Тетяна Сергіївна Саган - вчитель англійської мови Закупнянської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів
Назва: Use Reader’s Theatre with success: посібник для початкових класів – Закупнянська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст., 2011р. - 167 с.
Місце видання: Закупнянська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів
Рік видання: 2011
Кількість сторінок: 167
У посібнику вміщено поради та збірка казок, які допоможуть організувати діяльність читацького театру в школі.
Посібник адресовано вчителям та учням початкових класів.
Рецензент: Слівська І. В., голова методоб’єднання вчителів англійської мови
Рекомендовано: методичною радою Чемеровецького райметодкабінету
Протокол № від
Передмова......................................................................................... 4
Поради для вчителя....................................................................... 5
Поради для учнів............................................................................. 6
Everyone gets the opportunity..........................................................7
Reader’s Theatre Presentation (self-assessment)………………… 164
Одним із найактуальніших аспектів діяльності вчителя англійської мови є заохочення учнів до розвитку їхніх мовленнєвих навичок через позакласну роботу.
Даний посібник містить збірку казок для читацького театру.
Читацький театр – це не вистава, яка потребує тривалої підготовки і вивчення ролей напам’ять. Стаючи учасниками театру, учні залучаються до процесу читання текстів казок, де кожна роль виділена окремим кольором. Вистави читацького театру вимагають мінімум костюмів та максимум експресії.
За такої умови процес читання стає цікавим, а текст живим.
Вважаємо, що даний посібник полегшить роботу вчителя в напрямку формування позитивної мотивації до вивчення іноземної мови та створення ситуації успіху.
Поради для вчителя
І. Планування
ІІ. Підготовка до презентації вистави
ІІІ. Презентація
Поради для учнів
та інші атрибути
свою чергу озвучувати роль
щоб глядачі бачили ваш
вираз обличчя
*Читайте емоційно
* Робіть паузи, де потрібно
* Покажіть
- радість
* Понижуйте голос при - страх
читанні запитання - сором’язливість
- злість
* Читайте виразно, голосно, *Використовуйте міміку,
вільно, не поспішайте жести для виявлення емоцій
Five little ducks
Number of characters: 8
Reading level: 2nd grade
Five Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only four Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only four Little Ducks./
Four Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only three Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only three Little Ducks./
Three Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only two Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only two Little Ducks./
Two Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only one Little Duck
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away
and there remains only one Little Duck./
One Little Duck
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And no Little Duck came back.
/The Wolf comes out from the bushes./
The Wolf:
Hi! I'm Big Bad Wolf!
I'm hungry.
I'm very, very hungry.
I like little ducks.
Where are they?
I can't find them.
/The Wolf looks for Little Ducks./
Mother Duck:
Oh, where are my Ducklings?
The wolf has eaten them.
Oh, they are naughty,
They are not good.
/Mother Duck cries for her children./
/Five Little Ducks runs to their mother/
Five Little Ducks:
Oh, Mummy dear,
We are here,
We are not naughty,
We are good,
We love you.
Mother Duck:
My dears! I love you too.
/Mother Duck and her Five Ducks are together. Mother hugs them and kisses them./
Five little ducks
Five Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only four Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only four Little Ducks./
Four Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only three Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only three Little Ducks./
Three Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only two Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only two Little Ducks./
Two Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only one Little Duck
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away
and there remains only one Little Duck./
One Little Duck
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And no Little Duck came back.
/The Wolf comes out from the bushes./
The Wolf:
Hi! I'm Big Bad Wolf!
I'm hungry.
I'm very, very hungry.
I like little ducks.
Where are they?
I can't find them.
/The Wolf looks for Little Ducks./
Mother Duck:
Oh, where are my Ducklings?
The wolf has eaten them.
Oh, they are naughty,
They are not good.
/Mother Duck cries for her children./
/Five Little Ducks runs to their mother/
Five Little Ducks:
Oh, Mummy dear,
We are here,
We are not naughty,
We are good,
We love you.
Mother Duck:
My dears! I love you too.
/Mother Duck and her Five Ducks are together. Mother hugs them and kisses them./
Five little ducks
Five Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only four Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only four Little Ducks./
Four Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only three Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only three Little Ducks./
Three Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only two Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only two Little Ducks./
Two Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only one Little Duck
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away
and there remains only one Little Duck./
One Little Duck
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And no Little Duck came back.
