Тетяна Сергіївна Саган - вчитель англійської мови Юрковецької ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів
Назва: Англійська мова. Міні -ЗНО: збірник тестових завдань для учнів 7 класу – Юрковецька ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів., 2016р. - с. 43
Місце видання: Юрковецька ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів
Рік видання: 2016
Кількість сторінок: 43
У збірнику вміщено тестові завдання з тем програми для перевірки навичок читання, використання лексики, граматики, письма та аудіювання .
Збірник адресовано учням 7 класу.
Рецензент: Пазинюк Оксана Сергіївна – методист з іноземних мов
Чемеровецького РМК
Критерії оцінювання…………………………………………………………….5
Test 1………………………………………………………………………...
Test 2……………………………………………………………………….
Test 3……………………………………………………………………….
Test 4……………………………………………………………………….
Бланк відповідей………………………………………………………………..
Тексти для аудіювання…………………………………………………………..
Список використаних джерел………………………………………………...
Даний посібник містить тестові завдання для учнів 7 класу, які розроблені відповідно до тем, які пропонуються в підручнику О. Д. Карпюк «Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання)».
Завдання створені у форматі міні-ЗНО, що дозволить у вигляді тестів перевірити знання учнів з даної теми та удосконалити навички вживання граматики. Саме вищезазначений формат, на нашу думку, дозволить вчителю неупереджено та незалежно оцінити рівень знань учнів.
Об'єктами контролю є читання і письмо як види мовленнєвої діяльності, лексичний і граматичний аспекти іншомовної комунікації (використання мови), а також завдання для розвитку навичок аудіювання.
Завдання для визначення рівня сформованості іншомовної компетенції в читанні орієнтуються на різні його стратегії: з розумінням основної інформації (ознайомлювальне читання), повної інформації (вивчаюче читання) та пошук окремих фактів (вибіркове читання) – Tasks 1-2.
Контроль лексичної та граматичної компетенції (використання мови) передбачає визначення рівня сформованості мовних навичок: здатності самостійно добирати лексичні одиниці та граматичні явища відповідно до комунікативних потреб спілкування у межах сформульованих завдань – Tasks 3-4.
Контроль аудіювання має на меті перевірити рівень сформованості в учнів навичок та вмінь розуміння усного мовлення – Task 5.
Завдання для визначення рівня сформованості навичок письма зорієнтовані на виконання комунікативно-творчих видів діяльності: написання повідомлення, електронних листів, листів-вітань, запрошень на основі вивчених тем – Task 6.
Критерії оцінювання
На виконання всіх завдань кожного із тестів міні-ЗНО ми пропонуємо відвести 60 хвилин або розподілити виконання завдань на 2 академічні години.
У завданнях на встановлення відповідності – Task 1 – учням пропонується підібрати заголовки до текстів або частин текстів із поданих варіантів. Завдання вважається виконаним, якщо учень встановив правильну відповідність і позначив правильний варіант у бланку відповідей.
Тест містить 5 завдань цієї форми (від №1 до №5 ), виконання яких буде оцінено в 0 або 1 бал.
У завданнях з вибором однієї правильної відповіді – Task2 – до кожного завдання подано чотири варіанти відповіді, з яких лише один є правильним. Завдання вважається виконаним, якщо учень вибрав і позначив правильну відповідь у бланку відповідей.
До тесту включено 5 завдань з вибором однієї правильної відповіді (від №6 до №10), що теж оцінюються в 0 або 1 бал.
Завдання на заповнення пропусків у тексті – Tasks 3-4 – пропонують доповнити речення в тексті словами чи словосполученнями із поданих варіантів. Завдання вважається виконаним, якщо учасник тестування обрав і позначив правильний варіант відповіді у бланку відповідей .
Тест містить 10 завдань цієї форми (від №11 до №20), що оцінюватимуться як і попередні завдання.
Завдання для перевірки навичок аудіювання – Task 5. Текст звучить у пред’явленні вчителя чи аудіо запису двічі, після чого учням пропонується завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді з чотирьох запропонованих (від №21 до №25. Оцінюємо також в 0 або 1 бал.
Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю (№ 26) передбачає створення учнем на бланку власного висловлювання у письмовій формі відповідно до запропонованої комунікативної ситуації. Це завдання оцінюється від 0 до 12 балів.
Таким чином, максимально можлива набрана кількість балів за виконання тестових завдань складає 37 бали.
Таблиця оцінювання.
Кількість набраних балів |
Оціночні бали |
28-37 |
10-12 |
18-27 |
7-9 |
9-17 |
4-6 |
1-8 |
1-3 |
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
All about English Teenagers
British teenagers can leave school at sixteen after their GCSE exams. They study for exams in as many as ten subjects, so they have to work pretty hard. Today’s teens spend more time doing their homework than any teenagers in the past, studying for 2,5 - 3 hours every evening.
Most students in England (about 90%) go to state secondary schools. State schools are free. The other 10% go to private schools. Some of these schools are very famous – and very expensive. For example, it costs about £24,000 a year to study at Eton College.
It’s not all work, of course. What do British teenagers do to have fun? They love watching TV, going out, meeting friends in Internet cafes and listening to music. Researchers found that 99 % of teenagers questioned in a survey said their favourite activity was watching TV, while 98% also liked listening to music. Some teens like UK garage music, but others prefer to listen to hip-hop or nu-metal on their portable stereos, personal stereos and CD players. 89% spend most of their free time online, e-mailing their “mates” or making new friends in their favourite chat rooms.
As well as the Internet, teenagers in Britain use their computers to play games and do their homework. They also love their mobile phones, and spend hours texting their friends and chatting. Today, phones are getting smaller and lighter and you can do a lot more with them than just talk. Text messaging has taken over as the coolest and trendiest way to socialize. More than 90% of 12 to 16-year-olds have a mobile, and experts say that this trend stops teens from spending their cash on sweets and cigarettes. The latest craze mobile phones with built-in video cameras, is taking the country by storm, as are digital cameras with which you can take photos that can be sent over the Internet.
At school, almost all British teenagers have to wear a school uniform. However, in their free time they can wear whatever they like, and what they like is designer labels. In fact, 40% of British teens say that they think it is important to have the latest designer gear. Vine Diesel and Paul Smith are the top favourites, but looking good doesn’t come cheap in Britain, and many teenagers think nothing of spending over £100 on one item of clothing.
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Australia is an enormous country, but it has a population of only 20 million. Some families live in farms, hundreds of kilometres from a town or city. Children from these families can’t travel to school every day, so many of them use a special school: the Australian School of the Air.
There are 12 Schools of the Air in Australia and over 1,000 students use them. Students of the School of the Air haven’t got lessons in classrooms with other students. They study at home on their own. The teachers at the School of the Air prepare lessons and send them to the students by post or e-mail. The students have to work on these lessons for 5 or 6 hours a day, Monday to Friday. They send their work to the teachers once a week and discuss it by radio or over the Internet. They can also borrow books from the school library. The books arrive by post.
Once or twice a year, a teacher visits every student at home. The teacher spends a day with the students, helps them with their work and discusses problems. The teacher often has dinner with the family and stays for a night at the student’s house. Teachers and students can also meet at the Sports Carnival. This takes place once a year on playing fields in Alice Springs. Students don’t have to go, but it is a great way for them to do sport together and to make friends.
A. their parents work on farms
B. they live hundreds of kilometres away from a school
C. they are poor
D. they don’t want to study
A. 12,000 C. 6,000
B. 1,000 D. 11,000
A. send work to the teachers C. borrow books from the library
B. visits their teachers D. prepare their lessons
A. on the phone C. by radio or on the Internet
B. by e-mail D. by post
A. compulsory C. only for boys
B. only for teachers D. optional
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Secondary education in England
In England, children start secondary school at the age of 11. In the first two years of secondary school, all the students 11)______ the same 12 subjects. They are English, maths, science, design and technology, information and communication technology, history, geography, a foreign language, art and design, music, citizenship and PE. When students are 14, they 12) _______ choose the subjects that they like, but some subjects are still compulsory.
