Методична розробка по використанню DO / MAKE

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Дана розробка вміщує матеріали для запам'ятовування та опрацювання дієслів do та make. В ній також розміщена підбірка граматичних вправ для закріплення набутих знань.
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по вживанню дієслів    DO / MAKE

( з підбіркою вправ)





                                                                                  Підготувала Йожик Л.В.           

                                                                        вчитель англійської мови

                                                                        Золотівського ліцею № 16

                                                                        Гірської міської

                                                                        територіальної громади     

                                                                        Сєвєродонецького району

                                                                        Луганської області




DO       MAKE


to do the  cooking                        to make a mistake

to do the washing up                   to make dinner(coffee)

to do the shopping                     to make money

to do housework                        to make a decision

to do a subject (English)           to make a noise

to do well                                    to make progress

to do a translation                     to make a bed (fire)

to do one’s best                          to make a fortune

to do smb. a favour                    to make an effort

to do smb. the honours              to make a law

to do business                             to make a speech

to do crosswords                        to make a note

to do good (harm)                      to make a mess

to do the sights                           to make a fuss

to do a translation                     to make a loss

                                                    to make an inquiry

                                                    to make a phone call

                                                      to make up one’s mind










    DO---------робота  як  процес


  1. Із  словами:  something,  anything, nothing, everything

Do something, don’t just stand here.

  1. Із словами:   work,  job

      Do a job /  do homework / do housework

  1. Do the ironing   --- прасувати

      Do the laundry --- прати

  Do the dishes --- мити посуд

          Do shopping --- робити  покупки

          Do cleaning --- прибирати

          Do the room --- прибирати  кімнату


          Do your hair /  do your nails--- робити  зачіску / маникюр

          Do exams /  do the exercise /  do lessons



  Do business      --- займатися справами

  Do one’s best   --- робити все можливе


  Do a crossword   

  Do a dance        ----- танцювати

  Do good             ---- приносити користь

  Do harm / damage --- завдати шкоди 

         Do me a favour --- зробити послугу


  1. Produce, create smth.
  2. Make a dress /  a cake
  3. Make breakfast / lunch / dinner
  4. Make tea / coffee
  5. Made in China
  6. Produce reaction

 Make  smb.  happy / angry / sleepy

  1. Plans & Decisions

 Make a plan

 Make a choice

 Make a decision

 Make up one’s mind ---- приймати рішення

  1. Speaking & Sounds

     Make a noise --- шуміти                              

     Make a sound                                                   

     Make  a phone call  

     Make a promise                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

     Make a suggestion--- запропонувати

     Make a speech ---  виступити з промовою                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

     Make a fuss --- створити галас


Make an effort

Make a mistake

Make an excuse

Make money

Make bed

Exercise 1.  Insert    Do or Make.

1.------ an apology                                  11. -------noise

2. ----- a job                                            12. -------the cooking

3. ----- an appointment                           13. ------ a decision

4. ----- bed                                              14. ------ a discovery

5. ----- karate                                          15. ------ a dress

6. ----- your best                                     16.------ an exercise

7.-----  a lesson                                       17.------ your homework

8. ----- a mistake                                     18. ------ the housework

9. ----- money                                         19. ----- the ironing

10. --- a cake                                           20.----- a note



Exercise.  Write 10 words into each line:


MAKE: ________________________________________________________


A mess, homework, the dishes, the shopping, a mistake, money, someone a favor, plans, the right thing, dinner, volunteer work, noise, the bed, a telephone call, the research, the best, sure, a living, good, exercises

Exercise3.  Circle the right option:

1.I can’t  understand, it doesn’t   make / do  sense.

2. Make / do  sure you don’t forget your ticket.

3. He is always  making / doing  a fool of himself with those jokes.

4. Buy that car. You’ll  do / make a real bargain.

5. I’ll have to  make / do  my best if I want to pass the exam.

6. Eat fruit. It’ll  make / do  you good.

7. I can’t go out now. I have a lot of work to  do / make.

8. It’s a very good business.If you are lucky, you’ll  do / make  afortune.

9. If you are so rude to him, you’ll make / do  an enemy of him.

10. When are you going to  do / make the shopping?

Exercise 4. Circle the right option.

1.I  can’t give you the answer. I have not made / done up my mind.

2. What have you done / made to your hair?

3. Try not to  make / do trouble in class.

4. They were angry but after talking they  made / did  peace.

5. We made / did the washing up after the guests left.

6. After I have done / made the bed i had my breakfast.

7. he made / did his job very well.

8. I made / did an appointment with my lawyer.

Exercise 5.   DO  or  MAKE?


1.When you live abroad it’s difficult to ------- friends if yiu don’t know the     language.

2. Can you ----- me a favour?

3. I’m hungry. I’m going to ----- a sandwich.

4. I couldn’t ------- business with him. I don’t trust him.

5. Can I use your mobile? I need to ------ a call.

6. His company ----- a lot of business with China.

7. I can’t come because I’ve got to ------ the washing up.

8. It’s snowing. Do you want to ----- a snowman?

Exercise 6.  Insert  DO  or MAKE  in the correct form.

1.I’ll ------- my best to write an interesting essay.

2. It’s very difficult to ----- a decision if you aren’t sure.

3. Don’t ----- noise. Ther baby is sleeping.

4. Have you finished --------  your homework?

5. You’ll ------ a mistake if you do that.

6. I’ll ---- the shopping after work this evening.

7. Don’t ------ any coffee. We’ll have some tea.

8. How many tests have you ----- ?

9. If you are shy, you’ll never ----- friends.


Exercise 7. Insert  DO  or MAKE  in the correct form.

1.M y mother is ----- me a dress for the party.

2. You can’t talk in the room when you are ----- an exam.

3. Taking a few days’ holiday will ------ you good.

4.Who will   ------- the washing up after lunch?

5. These photos don’t ------ any justice to her beauty/

6. He ---- a large fortune when he was working in Australia.

7. That firm isn’t reliable. We’d better not ------ business with them.

8. he was excluded from school because he was always --- trouble in class.



Exercise 1. 1 make, 2 do, 3 make, 4 do, 5 do, 6 do, 7 do, 8 make, 9 make, 10 make, 11 make, 12 do, 13 make, 14 make, 15 make, 16 do, 17 do, 18 do, 19 do, 20 make

Exercise 2.

MAKE: a mess, a mistake, money, plans, dinner, noise, the bed, a (telephone) call, sure, a living

DO: homework, the dishes, the shopping, (someone) a favor, the right thing, volunteer work, the research, best, any good, exercises

Exercise 3. 1 make, 2 make, 3 making, 4 make, 5 do, 6 do, 7 do, 8 make, 9 make, 10 do.

Exercise 4. 1 made, 2 done, 3 make, 4 made, 5 did, 6 made, 7 did, 8 made

Exercise 5. 1 make, 2 do, 3 make, 4 do, 5 make, 6 does, 7 do, 8 make

Exercise 6.

  1. Do    2.make    3. Make     4. Doing   5. Do   6. Make   7. Do   8. Make

9.Done      10.make

Exercise 7.

  1. Making    2. Doing   3. Do   4. Do      5. Do      6. Made     7. Make       8. Do

 9. Making   



10 лютого 2022
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