

             Open your eyes and do not sleep!

“Flowers” are awaking and whispering “spring, spring…”

The Flowers’ dance

Spring: The season for fun has come

               Mark the time anew

               Here I come to wish

               An “egg”cellent Easter to you!

D:\Моя папка\Downloads\images (53).jpgGirl 1: Easter eggs yellow and blue

            Easter eggs for me and you

            Easter eggs, candy sweet

            Easter eggs are good to eat

            Easter eggs, pretty and funny

            But where, oh where is the Easter Bunny?

  Easter Bunny comes

  1. One sunny Easter morning

With a basket in his hand

The Rabbit walked and he was going

To visit relatives and friends

Rabbit: Blue and yellow, white and red

              Flowers nodded their heads

             The sun is shining brightly

             And my friends are smiling!

  1. He met the Bear on the way

Said “good morning” to the friend

Didn’t notice the stump

Oh, dear! He fell down!

  1. What a pity! We are sorry!

Brother rabbit, don’t worry!

Easter eggs and all the toys

Rolling down, making noise!

  1. The children came into the wood

They have seen the Rabbit’s foot

Hidden in the grass

And they began to laugh.

Rabbit: What are you doing here?

D:\Моя папка\Downloads\images (56).jpg              Easter is near

             Morning bells are ringing

             All the children singing!

The  Easter song

We can hunt on Easter morn – 3

And eggs we see

Bunny hid them on the lawn – 3

For you and me

Pink and yellow, red and blue – 3

And green and brown

One for me and one for you – 3

We roll them down

Girl 2:

Bunnies are brown, Bunnies are white,

Bunnies are always an Easter delight

Bunnies are cuddy, the large and the small

But I like chocolate ones – the best of them all!

D:\Моя папка\Downloads\images (55).jpg     Girl 3:

       The Easter Bunny’s feet go hop, hop, hop,

  While his big pink ears go flop, flop, flop,

       He is rushing on his way

        To bring our eggs on Easter day

    With a hop, flop, hop, flop, hop.

      Mr. Bunny, Mr. Bunny,

  Won’t you stop, stop, stop?


No, he must hop, hop, hop,

Easter is coming and there is lots to do

Eggs must be coloured green, pink and blue.

I’ll tie each basket with a pretty bow

Children are waiting, so he must go.

Pupil 1:

Spring comes and our hearts

Suddenly seem to sing beautiful lines!

First spring rains bring hope

For rich harvest, wealth and health!

Pupil 2:

May God shower His blessing on you,

Wishing you a Happy Day!

A dance with umbrellas

Spring: Hop and skip like the Easter Bunny and have  lots of fun!

Pupil 1: Equip yourself with Easter jokes!

Pupil 2: Make the occasion timeless for your dear ones!

Spring: Share a smile with all because smiles are like birds

              which fly from face to face.

              May your lips give them the best nest,

              so that they can live there forever!

All together: Happy Easter!

The competitions of three teams

  1. Holiday Game

D:\Моя папка\Downloads\свято2.jpgThe team that names a national or church holiday last – wins.

  1. A dialogue for a team

Listen to the dialogue and guess what holiday it is.

  1. D:\Моя папка\Downloads\свято.jpgHoliday Postcards

D:\Моя папка\Downloads\images (52).jpgEvery team is given the picture postcard of one of the holidays. The members of the team have to say some sentences about this holiday.

  1. Quiz  Game

Answer the questions about Easter:

1.When is Easter usually celebrated?

2.What can you see on Easter cards?

3.What animal is the symbol of  Easter in  GB?

4.What presents does Bunny give children?

5.What are traditional eggs in GB made of?

6.Where do parents hide Easter eggs?





Список літературиДЕНЬ СТУДЕНТА: МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ /создатель:  Н.В.




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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 лютого 2021
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