At the age of sixteen, students take national exams 13) ______ GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education exams). After 14) ______exams, about 25% of students leave school and find jobs. The 75% stay at school. They study two, three or four school subjects and take advanced level exams (‘A levels’) when they are 18.
Most students in England 15) _____ to state secondary schools. State schools are free. The other 10 % go to private schools. Some of these schools are very famous – and very expensive. For example, it costs about £ 24,000 a year to study at Eton college!
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
studies |
study |
learn |
learns |
12 |
could |
may |
can |
should |
13. |
called |
call |
named |
calls |
14. |
that |
those |
this |
these |
15. |
go |
went |
goes |
gone |
Task 4
Read and complete the sentences below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
1) Can you tell Sarah that she must 16.______me tomorrow?
2) We have 17. _____early tomorrow.
3) She 18. _____ work at the weekend.
4) You 19.______ play football here. It’s dangerous.
5) He 20. ______ learn to read and write his name before he goes to school.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
calls |
call |
to call |
called |
17. |
to leave |
leave |
left |
leaves |
18. |
needn’t |
needn’t to |
doesn’t need |
didn’t need |
19. |
don’t have to |
don’t need to |
mustn’t |
can’t |
20. |
must |
may |
musts |
must to |
Task 5
Listen to the text and choose the correct variant
21. How old is Joshua?
A. 16 C. 18
B. 17 D. 19
22. When are his exams?
A. this year C. next year
B. next month D. this week
23. Why does Joshua do homework at lunchtime?
A. Because he wants more time for surfing
B. Because he works hard.
C. Because he can’t go surfing at lunchtime
D. Because he wants more time for reading
24. Who in Joshua’s family surf?
A. Just Joshua
B. Joshua and his sister
C. Joshua and his friends
D. The whole family
25. When is the next competition for Joshua?
A. Next week
B. Next month
C. In two months’ time
D. In two days
Task 6
26. Your school magazine has asked its readers to write about their favourite subject. Write an article, describing why you like it.
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Plants give most of the food that people eat. In many African, Asian, and Latin-American countries, plants give more than two-thirds of food. In Australia, Europe, North America and parts of South America , people eat much meat. But even in these areas, over half the diet consists of food from plants. The most important foods from plants are grains and fruits and vegetables. Rice or a grain product, particularly bread, is the main food in many cultures.
In some cultures, the way food is served is almost as important as how it is prepared. For example, French and Japanese cooks carefully arrange food to make each dish look beautiful. In .Sweden, smorgasbord is a popular way to serve guests. Smorgasbord consists of a long table set with a selection of breads, cheeses, fish, salads and hot and cold meats.
3. ____________
Convenience foods, which include canned foods, frozen dinners and precooked meats, need little or no preparation. Time can also be saved by serving uncooked fruits and vegetables. Some foods can be prepared and frozen beforehand and then heated before being served.
4. ___________
Takeaway foods are very popular. But on the next visit to a fastfood restaurant, take a look at all the empty cartons. These keep food warm when you take it home, but do we really need them in a restaurant? How many minutes is it from the moment you are given your food to the moment you throw’ away the carton? Not long, is it? Do you really need the carton? In addition to the cartons, we throw away paper cups, plastic forks and packets of ketchup, salt and pepper. Most fastfood restaurants create this rubbish because we don’t like waiting for our food. Do we really need to eat in such a hurry? If you must go to fastfood restaurants, try not to take things that you will not use. You should also remember to put your litter in a bin.
The selection of vegetables and fruits can be especially important in adding colour to a meal. For example, a meal of sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, white bread and milk would look unappetizing. Green and orange vegetables would make it more colourful and attractive.
Cutting carrots, beets and other vegetables into contrasting shapes can also help create variety.
In addition, it’s good to serve foods that differ in flavour.
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Table Manners in Great Britain
Although rules regarding table manners are not very strict in Britain, it is considered rude to eat and drink noisily. At formal meals, the cutlery is placed in the order in which it will be used, starting from the outside and working in. The dessert spoon and fork are usually laid at the top of your place setting, not at the side.
