План -конспект уроку :"Music in our life"

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Конспект уроку у 8 класі за підручником О.Карп'юк. Учні ,у ролі журналістів,збирають матеріали для журналу "Life and Music" Додається роздатковий матеріал:кросворд,девіз уроку,вислови про музику,тест, текст для аудіювання та завдання для учнів.
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Конспект уроку   у 8 класі

Тема:   Muic in our life

Мета: узагальнити знання учнів за темою, вчити учнів висловлюватися за заданою ситуацією, вести короткі діалоги за темою уроку, практикувати у вживанні питальної форми теперішнього неозначеного та теперішнього тривалого часу; розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві навички: усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, письма, аудіювання;  виховувати в учнів інтерес до мистецтва та до вивчення іноземних мов.

Обладнання уроку: малюнки, що ілюструють лексику, кросворд, картки з диференційованими завданнями, презентації з використанням комп’ютера, граматична таблиця, матеріал для аудіювання.

Тип уроку: урок формування мовленнєвих навичок та узагальнення знань.

Форма проведення уроку: нестандартний урок.

          Music is athe universal language of the world   (H.Longfellow)                            

Хід уроку


I .Greeting 1. Вітання.

T.: Good morning, children!

Ps: Good morning , teacher!

T: I think you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. Our lesson is dedicated to music. It is impossible to live without it, it follows us everywhere, it is in our hearts, feelings and souls.

 Aim 2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

 T: Today we are going to revise everything we have learnt about music , styles of music , music tastes , practice our listening, reading , speaking. So our today’s topic is “Music in our life “. Let’s begin our lesson – a competition of two teams: “Fans” and ‘Lovers of music”

Warming up

 3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

 Look at the blackboard, please, and read the motto of our lesson:

 “Life without music would be a mistake”.

Do you agree with this wonderful quotation?

P1:Yes, I do, because we can’t imagine our life without music.

 P2: I think life without music would be boring!

P3: In my opinion, life without music isn’t interesting at all.

 P4: So am I Music helps us to remove stress

P;5Really, the life would be a mistake if we didn’t hear music

P;6Our life without music would be empty.

P;7I think music has the ability to convey all sorts of emotions.

P;8I believe ,life without music is meaningless.

T: Right you are. Today we are going to speak about music in our life.

I want you to imagine you are journalists, who work on a new issue of the magazine

“Life & Music”. As journalists we have to do much work to make our magazine interesting, beautiful and exciting. Do you agree? Let’s start our work.


 Page 1. Choosing a theme.

First what we have to do is to choose the theme for our magazine.

You can find it out when doing this crossword. Fill in the necessary words and on a blue field you can read the theme of our magazine



























































































































































1.  Композитор

2. Музикант

3. Пісня

4. Гітара

5.  Віолончель

6. Співати.

7. Концерт

8.  Хор

9. Флейта

10. Радіо

11. Кларнет

12. Піаніно

13. Народний стиль музики

14. Опера

T : The next task for you is

 “Guess the music style” I’ll give you cards with the texts. Your task is to read   and understand the   texts and  match the type of music to the definitions.

2.Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.
1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.

2.--------comes originally from black American musicians.

3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair.

4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time.

5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.

6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period .

8.------- is often played freely, not following written music.

9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.

Keys: 1) classical music 2) jazz 3 ) pop music 4) Country music 5) Rap 6 )Folk  music 7) reggae 8) rock

 Page 2. Looking for information.

2. a) Повторення лексико-грамматичного матеріалу. Виконання тесту на переклад речень.

.  Speaking

 T: Now I am sure, that everybody sitting in this classroom likes music.

1)  What music do you like and why?

 T : Look at the blackboard! .Use these adjectives: Beautiful, touching, serious, cheerful, relaxing, sad, simple, traditional, healing, emotional, exciting, catchy, soothing, pleasant, romantic, energetic.

for example : As for me, I like pop music because it is cheerful, simple and touching.

