План-конспект уроку "Мас медіа" у 8 класі

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Урок розвитку усного діалогічного мовлення з теми "Мас медіа" у 8 класі, профільний рівень.
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Відкритий урок з англійської мови у 8-А класі. Вчитель Іщенко Тетяна Петрівна.

План-конспект уроку англійської мови з теми «Масмедіа».

Цілі уроку:

  • Сформувати комунікативні навички усного діалогічного мовлення з теми «Мас медіа» та закріпити вживання лексичних одиниць з теми у мовленні;
  • Розвинути навички усного діалогічного мовлення використовуючи мовні кліше, аналізувати отриману інформацію, вміти працювати у групах і в парах, застосовуючи відповідні мовні одиниці, реагувати на висловлювання партнера;
  • Сприяти вихованню активної життєвої позиції учнів, орієнтуючись на життєві цінності з повагою до думки і вподобань інших, вміння робити самостійні судження.

Засоби: підручник, дошка, мультимедійна дошка, комп’ютер з колонками, картки із завданнями, картки для поділу на групи, стікери.

Хід уроку:

І. Організаційний етап. 

1. Привітання. Розминка. Мотивація учнів до уроку.

Пісня «It’s a beautiful day»  (слайд 1)

Please, answer my questions: (слайд 2)

How often do you get information?

What information are you interested in?

What way of getting information do you prefer?

What way does it influence on you?

What means of storing and processing info do you know?


ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання. По черзі учні читають у зошиті новини,які вони почули.
  2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку (слайд 3).

Today we are going to develop our speaking skills, to learn to work in pairs, to make dialogues and to use language tips from our communication box of the topic, revise our vocabulary, also we’ll try to bring up our skills of communicating, to express own opinions, to value other people’s preferences and to promote forming your own life position and judgments.

  1. Now look through the list of words and expressions we studied during the topic.

And let’s start. 1. For the first, to divide into groups choose the cards.

Then match the words with your category. (слайд 4)

2. Now match the words and their translations on the cards. Which group is the first? Check the words each other and change your cards.

       4)  Now let’s find your pair. Choose the card and find your pair.

Your first task is to complete the sentences on the cards to make questions and answers.

Check your results ( слайд 5)

       5)  Next task is  to complete the dialogues with appropriate words and expressions from the blackboard. (слайд 6). Change your dialogues to check the results.

        6)  We can change our pairs for the next task  -  choose the card. 

Now correct the order of your dialogues and role play them in pairs.


*(Розігрування діалогів в парах).


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Рефлексія. (слайд 7)

Finish the sentence:

I understood …

It was difficult for me …

I did not know about …

Now I can …

Now I know …

I would like to know about …

  1. Оцінювання учнів.
  1. Пояснення домашнього завдання.(слайд 8)

You home task is to prepare the comments to the expressions:

“Mass media are no less dangerous than mass destruction ". Peter Kapitza, Ukrainian physicist, Nobel Prize laureate.

"Information, despite the absence of a visible shell in it, is perhaps the most important ideological strategic product." Vasyl Lizanchuk, Ukrainian journalist, teacher.”


(«Засоби масової інформації не менш небезпечні, ніж зброя масового знищення,». Петро Капіца, український фізик, лауреат Нобелівської премії.

"Інформація, незважаючи на відсутність у ній видимої оболонки, є, мабуть, найважливішим ідеологічним стратегічним продуктом". Василь Лізанчук, український журналіст, викладач »).


Thank you for the lesson. Choose the sticker according to you feeling and put it on the blackboard.

Good bye!








take                part                 sit             up down              good           morning         stand   

thank               you               for     


TELEVISION       RADIO        PRESS           INTERNET   

         hot        weather       summer      camp

sport      activity       current      events

instant         message  




If I were you…

So I strongly recommend you…

In contrast with…

In closing I want to thank you…

      Especially it can help… 

I can hardly do without it…

By all means.

Take it for granted.

I can’t agree more…

At the same time…

Let alone…

If I’m not mistaken…

But along with…

But there is the other side of the medal…

          It’s easier said than done.

For every evil under the sun there is the remedy, you know…

       I find it amazing that…

If you want to be in the know…

I think the downside of …is…

…has many plus points, I believe.

         The good thing about …is…

         It is concerned with …, isn’t it?     

         I think it’s a good idea to …

        I think it’s wrong to…

    I don’t think … is a good idea because…

    I believe … is very important because …

    There is also the point that …

   On the other hand, there are lots of arguments against this opinion. For example…      














      - Hey, Sasha, have you heard the latest news about flood in the Carpathians?

  • Sure. I think it is the most important news.


     – Are you currently following world news?

  • Yes. I’m trying to keep up to date.


     – If you want to be in the know about cultural events in Ukraine, you should put on the radio channel.

  • They say they provides details of cultural news.


      – I believe one of the good points about the radio sport news is that it is always up to the minute.

  • It has many plus points, I believe.


      – The Verhovna Rada channel  is concerned with highlighting home news, isn’t it?

  • Exactly. The good thing about it is many-sided presentation of political events.


      – How do you account for water pollution in the Black Sea?

  • It’s terrible beyond words. It’s the downside of the Environmental Policy.



Dialogue 1

  • I say, Jenia, what newspapers and magazines are popular in your country?
  • It’s “Yuna lady” and “Dar”.we can hardly…….. Are Ukrainians good readers?
  • Exactly. There is a great variety of magazines and newspapers in Ukraine for all ages,………. And what about teenagers? Are they followers?
  • I think most of them prefer magazines but newspapers are also extremely popular. Have you ever read English newspapers?
  • Sure. Our English teacher said about it and we learnt them. I think that newspapers in Ukraine and in Britain have…….. Firstly, it’s very interesting. Secondly, it’s useful. And finally, it’s a good information.
  • ………….. And where do your interests lie? Are you interested in magazines or newspapers?
  • My friends and I prefer magazines because they are more interesting for all of us. ……………….of new issue. It’s typical of our age.
  • In a way. Many teenagers are not interested in reading that’s why teenagers do not learn information. I have an article about me. Would you like to read?
  • With pleasure. And I can read it if you want.
  • …………..