/The Wolf comes out from the bushes./
The Wolf:
Hi! I'm Big Bad Wolf!
I'm hungry.
I'm very, very hungry.
I like little ducks.
Where are they?
I can't find them.
/The Wolf looks for Little Ducks./
Mother Duck:
Oh, where are my Ducklings?
The wolf has eaten them.
Oh, they are naughty,
They are not good.
/Mother Duck cries for her children./
/Five Little Ducks runs to their mother/
Five Little Ducks:
Oh, Mummy dear,
We are here,
We are not naughty,
We are good,
We love you.
Mother Duck:
My dears! I love you too.
/Mother Duck and her Five Ducks are together. Mother hugs them and kisses them./
Five little ducks
Mother Duck
Five Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only four Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only four Little Ducks./
Four Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only three Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only three Little Ducks./
Three Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only two Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only two Little Ducks./
Two Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only one Little Duck
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away
and there remains only one Little Duck./
One Little Duck
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And no Little Duck came back.
/The Wolf comes out from the bushes./
The Wolf:
Hi! I'm Big Bad Wolf!
I'm hungry.
I'm very, very hungry.
I like little ducks.
Where are they?
I can't find them.
/The Wolf looks for Little Ducks./
Mother Duck:
Oh, where are my Ducklings?
The wolf has eaten them.
Oh, they are naughty,
They are not good.
/Mother Duck cries for her children./
/Five Little Ducks runs to their mother/
Five Little Ducks:
Oh, Mummy dear,
We are here,
We are not naughty,
We are good,
We love you.
Mother Duck:
My dears! I love you too.
/Mother Duck and her Five Ducks are together. Mother hugs them and kisses them./
Five little ducks
Five Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only four Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only four Little Ducks./
Four Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only three Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only three Little Ducks./
Three Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only two Little Ducks
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away and there remains only two Little Ducks./
Two Little Ducks
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And only one Little Duck
Came back.
/One Little Duck runs away
and there remains only one Little Duck./
One Little Duck
Went swimming one day
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck shouted:
"Quack, quack, quack,"
And no Little Duck came back.
/The Wolf comes out from the bushes./
The Wolf:
Hi! I'm Big Bad Wolf!
I'm hungry.
I'm very, very hungry.
I like little ducks.
Where are they?
I can't find them.
/The Wolf looks for Little Ducks./
Mother Duck:
Oh, where are my Ducklings?
The wolf has eaten them.
Oh, they are naughty,
They are not good.
/Mother Duck cries for her children./
/Five Little Ducks runs to their mother/
Five Little Ducks:
Oh, Mummy dear,
We are here,
We are not naughty,
We are good,
We love you.
Mother Duck:
My dears! I love you too.
/Mother Duck and her Five Ducks are together. Mother hugs them and kisses them.
Number of characters: 6
Reading level: 2nd grade
Narrator 1: Once upon a time many little mice lived in a cozy house.
Narrator 2: One day a big cat came to live in the house.
Narrator 1: The cat chased the mice. The mice were very, very scared.
Mouse Leader: We have a problem.
Narrator 2: The mouse leader told all the mice.
Mouse Leader: I am tired of being chased by that big cat day and night.
Gray Mouse: But what can we do?
Narrator 1: Asked the gray mouse.
Brown Mouse: We must come up with a plan.
Gray Mouse: What a great idea. What will we do?
Brown Mouse: We can wait until the cat falls asleep. Then we can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat tries to chase us, the bell will ring and we can run away.
Gray Mouse: This is a fabulous plan! Let's tie the bell around the cat's neck.
Wise Old Mouse: And who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
Narrator 2: Asked the wise old mouse.
Narrator 1: No one wanted to be the one to try.
Narrator 2: The mice were much too scared.
Wise Old Mouse: And that is why mice are still chased and caught by cats to this very day.
Narrator 1
Narrator 1: Once upon a time many little mice lived in a cozy house.
Narrator 2: One day a big cat came to live in the house.
Narrator 1: The cat chased the mice. The mice were very, very scared.
Mouse Leader: We have a problem.
Narrator 2: The mouse leader told all the mice.
Mouse Leader: I am tired of being chased by that big cat day and night.
Gray Mouse: But what can we do?
Narrator 1: Asked the gray mouse.
