Конспект уроку з англійської мови, на тему: "The Future of Food", 8 клас

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови, на тему: "The Future of Food", для учнів 8 класу за підручником "English Plus 3".
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External context


Topic, sub-topic









  • Future of food
  • New technologies













-dairy products;


-kitchen utensils; 










-cooking operations.





-food discussions.


Communicative language skills


Oral comprehension

Written comprehension

Oral interaction

Written interaction

Online interaction

Oral production

Written production

Can understand description of a dish.


Can get the main information from conversation.


Can understand a description of probable future of food.



Can get necessary information from recipes, menu, notes.


Can distinguish healthy/unhealthy food, food categories.


Can understand a shopping list.

Can describe favourite dish.


Can discuss future eating habits .


Can order / buy food.


Can speak about problems of food.

Can make a shopping list.


Can write about future cooking technologies.


Can write about meals.


Can order food online.


Can write blog about problems of food.

Can speak about favourite food.


Can explain own ideas about solving food problem.


Can discuss healthy and junk food.


Can speak about future eating habits

Can write an email about future of food.


Can write blog-post about food problem.


Core skills



Critical thinking

Creative thinking



Emotional development

Can compare views on certain ways of solving food problem.


Can make a decision on what is healthy and what is junk food.


Can find information about future of food.

Can express his/her own point of view about future of food.


Can make personal menu.


Can make an unusual recipe. 


Can make a shopping list / note.


Can do a project about solving the food problem.

Can order food.


Can communicate with waiters / shop assistants.


Can discuss food.


Can use simple techniques to discuss future of food.


Can use polite forms of request / expressing gratitude.

Can exchange information about recipes.


Can make relevant suggestions based on the current topic of conversation.

Can express personal emotions about food problem.


Can show understanding of other people’s feelings.


Can choose polite ways of behaviour at the restaurant / shop / café.


Language inventory


Language functions

Sample exponents

Sample vocabulary

Sample grammar



-asking for and giving information;

-asking for clarification;

-comparing and contrasting;

-expressing own impressions, views, feelings;

-justifying own choice;

-liking and disliking

-offering, accepting and refusing.

-Can I take your order?

-How to solve this problem?

-What would you like?

-What about you?

-I’d like…

-My favourite food is…

-It’s tasty / delicious.

-Are you a healthy eater?

-I don’t think so.

-I propose…

Butter, carrot, cheese, cherry, chicken, dairy products, fruit, ice cream,meat,milk,mushroom, soft drink, milk shake, chocolate cake, onion, pepper, potato, salad, chicken, sausage, steak, strawberry, tomato, vegetables, yoghurt, pudding,lemonade, rice, pizza, bread, fish,pasta, juice, coffee,tea, chocolate, garlic,pancake, biscuits, sandwich, cheeseburger, hamburger, coconut, jam, noodles, lettuce,cabbage,fork,spoon, knife, glass, plate, bottle…

-Countable / Uncountable nouns;

some / any;

-How much / How many;

-Yes / No questions

-Wh- questions;



-Future Simple;

-Present Simple;

-Present Perfect;

-Past Simple;

-There is / There are.

By the end of studying the topic, students will be to:


  • Successfully make orders in a cafe / restaurant / shop;
  • Can compare views on certain ways of solving food problem;
  • Adequately compare healthy and junk food;
  • Can write blog-post about food problem;
  • Fully describe the process of cooking a dish in the future;
  • Can express his/her own point of view about future of food;
  • Successfully talk and write about food


 Sample assessment for learning strategies:


  • Elicit what is known or not known on the topic through classroom dialogue;
  • Encourage learners to ask questions to clarify understanding;
  • Ask questions which can elicit evidence of learners’ level of understanding from simple recall to higher-order questions;
  • Clearly communicate to learners what is being learnt and why on the topic, so that learners make sense of what they are doing and see the value of it.
Коляса Тетяна
29 грудня 2022
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