Комплекс вправ для навчання учнів читання англійською мовою у 1 класі. У кожному уроці подаються вправи, які допомагають активізувати та закріпити вживання лексики, а також сформувати навички читання та контролювати розуміння прочитаного.
Посібник призначений для навчання читанню учнів молодших класів. Може бути використаний вчителями початкових класів, учнями гімназій, загальноосвітніх шкіл, які самостійно вивчають англійську мову.
Управління освіти і науки
Науково-методичний центр
НВК №14
Дудченко Вікторія Леонардівна
First steps in reading
Навчальний посібник
м. Кам’янець-Подільський
Упорядник :
Дудченко Вікторія Леонардівна, вчитель англійської мови СЗОШ № 14 з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови, вчитель вищої категорії, старший вчитель.
Зміни в навчальному процесі висувають нові вимоги до діяльності вчителя, яка орієнтована на учня, і це викликає необхідність по новому підійти до проблеми формування навичок читання на початковому етапі. А так як читання іноземною мовою, як комунікативне уміння і засіб спілкування є важливим видом мовленнєвої діяльності, яке включає техніку читання і розуміння того, що читається, тому ведуча педагогічна ідея полягає в тому, щоб навчити учня початкової школи техніці читання на добре відомому лексичному матеріалі з елементами новизни.
У кожному уроці подаються вправи, які допомагають активізувати та закріпити вживання лексики, а також сформувати навички читання та контролювати розуміння прочитаного.
Посібник призначений для навчання читанню учнів молодших класів. Може бути використаний вчителями початкових класів, учнями гімназій, загальноосвітніх шкіл, які самостійно вивчають англійську мову.
Посібник «First steps in reading» створено на основі методичної літератури і власного досвіду вчителя.
Любий друже!
Ця книга – твій перший помічник у читанні англійською мовою.
Разом з тобою перші кроки у читанні робитимуть твої добрі друзі - англійські звуки та алфавіт. Роби свій крок впевнено і сміливо. Щасти тобі!
Урок 1
[ı], [e], [ɒ], [υ], [ʌ], [ӕ], [ə], [ɔ:], [a:], [i:], [u:], [ɜ:].
2. Назвіть приголосні звуки.
[n], [m], [t], [l], [k], [p], [s], [z], [f], [b], [d], [v], [w], [h], [r], [j], [g], [ŋ], [θ], [ð], [ʃ], [ʒ], [tʃ], [dʒ].
3. Назвіть дифтонги.
[ɔı], [aı], [eı], [ıə], [əυ], [aυ], [υə], [eə]
4. Назвіть звуки парами.
[ı] - [i:] [v] - [w]
[ɒ] - [ɔ:] [h] - [g]
[ʌ] - [a:] [θ] - [ð]
[υ] - [u:] [ʃ] - [ʒ]
[s] - [z] [tʃ] - [dʒ]
Урок 2
Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.
Aa[æ] Bb[b] Cc[k] Dd [d] Ee[e] Ff[f] Gg [g] Hh[h] Ii[ı] Jj[j] Kk[k] Ll[l] Mm[m] Nn[n] Oo[ɔ] Pp[p] Qq [kw] Rr[r] Ss[s] Tt[t] Uu[ʌ] Vv[v] Ww[w] Xx[ks] Yy[ ı] Zz[z]
Aa, ......, .......,Dd, ......., Ff, ......,Hh, .......Jj, ......., ......., Mm, Nn, …….Pp, ……., Rr, ……., Tt, Uu, ……., Ww, …….,Yy, ……. .
.....Bb....... ……Oo……
......Ee....... ……Qq……
......Gg...... ……Tt……
......Jj...... ……Vv……
......Ll....... ……Yy……
Урок 3
Ii [ı], Ee [e], Ll [l], Nn [n], Pp [p], Tt [t]
in net pen
it ten pin
ill tin tell
It, in, pen, ten
pen – ручка ten - десять
Урок 4
Oo [ɒ], Bb [b], Dd [d]
on bell pot tell
not end pen pin
doll bed let ten
pond top lot net
On, bell, doll, bed, top
Ted, Ben, Bill, Den, Bob,
doll - лялька bell - дзвінок
Урок 5
Kk [ k] , Gg [g] , Ss [s]
kid leg get pond
big dog got spend
sit dig desk spell
set egg lip still
A big bell, a big dog, a big pig, a big doll .
It is a desk. It is a bed. It is a bed. It is a pond. It is a doll.
dog – собака desk - парта
Урок 6
Ff [f] , Mm [m], Hh [h]
hop till help milk egg
hill if spend still ten
men left tip film him
fill hot stop miss rest
A big hill, a big dress, a big pond, a big egg, a big bed.
