План-конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему: "Food"

Про матеріал
план- конспект уроку з англійської мови у 7 класі на тему: "Їжа" (Food), підтема: " Здорова та шкідлива їжа" (Healthy and Unhealthy Food)
Перегляд файлу
  1. Тема: Food.
  2. Підтема:  Healthy and unhealthy food.
  3. Мета: закріпити лексичні одиниці з теми “Їжа”, навчати дітей розрізняти типи їжі, виокремлювати здорову та нездорову їжу, навчати дітей працювати в групах, розвивати навички говоріння, читання, аудіювання та письма, розвивати граматичні навички з теми “Злічувані та незлічувані іменники”, виховувати в дітей звички здорового харчування, пропагувати здоровий спосіб життя.
  4. Технічне забезпечення: мультимедійне забезпечення (проектор), наочні зображення їжі , підручник, робочий зошит, картки.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

  1. Привітання  /Greetings

T: Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you today. How are you? I see you are in a good mood. Am I right?   Let’s start our lesson.

                  2.    A talk with a pupil on duty

T: Who is on duty today? Tell me, please, who is absent? And what day is it today?

  1. Making notes in the register
  2. A talk on the topic of a lesson

Look at the blackboard. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read this sentence.


People should eat healthy food

T: This is the motto of our lesson. Now you see that the theme of our today’s lesson is “Food”. At the lesson we’ll speak, read the text, work in groups, watch the presentation and do the tasks, do the crossword. At the end of the lesson you must give the answers to the question “Why do the people need healthy food?”

5. Warming-up

T: As for me, I like to eat tasty food. I like chocolate very much and also I like meat, fish, fruit and, of course, vegetables, especially cucumbers and tomatoes. But I don’t like onion and garlic.

h. What are your favourite dishes?

e.  What are your favourite drinks?

a. What kind of food do you eat?

l. Why must you eat vegetables and fruit?

t. Are vitamins very important for you?

h. Do you always eat healthy food?

y. What food do you like to eat?

f.What food don’t you like?

o. What food do you think is bad for you?

o. What do you usually have for breakfast?

d. What do you usually have for dinner?

T: Well, pupils, I see you eat different food. Some of the food is healthy, the other is unhealthy.

  ІІ. The main part of the lesson

  1. Vocabulary Revision /Закріплення лексики із попереднього уроку.

Teacher: So, as you know, food is an essential part of our life. We eat food every day when we are hungry. At the previous lessons we learned different types of food. And now, to revise you knowledge of food we are going to play a game - Find an odd type of food. Look at the screen, please. Your task is to name all types of food on the picture, find the odd one, and explain your choice.

Slide 1 - Banana, orange, lemon, tomato (tomato is odd because it is a vegetable)

Slide 2 - Milk, juice, tea, soda (soda is odd because it is not healthy)

Slide 3 - Watermelon, strawberries, grapes, blueberries (grapes are odd because they are not berries)

Slide 4 - Sandwich, pizza, hot dog, cereal (cereal is odd because it is not junk food)

Slide 5 - Potatoes, cucumber, cabbage, pear (pear is odd because it is not a vegetable)

Slide 6 - Meat, ham, sausage, cheese (cheese is odd because it is a dairy product)

Slide 7 - Cheese, butter, milk, bread (bread is odd because it is not a dairy product)

T.: What things do you associate with the word “Food “ mind map (pair work)

Vegetables                                                                                   Fruit

   Potato                                                                                         Apricot

   Tomato                                                                                       Orange

   Carrot                                                                                         Banana

   Cucumber                                                                                   Apple

   Pepper                                                                                         Plum 




Dairy products                             Drinks                                     Meat

Butter                                             Milk                                         Chicken

Milk                                               Coffee                                       Beef

Cream                                             Tea                                           Lamb   

Yoghurt                                          Juice                                          Pork

 Cheese                                           Yoghurt                                    Turkey

2) Watching a film

  • Pre-watching activities
  • While-watching activities


T: While watching the film pay attention to the meals, food, time and place. You can make notes.

  • Post-watching activities

T: Now do the tasks on your papers (Fill in the table)





















Now, let’s check.

  1. What meals do they have?
  2. What food do they eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  3. When do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  4. Where do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?


Повторення граматичного матеріалу: 1) злічувані та незлічувані іменники; 2) неозначені числівники зі злі чуваними та незлічуваними іменниками.

