Урок англійської мови у 8 класі на тему: "Шкільна бібліотека"

Про матеріал

Метою даного уроку є розвивати загальнокультурну. соціальну, комунікативну, мовну компетенції у процесі роботи з друкованими та відеоматеріалами, підготовки і презентації проектів власних бібліотек (Читати модно? Читати модно!). Тип уроку - урок застосування знань і умінь. Застосовані на уроці методи і прийоми допомагають учням використовувати англійську мову як засіб ситуативного спілкування.

Перегляд файлу

Іноземна мова(англійська)                8 клас                          


Тема уроку: «Шкільна бібліотека».


Мета уроку: актуалізувати  лексичний та граматичний матеріал за темами;

 продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння в говорінні та письмі; розвивати пам’ять; продовжувати виховувати в дітях любов до книги; досягти максимальної творчої самореалізації кожного учня; стимулювати прагнення до здобуття знань.

Обладнання: інтерактивна дошка, відео “At the Library, роздатковий матеріал для групової роботи.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань і умінь.




  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


Повідомлення теми та мети уроку:

Now read the riddles and guess the theme of our lesson.

We have friends.  They cannot walk, and cannot see,

But they are very good for you and me.

With these friends we sail on ships, and ride on trains

And even fly in airplanes.

These friends show us towns, seas, and lands.

Can you guess who these good friends are?

Pupil: These friends are books.

Teacher: Right you are. A book is a main source of knowledge. It is impossible to imagine our life without books. They play an important role in educating, upbringing and help us to get useful information. Where can we get books?

Pupil 1: In the bookstores.

Pupil 2: At the markets.

Pupil 3: In the libraries.

Teacher: So the theme of our lesson is "At the school library". At the lesson we are going to revise the words learned earlier, to improve your reading, listening and speaking skills.



  1. Основна частина уроку


1. Усне мовлення

 Discuss questions:

  • Do you like reading books? What kind of books do you read most often?
  •      Do you have a favourite writer? Who is he/she?
  •      Do you have many books at home? Have you read all of them
  •      What books should be kept in every home?

Do you know what an e-book is? What is an audiobook? Do you think people will read paper books in the future? Will there be libraries in the future?

2. Контроль домашнього завдання

Your home task was write 5 sentences about your favourite book. Let’s check.

3. Аудіювання.


Teacher: How often do you borrow books from our school library? Do you know what main sections in the library are?

Can you explain the meaning of the words: a catalogue(каталог), a reading hall (читальна зала), a reference section(довідкова секція), a periodical section(періодична секція), fiction literature(художня література), поn-fiction literature(наукова література)?

Listen to the dialogue and say if the following statements are true or false.

  • Hi, Boris! Can you help me?
  • Sure. What is it?

-I need to write a report for our History lesson. I know you are interested in history. Can you advise me where to find some material for the report?

  • Have you tried our school library? They have a good collection of books on different subjects. Just search for what you need in the catalogue.
  • I'm sorry but I rarely go to the library and I don't know where the catalogue is and how to use it.
  • Don't worry. Our librarians are very helpful. Just ask them and they will help you find anything you need. By the way, the reading hall has a good reference section, too. I often use it. It's not big, but there are very good encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries there.
  • Is there anything else I can use?
  • Well, I guess periodicals - newspapers and magazines. This section is at the far end of the reading hall.
  •  Thanks a lot, Boris. I will go to the library right away.
  • OK. I was glad to help you.

Are the statements true or false?

  •      There are lots of books on different subjects in the school library.
  •      One can search for the necessary books in the catalogue.
  • Boris rarely goes to the library and doesn't know how to use the catalogue.
  •      There is no reading hall in the school library.
  •      The library reference section is huge.
  • There are encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries in the library reference section.
  • The periodical section has various magazines and newspapers.

4. Робота в групах.

Teacher: Imagine you are in the library now. You are librarians and readers. Do your tasks.

Think of and write some Library Rules for our school library.

  •      Don't make noise in the library. Speak quietly.
  •      Don't write anything on the pages with a pen or a pencil.
  •      Don't tear the pages.
  •      Don't lose the books - it means that you lose your friends.
  •      Return the books in time.

5. Читання


London is one of the most literary-minded cities in the world. It would be hard to think of a subject which has not got a library devoted especially to it.

Let us start with the highest library in London, the Capitular Library  of   St.   Paul's   Cathedral.   To   reach   it,   you  must  be prepared for a long climb, for it is situated right up near the Whispering Gallery  which encircles the base of the cathedral dome .