Brown Mouse: We must come up with a plan.
Gray Mouse: What a great idea. What will we do?
Brown Mouse: We can wait until the cat falls asleep. Then we can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat tries to chase us, the bell will ring and we can run away.
Gray Mouse: This is a fabulous plan! Let's tie the bell around the cat's neck.
Wise Old Mouse: And who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
Narrator 2: Asked the wise old mouse.
Narrator 1: No one wanted to be the one to try.
Narrator 2: The mice were much too scared.
Wise Old Mouse: And that is why mice are still chased and caught by cats to this very day.
Belling The Cat
Narrator 2
Narrator 1: Once upon a time many little mice lived in a cozy house.
Narrator 2: One day a big cat came to live in the house.
Narrator 1: The cat chased the mice. The mice were very, very scared.
Mouse Leader: We have a problem.
Narrator 2: The mouse leader told all the mice.
Mouse Leader: I am tired of being chased by that big cat day and night.
Gray Mouse: But what can we do?
Narrator 1: Asked the gray mouse.
Brown Mouse: We must come up with a plan.
Gray Mouse: What a great idea. What will we do?
Brown Mouse: We can wait until the cat falls asleep. Then we can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat tries to chase us, the bell will ring and we can run away.
Gray Mouse: This is a fabulous plan! Let's tie the bell around the cat's neck.
Wise Old Mouse: And who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
Narrator 2: Asked the wise old mouse.
Narrator 1: No one wanted to be the one to try.
Narrator 2: The mice were much too scared.
Wise Old Mouse: And that is why mice are still chased and caught by cats to this very day.
Belling The Cat
Mouse Leader
Narrator 1: Once upon a time many little mice lived in a cozy house.
Narrator 2: One day a big cat came to live in the house.
Narrator 1: The cat chased the mice. The mice were very, very scared.
Mouse Leader: We have a problem.
Narrator 2: The mouse leader told all the mice.
Mouse Leader: I am tired of being chased by that big cat day and night.
Gray Mouse: But what can we do?
Narrator 1: Asked the gray mouse.
Brown Mouse: We must come up with a plan.
Gray Mouse: What a great idea. What will we do?
Brown Mouse: We can wait until the cat falls asleep. Then we can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat tries to chase us, the bell will ring and we can run away.
Gray Mouse: This is a fabulous plan! Let's tie the bell around the cat's neck.
Wise Old Mouse: And who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
Narrator 2: Asked the wise old mouse.
Narrator 1: No one wanted to be the one to try.
Narrator 2: The mice were much too scared.
Wise Old Mouse: And that is why mice are still chased and caught by cats to this very day.
Belling The Cat
Gray Mouse
Narrator 1: Once upon a time many little mice lived in a cozy house.
Narrator 2: One day a big cat came to live in the house.
Narrator 1: The cat chased the mice. The mice were very, very scared.
Mouse Leader: We have a problem.
Narrator 2: The mouse leader told all the mice.
Mouse Leader: I am tired of being chased by that big cat day and night.
Gray Mouse: But what can we do?
Narrator 1: Asked the gray mouse.
Brown Mouse: We must come up with a plan.
Gray Mouse: What a great idea. What will we do?
Brown Mouse: We can wait until the cat falls asleep. Then we can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat tries to chase us, the bell will ring and we can run away.
Gray Mouse: This is a fabulous plan! Let's tie the bell around the cat's neck.
Wise Old Mouse: And who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
Narrator 2: Asked the wise old mouse.
Narrator 1: No one wanted to be the one to try.
Narrator 2: The mice were much too scared.
Wise Old Mouse: And that is why mice are still chased and caught by cats to this very day.
Belling The Cat
Brown Mouse
Narrator 1: Once upon a time many little mice lived in a cozy house.
Narrator 2: One day a big cat came to live in the house.
Narrator 1: The cat chased the mice. The mice were very, very scared.
Mouse Leader: We have a problem.
Narrator 2: The mouse leader told all the mice.
Mouse Leader: I am tired of being chased by that big cat day and night.
Gray Mouse: But what can we do?
Narrator 1: Asked the gray mouse.
Brown Mouse: We must come up with a plan.
Gray Mouse: What a great idea. What will we do?