After each course, the knife and fork should be laid side by side in the middle of the plate. This shows that you have finished and the plate can be removed. If you leave the knife and fork apart, it will show that you have not yet finished eating.
It is considered impolite to smoke between courses unless your hosts say otherwise. It is polite to ask permission before you smoke in people’s homes.
In Britain, smoking is now forbidden in many public places such as in shops, in theatres, cinemas and on the underground.
6. Rules regarding table manners are …. in Britain
A. not very rude C. not very easy
B. not very precise D. not very cool
7. The dessert spoon and fork are usually laid…
A. at the top C. at the side
B. at the bottom D. at the right
8. If you leave …. apart, it will show that you have not yet finished eating.
A. the plate C. the cutlery
B. the glass D. the vine
9. It is … to ask permission before you smoke in people’s homes
A. well-mannered C. correct
B. uncivil D. elegant
10. In Britain, smoking is now forbidden in …
A. theatres and cinemas C. on the underground
B. shops D. all of the above
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Eating out in Ukraine
Ukrainians like going on picnics in summer and in spring. They can choose some nice place in the forest and enjoy the fresh air and 11.______views. People take sandwiches, crisps, fruit, cakes and drinks. And, of course, it’s a ritual to cook the shashlyk (barbecue). But a sudden downpour can 12._______ the meal. So, if you have I the dacha, it’s better to organize everything there.
Ukrainians don’t often visit restaurants because of the 13.______ prices, so then eat there on special occasions only. Some places have their own speciality like French or Indian 14. ______, while others focus on the traditional Ukrainian menu.
Fast food restaurants are popular with young people as (the atmosphere is informal, the service is quick and the prices are reasonable. Food includes hamburgers, pizzas, salads, french fries and fizzy drinks. Some people, however, find places like “McDonalds” too noisy and the food too greasy.
There are a lot of cafes and restaurants with national ; Ukrainian cuisine. Their names are easy to remember. “Velyka lozhka”,
“Puzata khata”, “Domashnya kukhnya”. They serve dishes that you normally eat at home: borshch, fried fish, chops, holubtsi cabbage roles, potato, buckwheat porridge, mlyntsi (pancakes) and varenyky 15______with cottage cheese or cabbage. As these places are not very expensive many people visit them for a lunch break.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
beautiful |
scenic |
nice |
ugly |
12 |
help |
lose |
spoil |
save |
13. |
higher |
lower |
low |
high |
14. |
cuisine |
dish |
kitchen |
canteen |
15. |
stiff |
stiffed |
fill |
filled |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
1) Would you like a 16.______ sandwiches to take with you?
2) We must help. They have 17.______ water left and no food.
3) I’m hungry. Let’s go and get 18. ______ to eat.
4) I am very busy. I’ve got 19. _____ things to do.
5) He’s such a nice person that 20. ______ likes him.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
lot of |
lots of |
little |
few |
17. |
little |
a little |
few |
some |
18. |
anything |
something |
somewhere |
anywhere |
19. |
lots of |
a few |
a little |
little |
20. |
somebody |
everybody |
nobody |
lots of |
Task 5
Listen to the text and choose the correct variant
21. What does Ann order?
A. cheese pizza C. boiled potatoes
B. cheese sandwich D. soup
22. What does she drink?
A. coffee C. tea
B. coke D. milkshake
23. What extra toppings Jake would like?
A. cheese C. chicken
B. ham D. corn
24. What does Jake order to drink?
A. fruit juice C. coffee
B. coke D. hot chocolate
25. How much does the dinner cost?
A. 8.30 pounds C. 10.30 pounds
B. 7.30 pounds D. 9.30 pounds
Task 6
26. Write what householding duties your parents ask you to do. Do you like to do it? Why? Why not?
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Once a year dad goes to the doctor for a check-up. He went last week and got a bit of a shock. The doctor told dad he wasn't looking after himself properly. Apparently dad has put on weight in the past 12 months and he needed to have a more balanced diet with more fruit and vegetables, less meat and bread, and fewer potatoes. He also has to give up smoking completely. The doctor said that he should keep in shape by taking up some kind of sport. So, dad is going to have change his lifestyle completely.
