План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу

Про матеріал
Урок розроблено для 10 класу для ліцеїв. Тема : Спорт. Здоров’я та спорт. Спортивні події. Граматичні вправи Навчальна мета: показати взаємозв’язок між здоров’ям людини та заняттями спорту; узагальнити лексичний матеріал з теми «Спорт»; забезпечити засвоєння лексики з теми «Здоров’я»; закріпити вивчений граматичний матеріал Future Tenses в усному та писемному мовленні.
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                            План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу

                 Тема : Спорт. Здоров’я та спорт. Спортивні події. Граматичні вправи  

                 Навчальна мета:  показати взаємозв’язок  між здоров’ям людини та заняттями спорту; узагальнити лексичний матеріал з теми «Спорт»; забезпечити засвоєння лексики з теми «Здоров’я»; закріпити вивчений граматичний матеріал Future Tenses в усному та писемному мовленні.  

                 Розвивальна мета: розвивати світогляд та підвищувати загальну культуру студентів, розвивати логічне мислення, розвивати вміння правильно узагальнювати інформацію та робити висновки.

                 Виховна мета: розвивати особисту активність студентів,  виховувати негативне ставлення до алкоголю, наркоманії та інших шкідливих звичок;  виховувати прагнення до фізичного здоров’я, до здорового способу життя. 

                Обладнання:  ПК,  відеофільм, роздатковий матеріал з текстами, вправами та новою лексикою до них і з граматичним матеріалом; дошка.

                Методи навчання:  пояснювально-ілюстративний, репродуктивний словесний метод; в тематичній бесіді з  залученням слухачів до навчального процесу виділяються провідні аспекти поставленої  проблем.  


                                                                   Хід заняття


І. Організаційна частина

1.  .Привітання. Повідомлення теми, мети заняття.

2.  .Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. Let’s remember some proverbs and sayings:

      A healthy man is a successful man.

      Good health is the sister of beauty. (Maltese Proverb)

      He who has no health has nothing. (French Proverb)

      He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything.


 Фонетична зарядка. Налаштування мовленнєвого апарату на ІМ, профілактика помилок у вимові. Слухання та імітація скоромовок. 

Порада: промовляти  скоромовку спочатку беззвучно, але артикулюючи, потім переходити на шепіт і лише потім — промовляти вголос, спочатку в повільному темпі, а далі — у швидкому, пам’ятаючи про чіткість вимови скоромовки.


               As he gobbled the cakes on his plate,               the greedy ape said as he ate,               the greener green grapes are,               the keener keen apes are               to gobble green grape cakes.

             They’re great!

Тут ви можете вдосконалити вимову звуків g, gr таn

Gobbled — наминати, ковтати

Greedy — жадібний


Мовленнєва зарядка.  Введення в іншомовне мовленнєве середовище, створення позитивного емоційного клімату, активізація знань.

       Do you think you have a healthy life style?

Is it possible to have a healthy life style in modern world?

Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an important part of a healthy life style?

What is your attitude to smoking?

       What is the influence of smoking on health?

Is it hard to give up smoking?

Is there any connection between the person's style of life and the duration of his life? What do you prefer, to eat everything you like, drink a lot, smoke, have no physical exercise and die at the age of 60 or lead a healthy life and live until 100?


               ІІ. Основна частина заняття 1. .Перевірка домашнього завдання.

2. .Подання лексичного матеріалу. Подання  нових  ЛО; забезпечення їх запам’ятовування шляхом повторення та утворення стійких зв’язків і асоціацій.  Запис та імітація нових ЛО Vocabulary Notes commendable [kə'mendəb(ə)l] - похвальний, вартий заохочення

 stroke [strəuk] – інсульт

 tackle ['tæk(ə)l] – намагатися ,утримати

 hypertension ['haɪpə'tenʃ(ə)n] – підвищений кров’яний тиск

cholesterol [kə'lestərɔl] - холестерин

oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒən – кисень hemoglobin [hi:mə'gləʊbin] - гемоглобін

 muscles ['mʌs(ə)l] – м’язи 

 chore [ʧɔ:] - виснажлива робота indulge [ɪn'dʌlʤ] - дозволяти собі hyper [haipə] - занадто збудливий biannually ['baɪ'ænjʊǝlɪ] – двічі на рік


3. .Подання тексту для читання, виконання післятекстових вправ, бесіди.