Brown Mouse: We can wait until the cat falls asleep. Then we can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat tries to chase us, the bell will ring and we can run away.
Gray Mouse: This is a fabulous plan! Let's tie the bell around the cat's neck.
Wise Old Mouse: And who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
Narrator 2: Asked the wise old mouse.
Narrator 1: No one wanted to be the one to try.
Narrator 2: The mice were much too scared.
Wise Old Mouse: And that is why mice are still chased and caught by cats to this very day.
Belling The Cat
Wise Old Mouse
Narrator 1: Once upon a time many little mice lived in a cozy house.
Narrator 2: One day a big cat came to live in the house.
Narrator 1: The cat chased the mice. The mice were very, very scared.
Mouse Leader: We have a problem.
Narrator 2: The mouse leader told all the mice.
Mouse Leader: I am tired of being chased by that big cat day and night.
Gray Mouse: But what can we do?
Narrator 1: Asked the gray mouse.
Brown Mouse: We must come up with a plan.
Gray Mouse: What a great idea. What will we do?
Brown Mouse: We can wait until the cat falls asleep. Then we can tie a bell around the cat's neck. When the cat tries to chase us, the bell will ring and we can run away.
Gray Mouse: This is a fabulous plan! Let's tie the bell around the cat's neck.
Wise Old Mouse: And who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
Narrator 2: Asked the wise old mouse.
Narrator 1: No one wanted to be the one to try.
Narrator 2: The mice were much too scared.
Wise Old Mouse: And that is why mice are still chased and caught by cats to this very day.
The Ugly Duckling
Number of characters: 18
Reading level: 2nd – 3rd grades
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm:
But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
The little ugly duckling runs away.
Scene Three
Storyteller: It is autumn. It is cold. The wind blows. The ugly duckling is on the pond.
Geese: Mmm. You are strange. You are very, very ugly. Ha, ha, ha.
/The geese fly away./
Frog: Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am a duck.
Frog: How big and ugly you are.
Swans: Hello. Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am an ugly duckling. Take me with you.
Swans: No, we can't. You are very little. /The swans fly away./
Scene Four
Storyteller: The man sees the duckling.
Man: Poor duckling. You are cold. Come with me, little bird.
Storyteller: The ugly duckling lives in the man's house now.
Children: Let's play with him.
/The duckling makes a mess in the house./
Woman: Get out! Get out of my house!
Storyteller: The door is open. The ugly duckling flies up into the sky.
Ugly Duckling: I can fly. I can fly in the sky.
Children: Look! He can fly. He can fly high up in the sky.
Scene Five
Storyteller: It is spring. It is warm. The garden is green. The Ugly Duckling sees three swans in the sky.
Ugly Duckling: Oh, they are beautiful. They are white. I am not beautiful.
I am an ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The Duckling sees himself in the water.
Ugly Duckling: I am not an ugly duckling now.
Swans: It's true! It's true! You are a beautiful white swan! Come with us!
/The Ugly Duckling flies with the swans./
Children: Mummy, look! What a beautiful swan!
Woman: Yes. He is very beautiful!
The Ugly Duckling
Scene one
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm:
But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
Scene Three
Storyteller: It is autumn. It is cold. The wind blows. The ugly duckling is on the pond.
Geese: Mmm. You are strange. You are very, very ugly. Ha, ha, ha.
/The geese fly away./
Frog: Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am a duck.
Frog: How big and ugly you are.
Swans: Hello. Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am an ugly duckling. Take me with you.
Swans: No, we can't. You are very little. /The swans fly away./
Scene Four
Storyteller: The man sees the duckling.
Man: Poor duckling. You are cold. Come with me, little bird.
Storyteller: The ugly duckling lives in the man's house now.
Children: Let's play with him.
/The duckling makes a mess in the house./
Woman: Get out! Get out of my house!
Storyteller: The door is open. The ugly duckling flies up into the sky.
Ugly Duckling: I can fly. I can fly in the sky.
Children: Look! He can fly. He can fly high up in the sky.
Scene Five
Storyteller: It is spring. It is warm. The garden is green. The Ugly Duckling sees three swans in the sky.
Ugly Duckling: Oh, they are beautiful. They are white. I am not beautiful.
I am an ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The Duckling sees himself in the water.
Ugly Duckling: I am not an ugly duckling now.
