План-конспект по темі "Means of transport.Degrees of comparison of adjectives "для 4 кл НУШ

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План-конспект уроку по темі "Means of transport.Degrees of comparison of adjectives "для 4 кл НУШ
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Theme: Means of transport .

Objectives: to introduce new vocabulary, to review the vocabulary and grammar from the previous lessons, to introduce a new song, to develop students` listening and reading skills

Vocabulary: bus, plane, train, boat, car, taxi, to travel, to stay, trip.

Grammar items: Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Materials to be used: PB Audio, multimedia system, flashcards, video for grammar ‘Degrees of comparison’, ‘Transport sounds’ PPPs

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to name some means of transport, to understand meanings of new vocabulary words, to speak in pairs, to read the text and mark the sentences as true or false, to make up degrees of comparison of some adjectives, to sing a new song



  1. Say ‘Hello’ to your pupils.
  2. Teacher proposes pupils to read the sentences and name the means of transport.


Take a bus or take a train,
Take a boat or take a plane,
Take a taxi, take a car,
Maybe near or maybe far,
Take a rocket to the moon,
But be sure to come back soon.



1.The pupils look at the screen , the teacher explains new words and the pupils repeat them.

2. Ex. 1, p. 106. Draw  pupils` attention to the pictures on the top of the p. 106. Ask children to read and translate the phrases and to make up their sentences with new words. Then play  game ‘Transport Sounds’  and invite  one-by- pupils one to listen to the sounds and to choose corresponding pictures.


1. Ex. 2, p. 106. Get your students to make up pairs. Direct their attention to the picture on p. 107. Explain that they are going to read the statements, to look at the pictures and to say as in the example.  Invite 2-3 pairs of volunteers to speak at the front of the class.


Do a physical exercise

Presentation of Grammar:

2. Grammar. The teacher explains the grammar material. Play ‘Degrees of comparison’ video to remind students some grammar material . Then give out Handouts cards to your pupils and ask them to make up degrees of comparison of the adjectives.




  1. Play ‘Travel song’ video  and encourage pupils to sing the song.
  2. Say ‘Goodbye’ to your pupils.


Mikhnevych Iryna Ivanivna
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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
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