План-конспект уроку '' HEALTH SERVICE ''

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Узагальнення знань по навчальній ситуації '' HEALTH SERVICE '' 7 клас англійська мова до підручника О. Карп`юк.
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The 7th form                        '' HEALTH  SERVICE ''


  • активізувати лексичні одиниці теми;
  • удосконалювати: навички вживання ЛО, аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення, граматичні навички вживання Past Perfect;
  • розвивати: мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів та культуру спілкування;
  • виховувати: доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника й позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя, відповідальність за своє власне здоров'я та зацікавленість у поглибленні своїх знань.



   T: Hello my dear friends! I`m happy to see you again!

     - How are you today?

     - Great ! So far, so good ! Can’t complain ! Couldn’t be better !

      Today we have a revision lesson on topic ''Medical service''. During the lesson

       we are  going to improve our lexical, listening, speaking, reading and writing

       skills. We`ll also practice to work in pairs and small groups. Here we go !



T: I`d like to ask you some questions and you `ll be ready to answer them.

    1. Do you often catch cold ?

    - Yes, I do. Especially in cold seasons.

    2. Where do you go to get a treatment ?

    - If I have some symptoms of any disease I usually make an appointment with a

     doctor and then I go to  the local hospital.

    3. What does a doctor usually do to prescribe you some medicines you need ?

    - A doctor asks me to describe the symptoms of my illness then he takes pulse,

        looks at my tongue, listens to my heart and lungs, after that checks my tem-

       perature .

    4. Where do you go to get your medicine ?

    -  I always go to the nearest chemist.

    5. What do you do if you have a toothache ?

    - I usually go to the dentist office.

   6. Do you enjoy good health ?

   - Yes, I do

      What should you do to keep on being healthy?

    - To be healthy a person needs to live a healthy lifestyle: do regular physical

     exercises , be outdoors every day , eat only healthy food and get enough sleep.


Let`s make a mind map. Name  '' THE PATIENTS`  COMPLAINTS '':

  • toothache, headache, backache, stomachache, earache;
  • cold, flu, cough, temperature, fever, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat;
  • blood pressure;
  • vomiting, hard to swallow, hard to breathe, weakness, feel dizzy ;
  • have a rash ;
  • a broken leg or arm , a cut;
  • not sleep well, have no appetite.


  • take a medicine regularly;
  • use nasal drops;
  • put a plaster;
  • apply some ointment;
  • stay in bed for a while;
  • drink warm milk with butter and honey;
  • go to the dentist;
  • have an  X-ray ;
  • consult a surgeon;
  • keep to a diet;
  • use bandage and some cotton.


     - What’s the matter ?

     - Match the problems and its solution.

                                             HEALTH PROBLEMS

1. I`ve got a headache

a) give up smoking

2. I`ve got a toothache

b) have it X-rayed

3. I`m coughing

c) apply some ointment

4. My nose is blocked

d) consult a surgeon

5. My nose is running

e) use some gargle

6. I`ve got a temperature

f) take some aspirin

7. I`ve broken my arm

g) stay in bed for a while

8. My stomach aches

h) take some medicine

9. I`ve burn my hand

i) go to the dentist

10. I`ve cut me finger

j) lie in the sun  for a day or two

11. I can`t move my leg

k) use nasal drops

12. I`ve got a sore throat

l) use some antiseptic

Work in pairs

Make up short dialogues using the problems and solutions from the table above.


- I`ve got a headache.

- Take some aspirin.

Key: 1-f ; 2-i ; 3-a ; 4-k ; 5-j ; 6-g ; 7-d ; 8-h ; 9-c ; 10- l ; 11-b ; 12-e.


T: Listen to the dialogue and be ready to answer the following  questions.

  • What was the patient`s name ?
  • Name the patient`s complaints.
  • What treatment did the doctor prescribe him ?
  • How did you understand the doctor`s joke ?


                                   VIDEO MATERIAL ( 2 MINUTES )


      Listen to the dialogue  ''AT THE DOCTOR ''. Make up your own dialogues using the phrases below then act them out. Work in pairs.