 2) Say where we usually listen to music?  ( Учні відповідають)

 in the concert halls                         in the circus                 in the theatre                                                                                       at home                                                        in the cinema                                                                                    at school                                                        in the clubs                                                                                                  in the restaurants                                                  at the stadiums                                                                                  in the cafes              


1) Музика є скрізь у нашому житті.

                             a) Music is everywhere in our life

                             b) We hear music everywhere

                             c) Our life is impossible without music

2) Багато людей грають на різних музичних інструментах.

                             a) We play many musical instruments

                             b) Many people play different musical instruments

                             c) There are many musical instruments.

3) Композитори – це люди, які пишуть музику.

                             a) Composers write music

                             b) I know many composers, who write music

                             c) Composers are people, who write music

4) Я вчуся грати на піаніно в музичній школі.

                             a) I learn to play the piano at a musical school.

                             b) I play the piano at a musical school.

                             c) The children learn to play the piano

5) Люди можуть співати самі, в групі або в хорі.

                             a) Many people sing in a choir

                             b) People can sing alone, in a group or in a choir

                             c) I want to sing in a group or in a choir.

6 )Для деяких людей музика – це тільки хобі.

                             a) For some people music is just a hobby.

                             b) Many people have musical hobbies

                             c) Music is my hobby

7) Мені подобаються українські народні пісні.

                             a) Ukrainian folk songs are very beautiful.

                             b) I like Ukrainian folk songs.

                             c) I like beautiful Ukrainian songs.

8) Багато людей люблять слухати  оперу, або дивитися балет.

                             a) Many people like to listen to an opera or to watch a ballet.

                             b) Many people listen  to an opera or  watch a ballet.

                             c) Many people like to watch a ballet or listen to music

9 )Мої батьки люблять слухати популярні українські пісні.

                             a) My parents often listen to popular Ukrainian songs

                             b) My parents like to listen to popular Ukrainian songs

                             c) My parents do not like to listen to popular Ukrainian songs

10) Учні нашого класу танцюють у шкільному танцювальному ансамблі.

                             a) The pupils of our form dance in a school dancing group.

                             b) The pupils of our form sing in a school choir.

                             c) The pupils of our form dance at school concerts.

11) Музика робить наше життя щасливим і чудовим.

                             a) Music makes us happy and wonderful

                             b) Music helps us to be happy

                             c) Music makes our life happy and wonderful

12) Я одержую насолоду слухаючи класичну музику.

                              a) I enjoy listening to classical music

                              b) I like listening to music

                              c) I enjoy listening to music


T: Now, children, listen to the conversation between English young people. Pay attention   to their questions and answers.


Assistant: Hi, сan I help you?

Susan: Yes, I’m looking for an album by Derek Caine.

Assistant: What’s it called?

Susan: I can’t remember, I’m afraid. But it’s the latest one.

Assistant: Oh, yes, I know. “Tropical Heat”.

Susan: Yes, that’s right.

Assistant: Do you want the CD?

Susan: No, thanks. I haven’t got a CD player.

Assistant: Record or cassette then?

Susan: Mm. I’m not sure. How much are they?

Assistant: They’re both ₤ 8.99.

Susan: I’ll have the cassette, please.

Assistant: OK. Would you like a bag?

Susan: No, I’ve already got one, thanks.

And now tell me, what they are talking about.

1) What is the girl’s name?

2) What music does Susan like?

3) What is her favourite group?

4) What did she buy?


 Page 3. Preparation for interview.

3. Повторення граматичного матеріалу «Питальна форма теперішнього неозначеного часу» (за таблицею). Складання питань для інтерв’ю письмово (з використанням індивідуальних диференційованих карток)

 High level

Write down 5 or 6 questions to make an interview with your classmates using word-combinations from the box

 to like music,      to listen to music,      to play musical instruments      to sing in a choir

  to learn at a musical school,        to know popular singers                music lessons

   to compose music               famous composers                      type of music


 Page 4.   Pare work. Interview.

4. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

Учні беруть інтерв’ю один в одного, використовуючи підготовлені питання.

Let’s take now the interviews by your classmates about their attitude to music.

1 .A: What type of music do you like to listen to?