After a diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. It could be a simple antibiotic or something more complex.
Lasers. Lasers are used to cut parts of the body or to destroy dangerous cells. They can clear heart blockages or to delicate operations on eyes.
Microsurgery. Doctors use powerful microscopes to perform operations on very small parts of the body.
John, IS. Well, looking back, I suppose I was healthier when I was at school. We did a lot of sport then — I mean, we had PE classes twice a week, and I was in the athletic team, but since I left school and started work, I don't seem to get much of a chance to do a lot of exercises. I don't have much time for meals either. Weekday mornings are such a rush. I often don't have time for breakfast. I usually have a couple of brown bread sandwiches for lunch and a big meal in the evening — sausage and chips or bacon and eggs or something like that. I spend most of my leisure time in my pub with my friends, but I usually only have a soft drink. I never smoke at work — only in the evenings and then it's only three or four. I'm going to give up smoking next year.
When we are ill, we call the doctor and he examines us and diagnoses the illness (or disease). When we have a headache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a cold or a pain in some part of our body, we call a doctor. He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have a pain (the part of the body which hurts us) and tells us what is the matter with us. He says «You have a slight temperature», or «You have the flu» or «You have caught a cold» or «You have heart disease».
Two hundred years ago, visiting the doctor was often a painful experience. For many illnesses, doctor used to «bleed» their patients. Leeches were used — small animals which suck the blood. Doctors thought that illness was caused by «bad» blood. Before the discovery of penicillin in 1928, you could die if a cut became infected.
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
After a controversial two-year ban (prohibition), former Olympic and World champion swimmer Claudia Poll will return to international competition next week participating in an Olympic qualifying event in France. Poll, one of Costa Rica’s best athletes, made history in 1996, winning the country’s first ever Olympic gold medal with her victory in the women’s 200-meter freestyle in Atlanta. Four years later in Sidney, she captured two bronze medals. During the course of her career, Poll also has won five World Championship gold medals and set three world records. However, the International Swimming Federation banned Poll from competition for 4 years, in March 2002, after testing positive for an anabolic steroid the month before.
By Maria Burns / Tico Times Staff
A. France C. Costa Rica
B. Atlanta D. Sydney
7. What did Claudia win in Sydney? She won _________.
A. two gold medals C. two bronze medals
B. only one bronze medal D. one gold medal
8. How many records has she set? She has set ____________ records.
A . five C. one
B. two D. three
9. For how long did the International Swimming Federation ban Claudia in 2002? For _________________.
A. one month C. four years
B. two months. D. two years
10. Claudia has won gold medal in _________________ world championships.
A. three C. two
B. one D. five
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
The Importance of Sports
Sport is an important part of today's 11._____ and plays a large role in many people's lives. Nowadays athletes have become national heroes. From a social point of view, sport plays a positive role in uniting people from different social levels in support of their favourite team. It helps people understand each other and be tolerant. However, it can divide people as well, as we can see crowd violence at football 12.______.
Schools pay much attention to13._____education in Ukraine, because it develops physical and mental abilities of schoolchildren. It teaches children how to work as14._____ a team and cooperate with others. At the same time it makes students physically strong. From the economic point of view, sport can be very profitable and advertising. Large sums of money are often paid to sport event organizers to promote products such as drinks, sport clothes and others. All clever and wise people are sure that sport should be used only to encourage people to lead a more
15. _____ and peaceful life instead of promoting unhealthy products.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
world |
society |
life |
time |
12 |
matches |
player |
play |
fan |
13. |
football |
PE |
dance |
sport |
14. |
part of |
couple |
one |
some |
15. |
strong |
unhealthy |
healthy |
sport |
Task 4
Read and complete the sentences below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