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see some nouns. Divide them into two groups: countable and uncountable nouns (banana, meat, potato, fish, apple, chocolate, ice-cream, tea, cereal, toast, butter, cucumber, lemon, cheese, flour).

(Учні читають слова першої та другої колонок)

And now open your books on page 93 and revise some Grammar rules on our topic.

P1. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms.

P2. Countable nouns can follow definite or indefinite articles.

P3. Uncountable nouns don’t have a plural form.

P4. They can appear without an article.

P5. They cannot be used with indefinite article.

Check on Homework

Well done and it’s time to revise such words as a lot of, much, many, little/ a little with countable and uncountable nouns. Let’s do Ex. D (p. 74). wb

(Учні читають речення вправи ланцюжком)

And one more task on the topic. You can see it on the blackboard. Complete this sentences with the words some, many, much, a lot of.

How___________ sandwiches are there on the plate?

I don’t like ___________ sugar in my tea as I don’t like sweet food.

We need __________ apples for this cake.

How ___________bottles of milk shall I buy?

Don’t buy cheese, we still have ______________ in the fridge.

How ____________ cans of Cola shall we take to the picnic?

My mother usually cooks ______________ of pies with meat and cabbage.

We don’t need __________ meat for this dish.

How __________ bananas do we need for this desert?

(Учні читають речення вправи ланцюжком)


4)   Physical warming up “Go Banana”

Now you’ll have a rest. We are going to play a game “Guess the word’.

  1. Products such as milk, sour cream, cheese, butter… (dairy products)
  2.  Food that is full of sugar and fat and is bad for you health. (junk food)
  3. A person who doesn’t eat meat. ( a vegetarian)
  4. It consists of all the things you need to be healthy and to have enough energy during the day. (a balanced diet)
  5. Food such as hamburgers, chips that people usually eat very quickly. (fast food)

5) Reading ex. 1 p. 92


  1. Speaking and writing (Project)Ex. 4 p. 93   Improving your speaking skills /group  work

Project work- Healthy and unhealthy

  Give your  classmates advice on what food to eat to be healthy


You    should                 eat well;

           shouldn’t            drink a lot of water;

                                       eat lots of  fruit;

                                       eat  hamburgers and pizzas because they are bad for our  health

                                       drink milk  because it gives us energy and it’s good for our                        


                                        eat too  many biscuits and sweets

7. Find the pair (extra activity)

T: There are a lot of proverbs about eating in English language. Let’s revise them.  Find the pair.

  1. An apple a day                                   a) but eat to live.
  2. Tastes                                                   b) is above wealth
  3. After dinner sleep a while,             c) keeps the doctor away
  4.  Live not to eat,                                  d) but eat to live
  5. Don’t live to eat                                  e) differ
  6. Good health                                         f)  after supper walk a mile


  1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.                                   
  2. Tastes differ.                                                 
  3. After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile.                
  4. Live not to eat, but eat to live.                              
  5. Don’t live to eat but eat to live.                              
  6. Good health is above wealth.      
  1. III. Summing up the lesson Заключна частина уроку.  Answer my questions. If you agree – clap your hands, disagree – stamp your feet. Ready?
  1. Is it useful to eat junk food or fast food?  
  2. Do dairy products strengthen your teeth and bones?
  3. Should you eat fresh foods every day?
  4. Is it good to eat very quickly?
  5. Should we eat many sweets and cakes?
  6. Hamburgers and chips are fast foods, aren’t they?
  7. Should we go in for sport to be healthy?

Good for you. Here is the plate and you can take any fruit you like.

Домашнє завдання. Home task. Write about your eating habits

Ex. C p.93

Рефлексія. Feedback.

T: You have worked hard at today’s lesson. You were very active. I liked your work, your answers and your marks are….  

Did you like our lesson?

What did you like most of all?

What have we learnt?

The lesson is over. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
















People should eat healthy food





Dairy products


Картинки по запросу meat

Картинки по запросу meat

Картинки по запросу meatКартинки по запросу fruits

Картинки по запросу vegetablesКартинки по запросу dairy productsКартинки по запросу drinks















Eat the right food

  People cannot live without food. Animals, fish, birds and plants cannot live without food either. There are different kinds of food. Some kinds of food like bread, sugar, meat, butter, cheese and rice make you strong and give you energy.

  Meat, fish and milk help you to grow. Vegetables, eggs and cornflakes make your bones and teeth strong. You should eat vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins. Vitamins are important for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of your body. There are thirteen types of vitamins (A, B, C and so on).

