Placement Test - Beginner to Elementary

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Placement Test - Beginner to Elementary

Choose the best option and underline A, B, C or D as in the example 0.


0 A horse has got __________ legs.

 A for        B fore        C fort       D four


1 Hi. What’s __________?

 A you name       B your name      C the name       D name


2 Mr Green is __________ English teacher.

 A our        B us        C we         D you


3 How __________ you today? – I’m fine, thanks.

 A are        B is         C be         D am


4 We are __________ the classroom.

 A on        B in         C at        D with


5 __________ are fifteen students in my class.

 A These        B Them        C There        D Their


6 Look at __________ aeroplane in the sky! It’s very big!

 A these        B this        C it         D that


7 __________ the time? –It’s five o’ clock. 

 A What’s        B Where’s        C When’s        D How’s


8 Franco comes __________ Costa Rica.

 A for         B in        C at        D from


9 Where do you __________ from? –Barcelona in Spain.

 A come        B comes         C be         D go


10 Franco __________ like eating English breakfast

 A don’t       B doesn’t         C aren’t         D isn’t


11 How __________ is that CD player? – It’s £19.50.

 A cost         B price         C many        D much


12 Yolanda comes to school __________ train.

 A on         B with        C in        D by


13 __________ you walk to school or take a bus?

 A Are         B Is          C Does         D Do


14 Elephants ____________ drink a lot of water every day.

 A must         B need         C was        D has


15 Franco __________ 7 years old in 1999.

 A are        B am         C were         D was


16 Where __________ Carla and Yuri on Saturday afternoon?

 A was         B is         C were        D we’re


17 How old __________ you in 2002?

 A are        B have        C were        D had


18 Yuri __________ breakfast at half past eight yesterday morning.

 A has         B have        C were         D had


19 Did you see the news on TV ____________ ten o’clock?

 A at       B on        C in        D from


20 Franco __________ to the cinema after the lesson.

 A did go        B went         C wanted        D gone


21 Where did you see Titanic? – I __________ it at Cineworld.

 A saw         B see         C seen         D look


22 __________ you bring your dictionary yesterday?

 A Did         B Are         C Was         D Has


23 I ____________ my shoes because they were dirty.

 A took         B took off         C took out       D took from


24 Today is ____________ than yesterday

 A much cold      B more cold        C colder        D cold


25 We don’t ____________ stay at school after the lesson today.

 A must        B have to        C ought to       D should


26 Which book are you ____________ in the summer?

 A read        B going to read       C will read        D have read


27 We ____________ go to school yesterday because it was Sunday.

 A don’t        B wasn’t        C didn’t         D weren’t


28 This book is ____________ than that one.

 A difficulty       B much difficult       C more difficult      D difficult


29 What ____________ you going to do tomorrow evening?

 A did        B was         C are         D can


30 ____________ Russian? – No, I can’t.

 A Can you speak      B You can speak      C Speak        D Speak you


31 Do you come from Mexico? – No, I ____________. I come from Costa Rica.

 A ’m not        B don’t         C didn’t         D doesn’t


32 She ____________  television every evening.

 A watch        B watches        C to watch       D sees


33 He goes skiing ____________  winter.

 A very         B ever          C every         D always


34 What time do you ____________  up on school days?

 A used       B usual       C use        D usually


35 The Pyramid of the Sun is ____________ Mexico.

 A from        B on        C in        D at


36 Are there ____________ big sports stadiums near your home?

 A any        B some       C the        D a


37 I ____________ visit my grandma on Sunday afternoons.

 A some time      B sometimes      C some        D sometime


38 ____________ the most famous singer from your country?

 A Who’s         B Whose        C How’s        D What’s


39 How ____________  do you watch a film in English? – Every month.

 A often        B much        C many          D every


40 Are you ____________  at swimming?

 A in        B for        C on        D at


41 Stella’s father is a ____________ . He built my house.

 A build       B building        C builder        D built


42 Is this Stella’s hat? – No, it isn’t Stella’s, it’s ____________ .

 A me         B I          C my         D mine


43 ____________  Language Powerbook is this? Is it yours?