Effect of Sports on General Health

Sports have an immense impact on a person’s daily life and health. They do not just give you an interesting routine but also a healthy body. Physical activities like sports improve our heart function, reduce the risks of diabetes, control blood sugar and lower tension and stress level. It also brings positive energy, discipline, and other commendable qualities in our life. Playing

sports strengthens our body and also improves our muscle memory and muscle coordination. Primary health care doctors recommend taking part in sports on a regular basis.  Most sports are intense physical activities which burn extra calories quickly and efficiently. Taking part in sports is a great way to burn away all that extra weight and get the ideal body shape. 

High blood pressure is a major health risk for people from all sides of the world. It can cause a stroke or other health diseases. Regular physical activity and exercise help us keep the blood pressure normal. Taking part in sports can be a great way to tackle high blood pressure. Most health experts and doctors recommend people suffering from hypertension to take regular exercise. People who take part in sports regularly are found to maintain normal blood pressure as compared to those who do not.

Playing sports helps us control our cholesterol level and maintain its level.

Blood circulation begins to improve as we play sports. By running or taking part in other physical activities the body remains well-oxygenated. Thus, we stay more healthy and active.

Being active might also increase hemoglobin count and blood volume. When we play, our heart starts to pump faster and extra load is put on our heart muscles.

Regular exercise also strengthens our immune system. Our body becomes immune to many diseases.

Sports are the best way to have a proper muscle workout. It is fun to play and does not feel like a chore. At the same time, they give us strong and toned muscles. This is only possible if we continue to play active sports like football, tennis, and baseball regularly.

Taking part in sports not only strengthens your muscles but also our bones. As we grow old our bone density keeps on decreasing. Indulging in sports might be the easiest way to maintaining a good bone density and remaining strong with advancing age.

Sports bring a positive attitude in our life. They make our mind sharper and stronger. Sports are fun to play and they refresh our mind. Being good at sports makes us feel good, accomplished and boosts our self-esteem. Playing team sports also boost our strategy-making ability. By sports we learn to make decisions quickly and instinctively. This quick decision-making ability is of high use in everyday life. Sports also teach us to stay calm and think with a cool mind. They teach us to make decisions in high-stress situations without panicking or getting hyper.

These are just some of the major international sporting events from around the world

Every year there are hundreds of sporting events - competitions, tournaments - held around the world. The largest sporting event in the world is the Olympic Games, but there are many other multi-sport games. In terms of single sport events, nothing beats the FIFA World Cup. Here is a list of the major international sports events in which teams from different countries     battle it out, both for individual sports and multi-sport events. In these events countries of the world are brought together in competition - in some of these most countries of the world are represented, in others only a select few.

The FIFA World Cup is possibly the most popular event in the world sports calendar, as it is very clear that football (soccer) is the most popular sport.  For multi-sport events the Olympic Games are the most popular sporting event. These events are held only every four years, so the interest to the event can be much greater than to events held every year. Tour de France — the world's most high-profile bicycle race. It is held mainly in France for three weeks every July. The grand slam is comprised of the four major tennis events: Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, US Open. A singles player or doubles team is said to have achieved the Grand Slam if they succeed in winning all four of these championship titles in the same calendar year.  There are many events in the international calendar for Boxing, for example, World Boxing Championships are held biannually.

 Ice Hockey World Championships is an annual event run by the International Ice Hockey Federation. World Cup of Hockey is organized by the National Hockey League (NHL) and the National Hockey League Players' Association (NHLPA).

The world championships for aquatic sports (diving, swimming-50m, open water swimming, water polo, synchronized swimming) are held every 2 years.

The World Chess Championship is played to determine the world champion in chess. Since 2014, the schedule has settled on a two-year cycle.

4. .Розвиток навичок читання, аудіювання, говоріння, письма Формування стійких, гнучких і здатних до переносу лексико граматичних і фонетичних навичок шляхом автоматизації дій студентів з новим навчальним матеріалом. відповіді на запитання, вираження власних думок з використанням нових ЛО і ГС.  



Extreme sports

Do you like the excitement of extreme sports? If so, you might be an 'adrenaline junkie'. Find out more about white-water rafting and parkour in this video.


Do these exercises first to check your sports vocabulary, then watch the video.


Ex. 1. Match the words with the definitions.