  Eat the right food! Remember the proverb “Good health is above wealth”

T: Agree or disagree with the statements

1. People can live without food.

2. Meat, fish and milk make your bones and teeth strong.

3. Vegetables, eggs and cornflakes help you to grow.

4. Vitamins are important for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of your body.

5. There are fourteen types of vitamins (A, B, C and so on)


Eat the right food

  People cannot live without food. Animals, fish, birds and plants cannot live without food either. There are different kinds of food. Some kinds of food like bread, sugar, meat, butter, cheese and rice make you strong and give you energy.

  Meat, fish and milk help you to grow. Vegetables, eggs and cornflakes make your bones and teeth strong. You should eat vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins. Vitamins are important for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of your body. There are thirteen types of vitamins (A, B, C and so on).

  Eat the right food! Remember the proverb “Good health is above wealth”

  1. Post-reading activities

T: Agree or disagree with the statements

1. People can live without food.

2. Meat, fish and milk make your bones and teeth strong.

3. Vegetables, eggs and cornflakes help you to grow.

4. Vitamins are important for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of your body.

5. There are fourteen types of vitamins (A, B, C and so on)

How___________ sandwiches are there on the plate?

Complete this sentences with the words many, much, a lot of.

I don’t like ___________ sugar in my tea as I don’t like sweet food.

How ___________bottles of milk shall I buy?

Don’t buy cheese, we still have ______________ in the fridge.

How ____________ cans of Cola shall we take to the picnic?

My mother usually cooks ______________ of pies with meat and cabbage.

We don’t need __________ meat for this dish.

How __________ bananas do we need for this desert?


Complete this sentences with the words some, many, much, a lot of.

I don’t like ___________ sugar in my tea as I don’t like sweet food.

How ___________bottles of milk shall I buy?

Don’t buy cheese, we still have ______________ in the fridge.

How ____________ cans of Cola shall we take to the picnic?

My mother usually cooks ______________ of pies with meat and cabbage.

We don’t need __________ meat for this dish.

How __________ bananas do we need for this desert?


Complete this sentences with the words some, many, much, a lot of.

I don’t like ___________ sugar in my tea as I don’t like sweet food.

How ___________bottles of milk shall I buy?

Don’t buy cheese, we still have ______________ in the fridge.

How ____________ cans of Cola shall we take to the picnic?

My mother usually cooks ______________ of pies with meat and cabbage.

We don’t need __________ meat for this dish.

How __________ bananas do we need for this desert?





Картинки по запросу soda Картинки по запросу фріКартинки по запросу майонезПохожее изображение Картинки по запросу фріКартинки по запросу hot dog Картинки по запросу pizza

Похожее изображение Картинки по запросу cereal

Картинки по запросу milkПохожее изображениеКартинки по запросу соки










You    should                 eat well;

           shouldn’t            drink a lot of water;

                                       eat lots of  fruit;

                                       eat  hamburgers and pizzas because they are bad for our  health

                                       drink milk  because it gives us energy and it’s good for our                        


                                        eat too  many biscuits and sweets


You    should                 eat well;

           shouldn’t            drink a lot of water;

                                       eat lots of  fruit;

                                       eat  hamburgers and pizzas because they are bad for our  health

                                       drink milk  because it gives us energy and it’s good for our                        


                                        eat too  many biscuits and sweets


You    should                 eat well;

           shouldn’t            drink a lot of water;

                                       eat lots of  fruit;

                                       eat  hamburgers and pizzas because they are bad for our  health

                                       drink milk  because it gives us energy and it’s good for our                        


                                        eat too  many biscuits and sweets


You    should                 eat well;

           shouldn’t            drink a lot of water;

                                       eat lots of  fruit;

                                       eat  hamburgers and pizzas because they are bad for our  health

                                       drink milk  because it gives us energy and it’s good for our                        


                                        eat too  many biscuits and sweets





Now do the tasks on your papers (Fill in the table)





















Now, let’s check.

  1. What meals do they have?
  2. What food do they eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  3. When do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  4. Where do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?


Now do the tasks on your papers (Fill in the table)





















Now, let’s check.

  1. What meals do they have?
  2. What food do they eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  3. When do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  4. Where do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?


Now do the tasks on your papers (Fill in the table)






















Now, let’s check.

  1. What meals do they have?
  2. What food do they eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  3. When do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
  4. Where do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?