  • What do you complain of ?
  • What`s wrong with you ?
  • What`s the matter with you ?
  • How long have you been ill ?
  • How long have you been this way ?
  • I shall prescribe you the necessary treatment;
  • You should take this ( mixture, pills, painkillers, antibiotics ) or use some cotton , bandage, antiseptic, plaster, drops for (5) days  and get lots of rest;
  • stay in bad for a while.


  • I can`t sleep well .
  • Sometimes I feel hot and sometimes I feel cold. I`ve got a terrible headache.
  • I feel bad. I`ve got a terrible pain in my left side.
  • I can`t go out today. My leg hurts.
  • I don`t feel well. I have no appetite. It`s hard to swallow and I`ve got a runny nose.
  • I`m always tired. I feel dizzy.
  • I suffer from allergy . I have a rash.


            Dialogue 1

D: What do you complain of ?

P1: I have a terrible headache, a temperature, a sore throat and I feel weakness.

D: How long have you been ill?

P1: For two days.

D: I shall prescribe you some necessary treatment. You should us some gargle and take this mixture, stay in bed for a while.

P1: For how long?

D: Take this for 5 days. 
                                          Dialogue 2

D: What`s wrong with you?

P2: I don`t feel well. I have no appetite. It`s hard to swallow and I`ve got a runny nose.

D: How long have you been ill?

P2: For three days. Your throat is bright red. Open your mouth.

D: I`ll prescribe you some necessary treatment. You should use nasal drops and some gargle and get lots of rest.

 P2: For how long?

D: For a week.

                               Dialogue 3

D: What`s the matter with you?

P3: I`m always tired. I feel dizzy and weakness.

D: For how long?

P3: For two days

D: You should take some vitamin C , and this medicine and also get lots of rest.

P3: For how long?

D: For 10 days.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

            Dialogue 4

D: What`s wrong with you?

P4: I can`t go out today. My leg hurts.

D: For how long?

P4: For 3 days.

D: Let me see. You should have it X-rayed. And now take these painkillers.

P4: For how long.

D: For two days.

                              Dialogue 5

D: What`s the matter with you?

P5: I suffer from allergy. I have a rash.

D: For how long?

P5: For 5 days.

D: You should apply this ointment and keep to a diet.

P5: For how long?

D: For two weeks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dialogue 6

D: What do you complain of?

P6: I`ll cut my finger. It hurts me.  What can I do.

D: Let me see. First use some antiseptic and then put a plaster on your cut. Keep your cutted finger clean.

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Key: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

VII. READING   JIGSAW  READING            Cut out and shuffle the parts of the story. Students in pairs have to sort out the cards to make the story up.

I started feeling ill on Monday evening. I had a bit of a temperature, so I took an aspirin and had an early night.

When I woke up on Tuesday I felt sick and dizzy.

I had some toast, but I was sick immediately, so I went back to bed. I had a fever.

I was shivering one minute and sweating the next.

The following morning I still didn`t feel any better, so I went down to the surgery.

When I was at the doctor I explained my symptoms.

He examined me and said I had the flu and a sore throat.

He gave me a prescription for the sore throat and said that I should go to bed for a few days.

I took the prescription to the chemist, where I got an antibiotic.

It cleared up the throat very quickly.

I took things easy and by the weekend I had completely recovered.





1. The doctor took Bill`s pulse. Then she listened to his breath.( after )

    After the doctor had taken Bill`s pulse, she listened to his breath.

2. Pauline had her dinner. Then she took some medicine.( after )


3. Jim ate some sweets. Then he had a bad tummy ache.( when )


4. Mother went to the doctor`s. Then Mr Robertson called her.( before )


5. Sam recovered from his illness. Then the day of his surprise party came.( by the time )


                              MAKE UP SENTENCES AS IN THE EXAMPLE.

   The teacher entered the classroom and saw that something had happened.

1. When the teacher entered the classroom she saw that Nick had hurt his finger.

2. Nick/ hurt his finger                                                                                                           

3. The pupils/ call the nurse

4. The nurse/ examine Nick

5. The nurse/ put a bandage on Nick`s finger




    T: Thanks for everybody. You were active, hardworking  and creative today.  

       I`m proud of your language skills. Have a nice and peaceful day ! Good luck for     everybody! See you !

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
6 грудня 2022
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