does not |
did |
didn’t |
do |
17. |
catch |
catched |
caught |
had caught |
18. |
can not he |
does it |
does not he |
can he |
19. |
had |
has |
had had |
had feel |
20. |
take |
prescribed |
give |
had taken |
Task 5
Listen to the text and choose the correct variant
21. This story about…
A. athlete C. boxer
B. swimmer D. cricket player
22. Yan Thorpe is from…
A. America C. Argentina
B. Australia D. Austria
23. Sportsman is …
A. tall C. short
B. medium height D. too short
24. Yan has got … medals.
A. six C. three
B. four D. five
25. He is fond of…
A. expensive cars C. expensive clothes and jewellery
B. expensive houses D. expensive equipment
Task 6
26. Write what do you do to keep in shape. Do you like go in for sport?
Task 1
Read the texts below. Match choices (A-G). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Curling, born in Scotland in the first half of the 16th century, was played in frozen ponds using simple stones. It's known since 1511. Examples of this sport can also be found in the paintings of Flemish artists. In the 17th century players started to use suitably treated stone discs and sticks to sweep the snow. Since 1775 the game has become popular in Northern America, where it was introduces by immigrants.
The first Olympic Winter Games curling tournament was held at Chamonix in 1924. After Lake Placid in 1932, curling was absent from the Olympic programme for 50 years; it appeared again as a demonstrative at Calgary in 1988. It was reinstated as a competitive discipline at Nagano in 1998. That year the men's event was won by the Swiss team and Canada won the gold in the women's.
Curling is a team game that is performed on a frozen pitch, the concept of which is very similar to bocce (traditionally played balls on natural soil or asphalt courts). It consists of sliding 19.92 kg blocks of stone (called rocks) which have a handle so that they stop as close as possible to the centre of a target drawn on the ice (called the house).
Each team consists of four players. The lead is the one that makes the first throw. The second is a good point maker, but also good at taking off the opponents stones that are in the way. The third is faced with a more tricky game. The fourth player, the skip, is the most experienced player, who devises tactics, advises his teammates on each throw and throws last.
Task 2
Read the text below. Choose the correct variant (A,B,C,D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
My day off
On weekdays I usually go to school, but on my days off I prefer to rest. There is a proverb: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It means that every person needs a rest after hard work on weekdays. At our leisure-time we go in for sport, read books, go to the library, the cinema, the theatre, parks, museums, the zoo or the circus where we enjoy watching animals.
Some pupils prefer to go to the country to see their relatives and friends. In winter they like to go to the skating rink or to the forest to skate and ski. In summer children may go to the forest or to a river to sunbathe, play different games or swim.
As for me my day off is Sunday. I like this day very much. I needn't hurry anywhere and I wake up later than usual. As soon as I get up I air the room and make my bed. Then I do my morning exercises, wash my face and hands and brush my teeth. After having breakfast I listen to lovely stereo music and relax. Then I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. We may go to the cinema or the theatre, a museum or a park. Sometimes we attend art exhibitions, concerts or shows. As a rule we try to spend most of the time outdoors.
When the weather is bad my friends come to my place. We listen to music or watch an interesting TV programme. In the evening I spend two or three hours getting ready for school. Then our family has supper. Sometimes we receive guests at our place or go for a walk. I enjoy my days off greatly and I am looking forward to my next days off.
5. What does the proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” mean?
6. Why do some pupils go to the country?
A. to see their relatives and friends C. to swim in the sea
B. to see sky-scrapers D. to listen to music
7. On Sunday I usually…
A. hurry up everywhere C. work at my new project
B. do my home-work D. rest
8.What do I do as soon as I get up?
A. meet with my neighbours C. air my room and make my bed
B. take part in sport competition D. discuss the plans with my relatives
9.We try spent most of time …
A. indoors playing computer games C. watching TV programmes
B. outdoors D. reading in the library hall
10.How many hours do I need to get ready for school?
A. 30 or 40 minutes C. 2 or 3 hours
B.1 or 2 hours D. 3 or 4 hours
Task 3
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (11-15) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
I like drawing cartoons. I think it started when everyone laughed 11._____ my efforts in Art lessons about three years 12._____ . You see, I'm not particularly interested 13._____ drawing portraits or landscapes. Why not use a camera? I want to make a drawing tell a story. I 've always loved reading cartoons. My heroes are Ralph Steadman and Mel Caiman. Perhaps I'll be incredibly famous like them one day. I'm certainly going to try.
