План-конспект уроку "Життя Підлітка."

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Розробка уроку англійської мови для учнів 10 класу на тему "Життя Підлітка" з метою розвитку навичок аудіювання,критичного мислення та виховання віри в себ,прагнення досягти своєї мети.
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Theme: Review 4.Teenagers. Their problems and activities.    Date:


  •                                 to train listening comprehension;
  •                                 to develop  communicative skills, using active lexical units on the topic;
  •                                 to encourage creative thinking;
  •                                 to be able to express own opinions and views on the topic;
  •                                 to collect information and make conclusions;
  •                              to practice in usage  of the Passive Voice;
  •                              to develop youth culture and behaviour;
  •                              to be able to solve youth problems;


Materials: cards, computer, projector, PowerPoint presentation, blackboard, textbook.

Notes on the lesson.

I. Introduction:

1) Teacher: Good morning to everyone. Welcome to our English class. Today we will speak about the problems of teenagers. Youth is a very important period in the life of a man. This is a time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine their place in the universe.

 - So, the theme of our lesson is: ” Teenagers and their problems.”


2) Teacher: So, what are we going to do today? You can see the objectives of our lesson on the screen, just read (speaking using the microphone).


3) Teacher: You will start from lexical exercises. I’ll ask  questions, you will answer to review vocabulary which we had learnt before:

  • What harmful habits are there among teenagers?

 Pupils: drugs, alcoholism and smoking.

  • What is the most popular activities of modern grown – ups?

Pupils: computer games, social sites.

  • What do the girls worry about most of all to be pretty?

Pupils: appearance.

  • Where do the teenagers like to go dancing and to spend more time with their friends?

Pupils: parties, night clubs, discos.

4) Teacher: How can you characterize a person in one word?

Match the adjectives to the reasons:

a) never stop talking--------------- talkative

b) not say a lot  ------------------- shy

c) feel angry about not having what others have --------------  jealous

d) talk to everybody -------------- sociable

e) never betray friends ------------ loyal

f) able to think of new ideas ---------- imaginative

j) never tell lies  --------------- honest   

h) hate spending money  -------- mean

5) Мовленнєва зарядка.

  1. Group work.

Teacher: I’ll ask questions and you will answer them to review the vocabulary we have learnt before:

   Do you know that you are a teenager?

   What harmful habits are there among  Ukrainian teenagers?

   What are the most popular activities of modern grown-ups?

   What do the girls worry about most of all?

   Where do the teenagers like to go dancing and spend more time with

    their   friends?


6) Teacher: Your home assignment was to find some facts about real life and problems of teens. Let’s talk about:

Pupil 1. Problem of unemployment leads to material problems. Young people have to pay for everything, they have needs, they have to pay their bills and etc., but they don't have enough money. Almost all of young people face to shortage of money.

Pupil 2. The housing problem is still unsolved. Usually young people have no chance to buy or to rent an apartment because of soaring of real estate prices. No housing and no hopes to get it. They have to live unsettled life in hard conditions. Some of them have even nowhere to live. Lack of your own dwelling prevents to create young families.

Pupil 3. Alcoholism and drug-addiction is a relatively new problem but it is becoming more and more dangerous. Millions of young people today are using drugs. Usually they want just to try it, starting with light drugs like marijuana. Then they can't stop and after year may be two years they will die. Drug-addiction is a disease. Drug and alcohol consumption can destroy individual's life. Another problem is alcoholism.

T: Now look at the screen. Put the notes into two columns. One “for” and the other “against”.

-Young people today don’t care about anything or anyone.

-They take part in charity events.

-They don’t seem to want to do anything for themselves.

-Very few young people are vandals.

-The only thing young people worry about is fashion and the way they look.

-In lots of places there are no facilities for the young.

-People who complain about the young often have no contact with them.

-Young people would do more if they were allowed to.

Teacher: Young people face a lot of problems which are very important for them. Everybody of you is a teenager. What problems do you have in your daily life?

You can see a diagram, complete it with problems.


 2. Individual work with cards.

 Teacher: Read the text and fill in the gaps in it:

politics, part-time, problems, spots, boring, money, chore, appearance, guy, drugs, grades, hours, semester.

I am a teenager so my life isn’t easy. I have many (1)_______. My parents want me to get good (2)_______ at school. But I have so many subjects at school and some of them are extremely (3)_______. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t understand that their subjects are not the most important things in my life. Some of my friends worry a lot about their (4)_______ and their teenage (5)_______ which spoil our lives! I must confess that (6)_______, alcohol and AIDS don’t really bother me or my friends. The same I should say about (7)__________. What we really care about is how to impress a cute (8)_______ or an attractive girl. Of course I, like many other teenagers, have problems with (9)_______. Some of my friends found a (10)_______ job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money. But despite all these problems, the life of a teenager today isn’t a (11)_______, it is still fun.

1. problems;
2. grades;
3. boring;
4. appearance;
5. spots;
6. drugs;
7. politics;
8. guy;
9. money;
10. part-time;
11. chore.


Teacher: Read the sentences and find the adjectives you think each sentence illustrates.