It is a hill. It is a big hill. It is a hen . It is a big hen.
hill – пагорб milk - молоко
Урок 7
Rr [r] , Vv [v], Ww [w].
red vest hen film top
rest well kiss get end
trip west twig stop lip
dress wet kid him bell
A red dress, a red lip, a big dress, a big bell.
It is a dress. It is a red dress. It is a film. It is a big bell.
dress - сукня hen - курка
Урок 8.
Aa [ӕ], Cc [k]
and can hand test stand
man cat bad step lamp
mat cap hat has spot
flat camp tram frog sad
flag bag sent rat pan
A red flat, a big flat, a bad bed, a dress and a hat, a bag and a desk.
It is a tram. It is a big cat. It is a red cap. It is a bad rat. It is a big frog.
cat - кіт bag - портфель
Урок 9
Uu [ʌ] , Xx [ks]
cup box club belt stamp
cut fox gun frost tram
bus six drum milk film
fun text hut trip spell
but run dust lamp flag
A bus and a tram, a box and a fox, a lamp and a flag, a drum and a doll, a red fox, a big tram, a big text, a bad stamp, a big hat.
It is a big bag. It is a red fox. It is a big box. It is a bad trip. It is a big bus.
cup – чашка bus - автобус
Урок 10
Jj [dʒ ]
jam jug club bad cup
jet bus six has stamp
just fox tram flat him
job text can red stop
jump hut milk stand bell
A red tram, a bad fox, a big jug, a big bell, a red hat, a red box.
It is a big text. It is a red tram. It is a red cup. It is a red hat.
jam – варення jump - стрибати
Урок 11
ng [ŋ] , nk [ŋk]
sing ink plus till drum
long pink must text dress
song bank plum jump still
ring tank tram job best
bring trunk sun fox his
A long song, a bad plum, his drum, a dress and a hat, a long text, a big cap, a red dress and a red hat, a big flag and a big drum.
Bob has a cat. Bill has a dog and a frog. Ben has a cap. Ann has a red dress.
sing - співати pink - рожевий
Урок 12
ck [ k ]
back wing club hen sock
black long truck fat duck
pick song stand sad clock
stick ring jam pan cock
brick strong send neck belt
trick spring tent hand west
A black cat, a black dog, a fat man, a pink pen, a cock and a hen, a hand and a neck, a strong man, a big truck, a big clock, a duck and a hen.
It is a black sock. It is a long belt. Tom has a truck. Dan has a plum.
clock – годинник cock – півник
Урок 13
ee [i:] , ea [i:]
bee eat ring clock land
see meat strong club spend
feet seat song pink desk
meet clean jump tent bad
green leaf black flat glad
sleep speak truck send plum
A big bee, a green leaf, a green sock, a black dress, a pink clock,
a clean desk, a strong man.
It is a big flat. It is a black truck. It is a green leaf. It is a long song.
bee - бджілка green - зелений
Урок 14
sh [ʃ] , ch [tʃ]
fish chin brush must can
dish chess lunch swim run
ship much street weak long
shop rich tea stamp spring
shelf chick read cup tram
wish children feet sock best
A big cup, a long shelf, a long street, a big shop, a big fish, a weak chick, a green street, a big ship.
It is a big shelf. It is a long street. I can run. I can read. I can swim. I can speak.
fish – риба ship - корабель
Урок 15
ar [a:]
arm far wish fish but
car bench tea fat rest
dark rich meat doll cock
farm chick leaf tent green
park ship speak run jump
mark shelf street bag job
A big farm, a green tea , a black tea, a fish and a cock, a shelf and a bench, a farm and a park.
4. Прочитайте речення і перекладіть на українську мову.
I can jump. I can read. Tom has a bag. Ben has a truck. It is a big farm. It is a green park. It is a dark park.
car – машина park - парк
Урок 16
or [ɔ:]
for arm much swim neck
form park lunch mean hand
horn far brush tree leg
born storm dish long cat
fork dark clock spring weak
sport chess read sleep strong
A big park, a black cat, a neck and a hand, a green tree, a big fish and a big dog.
It is a big fork. It is a big black cat. It is a big dark park. Ted has a green pen. Ann has a pink doll.
fork - виделка horse - кінь
Урок 17
ir [ɜ:]
girl sport meet black spell
bird form sweet shell sit
first far drink feet club
shirt arm jam read leaf
skirt farm dog jump put
fork lunch pig green and
A big girl, a pink shirt, a green skirt, a big farm, a big arm, a shirt and a skirt.
