План-конспект уроку для учнів 3 класу з теми "Вільний час. Дії"

Про матеріал
Поданий план-конспект уроку був розроблений спеціально для учнів 3 класу з урахуванням всіх рекомендацій НУШ. Завдання включають в себе різнопланові ігри та завдання на розвиток навичок, здобутих раніше засвоенним матеріалом учнів початкових класів.
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Lesson Plan

Topic: Free time. Actions

Age: 7-8 years old

Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able to name 6 free time activities, translate 6 free time activities, select and show 6 cards with free time activities, describe their favourite type of free time activity, using a structure I can/ I can’t.

Language support materials: the ABC, an audio with the song and sheets6 cards with free time activities, a grammar table with structures I can/ I can’t.



Teacher’s procedures and language

Learner activities and language


Warming up

3 min

1. Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see.

2. How are you today?

3. Let`s start our lesson with the song “It’s time for a holiday”. Let`s listen to it and sing.

1. Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you!


Whole class




6 min

1. Let`s split into groups. Let’s count on 1 or 2.

2. Now you are going to decipher a code (use the ABC) to find out the topic of our today’s lesson.

3. As far as you understood, today we’re going to speak about free time activities





















Group work

Activities/Name of Activity

7 min

1. Look at the pictures, listen to me and repeat after me these word-combinations.

2. Now, read these expressions and translate them one by one.

3. Let`s repeat them altogether.

4. Now let’s play a game “What`s missing?”:

  • Players lay out on the table 6 cards with free time activities.
  • All the other players close their eyes.
  • One player hides one card with free time activity under the table.
  • All players search the card.
  • What's missing? - You can shout: "To play football…"
  • The winner is the one who called the more right answers.

1.Children listen to and repeat after the teacher.

2.They read and translate words-combinations

Whole class


Activities/Name of Activity

5 min

1.Now let’s put the letters into correct order to make a word-combinations about free time activities.

2.Let’s check the words that you made. Read them and translate

Pupils unscramble the letters to write down word-combinations. Then they read them and translate.



Activities/Name of Activity

5 min

1.Let’s split into 2 teams. Let`s count on 1 and 2. Make 2 lines in front of each other.

2. Let’s play a game “Find a word”.

3.Look at the poster with the words of free time activities. I’ll say a word and you cover it with the help of a fly killer. (Each team has got a fly killer).

Pupils should be fast and find word-combination very quickly, covering it with the help of a fly-killer.

Group work


6 min

1.Complete the sentences using language chunks I can/ I can’t.

2.Let’s check. Read and translate. Show me results.

Language chunks: I can/ I can’t.




5 min

A game “Hot ball”.

1.Now, pupils take your chairs and make a circle. While music plays you pass this “hot” paper ball around to each other. When music stops, you peel it and read out word-combination in Ukrainian and translate it into Russian. If a pupil doesn’t know the translation of the word-combination, be ready to help him/her.

Children speak to each other and help each other.

Whole class



3 min

1.It’s time to create a mind map. Take a sheet of paper and pencils. Make a mind map about what you’ve learned today at the lesson.

What’s the most important for you?

Show me your results.








До підручника
Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
29 липня 2020
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