1. Sarah is friendly and enjoys being with other people. (Sociable)

2. Mark was not at all interested in the project. (Selfish, lazy)

3. Alfred was determined to be successful, rich and powerful. (Hard – working, ambitious)

4. John isn’t afraid of anything- bungee jumping, sky diving, even mountain climbing. (Active, brave)

5. Monica is sympathetic and kind about other people problems. (Well-wishing, loyal)

6. When my cousin thinks that a situation is unacceptable, he usually shouts trying to make people do what he thinks is right. (Selfish)

6. Grammatical training.

Teacher: At the previous lesson we revised the Passive Voice.

When do we use and how do we form it?


  • The Passive Sentences focus on the object of the action.
  • We form the Passive Voice by means of the verb to be and the third form of the main verb.
  • We use the Passive Voice:
    • When we don’t know who does the action.
    • We are not interested in who does or did the action.
    • When it is obvious who does the action.
    • For formalities and impersonal.
  • When we want to say who did the action, we normally use preposition by
  • When we want to describe something we do the action, we use the preposition with. 

Project work


Alcoholism refers to the drinking of alcoholic beverages. It is a disease which is very serious, progressive and irreversible. Alcohol or drinking interferes in an individual’s life – such as work, school, family relationships or personal safety and health. The alcoholic continues to consume alcohol despite the destructive consequences.

There are many reasons why people begin to drink: relief of personal problems; desire to be like the other people or wish to feel something new.


Drug abuse

Some people say: “Life is so short and you might as well have as much fun as you can”. They mean that they should try to take all kids of drugs, sex, alcohol, smoking. Most people begin taking rugs in youth.


But these people don’t think that all those make their life shorter. Drugs cause physical or mental harm to the user. More than that drug addicts are open to HIV infection. HIV attacks selected cells in the immune system and produces defects in function. It leads to a severe suppression of the immune system’s ability and to development of unusual cancers and finally tends to reach certain brain cells.

What should we do to avoid these problems?

  • I think people can vary their life someone else. For example more travel, often meet with their friends and help other people who really need it.
  • Our government should pay more attention to the problem of AIDS. Their first step could be taking drastic measures aimed at preventing drug trafficking.
  • Various educational projects such as “Stop AIDS” should be launched.
  • School and parents must help children not to get addicted to drugs.
  • Teenagers should understand that there are a lot of interesting and pleasant things in life. There’s no point in using drugs.


7. Reading the text “Off the Streets”.

It's a typical Saturday afternoon on Cathedral Square in Peterborough, in the east of England. Two noisy gangs of young people are sitting in the centre of the square. One group are wearing tracksuits and baseball caps and brand-new white trainers. A lot of them are wearing jewellery like gold chains and earrings. They’re the ‘Chavs’. Opposite them are the ‘Goths’. They’re wearing black Doctor Marten boots, long black coast and black T-shirts with the names of their favourite bands on them. Some of them are wearing lipstick and eyeliner and a few of them have piercings.   Nervous shoppers hurry past them, trying not to make eye contact.  It seems to be quiet but you feel that at any moment a fight could star. The police say these young people are probably harmless – perhaps they just hand around the square because there’s nothing better to do. But older people say they are tired of putting up with the noise and litter. These kinds of problems certainly aren’t unique to Peterborough. But after trying several different methods, Peterborough City Council has a radical plan to change things. The council’s controversial plan to bring peace to the city stars on a Tuesday morning during the half-term holiday. A group of fourteen Chavs and Goths of both sexes are travelling by bus to a secret location in the countryside, ten miles out of town. There are more Chavs that Goths – maybe it’s hard for some Goths to get up in the mornings! When they finally arrive, supervisors ask them to put on camouflage clothing. And then the two gangs spend the rest of the two gangs spend the rest of the morning pretending to shoot at each other.

Don’t worry – the guns are not real (they fire plastic balls filled with paint) and it’s all for fun. But isn’t it dangerous to fight aggression with aggression? Is a game of paintball really the best way to bring young people together? Steve Mayes, the organised of the event, feels that it is. He thinks these controversial games give the two groups something to do and can start them talking. ‘It gets rid of a lot of energy too – it’s much better than playing games on Playstations and  Xboxes, ‘ he says. Meanwhile, the Chavs and Goths are fooling around: there’s a lot of shouting and laughter and everyone appears to be having fun.

Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. The scenes that are described in the first paragraph don’t happen very often.

2. The shoppers in Peterborough are afraid to look at the young people in the square.

3. The police don’t think the young people are dangerous.

4. Peterborough isn’t the only place where you can find such problems.

5. Only boys are taking part in the council’s event.

6. Chavs and Goths start playing paintball together. 

Teacher: So the lesson has come to the end. You have done a lot of tasks, you have got a lot of interesting information from our lesson.

  •                      What was the theme of our lesson?
  •                      What have you got to know about modern youth, about problems of teens?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • How much time do you spend watching TV?
  • Have you got any hobbies?
  • Do you play computer games on your own or with your friends?
  • What about sport and exercises?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • What else do you like doing?
  • Do you watch a lot of TV?


 2. Your homework for the next lesson is to write ten advice to grown – ups and their parents.

 3.  Well, I am satisfied with your active work. You have made a very good job. All of you worked hard. Your marks are …

The lesson is over.


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
9 лютого 2022
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