Dialogue 2

  • I say, Ann, what is on TV on Sunday?
  • An “Orel and Reshka” program and some documentary about animals and nature.
  • Really? As I’m interested in “Discovery” channel  ………..
  • That’s documentary is on for “Mega”. How about watching “Hto zverhu” on the “New Channel”?
  • ……………..I suggest you to watch “Liucifer”.
  • True, true. Such a good series ………….and I think that I like it. And will you watch it with me? I know you are so fond of serials?
  • That’s right. I never miss a chance of watching interesting serials. ……………….the time?
  • If I don’t mistake I ‘ll be free at 5 p.m.
  • And after it there will be a TV-show and news program.
  • Well, well. I’m not going to watch the news. It’s so harmful for eyes.
  • ………………..or news if we get boring.
  • Bye. Arina.
  • Bye, Ann.







 Dialogue 3

  • I say, Illia, are you currently following the Internet?
  • Sure, ……………..the Internet helps me with my school work and gives me true information. I can’t imagine my life without it.
  • Me too. My Mum says I use the Internet a lot. But it is so easy.
  • ………………that you can learn information so fast.
  • Also it’s true that I get information. If you ask me I’ll listen to audiobook or watch a film…
  • ……………………. If you rely always on the Internet a lot. I’m afraid. You should read the books and newspapers more.
  • But I really feel comfortable when I learn information easy.
  • So you do…………………………... You must be careful getting information in magazines and newspapers.
  • It’s easier said than done. The Internet is my life.
  • For every evil under the sun…………………………. Try to get information in books and newspapers more.








Match the words with their translations

  • To subscribe     поточні події
  • Domestic/foreign news   новини в прямому ефірі
  • To give a wide coverage of smth  перебільшувати
  • Up-to-date information   забезпечувати когось чимось
  • To provide smb with smth   увімкнути новини
  • To exaggerate     підписатися на видання
  • To be involved in smth    приймати  інформацію
  • To be invaded by television  бути в полоні телебачення
  • To access the information through        трансляція новин

 the internet  

  • To download smth from    бути втягнутим у щось

the Internet 

  • Current events     свіжа інформація
  • To break the news    домашні\зарубіжні новини
  • To put on the news    широко висвітлювати щось
  • A news broadcast    завантажувати щось з інтернету





imagine   our   life   without   it

interests     and       professionals

much   in    common

Can’t agree more

We never miss a chance

I’ll be delighted

I’d like to see that

I know you cannot resist if

broaden my outlook

Can you tell me

But we can watch a TV-show

I believe that

Exactly I find it amazing

I’m not that positive about it

But there is other side of the medal

there is a remedy you know


Dialogue 1

  • I say, Jenia, what newspapers and magazines are popular in your country?
  • It’s “Yuna lady” and “Dar”.we can hardly imagine our life without it. Are Ukrainians good readers?
  • Exactly. There is a great variety of magazines and newspapers in Ukraine for all ages, interests and professionals. And what about teenagers? Are they followers?
  • I think most of them prefer magazines but newspapers are also extremely popular. Have you ever read English newspapers?
  • Sure. Our English teacher said about it and we learnt them. I think that newspapers in Ukraine and in Britain have much in common. Firstly, it’s very interesting. Secondly, it’s useful. And finally, it’s a good information.
  • Can’t agree more. And where do your interests lie? Are you interested in magazines or newspapers?
  • My friends and I prefer magazines because they are more interesting for all of us. We never miss a chance of new issue. It’s typical of our age.
  • In a way. Many teenagers are not interested in reading that’s why teenagers do not learn information. I have an article about me. Would you like to read?
  • With pleasure. And I can read it if you want.
  • I’ll be delighted.








Dialogue 2

  • I say, Ann, what is on TV on Sunday?
  • An “Orel and Reshka” program and some documentary about animals and nature.
  • Really? As I’m interested in “Discovery” channel I’d like to see that.
  • That’s documentary is on for “Mega”. How about watching “Hto zverhu” on the “New Channel”?
  • I know you cannot resist if I suggest you to watch “Liucifer”.
  • True, true. Such a good series broaden my outlook and I think that I like it. And will you watch it with me? I know you are so fond of serials?
  • That’s right. I never miss a chance of watching interesting serials. Can you tell me the time?
  • If I don’t mistake I ‘ll be free at 5 p.m.
  • And after it there will be a TV-show and news program.
  • Well, well. I’m not going to watch the news.It’s so harmful for eyes.
  • But we can watch a TV-show or news if we get boring.
  • Bye. Arina.
  • Bye, Ann.









Dialogue 3

  • I say, Illia, are you currently following the Internet?
  • Sure, I believe that the Internet helps me with my school work and gives me true information. I can’t imagine my life without it.
  • Me too. My Mum says I use the Internet a lot. But it is so easy.
  • Exactly I find it amazing that you can learn information so fast.
  • Also it’s true that I get information. If you ask me I’ll listen to audiobook or watch a film…
  • I’m not that positive about it. If you rely always on the Internet a lot. I’m afraid. You should read the books and newspapers more.
  • But I really feel comfortable whan I learn information easy.
  • So you do. But there is other side of the medal. You must be careful getting information in magazines and newspapers.
  • It’s easier said than done. The Internet is my life.
  • For every evil under the sun there is a remedy you know. Try to get information in books and newspapers more.



До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 8 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
15 березня 2019
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