It is a pink skirt and a black shirt. It is a dark flat. It is a big bird.
bird - пташка skirt - спідниця
Урок 18
oo [ υ ], [u:]
book shirt broom bench pink
look bird wood long must
room girl car chick neck
took park short pond see
good fork eat speak plus
hook farm cut bring sport
a good mark, a good girl, a big room, a good book, a short bench.
It is a room. It is a room. It is a big room. It is a long hook. It is a big shelf.
book - книга room - кімната
Урок 19
th [ð] , th [θ]
the thin room sport wish
that thick broom week bus
then three bird sleep kick
them think fish cook first
with third horse sea garden
this fifth scarf children sad
This pen, that book, three fish, a big bus, ten children, a big horse and a bird, that tram, this flag.
This is a cat. This is a black dog. That is a park. This is a big garden.
three – три thick - товстий
thin - тонкий
Урок 20
ay, ai [eı] ; ey [eı]
day grey this bank bench
gay they that can morning
may prey thick children bush
pay tail thin garden peach
lay say with thank kitchen
paint hey tenth room think
A long day, a grey dog, this grey cat, that big tail, this chick, this morning.
It is a big grey cat. A dog has a big tail. I can play and paint. They can swim and jump.
grey - сірий play – грати, гратися
Урок 21
ou , ow [au]
loud brown clown may black
sound cow play that teeth
cloud now grey thank tooth
ground how lay read hand
out down tail shelf arm
about town day shirt fish
A brown bench, a grey cloud, a big town, a thick clown, a big tooth, a long day, a black cow, a brown tail.
This is a box. The box is grey. This is a dog. The dog is brown. This town is big.
cow – корова brown - коричневий
Урок 22
ow, o [əυ]
go snow out mouse fox
no bowl ground owl took
nose so cloud gay plus
rose window down paint had
home know how clown block
bone shallow low they sheep
A pink rose, a big nose, much snow, a big window, a grey mouse.
I can go. I can see a pink rose. I can see a big window. This is a red fox and a grey mouse.
rose - троянда window - вікно
Урок 23
e [i:]
he home horse first fat
she nose sport speak run
we window plum jump man
me so this doll bell
be bone lamp stop sock
these bowl arm thick flag
These sheep, these children, this horse and that cow, this man.
He can run. She can speak. We go home. He has a car. She has a big doll. A cow has a long tail. This window is big.
he – він she - вона
Урок 24.
a [eı]
name she go brown neck
game he so grey lunch
late be rose men clock
plate these day ship shop
make me play must that
cake note now cheek meet
A big plate, a long day, this morning, a bad lamp, his clock, his name, his game.
We play his game. He has a big plate. She has a cake. They can make a cake.
plate – тарілка cake - тістечко
Урок 25.
y, i [aı]
five my plate thin dark
nine fly name down table
fine shy she think may
wide by home count say
nice sky window but jam
bike try teeth form book
A wide street, a nice shirt, a big bike, my home, my name, my book.
This is my book. That is my bag. It is his bike. This street is long. His name is Bob. My name is Ted.
five – п’ять bike - велосипед
Урок 26
u [u:], [ju:]
true student my garden count
blue fine day these can
glue wide home nose cup
pupil nice morning me fresh
tulip five sad look cry
shoe nine box brown they
A red tulip, a blue sky, a nice pupil, my glue, this morning, a pupil and a student.
This is are tulip. He is a good pupil. She is a good student. The sky is blue.
blue - синій pupil - учень
Урок 27
all [ɔ:l]
ball nice blue stone thick
small five paint day hen
tall wide park black ring
wall nine six foot can
hall shoe they feet cup
fall pupil nose fat shelf
A big ball, a small ball, a wide hall, a black wall, a tall man, a small book, a small hall.
This is a red ball. This is a small green ball. That is a pink ball. This is a big ball and that is a small ball.
ball – м’яч tall - високий
Урок 28
er, or [ə]
dinner letter ring she pink
supper ball home plus sun
teacher wall he grey hook
doctor tall fresh lay room
better tulip watch go fox
butter student keep play three
My teacher, a good pupil, a good doctor, dinner and supper, his teacher, a red ball, a small room.
He is my doctor. She is my teacher. This is a butter. This is a student and a teacher.
teacher – вчитель butter - масло
Урок 29
ear [iə]
ear dinner good garden has
hear teacher wall tea ant
near small actor spring she
dear ball mirror with we
fear wide count pan chess
rear keeper tooth cook meat
A big ear, a wide sofa, his ball, a nice teacher, a green garden, a black tea, a good doctor, his supper, her dinner.
