Популярні ігри та спорт

Про матеріал
Розробка містить інформацію для учнів 4 класу, які вивчають різні назви спортивних ігор. Ця розробка допоможе поглибити словниковий запас і отримати відомості про правила ігор, місце проведення, тощо.
Перегляд файлу

             4th Form Games and Sport

                   Ігри та спорт

  1.  Odd-one-out:
  1. golf, tennis, swimming,  football
  2. hockey, baseball, basketball, handball
  3. skiing, skating, sledging, gymnastics
  4. tennis, table tennis, football, chess
  5. ball, cricket, bat, glove


  1.  Read and guess the sports:
  1. It is a ball game. There are two teams. There are eleven players. They kick or roll the ball on the pitch.
  2. It is a game with a ball. Players need bats and a net, too. They play on the court.
  3. It is a ball game. There are two teams of five players. The players throw the ball into the basket.
  4. It is a board game. There are two players. They use white and black pieces. This is a game for clever people.

Word Box: basketball, football, chess, tennis


  1. Group the words into three columns:

( sneakers, ball, sportsman, bat, coach, tracksuit )


  1. People
  1. Clothes
  1. Equipment








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