 A Who’s        B Whose        C How’s        D Who


44 We ____________  the history of Napoleon last year.

 A study        B studying        C studies         D studied


45 ____________  about calculus in your Maths class?

 A Had you learn       B did you learnt       C Was you learn       D Did you learn


46 I ____________ this coat at a shop in London last summer.

 A bought        B brought        C buy        D bring


47 The hunter didn’t ____________ the tiger with his gun.

 A shot        B shooting       C shoot        D shoots


48 How ____________ CDs do you buy each year?  --About 25, I think.

 A many        B much        C any        D some


49 How ____________ sugar do you put in your coffee?

 A many        B much       C any         D some


50 Can you get me a ____________ of mineral water please?

 A bag        B packet         C box        D bottle


51 How much homework ____________ every weekend?

 A do you have to do      B are you have to do

C do you must to do    D are you must to do


52 Do you eat ____________ fruit?

 A many       B much        C a lot of        D a few


53 ____________ stand and touch your toes?

 A Can you       B Have you       C Are you        D Able you


54 We can go to school and use the library on Saturday afternoons if you like. But we ____________

 A mustn’t.        B don’t have to.     C can’t.        D don’t used to.


55 Can you speak ____________? I can’t understand you.

 A slow         B more slowly    C more slow    D slowest


56 What are you doing ____________?

 A every day       B at the moment      C often        D usually


57 What is Stella ____________ today?

 A wear        B wearing    C to wear        D wore


58 The car is driving ____________ the tunnel under the Thames.

 A across        B through        C over        D between


59 John is visiting his girlfriend. He always ____________ her on Friday evenings.

 A visiting        B visits        C visited        D to visit


60 Her mobile phone is ____________ than mine.

 A much expensive    B more expensive     C many expensive    D a lot expensive


61 My Mum says my brother’s room is ____________ than mine.

 A tidy        B tidier        C tidiest        D tidily


62 Sao Paolo is ____________ biggest city in South America.

 A a        B an        C the        D than


63 Don’t buy that CD. It’s not very good. You ____________ enjoy it.

 A will       B can       C won’t       D must


64 ____________ you ever visited an English-speaking country?

 A Was        B Did        C Have        D Are


65 ____________  you going to be at home this evening?

 A Was        B Did        C Have        D Are


66 Mrs Thomas isn’t going ____________  the health club.

 A join        B to join        C joining        D joined


67 David borrowed some money ____________  a car.

 A to buy       B buying         C buy        D going to buy


68 ____________  never seen a tornado.

 A I’ve        B I’m        C I haven’t      D I was



69 Leo ____________  his girlfriend. She’s taking her driving test.

 A have just phone    B has just phoned     C did just phoned      D is just phone


70 Simon has lost ____________  mobile phone.

 A he         B its        C his        D their


71 She’s bought some sandwiches ____________  her lunch.

 A from      B  for        C to        D in


72 Is Moscow usually warm ____________ summer?

 A at       B for        C to         D in


73 (telephone) Hello. ____________ I speak to Carol Turnbull, please?

 A Can        B Have        C Must        D Am


74 ____________ those your new trousers?

  A Is        B Am        C Be        D Are


75 Cities are much ____________ than they were in the past.

 A noise       B noisy        C noisier         D noisiest


76 I can’t ____________ without my glasses.

 A hear       B see       C watch       D look


77 Did you come here ____________ car?

 A with your      B on your        C by your        D by


78 You can have either orange juice ____________ tomato juice.

 A or       B neither      C nor       D both


79 What’s the time? – It’s half ____________ six.

 A before       B to         C after         D past


80 The weather’s beautiful today. ____________ sunny and warm.

 A There is       B It has        C It’s         D Its


/ 80




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