1) the thrills and spills of…; 2) rapids; 3) an adrenaline junkie; 4) a challenge; 5) parkour; 6) foaming water; 7) to stay afloat; 8) a rush

a)      a person who is addicted to the feeling of excitement or fear that comes with dangerous activities;

b)      white water with lots of bubbles ;

c)      a part of a river where the water moves very fast;

d)      this expression is used in relation to an experience that is exciting and full of surprises;

e)      (in a boat) to stay on top of the water, to not sink;

f)       a sudden feeling of excitement;

g)      the sport of finding the fastest way through a city environment by jumping, climbing and running

h)      something that is enjoyably difficult and stimulating to do



Ex..2. Are the sentences true or false? 

     1.Extreme sports are only popular in the mountains in the UK.

     2.People who enjoy fast and dangerous sports, like white-water rafting, are called thrill   seekers or adrenalin junkies.

     3.In white-water rafting you have to try to stay afloat in the river.

     4. Parkour is sometimes called free jumping. 

     5.The idea of parkour is to jump and climb over things like steps, railings and trees. 

     6.You need special clothes and shoes to do parkour classes.


                               Ex.3 Put the words into the correct groups.

                 1)balance; 2) the elements; 3) nature; 4) rapids; 5) trainers; 6) foaming water; 7) city; 8)    drops; 9) France; 10) London.


                  a) parkour;    b) white-water rafting.




Extreme sports are popular all over the UK. Not just in the mountains of Snowdonia or Scotland. But what attracts people to these sports? Is it adventure or danger?

People who enjoy fast and dangerous sports, like white-water rafting, are called thrill seekers or adrenalin junkies.

I’m at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham in the centre of England and this is the white-water course. Seven hundred metres of foaming water with drops or rapids. And the skill is to stay afloat in the rough water.

I’m here to meet Pas Blackwell, a white-water rafting expert, and to find out why so many people enjoy the thrills and spills of this extreme sport.

Carmen: Hi, Pas.

Pas: Hi, Carmen.

Carmen: So this is a specially built course, but you raft on rapids all around the world. What do you most enjoy about white-water rafting?

Pas: I really enjoy being outdoors and on the water. I really enjoy the freedom of just you and nature and I really enjoy the challenge.

Carmen: So why do people like dangerous sports?  

Pas: I think people like to push themselves – to see how far they can go – to really test themselves, against the elements, water and air. Carmen: So, are you an adrenalin junkie?

Pas: I don’t think of myself as an adrenalin junkie, but I do really enjoy the rush of trying to get from the top to the bottom and get through situations that occur out on the river.


In the countryside there are lots of wide open spaces and lots of extreme sports to choose from. But what do adrenalin junkies do in the city? Well, parkour, sometimes called free running, is becoming popular in London.

Parkour started in France. And the idea is to get from one place to the other as fast as possible; jumping and climbing over whatever is in the way. So I’ve come to a parkour class in West London to find out what it’s all about. Rebecca Ahmed has been doing parkour for more than a year.

Carmen: So Rebecca, why do you like parkour?

Rebecca: It’s really fun, it’s original and it keeps me fit. That’s why I come. Carmen: Do you need any special equipment?

Rebecca: Not really, we just use what’s around us like steps, railings and trees, but as long as you’ve got a good pair of trainers, you’re fine. Carmen: Is it difficult?

Rebecca: I wouldn’t say it’s difficult – it’s more about the fear. If you’re not scared you can do it.

I’m not sure I’ve got the balance for parkour. Extreme sports can be dangerous, but they’re also lots of fun.                                                   



              ІІІ. Заключна частина.

1.                  Повідомлення підсумків заняття. Бесіда викладача зі студентами. Підведення підсумків, оцінювання (спів)праці студентів з елементами аналізу і залучення студентів до оцінювання самого практичного заняття.

2.                  Повідомлення домашнього завдання. Запис домашнього завдання та пояснення особливостей його виконання.   

Write a short essay about extreme sports. These questions will help you:

Would you rather try white-water rafting or parkour? Are you an 'adrenaline junkie'? Do you like the excitement of extreme sports? What do you know about extreme sports in the world? Why so many people enjoy the thrills and spills of this extreme sport?  Do extreme sports have an impact on our health?  Tell which extreme sports are popular in Ukraine or in Odesa.