Презентація до уроку узагальнення з теми " Золота епоха британського зображального мистецтва"а

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Презентація є основою уроку узагальнення з теми " Are Art Galleries and Museums in your List of Likes?". Основна частина уроку спрямована на розвиток навичок аудіювання та усного мовлення.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The Golden Epoch of the British PICTORIAL ART (17-19th сentury)John Constable,Malvern Hall" Thomas Gainsborough, Lady in blue

Номер слайду 2

The Lesson objectivesto enrich the knowledge on the topic: “Pictorial Art”, to learn more about famous English painters and their masterpieces;to improve the lexical and grammatical skills;to generalize everything learned on the topic; to train in listening comprehension;to improve the team work skills; to develop the sense of language;to learn to see the beauty of the world around us

Номер слайду 3

Phonetic lab. Pronounce the proper names CORRECTLYThe Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, Thomas Gainsborough, William Hogarth  John Constable,the Royal Academy of Art, Joseph William Turner, Joshua Reynolds. William Hogarth “Marriage-a- la-Mode”

Номер слайду 4

What word isn't a proper one?1. Turner, Gainsborough, Dali, Hogarth2. Still life, seascape, novel, landscape, portrait 3. Cubism, symbolism, impressionism, socialism4. The National Gallery, The Met, The Tate, V&A 5. Oil, water colour, canvas, pencil, paint6. To paint, to dance, to do sums, to sing7. Artist, author, painter, master8. Cinema, gallery, exhibition, museum

Номер слайду 5

A team game. Find the answer as quickly as possible1. A disputable kind of painting-modern art or vandalism? 2. The Museum our teacher has visited in New York.3. A painting in which a person is shown and nothing else. 4. A famous tragic actress in Reynolds’ masterpiece.5. A British painter whose statue stands in front of the Tate Gallery.6. A sea creature painted on the hat of a young girl in Hogarth’s painting.7. The founder of the Royal Academy of Arts.8. The genre of painting in which the sea is described.

Номер слайду 6

Vocabulary lab. Titan- a great personality. Rivalry- competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field. Rural- characreristic of the country-side and the village. A ship-wreck- destruction of a ship and death of its team. Bravura- showing that you are better than you really are Joshua Reynolds “Mrs Sara Siddons”

Номер слайду 7

Watch the videohttps://youtu.be/w. Li. N378 TRSg and say if the sentences are true or false. We are visiting The National Gallery in London. The question of artists’ rivalry was always in the air. Who is a better artist-Michelangelo or Da Vinci , Monet or Mane, Turner or Constable? Turner and Constable were titans of the Victorian age. Only Constable painted portraits, religious scenes and landscapes. Turner likes describing dramatic scenes- storms, fires and ship-wrecks. Turner’s works have nothing to do with the industrial revolution. Constable’s pictures are down-to-earth landscapes depicting the country-side. Turner is strong in oil but not in watercolours. Constable concentrates on the facts and details of rural life. The author likes Constable’ s activity more and suggests visiting pictures at the National Gallery for people to decide for themselves.

Номер слайду 8

Whose feature is it?1…could stirringly and truthfully measure the moods of Nature2…wanted to show Nature in times of the Industrial revolution before a change for ever.3…focused on the energy of movement of his time.4…created some of the greatest pictures ever made of the sky.5….paints quieter, more homely, more concerned with the truth than bravura.6…’paintings are simpler but nevertheless powerful.7…’pictures are down-to-earth depictions of the country-side.

Номер слайду 9

Summing up:1 Did you enjoy the lesson? Why or why not?2. Are you going to visit a picture gallery when you are on an excursion to a town or a city? Home work:1. Write a letter to your friend about the gallery you want to visit. Explain your choice-V&A or the Tate;Whose paintings you want to see and why;What your expectations are.2 . Make a word cloud on Turner’s or Constable’s painting using https://worditout.com/ or https://infogram.com/ GREAT THANKS!!! SEE YOU SOON!

18 лютого 2022
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