Swans: It's true! It's true! You are a beautiful white swan! Come with us!
/The Ugly Duckling flies with the swans./
Children: Mummy, look! What a beautiful swan!
Woman: Yes. He is very beautiful!
The Ugly Duckling
Mother Duck
Scene one
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy.
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm: But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
The Ugly Duckling
Duckling 1
Scene one
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy.
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm: But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
The Ugly Duckling
Duckling 2
Scene one
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm: But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
The Ugly Duckling
Duckling 3
Scene one
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm: But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
The Ugly Duckling
Duckling 4
Scene one
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm: But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
The Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling
Scene one
Storyteller: It is summer. It is hot. The fields are yellow. The pond is deep.
Mother Duck sits on her nest.
Mother Duck: One, two, three, four, five. I have got five eggs.
Storyteller: She waits for her ducklings.
Duckling 1: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 2: Me too.
Duckling 3: Cheep, cheep, cheep. Here I am.
Duckling 4: Me too.
Mother Duck: My dear ducklings. You are little. You are yellow.
You are very, very nice.
Storyteller: One big egg doesn't open. The duck sits and sits.
Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack!
Mother Duck: Oh, dear! You are so big and ugly! You are not yellow. You are grey.
Come on, children. Let's go for a swim.
Duckling 1: I can swim.
Duckling 2: And I can swim.
Duckling 3: Oh, I can swim too.
Duckling 4: Wait for me.
Ugly Duckling: I want to swim too.
Mother Duck: Look. All my ducklings can swim. The grey duckling can swim very well. I am happy
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm:
But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
Scene Three
Storyteller: It is autumn. It is cold. The wind blows. The ugly duckling is on the pond.
Geese: Mmm. You are strange. You are very, very ugly. Ha, ha, ha.
/The geese fly away./
Frog: Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am a duck.
Frog: How big and ugly you are.
Swans: Hello. Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am an ugly duckling. Take me with you.
Swans: No, we can't. You are very little. /The swans fly away./
Scene Four
Storyteller: The man sees the duckling.
Man: Poor duckling. You are cold. Come with me, little bird.
Storyteller: The ugly duckling lives in the man's house now.
Children: Let's play with him.
/The duckling makes a mess in the house./
Woman: Get out! Get out of my house!
Storyteller: The door is open. The ugly duckling flies up into the sky.
Ugly Duckling: I can fly. I can fly in the sky.
Children: Look! He can fly. He can fly high up in the sky.
Scene Five
Storyteller: It is spring. It is warm. The garden is green. The Ugly Duckling sees three swans in the sky.
Ugly Duckling: Oh, they are beautiful. They are white. I am not beautiful.
I am an ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The Duckling sees himself in the water.
Ugly Duckling: I am not an ugly duckling now.
Swans: It's true! It's true! You are a beautiful white swan! Come with us!
/The Ugly Duckling flies with the swans./
Children: Mummy, look! What a beautiful swan!
Woman: Yes. He is very beautiful!
The Ugly Duckling
Scene Two
Mother Duck: Let's go to the farm. I have got many friends there. Follow me. Watch out for the cat. Bow your heads to our friends.
Mother Duck: Hello, everyone! This is my family. Look at my five little ducklings.
Ducks on the farm: Very nice. Very nice.
Ducks on the farm: But that duckling is very big and ugly. He is an ugly duckling.
/The ducks peck him. /
Ugly Duckling: Oh, I am not yellow. I am grey. I am not little. I am big.
I am very unhappy.
Ducks: Go away. Go away, you ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The little ugly duckling runs away.
The Ugly Duckling
Scene Three
Storyteller: It is autumn. It is cold. The wind blows. The ugly duckling is on the pond.
Geese: Mmm. You are strange. You are very, very ugly. Ha, ha, ha.
/The geese fly away./
Frog: Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am a duck.
Frog: How big and ugly you are.
Swans: Hello. Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am an ugly duckling. Take me with you.
Swans: No, we can't. You are very little. /The swans fly away./
The Ugly Duckling
Scene Three
Storyteller: It is autumn. It is cold. The wind blows. The ugly duckling is on the pond.
Geese: Mmm. You are strange. You are very, very ugly. Ha, ha, ha.
/The geese fly away./
Frog: Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am a duck.
