Поетичний додаток до НМК "All Clear 7". Авторські вірші.

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Авторські вірші до НМК "ALL Clear 7" (видавництво Macmillan) допоможуть учням засвоїти лексику та граматику кожної теми підручника. Ці вірші можуть бути використані при вивчені даних тем любого іншого підручника. Вони мотивують учнів до кращого вивчення англійської мови.
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Поетичний додаток

         до НМК

      «All Clear 7»



                                                               Вчитель англійської мови

                                                                   СЗШ 33 м. Львова

                                                               Дорофеєва Люцина Григорівна







                                           Львів 2024


                                                                           Unit 1

                                   Free-time Activities


We all have some time off,

To make things we are fond of:

Going to   the cinema, to a youth centre, to the gym,

Going dancing, playing tennis, computer games and win.


I’m fond of meeting friends, going out for a meal,

Chatting online, doing voluntary work I really feel.

Drawing cartoons, making models is the best,

Playing an instrument, relaxing and having a good rest.



                                        People Are Different


No one in the world looks exactly alike.

People are different and different things like.

Different in temper, language, appearance,

In culture, dreams, tastes and experience.


Everybody has got a particular trait

That he inherited and special him made.

Some people have got in common a lot

Like music, books, films and sport.


Some are confident, friendly, energetic and generous,

Funny, cautious, honest, serious and adventurous.

Others are lazy, dishonest, quiet, shy or talkative,

Selfish, unsociable, careless and manipulative.


But we must understand and love them all,

Help each other even doing small.

We must remember all the time

The teaching of God and His mind.



                                                 Unit 2

                                    IT Activities


Computers a lot of information store.

They give it to people more and more.

Computers help children to practice and learn,

To do a lot of different operations on them.


You can go online, download or upload a video clip,

Play a video game, read an e-book and post a comment or a tip.

Send an email, print a document or it scan,

Store data and write a blog you also can.


We use a mobile phone to make a phone call.

But before it you need to plug in a memory stick at all.

To charge a phone and some programmes install,

Then you can take photos big and small.





There are a lot of professions

In which we can find much satisfaction.

All of them we greatly need

Because of their importance indeed.


Somebody wants to be an artist, a lawyer, an actor,

A firefighter, a journalist or a doctor,

A builder, a police officer, a postal worker, a politician,

A scientist, a researcher, a lab technician and an electrician.


I want a teacher to become,

To teach the children to school in time come.

A lot of love and knowledge them to give

And teach the main thing – how to live.



                                                      Unit 3

                               Adjectives with –ed/-ing


What adjective do we need correctly say?

How can we use them in a good way?


Simply remember! It’s easy to learn!

-Ed adjectives we use only for people, for men.

People are tired, annoyed, surprised, bored,

Frightened, interested, excited and worried.

-Ing adjectives only for things and events we use.

We must remember them and not them lose.

Things and events are tiring, annoying, surprising and boring,

Frightening, interesting, exciting and worrying.



                                                      Unit 4

                                         Places to Visit


There are different places in the world to go,

And everybody must them well know.

Cathedrals, pyramids, temples, ruins, castles and caves,

Tombs, reefs, rainforests, lighthouses and coastline’s waves.


Every place to visit we want and need.

Every place is interesting and exciting indeed.

All places are important and needful for us

Because they give for our life some moves and fuss.



                                                      Unit 5

                                      Fundraising Ideas


There are lots of fundraising ideas in the world.

A lot of festivals and events in different countries are held:

Having a barbecue, a bring and buy sale,

Selling badges, cakes, raffle tickets, clothes of different scale.


It’s very important some charity work to do,

To do a sponsored swim and organize a jumble sale too.

To wash cars, make a charity CD and money collect,

To make someone happy doing such important work.



                                                    Unit 6



Travelling is the best way

To explore countries far away.

The best way to study geography,

To discover new things and take the photography.


People often their homes leave

To visit interesting places and lots of emotions give.

They plan a trip, buy a guidebook and a suitcase pack,

Set off, get on a train, then get off and have a snack.


They have adventures and new people meet,

Buy souvenirs and send some postcards sweet.

But home they need come back,

To see everything interesting it’s time lack.






                                                  Unit 7



Everybody likes going to the cinema or watching TV,

Especially interesting and exciting films to see.

Because they give us lots of useful information.

And they certainly develop our imagination.


It’s a long difficult process some films to make,

To write a script, an incredible plot to take.

To film a scene and stunts, making necessary sound tracks

And also to create beautiful special effects.


It’s also important to choose famous film stars,

Talented stuntmen or stuntwomen, making stunts in the cars.

Then a director and a producer release a film.

It’s great success to win an award and star in a film.



                                                     Unit 8

                                     Making Friends

                                  Cultural Intelligence


Travel to other cultures opens your mind.

You should learn about local customs, be polite and kind.

In Germany, the USA and the UK

You should shake hands with strangers. It’s Ok.


In the UK a present like flowers or chocolates, you don’t have to bring.

But people will be pleased if you do such thing.

In Mexico it’s normal to be late.

But in Germany, the UK and Japan it’s very rude to do it. They hate.


When you arrive you must take your shoes off in China and Japan,

Not to tell jokes and behave yourself like a real gentleman.

In Japan, the USA or the UK you shouldn’t interrupt a conversation.

Germans enjoy having serious conversations in social situation.



                                                 Unit 9



So much music in a week we hear

And every time we feel it quite near.

Making music is not so easy.

Write song lyrics, record it in the recording studio. You’re always busy.


It’s very important to form a good band,

To play live at a concert at a music festival, a great event.

It’s also important to release an album with a cover bright,

To go on tour and go to number one once at night.










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