ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКУ«Англійська - мова міжнародного спілкування.»

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з предмету «Іноземна мова (англійська)»

на тему : «Англійська - мова  міжнародного спілкування.»

“English is the language of international communication”


















викладач Величко І. О.







Ірпінь 2016

Тема: «Англійська - мова  міжнародного спілкування.»

           “English is the language of international communication”




  • Формувати і вдосконалювати навички правильного використання граматичного матеріалу;
  • Розвивати навички комунікативної компетенції учнів у монологічному мовленні, аудіюванні та читанні;
  • Активізувати вживання лексики із теми, розширювати словниковий запас;
  • Сприяти знайомству із іншомовною культурою, розширенню світогляду учнів  засобами іноземної мови;
  • Зацікавити учнів  у вивченні іноземної мови.


Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: презентація, роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку.

  1. Організаційний момент.
    1. Привітання. Greeting.

T.: Good  morning, dear students! I am glad to see you! How are you today? Who is on duty today? What date and day today?  Who is absent?


  1. Актуалізація опорних знань.

2.1 Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T.: What was the topic of our previous lesson? What about homework?

P.: The topic of our previous lesson was “ Learning English” and homework is to translate sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Англійська мова – мова бізнесу. Englsh is the language of business.

2. Англійська мова – найпоширеніша мова на землі. English is the most widespred language on the Earth.

3. У 60 країнах світу англійська мова є однією з офіційних мов. More than 60 countries have English as one of their official languages.

4. Майже півтора мільярди людей хоча б трохи розмовляють англійською мовою. In total, almost 1,5 mlrd people have some knowledge of English.

5. Англійська мова – друга мова в світі за кількістю носіїв після китайської.  English is the worlds number two language after Chinese.

6 .Найпоширеніші мови в світі – китайська, іспанська, англійська й деякі інші мови.- The most widespread languages in the world are Chinese, Spanish, English and some others.

7. Люди також говорять англійською в Європі.- People also speak English in Europe.

8. Вивчення англійської мови – це нелегка справа.- Learning English is not easy thing.

9. Зараз багато людей вивчають іноземні мови будь-яким можливим шляхом.- Nowadays, a lot of people study foreign languages in every possible way.

10.  Є прислів'я: "Нова мовановий світ". -There is a proverb "A new language – a new world".

11. Незалежна Україна має відносини з багатьма країнами.- Independent Ukraine has relations with many countries.

12. Кожна добре освічена людина в світі говорить англійською, тому що це – мова спіл­кування, бізнесу, науки й культури.-  Every well educated person in the world speaks English, because it is the language of communication, busi­ness, science and culture.

13.Англійська мова цедержавна мова в п'яти країнах: Великобританії, Канаді, Австралії і Новій Зеландії. - English is the state language in five countries: Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. 

14. Англійська моваодна із шести офіційних і робочих мов Організації Об'єднаних Націй.- English is one of the six official and working languages of the United Nations.

15. У багатьох Азіатських і Африканських країнах, як, наприклад, Індія або Єгипет, в колишніх Британських колоніях люди говорять англійською, крім їх рідної мови. - In many Asian and African countries, such as India or Egypt, in former British colonies people speak English besides their native one.

2.2 Some of you have an extra Homework. And now I would like that you show us  your presentation, tell the topic of the presentation.

  1. Основна частина уроку.
    1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T.: And now you are ready to start our lesson. Today’s topic of our lesson is “English is the language of international communication”. And a mottor of our lesson is “English is a way for better life”

The hypothesis to the topic: “Knowledge of English is not necessary for  Ukrainians”  and at the end of our lesson we must agree with this statements or not.  Let’s start.  The plan of our lesson is:

 1. English is a means of communication.

2. English is popular everywhere.

 3. English helps us in our life.

Open your copybooks and write down this plan.







  1. So, what is English language for us?


   Useful Language:

I believe/ think/ feel that…               In my opinion/view…             To my mind, …   The way I see it, …                           My opinion is that…          As far as I’m concerned, …    I strongly believe that




  1.  Why do we study English?


  1.  Listening. Write “T” for each  true sentence  or “F” for the false one.


Foreign languages in our life.

