План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для 7 класу.

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План конспект уроку з англійської мови для 7 класу.Тема: "Інтернет у нашому житті"
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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови в 7 б класі  № 25           


Тема уроку: Інтернет у нашому житті


Вчити учнів вживати ЛО, засвоєні на попередніх уроках, ставити запитання та відповідати на них, висловлювати свою думку;

Розвивати навички аудіювання, комунікативні здібності,навички діалогічного мовлення, удосконалювати техніку читання;

Виховувати культуру спілкування, інтерес до вивчення англійської мови. 

Тип уроку: комбінований



1. Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Мотивація

T.: Good afternoon, children! Take your places! How are you today? So I want to ask you a question: Tell me please what did you do yesterday in the evening?

As we can see almost everyone spent own evening in front of computer searching an internet. So today we can't imagine our life without computers. Computers are everywhere: in offices, banks, in our homes. That’s why today we will discuss advantages and disadvantages of computer technologies.


  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

T.: So, friends, tell me please: What do we use computers for? Complete the sentence written on the blackboard. People use computers... (Вчитель записує на дошці відповіді)

2. Говоріння. Перевірка домашнього завдання

(Учні з низьким рівнем отримують картки зі словами, які вони мають перекласти)

T: Your task for today was to think about advantages and disadvantages of computer technologies, so do the internet have more advantages or disadvantages? Let’s have a competition!

(Teacher asks students to split into two groups: A - those who think that computer games have more advantages, B — disadvantages. In their groups students make lists of advantages (A) and disadvantages (B) of computer games.)

 (Після закінчення діти читають по черзі переваги та недоліки, та виявляють переможця)


  1. Аудіювання

(Учні з низьким рівнем знання отримують картки з текстом та завданнями, а учні з середнім та високим рівнем прослуховують текст двічі)


I’m Alex and I’m crazy about computer games. I think they are great because you can do everything you wish not only watch. But my mother says that computer games are very bad as there is a lot of shoot­ing and killing there. She also worries that I spend too much time on the computer and that it is bad for my health. It would be better for me to go out or go in for sports or communicate with my friends. I think so too, but what can I do? When I start playing or searching information through the Internet I don’t notice the time. The Internet is very im­portant as news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you know about it just at the same time. Sometimes the Inter­net helps me to do my homework. And, of course, I communicate with my friends all over the world sending e-mails with the help of compu­ter. But my mother’s sure that it can’t be good for me just to sit and look at the computer for hours and hours and not to talk to anybody. In future I want to be good at computers and to know everything about them.


Учні отримують картки з завданнями та виконують їх

  1. Розминка


  1. Читання

Учні отримують картки з текстом та читають його по черзі, виписуючи всі незнайомі слова в словник

The Internet

The Internet was invented in the late 1960s for military purpose in USA. In 1969, there was a network of just four mainframe computers. A mainframe computer is a large, powerful computer, shared by many users. And then the people all over the world started to use the network to share ideas. They used it for work and for fun.  By 1984 the Internet had begun to develop into the form we know today. Electronic mail is much faster than traditional mail. It's better to use e-mail to contact friends rather than phone them, because e-mail is cheaper for long distances than the phone. People can share their interests through the Internet and it makes it very easy to exchange ideas and information. Now the Internet is important for fun, e-mail, playing games and getting information.

         6. Role-play

T.: Now I offer you to play game called “The interview with Dr. Jennifer May from Manchester University” She is a specialist on internet questions. And other pupils will be the journalists, who will ask her some questions.


So, Jeniffer, welcome to our conference! Take your seat! Journalists are you ready to start?

(The Times, The Daily Express, The Sunday Times, The Citizen, Oxford Times, The Press)



  1. Робота з віршем

Т.: Listen to the song and complete it with the missing words

(Учні отримують картки з віршем)


Is thinking,, sits, plays, isn’t having



When Ben comes home from school,

He does the same thing every day.

He … at his computer

And starts to play.

He … games, he surfs the Net.

He isn’t bored, you can bet.


But today there’s something wrong

And he doesn’t know what to do.

His computer isn’t working

And he … what to do.

He is trying to read, sing and run,

But he sure … much fun.


Every day’s the same for Ben,

But today there’s something new.

His computer isn’t working

And he doesn’t know what to do.


  1. Підбиття підсумків уроку

T.: So, children, did you like our lesson? What did you like the most? What new information did you find out? Thank you for your work. Your marks are...

            3. Домашнє завдання

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