План-Конспект уроку з англійської мови за темою Story Time

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План-Конспект уроку з англійської мови за темою Story Time на основі підручника in-touch.

Перегляд файлу

Form 7




  • Story Time. The Visitor 1
  • Film review



  • Reading for detail
  • Describing a film
  • Listening for detail
  • Writing a review


Key structures:

  • Revision of the Passive voice



  • Students will be able to identify and explain what a film review is.
  • Students will be able to read a story about Disney’s “Dinosaur” film.
  • Students will be able to learn how to write their own film review.
  • Students will be able to revise the Passive voice.



  • In-Touch 3 Student’s book
  • In-Touch 3 CD
  • CD player
  • Vocabulary






Lesson procedure

  1. Class organization (2 min)

Teacher: “Hello class. Take your sits. Today we will speak about Disney’s film :Dinosaur”.”

(When teacher smiles at them, most of them automatically smile back. And that is the first step of establishing rapport.)


  1. Warm-up ( 7-10 min)
  1. Revising the vocabulary

Key vocabulary:

Nouns: actor, actress, baddy, box office, cost, critic, Earth, goody, iguanadon, lemur, make-up, mainland, meteor, nephew, niece, orphan, (give a) performance, soundtrack, success, thriller, title, review

Verbs: appeal, bring up, cost, direct, to be forced, miss, expect

Phrases: according to, feature film, love interest, special effects, to take one’s breath away, wee-known, worldwide

  1. Checking home task

Students’ book page 74 exercise 3.


  1. Speaking (10 min)

Students’ book page 75 exercise 4.


  1. Listening (10 min)

Students’ book page 75 exercise 5.


  1. Writing (10 min)

Students’ book page 75 exercise 6.

  1. Putting marks, giving home task (1-2 min)





16 березня 2020
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