     B: I like listening to different kinds of music.

      A: Like what, for instance?

     B: I enjoy Rock and R&B.

    A: Why is that?

    B: I like the different instruments that they use.



2 .A: What is your favorite kind of music?

      B: I listen to various types of music.

      A: What genres?

      B: I enjoy listening to   disco music.

     A: Why do you like this music?

      B: It is pleasant,energetic and relaxing.


3.         A: What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

             B: I enjoy listening to all kinds of music.

             A: But the best?

             B: I think …..music is the best.

            A: Why do you  think so?

            B: Because it is ….and ….

           A:   Thanks, I feel the same way.




 Page 5. Project work.

Учні представляють свої проекти   присвячені музиці


1.Homework.. T: Your home task is to write an essay “Music in my life”

 2.Putting marks. Our lesson is coming to the end. Did you enjoy it? I hope you did. You were very active and hardworking and get following marks:

3.Conclusion.(2хв.) T: Let our lesson be over in unusual way. Let wonderful music sound for you! ( There sounds the melody ”What a wonderful world”. May there be this music in your hearts!








































































































































































































.Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.
1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.

2.--------comes originally from black American musicians.

3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair.

4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time.

5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.

6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period .

8.------- is often played freely, not following written music.

9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.



.Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.
1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.

2.--------comes originally from black American musicians.

3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair.

4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time.

5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.

6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.

7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period .

8.------- is often played freely, not following written music.

9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.




1) Музика є скрізь у нашому житті.

                             a) Music is everywhere in our life

                             b) We hear music everywhere

                             c) Our life is impossible without music

2) Багато людей грають на різних музичних інструментах.

                             a) We play many musical instruments

                             b) Many people play different musical instruments

                             c) There are many musical instruments.

3) Композитори – це люди, які пишуть музику.

                             a) Composers write music

                             b) I know many composers, who write music

                             c) Composers are people, who write music

4) Я вчуся грати на піаніно в музичній школі.

                             a) I learn to play the piano at a musical school.

                             b) I play the piano at a musical school.

                             c) The children learn to play the piano

5) Люди можуть співати самі, в групі або в хорі.

                             a) Many people sing in a choir

                             b) People can sing alone, in a group or in a choir

                             c) I want to sing in a group or in a choir.

6 )Для деяких людей музика – це тільки хобі.

                             a) For some people music is just a hobby.

                             b) Many people have musical hobbies

                             c) Music is my hobby

7) Мені подобаються українські народні пісні.

                             a) Ukrainian folk songs are very beautiful.

                             b) I like Ukrainian folk songs.

                             c) I like beautiful Ukrainian songs.

8) Багато людей люблять слухати  оперу, або дивитися балет.

                             a) Many people like to listen to an opera or to watch a ballet.

                             b) Many people listen  to an opera or  watch a ballet.

                             c) Many people like to watch a ballet or listen to music

9 )Мої батьки люблять слухати популярні українські пісні.

                             a) My parents often listen to popular Ukrainian songs

                             b) My parents like to listen to popular Ukrainian songs

                             c) My parents do not like to listen to popular Ukrainian songs

10) Учні нашого класу танцюють у шкільному танцювальному ансамблі.

                             a) The pupils of our form dance in a school dancing group.

                             b) The pupils of our form sing in a school choir.

                             c) The pupils of our form dance at school concerts.

11) Музика робить наше життя щасливим і чудовим.

                             a) Music makes us happy and wonderful

                             b) Music helps us to be happy

                             c) Music makes our life happy and wonderful

12) Я одержую насолоду слухаючи класичну музику.

                              a) I enjoy listening to classical music

                              b) I like listening to music

                              c) I enjoy listening to music



“Music is the universal language of the world”                    







“Life without music would be a mistake”.




Beautiful, touching, serious, cheerful, relaxing, sad, simple, traditional, healing, emotional, exciting, catchy, soothing, pleasant, romantic, energetic.


Ex. : As for me, I like  ……music because it is …, …. and     ….   .


“Music is the only language in which you can not say a mean or sarcastic thing.”

                                     John Erskine


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