Тема: Шкільне життя
Цілі уроку:
розвивати навички читання, роботи з текстом;
розвивати навички самостійної роботи учнів та навички роботи в парах;
вдосконалювати артикуляційні навички учнів;
вдосконалювати граматичні навички учнів (вживання структур There is та There are, модальних дієслів для вираження зобов’язання );
розвивати пізнавальний інтерес до предмету
Очікувані результати: учні вміють висловлюватися про свою школу, шкільні правила та обов’язки з застосування лексичного матеріалу теми
Тип уроку: комбінований
Обладнання: підручник Карп'юк О.Д “Pupil`s book”, роз даткові картки для роботи учнів , презентація PowerPoint “School life ”, проектор, ноутбук з підключенням до мережі Інтернет, віртуальна платформа Learningapps. Org
If “yes” we shall start right now. But first, tell me – how are you?
Subjects are so nice and great
Classes, teachers every day.
Here kids can play and run,
On the lessons have much fun.
Open up your eyes and ears,
Listen, learn and study here.
Now read the first letter in each line of the poem and you1ll get the topic of our lesson. And it is “School”. During the lesson we are going to speak about our school, its building, about school rules and compare schools in Ukraine with British schools. Also you will tell us about your favourite subjects and what you do on these lessons.
Look at the photos. Where are the children? Are they happy? Are you happy at your school? What do you like about your school? What do you dislike?
Make up the questions and choose the pupil who will answer it.
Now we shall work in pairs and to choose your partner take a sheet of paper please. (Учні формують пари з допомогою малюнків). Each pair will have the identical task: to put the word into the correct order
Group 1
Group 2
Well done and now some questions for you:
What subjects do you study in school? Are they all interesting? Are they all important?
What do you do at these lessons?
We are going to revise some information about activities on school lessons. Firstly we will work with our online addition.
Choose yourself a partner. (Учні формують пари з допомогою малюнків). And here is youк task. Complete the tables and speak about school subjects, school rooms and activities which pupils do in school and afterschool.
Group 1
2 Place |
Subject |
Activities |
Gym |
PT |
Run, jump and play sports games. |
English classroom |
Computer classroom |
IT |
Work with computers |
History classroom |
1 Place |
Subject |
Activities |
Gym |
English classroom |
English |
speak English, translate texts, do projects |
Computer classroom |
History classroom |
History |
Learn about people of the past |
What lesson do pupils have in the ….?
What do they do on this lesson?
Group 2
1 Place |
Subject |
Activities |
Art classroom |
Music classroom |
Music |
Sing and dance |
Geography classroom |
Workshop |
Craft |
Work with wood and metal |
2 Place |
Subject |
Activities |
Art classroom |
Art |
Paint and draw |
Music classroom |
Geography classroom |
Geography |
Learn about continents |
Workshop |
Перевірка домашнього завдання. Група 1. Вправа 3 с. 35
What the video and try to match the following numbers with their meaning.
5 age of going to primary school
11 age of going to secondary school
16 GSCE exam
18 A-level exam
- Перегляд відеоматеріалу з наступним обговоренням
- Виконання тестових завдань по матеріалу відео
Now we know some information about British schools and I want to compare Ukrainian schools with the British ones. Here we have so statement, choose, read and tell about what county is the information.
(учні розподіляють твердження на дві групи на дошці)
Ukrainian schools
Children go to primary school at the age of 6 or 7 years old.
Lessons can start at 8 or 9 o`clock in different schools.
Pupils study Ukrainian, Math, History, Biology and other subjects.
English is a foreign language.
Pupils have borsch for their lunch.
Kids learn the poems by Shevchenko.
Pupils are the best in the world.
British schools
Children go to primary school at the age of 5.
Pupils take GCSE exams.
Pupils study Spanish, Italian and French.
All pupils must wear a uniform in most schools.
Schoolchildren study Food Technologies in their school.
Lessons start at 9 o`clock in all schools.
Kids have cheap and beans in the canteen.
Listen to my story, try to remember the symbols and speak about our school.
For the next lesson be ready with exercise 9 p 40 and try to code the story about British school and we`ll try to deco it on the lessons.
Your marks for today's lesson are...
See you on the next lesson. Good bye!
План-конспект уроку англійської мови
у 7 класі на тему:
«Шкільне життя»
вчитель англійської мови
Гребенюк Т.М.