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts.

Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, other travel abroad, for the third studying language is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well educated people are polyglots. Nowadays English  has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Over 300 million people speak it as mother tongue. The native speakers of English live Australia and New Zealand.

English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa Republic. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organizations and other political organizations. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computers technology. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

English language it is a wonderful language. It is language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens.

The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language does know his own one”. That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.




 3.5 While-listening activities.

 Choose the correct item.

1. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign ___________.

a) countries                                         b) languages                                 c) people


 2. Everyone, who knows _________ can speak to people from other countries.

a) foreign languages                           b) foreign poets                  c) foreign literature


3. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well educated people are _______.

a) genius                                             b) clever                             c) polyglots


4. Nowadays English  has become ________ in politics, science, trade and cultural relations.

a) the world’s most important language                                  b) more important language                             c) is not important language


5. Over 300 million people speak it as mother ______.

a) language                                           b) tongue                             c)  speaker


 6. English is one of the official languages of the ______ and other political organizations.

a) United Nations Organizations                           b) Paris                  c) Ukraine


7. It is the language of _______.

a) books                                  b) movies                            c) computers technology


8. English language it is a _______ language.

a) great                            b) wonderful                               c) nice


9.It is language of the great________.

a) Literature                             b) Math                               c) Art


10. The great ________ poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language does know his own one”.

a) British                             b) French                             c) German









3.6 Some interesting information about English language.








3.7  Reading.

New words:

  • Be aside – бути в стороні
  • Opinion – точка зору
  • Attitude - ставлення
  • Advantage - перевага
  • Private - приватний
  • State – державний
  • The most widespread- найпоширеніший
  • Possibility - можливість



          Since 1991 when Ukraine became a sovereign state, it has been setting new contacts with many foreign countries in the world. We can’t and don’t  want to be aside this process. That’s why learning a foreign language is a matter of necessity.

         Among many languages English – the most widespread language in the world and besides the international computer language – is the most important. What is more, it is a very melodic language, a language with a long history; many traditions of English people are reflected in their language.

        The knowledge of the English language gives one an advantage to find a good job – either in a private company or in one of the state institutions or enterprises. Moreover, to study a foreign language means to learn more about a country – its culture, history and traditions – and people – their lifestyles and attitudes. Such interest in other people’s life usually broads up your mind, makes you more tolerant to people’s opinion and helps you to understand people of other culture.

       And just think of the possibility of being able to talk freely to a foreigner about business, politics, culture, sport and hobbies!

       The knowledge of the English language gives you the freedom to express your opinion and to understand other people both in our country and abroad!

3.8  Post-reading tasks. Answer the questions.

Answer the questions.

1. Why is that necessary to study foreign languages nowadays?

2. Why is English the most important language to learn?

3. What advantages does the knowledge of the English language give?

         3.9 Write “T” for each  true sentence  or “F” for the false one.

1. Since 1996 when Ukraine became a sovereign state, it has been setting new contacts with many foreign countries in the world.

2. Among many languages English – the most widespread language in the world.

3. The knowledge of the English language doesn’t  give one an advantage to find a good job.

4. Moreover, to study a foreign language means to learn more about a country – its culture, history and traditions – and people – their lifestyles and attitudes.

5. Such interest in other people’s life usually broads up your mind, makes you more tolerant to people’s opinion and helps you to understand people of other culture.

6.  You can’t talk freely to a foreigner about business, politics, culture, sport and hobbies.

7. The knowledge of the English language gives you the freedom to express your opinion.

8.  If you speak English it’s hard to understand other people both in our country and abroad.

     9. Learning a foreign language is not a matter of necessity.

    10.  We can’t and don’t  want to be aside of learning English.




4.1 Підведення підсумків уроку.


Each person in modern society is obliged to know English.

English is the key to success in a modern life!

It’s never too late to lean.

4.2  Повідомлення і мотивація оцінок .

4.3 Пояснення домашнього завдання.

Write a short paragraph: “ My own attitude to learning English”.





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