План конспект уроку англійської мови в 7 класі за підручником Next Move 2

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Розробка конспекту уроку для 7 класу За підручником Next Move 2 Тема уроку: Спорт та види активності
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Конспект уроку для 7 класу

Topic "Sport. Types of activities".


-         To activate knowledge of the topic "Sport. Types of activities"

-         To develop the learners' speaking and listening skills by watching the video

-         Encourage them to guess the meaning of some new words in the video;

-         To help learners understand that sport is very important in our lives


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

-         Identify types of sport;

-         Demonstrate good comprehension on new vocabulary on this topic;

-         Use the verbs play, go + -ing, do.

I. Introduction.

T: Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you! How are you today?

As usual, we will start our lesson with daily affirmations. Who is on duty today? Please come to me and read the daily affirmations (The next student reads and the rest of the class repeats after him/her).

Daily affirmations:

-         Today is going to be a good day;

-         I believe in myself;

-         I am creative, I am kind;

-         Today is a fresh start;

-         I deserve to be loved;

-         Today I will learn and grow;

Today we’re going to talk about sports and kinds of activities, we will learn new vocabulary on this topic, work in groups, do some tasks and learn verbs for sport activities.

II. Warming up.

T: Answer the questions:

-         Do you like sports?

-         What kind of sports do you know?

-         What kind of sport do you like?

Check on homework.

T: Let's check your homework. Read the exercises one by one.


Main part

Work with the Student Book.

T: Now let’s learn new words! Open your Student Book at page 43, look at the word list Sports! Repeat after me!

Now, watch the video and repeat one more time!


T: Now open your books on page 10 and look at Ex.1. You have to match the photos with twelve of these sports.

T: Which sports are not in the photos? (Answers: football, skiing, tennis).

II. Guessing Game.

T: You have to watch and guess what sport it is.

-         III. Our next task is to remember the use of the verbs: play, go + -ing, do with different sports.

T: We use play for team sports or ball games;

For more individual activities we use do;

Then for activities ending – ING, we often use go.

IV. T: Let's have some practice and do an online exercise! Go to the whiteboard and choose the correct sports verb.

T: Well done!

T: Now, open your Student Book and do exercise 4 on page 10. You have to complete the sentences with play, go or do.

T: Are you ready? OK, let’s check!

V. Work in groups. (A teacher divides the students into two groups and gives them English letters.)

T: You have to make up as many sports as you can.

T: Time’s up! Please take your seats! So, what sports do you have? Write them on the board please!



-         Did you like the lesson?

-         What was our lesson about?

-         What new words have you learnt today? Name please.


You have also learnt some new information about sport. I think you have all realised that people do sport not just because it is fun. First of all, physical exercise is necessary to keep fit, be healthy and strong.

T: I’m glad that you know a lot about sports and different kinds of activities. You worked excellent today and of course, you’ll get good assessments.


T: The lesson is over! Have a good day! Goodbye!







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