You know, I've known about "Drawing Cartoon Club" and decided to join it. When did it happen? Maybe, two years ago, I don't remember exactly. If you are fond 14._____drawing cartoons, welcome to our club. You don't need much to start drawing. We borrow books of cartoons from the library, and all we need to draw our cartoons is an ink pen and some paper. So, it's certainly not expensive!
My hobby gets me 15._____ trouble sometimes because I draw cartoons all the time — at home, at school, even on the bus. English essays and French translations often turn into drawings.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
at |
in |
off |
out |
12 |
before |
previous |
ago |
forward |
13. |
of |
in |
on |
under |
14. |
in |
into |
of |
on |
15. |
back |
ahead |
away |
into |
Task 4
Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (16-20) choose the correct variant (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
There are plenty 16. _____ theatres in many big cities. Theatres are very much the same in our city as anywhere else.
If you are 17. _____ in our city for a few days, you will have no difficulty whatever in finding somewhere to spend the evening.
You will find the Opera House, the Drama, the Musical Comedy, Cinemas, the Concert Hall etc.
Odesa Opera House is a really beautiful building, if not the best of its type in Europe. The theatre's facade 18._____ various sculptures representing famous musicians, dancers, singers and there are many busts set in niches, representing our geniuses of music and literature.
If you are fond of music go to the Opera House, there you can see many famous 19._____ performing. As a rule, the plays are magnificently staged, the costumes, dresses, scenery are wonderful.
Most theatres have good orchestras with conductors.
The performances start 20._____ half past seven or eight o'clock and finish about eleven or half past ten.
№ |
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
at |
of |
in |
out |
17. |
staying |
stay |
stayed |
stays |
18. |
am decorated |
is decorated |
are decorated with |
is decorated with |
19. |
actors and actresses |
waiters and waitresses |
singers and dancers |
musicians and architects |
20. |
in |
on |
at |
about |
Test 4 Listening
Task 5
Listen to the text and choose the correct variant.
21. When did Sarah arrive to Paris?
A. two days ago C. three days ago
B. two weeks ago D. four days ago
22. What did their friend Sam show?
A. his coin collection C. the biggest rivers
B. famous libraries D. the sights of Paris
23. When are they going to visit Notre Dame Cathedral?
A. the next week C. the day after tomorrow
B. the next day D. on Saturday
24. Why didn’t they walk up the Champs Elysees?
A. they didn’t have an idea C. they didn’t have time
B. they didn’t want to D. they were tired
25. A meal was...
A. spicy C. disgusting
B. hot D. tasty
Task 6
26. Write a short e-mail to a friend about the last film that you saw. Include this information:
У завданнях правильну відповідь позначайте тільки так:×
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
USE OF ENGLISH_________________________________________
A |
B |
C |
D |
16. |
17. |
18. |
19. |
20. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
11. |
12. |
13. |
14. |
15. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
21. |
22. |
23. |
24. |
25. |
In and out of school
Interviewer: I’m here to meet 16-year-old Joshua Stevens. He is the new under- eighteens British surfing champion. Hello, Josh. Pleased to meet you.
Joshua: Hello. Pleased to meet you, too.
Interviewer: Josh, what do you do when you’re not on a surf board?
Joshua: Well, I’m still at school. I have to take my exams next year.
Interviewer: That’s tricky. What do you do when you’re not at school?
Joshua: that’s easy! If I’m not at school, then I want to be out on the waves. I live in north Devon, and we usually have great surfing waves there.
Interviewer: Tell me, Josh, about a typical day in your life.
Joshua: OK. In the summer, I get up early, and go surfing for a couple of hours before breakfast. Then, I go to school.
Interviewer: Do you work hard at school?
Joshua: Oh, yes, very hard. And if it’s good day for surfing, I try to do my homework at lunchtime, so that I have more time at the beach after school.
Interviewer: Do you go to the beach every day after school?
Joshua: Yes, usually, if the waves are good.
Interviewer: Even in the winter?
Joshua: In the winter I don’t go surfing before breakfast because it’s too dark, but I go after school if I can. It’s a bit cold in winter, but I wear a wetsuit, and the waves are usually great.