The origin of the library dates back to the seventh century, but all its books, with the exception of some books printed before 1500 and six manuscripts, were destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666. The archives, however, were preserved. The Library was refounded after the Fire and the collection was built up again by gift and purchase during the 17th and 18th centuries.

From the highest library in London to the biggest - which, of course, is that of the British Museum. The British Museum Library contains about six million books and the large circular Reading Room is in the centre of the Museum building. In the Reading Room is a reference section of 30,000 volumes on open shelves and also the catalogues for the whole library.

In 1841 the London Library in St. James Square was founded - a library of about 600,000 volumes, mainly devoted to the humanities and fine arts.

Guildhall Library founded in 1425, maintained by the City of London Corporation, is the largest public general library in London. It has a very extensive collection, including many thousand original records, relating to every aspect of London history and topography.

Each of the London boroughs maintains a public library service. Holborn's Central Library, for example, is housed in a fine new building which was opened in 1960 and has attracted interested visitors from all parts of the world. It has over 150,000 books (lending and reference), as well as over 5,000 gramophone records of musical works and language instruction. 1960 also saw the opening of Kensington's new Central Library, the largest municipal public library building in London.

 Are the statements true or false?

  1. The Biggest library in London is Capitular Library of St. Paul's Cathedral.
  2. The library appeared in the seventeenth century.
  1. Nearly all the books of this library were destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666.
  1. The archives were not preserved either.
  2. The library was refounded after the Fire.
  3. The British Museum Library is the highest library in London.
  4. There are more than 6000000 books in the British Library.
  5. There is no Reading Room in the British Museum.


6. Писемне мовлення


Wb. Ex. 3 p. 79 (Make from noun-adjective)



  1. Бесіда з учнями:


  1.  What have you learnt about libraries?
  2. What kind of books have been spoken about at the lesson?
  3. What role do books and libraries play in our life?

IV.  Домашнє завдання


  1. Ex.1, p.72  (read  and translate the text and

                   answer the questions after the text);


  1.             Підведення підсумків уроку.


Оцінювання роботи учнів.

– Dear friends! Thank you for your hard work today.

– Your marks are ...



London is one of the most literary-minded cities in the world. It would be hard to think of a subject which has not got a library devoted especially to it.

Let us start with the highest library in London, the Capitular Library  of   St.   Paul's   Cathedral.   To   reach   it,   you  must  be prepared for a long climb, for it is situated right up near the Whispering Gallery  which encircles the base of the cathedral dome .

The origin of the library dates back to the seventh century, but all its books, with the exception of some books printed before 1500 and six manuscripts, were destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666. The archives, however, were preserved. The Library was refounded after the Fire and the collection was built up again by gift and purchase during the 17th and 18th centuries.

From the highest library in London to the biggest - which, of course, is that of the British Museum. The British Museum Library contains about six million books and the large circular Reading Room is in the centre of the Museum building. In the Reading Room is a reference section of 30,000 volumes on open shelves and also the catalogues for the whole library.

In 1841 the London Library in St. James Square was founded - a library of about 600,000 volumes, mainly devoted to the humanities and fine arts.

Guildhall Library founded in 1425, maintained by the City of London Corporation, is the largest public general library in London. It has a very extensive collection, including many thousand original records, relating to every aspect of London history and topography.

Each of the London boroughs maintains a public library service. Holborn's Central Library, for example, is housed in a fine new building which was opened in 1960 and has attracted interested visitors from all parts of the world. It has over 150,000 books (lending and reference), as well as over 5,000 gramophone records of musical works and language instruction. 1960 also saw the opening of Kensington's new Central Library, the largest municipal public library building in London.

Are the statements true or false?

  •      There are lots of books on different subjects in the school library.
  •      One can search for the necessary books in the catalogue.
  • Boris rarely goes to the library and doesn't know how to use the catalogue.
  •      There is no reading hall in the school library.
  •      The library reference section is huge.
  • There are encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries in the library reference section.

The periodical section has various magazines and newspapers.


Are the statements true or false?

  •      There are lots of books on different subjects in the school library.
  •      One can search for the necessary books in the catalogue.
  • Boris rarely goes to the library and doesn't know how to use the catalogue.
  •      There is no reading hall in the school library.
  •      The library reference section is huge.
  • There are encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries in the library reference section.

The periodical section has various magazines and newspapers.


Are the statements true or false?

  •      There are lots of books on different subjects in the school library.
  •      One can search for the necessary books in the catalogue.
  • Boris rarely goes to the library and doesn't know how to use the catalogue.
  •      There is no reading hall in the school library.
  •      The library reference section is huge.
  • There are encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries in the library reference section.

The periodical section has various magazines and newspapers.

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 березня 2019
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