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Урок розроблен на основі підручника Wishes Level B2.1 Express Publishing ( Viginia Evans, Jenny Dooley)
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Тема уроку: Live long and prosper

Мета уроку:

Навчальна: продовжувати формувати навички критичного мислення, удосконалювати вмінні робити висновки, досліджуючи деталі тексту, вивчити нові лексичні одиниці та активувати їх у мовлені;

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовленеві, інтелектуальні, пізнавальні здібності, сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки, пам’яті, уваги, ерудиції, формувати розвиток умінь аргументовано пояснювати свою думку;

Виховна: формувати правильне ставлення до свого здоров’я, викликати бажання підтримувати здоровий спосіб життя.

Обладнання уроку: підручник Wishes Level B2.1 Express Publishing, дисплей, комп’ютер, дидактичний матеріал.

Хід уроку


2.    Warm up (evocation)

2.2  Вчитель відкриває сторінку  Wikipedia  та демонструє на екрані список людей. Учням пропонується роздивитись його та сказати, чому ці люди згадані в електронній енциклопедії.

Zhou Youguang

January 13, 1906

110 years, 6 days

Chinese linguist and father of Pinyin[1]

Zoltan Sarosy

August 23, 1906

109 years,

149 days

Hungarian-Canadian chess master[2]



April 1, 1907

108 years,

293 days

Indian religious leader and philanthropist

Carl Falck

May 27, 1907

108 years,

237 days

Norwegian businessman[3]

Abdul Rashid Khan

August 19, 1908

107 years,

153 days

Indian musician[4]

Yang Jingnian

October 17, 1908

107 years, 94 days

Chinese economist[5]

Bobbie Heine Miller

December 5,


106 years, 45 days

South African tennis player[6]

Barys Kit

April 6, 1910

105 years,

288 days

Belarusian scientist[7]

Gillo Dorfles

April 12, 1910

105 years,

282 days

Italian art critic, painter and philosopher[8]

2.3  Discussion

Pupils: They are hundred and more years old. 

Teacher: What are such people called? (Centenarians)

Teacher: Do you know anything about centenarians? To answer this question fill the first column of the table KWL

K-What I know?

W-What I want to find out?

L-What I have learnt and still need to learn?




Teacher: Share your ideas. 

Teacher: Now write, please, what you want to know about such people.

Teacher: Share your ideas. (From all students’ thoughts choose those which are about nutrition and define in discussion the aim of the lesson “The Recipe of Longevity”.)

3.    Main part. Working with the text. (Додаток 1)

3.3  Skimming.  Look hastily through the text and say what it is about.

3.4  Careful reading (Read to yourself) The text is not completed. It has 6 gaps. Fill them with appropriate sentence from the list below the text. One sentence is odd. Use the strategy of text completion. (Додаток 2) Be ready to explain your choice.

3.5  Vocabulary work. What words were new for you? 

Longevity, queue, maintain, brain performance, blood flow, savour, it occurred to me, sugary soft drinks, major contributor

(Students name them and teacher gives explanation in English. Students listen and write into their vocabulary – book with Ukrainian translation)

3.6  Use the new words to replace them in these sentences. (Додаток 3)

3.7  Return to the text again. Let’s read carefully and study every paragraph. It has information which tells about “the ingredients of the Recipe of Longevity”. While reading find “ingredients” and with the help of details prove and explain its belonging to the recipe. Fill the blank writing only key-words. ( Додаток 4)  As a result students have such recipe:

The Recipe of Longevity

1.       Fish (low in calories, full of substances, help blood flow, maintain brain performance);

2.       Colourful vegetables (fresh, locally grown, in season);

3.       Soya products (high in protein and vitamins);

4.       Brown rice;

5.       Meat dish fat should be poured off);

6.       Green tea (prevents illness, burns calories):

7.       Fresh water;

8.       Local rice wine (Good for Okinawa people as locally grown)

9.       No sugary soft drinks;

10.   Eat small portions (chew slowly, savour each mouthful)

11.   Enjoy social interaction while eat (eating alone you eat faster, consume more)

12.   Stay active (not to gain weight)

3.8  Discuss in group if this diet suits Ukrainian people, personally you.

4.    Reflexion

4.1 Let’s again look into the tables KWL and analyze them. Discussion.

5.    Home task 

5.1Learn the new words, use them to write a paragraph about Ukrainian diet to live long.


