План-конспект уроку на тему "Health and body care"

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План-конспект уроку на тему "Health and body care"пропонує ряд видів діяльності спрямованих на вдосконалення лексичного матеріалу по даній темі, на розвиток навиків ведення діалогу у ситуаціях максимально наближених до реальної дійсності.
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Grade IV

The first wealth is health.



Theme: Health and Body Care

Objectives: 1) to develop lexical skills; 2) to master dialogue speech;                                                                                                3) to improve habits of writing and reading


Procedure of the lesson
I Warm-up

Answer the questions:

How are you today? Do you feel well? Is anything troubling you? Do you have a temperature?


I Writing. A game. Who is the first? (The teacher writes the first letters of words on the topic and asks pupils to come up to the blackboard and finish these words as quickly as possible).

D   entist, drops,

O   culist,

C   ough, catch a cold,

T    emperature, throat, toothache,

O   nion, operation,

R   ecover


II Lexical Drill:

Repeat the words after teacher, translate sentences with these words:

  1. How are you today? (orally)
  2. Gargle a throat two times a day. ( orally)
  3. If you want to bring your temperature down drink a lot of hot tea with raspberry jam. ( orally)
  4. I will not go to school. I have caught the cold. ( orally)
  5. Stop to sneeze and to cough. Take some pills. ( orally)


Fill in the gaps:

  1. When you ……use your handkerchief (носовичок).
  2. Last night I couldn’t sleep because I had a strong ………...
  3. I don’t like to take the……., they are bitter (гіркий).
  4. What about my stomach? Nothing serious but you must ………….for some days.
  5. Don’t………. It’s just a wind blowing outdoors.


Faint, are sneezing and coughing, keep your bed, toothache, pills.


Write new words:

To recover, to take a cold rub, it’s catching, a chemist’s shop, to pull the tooth out, to fill a tooth, to drill a tooth, to suffer from pain, a dose [dous], take care.


Sentences with new words:

  1. quinsy and flue are catching illnesses;
  2. Suddenly ha felt an acute pain in his leg.
  3. I hate to keep my bed.
  4. Let me feel your pulse. You look pale.
  5. The nearest chemist’s shop is round the corner.
  6.  I am afraid of taking injection.
  7. She always faints when she sees a dentist.


Phrases and expressions:

  1. I feel sick.
  2. What is the matter with you? What is troubling you? How are you feeling? How are you today?
  3. Something is wrong with my eyes (heart).
  4. My headache is killing me.
  5. To follow the doctor’s advice.
  6. Get well.
  7. To take a cold rub.
  8. Will it hurt much?
  9. To undergo medical treatment.
  10. To strip to the waist.



  1. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
  2. Health is better than wealth.
  3. Health is great blessing.
  4. He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.
  5. A sound mind in a sound body.
  6. The best doctors are Dr Diet, Dr Quiet, and Dr Merry Man.
  7. A good laugh is the best medicine.
  8. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


It sounds great


III Dialogue speech

 Listen to the dialogue and dramatize them

The dialogues


I. Hello, Bob. Are you going in any kind of sport?

No, I am too lazy for it.

What are you so busy with?

Well, first of all I stay at school till 3 o’clock, and then I go home, have my dinner, do my lessons.

But you play football in the yard or chess in the evening, don’t you?

No, I have no time for it. I sit down in front of TV and watch films till the late night. When do you sleep then?

During my lessons.


  1. T. Have you ever had a fever?
  2. Yes, I have. I have had a fever.
  3. Did your mother call the ambulance?
  4. Yes, she did. My mother called the ambulance.
  5. Did you have a sore throat or flu?
  6. I had a sore throat
  7. What did the doctor prescribe you?
  8. The doctor prescribed me to gargle the throat and take pills.


  1. Hello, Mary!
  2. Hello, Dima!
  3. As I see, you recovered very soon.
  4. Yes, because I followed my doctor’s advice.
  5. What was your illness?
  6. I had the flu and a sore throat.
  7. Did the doctor prescribe you any pills, drops against this disease?
  8. No, he advised me to drink hot milk with honey, eat healthy food and gargle my throat.


IV Complete the following conversations using the given phrases.

  1. How do you do?
    1. Very well. b) I’m a doctor. c) How do you do?
  2. How is your son?
    1. Fine, thanks. b) Four months old. c) With his father.
  3. Where’s the nearest chemist’s shop?
    1. I’d like to buy medicine for a headache. b) Just round the corner. c) It’s in the corner.
  4. Is there a doctor here?
    1. Get a doctor, quick. b) No, he isn’t a doctor. c) Yes, I’m a doctor.
  5. What are you doing?
    1. I gargle my throat. B) Yes, I’m gargling my throat. c) I’m gargling my throat.

V Scrambled dialogue (construct a dialogue from the list of conversational utterances).


VI Write questions of different types to your friend asking him about: 1) his health; 2) his last illness; 3) his last visit to the doctor.


VII Works in chain: we start a long dialogue, your task is to continue it and ask your friend about health.


T. How are you?

P. Well, thanks. How are doing? (To the other pupil, etc)


VIII Game: two pupils are asked to come to the blackboard and to finish the diagram, at that time the rest of the pupils of each group work at the same task on sheets of paper.

Healthy life

You must      you must not (mustn’t)                                          



IX                                                     The poems

Read funny poems; pay attention to the use of modal verbs “ought to, should”


1) Your cold is getting worse,                           your cough sounds bad

    You ought to see the nurse.                           it doesn’t sound good,

    Oh, no I’m fine;                                             you ought to see the nurse,

    My cold is much better.                                 you really should.



  2) Every time I get a headache, mama takes me to the doctor.

  .   Every time I get a fever, mama takes me to the nurse.

      Every time I get a toothache, mama takes me to the dentist.

  .   Every time I see the dentist, I always come home feeling worse.


X Summary of the lesson


XI Home task: write a short composition” My last visit to a doctor”













28 серпня 2018
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