Interviewer: And what do you do at the weekends?
Joshua: Well, I go to the beach! In fact, all mi family go. We are all members of the local surf club. My mum and dad love surfing too. So does my little sister. She has her first competition next month. All our friends are at the club. It’s great fun.
Interviewer: When is your next competition?
Joshua: We have a club competition next week. But in two months time it’s the world championships, and I want to do well!
Interviewer: Good Luck for that, Josh!
Joshua: Thanks very much.
At home
Waitress: Can I help you?
Ann: Could I have a cheese sandwich, please?
Waitress: Of course. Anything to drink?
Ann: I’d like a coffee, please.
Waitress: Sure. And for you ?
Jake: Can I have а pizza, please?
Waitress: Would you like any extra toppings?
Jake: Yes ... ham, please
Waitress: No problem. Anythіrig to drink?
Jake: Yes. please. A Coke.
Waitress: That’s 9.30, please.
Ann: Here you are
Waitress: Thank you... Here’s you? change.
Jake: Thanks.
Waitress: I’ll bring the food to your table. Enjoy your meal!
A sound mind in a sound body
Yan Thorpe is a famous swimmer. He’s from Sydney, in Australia.
He doesn’t swim in competitions now but he’s still very popular in Australia. And he’s also popular with millions of people in other countries. He is very tall - nearly two metres- and he’s got very bigfeet.
Sport is very popular in Yan’s family. His father, Ken, plays cricket and his sister, Christina, is also a swimmer.
Yan Thorpe is an Olympic champion. He’s got five gold medals from The Olympic games in 2000 and 2004 . He also holds two world records.
But Yan Thorpe is not a typical Australian sportsman. He isn’t really interested in others sports, like football or cricket. His hobby is fashion. He wears expensive clothes and has a company that makes jewellery.
Leisure time
Tania: Are you having a good time in Paris?
Sarah: Yes, we arrived two days ago.
Tania: What have you done so far?
Sarah: We've met our friend Sam and he's shown us some of the sights.
Tania: Have you climbed the Eiffel Tower yet?
Sarah: Yes, we have. We went up on Saturday. The views from the top were fantastic.
Tania: Have you visited Notre Dame Cathedral?
Sarah: No, not yet. We're going there tomorrow. But we've seen the paintings in the Louvre Museum. They were fantastic.
Tania: Have you taken a boat trip on the River Seine yet?
Sarah: Yes, we have. We went last night – it was really romantic!
Tania: Have you walked up the Champs Elysees?
Sarah: No, we wanted to walk up the Champs Elysees, but we haven't had time.
Tania: What's the food like? Have you eaten in any nice restaurants?
Sarah: Yes, we've had a meal in the Latin Quarter. It was delicious!
We're coming home next Saturday. I'll tell you all about it then...
Seventh form
Test 1 (In and out of school)
1.F 2. D 3. A 4.E 5. C 6. B 7.B 8. A 9. C 10. D
11. B 12. C 13.A 14. D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.A
21. A 22. C 23.A 24.D 25.A
Test 2 (At home)
1. B 2. F 3. A 4. G 5. E 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D
11. B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. A 20.B
21. B 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. D
Test 3 (A sound mind in a sound body)
1.B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. F 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D
11. B 12. A 13. D 14. A 15.C 16. B 17. D 18.A 19. C 20. B
21. B 22.B 23. A 24.D 25. C
Test 4 (Leisure time)
1. C 2. E 3. D 4. B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.C
21.A 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.D
Добірка тестових завдань, яку пропонує посібник, допоможе вчителеві об’єктивно оцінити знання, вміння та навички, здобуті учнями протягом навчального року, а форма проведення тестування у форматі ЗНО спонукатиме їх до ефективної роботи на уроках, створюватиме атмосферу активності та бажання вивчати англійську мову.
Власний досвід авторів посібника доводить, що такі тестові роботи допомагають всебічному виявленню учнівських досягнень у навчанні. Учні 7 класу вже знайомі з даною формою оцінювання, тому зможуть легко виконати завдання і досягнути бажаного результату.
Список використаних джерел