This wall is wide. This ball is small. He has dinner. She has supper.
ear – вухо hear - чути
Урок 30
y [ı]
lorry sailor must sock shop
family near cry girl pupil
puppy dear nine bird tall
forty butter me bush eat
twenty ear clown box meet
very fear lunch farm ten
My family, his family, a small puppy, a big family, a small family, his lorry, a red big lorry.
This is a lorry. This is my family. This is her family. It is a small puppy. Bob has a big family. Ann has a small family.
family - сім’я puppy - цуценя
Урок 31
ir , ear [eə]
hair wear actor blue child
fair tear sky run cow
chair ear rose cap think
pair dear look try pay
stair puppy twenty jump now
bear near no read five
A big bear, a small puppy, a brown chair, her long hair, a dog and a puppy, a chair and a sofa.
This chair is very big. That is a small lorry. This bear is brown. It is my puppy. This chair is in the room.
bear – ведмідь chair – стілець
Тексти для читання
Tom's Robot
I am Bob.
I am Tom's robot.
I can sit. I can stand.
I can rise hands.
I can jump and run.
It is fun!
My Cat
I am Ann.
I have got a cat.
It is red.
It has got two eyes and two ears.
It has got a pink nose.
It can run and jump.
My cat is nice.
I've got two eyes,
A mouth and a nose.
I've got two feet,
But I haven't got toes.
Two hands, two ears
And lots of hair...
What am I?
I am a teddy-bear!
My Doll
I have got a doll.
Its name is Kate.
It has got a nice face.
It has got two big eyes and a small nose.
Kate has got two legs.
It can walk.
My doll has got two hands.
It can clap.
My Family
My family is not small.
I have got two brothers and a sister.
My father's name is Gregory.
He is very clever.
My mother's name is Mary.
She is very kind.
We are a very happy family.
She has got a pet.
It is a cat.
She has got a fish,
A yellow fish ...
He has got a turtle,
And a rabbit.
He has got a hamster
And a black dog.
He has got a dog
And she has got a cat.
He has got a pet
And she has got a pet.
I can see a fox in the zoo.
I can see a rhino — it is blue.
I can see a monkey in the tree.
I can see a black and yellow bee.
Look, it is a dolphin — it can swim.
Look, it is a birdie — it can sing.
A tiger, big lion, a small kangaroo...
We can see them all in the Zoo!
At the Zoo
We are at the zoo.
Look, this is an elephant.
It is very big.
It has got big ears and small eyes.
And that is a bear.
It is strong.
The tiger is red and black.
It can run and jump well.
Look on the left.
These are monkeys.
I like monkeys.
They are funny.
My Sister's Birthday
I have got a sister.
Her name is Tina.
She is a small girl.
It is Tina's birthday today.
She is three.
She has got many presents today.
Look. This is a funny turtle.
It can walk.
That is a nice bird.
It can sing.
What a lovely new doll in the box!
Can it clap hands? Yes, it can.
I have got a red and pink ball for my sister.
Happy birthday, Tina!
A black cat sat on the map
And ate a fat rat.
That handsome man standing with his back to the track has a hat in his hand.
My name is Ann.
Her name is Man.
His name is Ben.
Say it again.
A big black bug bit a big black bear
A big black bear bit a big black bug.
Betty Butter bought some butter,
But she said, “My butter’s bitter,
And a bit of better butter
Will make my butter better”.
I can walk
I can talk
I can hear
I can see
I can jump
I can swim
I can run
This is fun.
How many cookies could a good cook cooks.
If a good cook could cook cookies?
A good cook could cook as much cookies
As a good cook who could cook cookies.
Father Duck goes for a swim,
Mother Duck comes out with him.
And behind them clean and trim
Seven little ducklings swim.
[i:], [i]
One, and two, and three, and four,
We are sitting on the floor.
We are playing with a ball,
And a pretty little girl.
Fresh French fried fly fritters.
The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.
My kite is white,
My kite is light,
My kite is in the sky
Now left, now right,
You see the kite
You see it
You and I.
Soams never boasts of what he knows
But Rose never knows of what she boasts.
Quack-quack, chock-chock!
How do you do, Mr. Cock?
When you sing Cock – doodle-doo!
I always here : How do you do?
Together, together,
Together every day;
Together, together,
We work and play.
Together, together,
We read our books each day;
Together, together
We work and play.
I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn't the thought
I thought I thought.
We surely shall see the sun shine soon.
If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard,
Will a black chalk chalks on a white blackboard?