Додаток 1

                              LIVE LONG AND PROSPER

Food and nutrition expert Peter Bennet reports on his trip to a pretty fishing village on one of the islands of Okinawa,Japan, to find out why the people there live so long.

If I hadn’t already known one hundred-year-old Makato Okushima’s age when I first met her, I would have said she was seventy-five, perhaps eighty years old. But what is most surprising about Makato is that her age is not at all unusual in Okinawa. She is just one of more than 400 people there who are at least one hundred years old; for Okinawa has the highest and healthiest concentration of centenarians in the world.

I had come to find out the secret of these healthy islanders’ longevity and a stroll down to the waterfront with Makato provided me with my first clue.

After passing elderly fishermen unloading the day’s catch, Makato joined a queue at a market stall to buy the fish for that evening’s meal. Fish, of course, is very low in calories. 1____ And by the length of the queue I could see that the people of Okinawa ate plenty of it!

After we arrived at Makato’s house, I watched with fascination as Makato, her daughter, who also looked much younger than her 76 years, one of her granddaughters and three of her 13 great-grandchildren prepared our meal. 2 ____ There was also plenty of brown rice, and tofu, a soya product high in protein and vitamins. Another day there would be meat dish, too, but that fat was continuously poured off the meat as it cooked.

Then, when we sat down to eat, I noticed that the family ate only small portions, chewing slowly, taking time to savour each mouthful. 3 ____ It occurred to me that they would probably eat much faster, and consume much more, if they were eating alone.

After the meal, we drank green tea, which is said to have many health benefits, including preventing illnesses and helping to burn calories. 4 ___ There were no sugary soft drinks or alcohol, apart from the local rice wine that Makato’s daughter strongly believes is a major contributor to the Okinawans’ health!

As Makato’s family cleared away the dishes that first day, I asked her what she thought the secret to her good health was. ‘ Well, as you have seen, we eat a very healthy, low-fat diet,’ she told me, ‘but it’s also important to stay active. 5 _____ I suddenly realized that I hadn’t noticed a single overweight person since my arrival in Okinawa.

On my last day in the village, I went for another walk with Makato Okushima. 6 ____ There, standing proudly facing the sea, was an old stone marker. My translator told me what it said: ‘ At 70 you are still a child, at 80 a young man or woman. And if at 90 someone from Heaven invites you over, tell him: ‘ Just go away, and come back when I  am 100.’

Before flying home, I met Dr. David Billings who has studied Okinawa’s centenarians for more than a decade. ‘ Diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes are rare in Okinawa,’ he explained. 7 ____ He didn’t need to tell me. I had seen that much for myself.

A     As well as the fish, there were sweet potatoes, melon and many other colourful vegetables, all fresh, locally grown and in season.

B     That way, you don’t get fat.

C     It is also full of substances that help blood flow and maintain the performance of the brain.

D    ‘ For Okinawans, living longer has become a fact of life, but they don’t just live longer, they live better.’

E     This time, she took me to the outskirts of the village.

F     In fact, this and fresh water were the only drinks that I had during my stay.

G    I noticed that they hardly ate any dairy products, either.

H    Moreover, they were clearly enjoying the social interaction while they ate.


Додаток 2

Strategy of text completion

1.     Read the text hastily ignoring the gaps;

2.     Read carefully the sentences ( A-H );

3.     Find the logical link between the sentences and the text where they should be filled. Analyze grammar forms before and after the gap.

4.     Choosing the right sentence, don’t forget about the plot. Chosen parts should suit not only grammatically. The place in the paragraph is also important. Check if it is detail or the topic sentence.

Додаток 3

1.     We couldn’t help joining the line to buy some fresh fruit.

2.     To have healthy teeth you should abstain from Fanta or Cola.

3.     I enjoyed every slice of mango.

4.     I realized that there were no overweight people in the street.

5.     Vegetables are the main components of healthy diet.

6.     Vitamin C supports immune system.

7.     By making simple lifestyle changes you can increase your lifespan.

8.     Meat, fish and eggs are rich in iron. Including them into your diet you will improve your blood circulation.

Додаток 4


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17 січня 2021
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