План-конспект уроку англійської мови в 7 класі
Тема: Подорожі.
Підтема: Види транспорту
Мета уроку:
Практична: активізувати вживання лексики до теми уроку, практикувати учнів у читанні тексту; формувати вміння розуміти на слух основний зміст іншомовних текстів, розвивати вміння усного та писемного мовлення.
Освітня: ознайомити учнів із специфікою кожного виду транспорту та дати уявлення про види транспорту в минулому.
Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, навички сприймання іноземної мови на слух, формувати соціокультурну та комунікативну компетенцію учнів.
Виховна:виховувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови, виховувати любов до подорожей.
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, мультимедійна презентація, автентичні відеозаписи, роздатковий матеріал..
Початок уроку.
T: Good morning! It’s nice to see you. Hope you are well. Is anybody absent? I see everybody is ready to start the lesson.
T: We have a lot of work to do today. First of all we will learn the poem “Trains and ferry boats”.Watch the video. Now say each line of the poem after me. Who wants to translate it?
Now let’s read it all together and then one by one. Thank you. Let’s choose the best reader.
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
4. Подача нової лексики. Передтекстові вправи.
T: Today, we’ll listen to the story about the vikings, but before you listen to it, we’ll learn new words.
sailor – моряк
dangerous – небезпечний
enjoyable – задоволений
safe – безпечний
tiring – виснажливий
troublesome – неприємний
T: Let’s repeat all together after me, one by one. Now I tell you a Ukrainian variant, and you – the English one and vice versa.
5. Навчання аудіювання. Текст “The Vikings”
T: I think you heard about the Vikings. And now you will listen to the story about them. Try to remember everything.
T: Now I’ll give you exercises. First exercise – to complete the sentences and the second – to tick true or false.
6. Вправи на перевірку розуміння основної інформації.
Task 1. Choose the right answer
a) cat b) dragon c) rabbit
2. These ships were long and ____
a) light b)dark c) red
3. A dragon ship was ____ meters long
a) 44 b) 42) c) 24
4. It could carry about ____ men
a) hundred b0 thousand c)10
5. They discovered Iceland and ____
a) Greenland b)Denmark c) Norway
Task. 2 True or false
Обговорення тексту.
T: Now let’s discuss this text. Ex. 3, p.84
7. Пауза для релаксації
T: Find the words from the word bank
Sailor, shape, dangerous, enjoyable, safe, troublesome, dragon, move, skillful
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8. Навчання читанню. Розвиток умінь вивчаючого читання. Робота з картками.
T: We are going to read a very interesting text about Look at the title of this text. Do you think the text will be serious or light-hearted? Why?
But at first you should pay attention to some words: Magellan, have ridden spaceship
T: Now you are to read one by one and translate it. Put some questions to the text in your copybooks and then you will ask other pupils.
T: There are a lot of kinds of transport. You should choose the right answer.
Travelling by plane
Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling.
You can get to many countries only in a few hours.
You can stop wherever you want.
You need no tickets.
There are no air hostesses on the board.
Travelling by ship
Travelling by ship is the fastest.
You can go down the river and see different places.
You can stop anywhere.
Travelling by car
Travelling by car is comfortable and interesting.
You have to have tickets.
You can read and sleep
You can stop wherever you want.
You can get to many countries only in a few hours.
Travelling by train
You can see only clouds.
You can read and sleep
You can stop wherever you want.
You need no tickets.
T: Now you know a lot about different kinds of transport. Pretend to be a guide and give some pieces of advice for travelers.
T: Your homework for the next lesson is:
T: We have done a lot at the lesson. The most active at the lesson were… They deserve…
The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Travelling (Додаток)
Traveling by plane
Traveling by plane is the fastest.
You can get to many countries only in a few hours.
You can stop wherever you want and see different places.
You need no tickets.
There are no air hostesses on the plane.
Travelling by ship
Travelling by ship is the fastest.
It is the most interesting and pleasant.
You can go down the river and see many interesting places.
You can stop wherever and swim in the river.
You can see a lot of things from the carriage window.
Travelling by car
Travelling by car is comfortable and interesting.
For this way of traveling you need the tickets.
20 passengers may be in the car.
You can stop wherever you want and see different places.
Travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips.
Travelling by train is the fastest.
You can see only clouds.
When you are going by train you can sit comfortably in your carriage.
You can read and sleep.
For this way of travelling you need no tickets.