Frog: How big and ugly you are.
Swans: Hello. Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am an ugly duckling. Take me with you.
Swans: No, we can't. You are very little. /The swans fly away./
The Ugly Duckling
Scene Three
Storyteller: It is autumn. It is cold. The wind blows. The ugly duckling is on the pond.
Geese: Mmm. You are strange. You are very, very ugly. Ha, ha, ha.
/The geese fly away./
Frog: Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am a duck.
Frog: How big and ugly you are.
Swans: Hello. Who are you?
Ugly Duckling: I am an ugly duckling. Take me with you.
Swans: No, we can't. You are very little.
/The swans fly away./
Scene Four
Storyteller: The man sees the duckling.
Man: Poor duckling. You are cold. Come with me, little bird.
Storyteller: The ugly duckling lives in the man's house now.
Children: Let's play with him.
/The duckling makes a mess in the house./
Woman: Get out! Get out of my house!
Storyteller: The door is open. The ugly duckling flies up into the sky.
Ugly Duckling: I can fly. I can fly in the sky.
Children: Look! He can fly. He can fly high up in the sky.
Scene Five
Storyteller: It is spring. It is warm. The garden is green. The Ugly Duckling sees three swans in the sky.
Ugly Duckling: Oh, they are beautiful. They are white. I am not beautiful.
I am an ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The Duckling sees himself in the water.
Ugly Duckling: I am not an ugly duckling now.
Swans: It's true! It's true! You are a beautiful white swan! Come with us!
/The Ugly Duckling flies with the swans./
Children: Mummy, look! What a beautiful swan!
Woman: Yes. He is very beautiful!
The Ugly Duckling
Scene Four
Storyteller: The man sees the duckling.
Man: Poor duckling. You are cold. Come with me, little bird.
Storyteller: The ugly duckling lives in the man's house now.
Children: Let's play with him.
/The duckling makes a mess in the house./
Woman: Get out! Get out of my house!
Storyteller: The door is open. The ugly duckling flies up into the sky.
Ugly Duckling: I can fly. I can fly in the sky.
Children: Look! He can fly. He can fly high up in the sky.
Scene Five
Storyteller: It is spring. It is warm. The garden is green. The Ugly Duckling sees three swans in the sky.
Ugly Duckling: Oh, they are beautiful. They are white. I am not beautiful.
I am an ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The Duckling sees himself in the water.
Ugly Duckling: I am not an ugly duckling now.
Swans: It's true! It's true! You are a beautiful white swan! Come with us!
/The Ugly Duckling flies with the swans./
Children: Mummy, look! What a beautiful swan!
Woman: Yes. He is very beautiful!
The Ugly Duckling
Scene Four
Storyteller: The man sees the duckling.
Man: Poor duckling. You are cold. Come with me, little bird.
Storyteller: The ugly duckling lives in the man's house now.
Children: Let's play with him.
/The duckling makes a mess in the house./
Woman: Get out! Get out of my house!
Storyteller: The door is open. The ugly duckling flies up into the sky.
Ugly Duckling: I can fly. I can fly in the sky.
Children: Look! He can fly. He can fly high up in the sky.
Scene Five
Storyteller: It is spring. It is warm. The garden is green. The Ugly Duckling sees three swans in the sky.
Ugly Duckling: Oh, they are beautiful. They are white. I am not beautiful.
I am an ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The Duckling sees himself in the water.
Ugly Duckling: I am not an ugly duckling now.
Swans: It's true! It's true! You are a beautiful white swan! Come with us!
/The Ugly Duckling flies with the swans./
Children: Mummy, look! What a beautiful swan!
Woman: Yes. He is very beautiful!
The Ugly Duckling
Scene Four
Storyteller: The man sees the duckling.
Man: Poor duckling. You are cold. Come with me, little bird.
Storyteller: The ugly duckling lives in the man's house now.
Children: Let's play with him.
/The duckling makes a mess in the house./
Woman: Get out! Get out of my house!
Storyteller: The door is open. The ugly duckling flies up into the sky.
Ugly Duckling: I can fly. I can fly in the sky.
Children: Look! He can fly. He can fly high up in the sky.
Scene Five
Storyteller: It is spring. It is warm. The garden is green. The Ugly Duckling sees three swans in the sky.
Ugly Duckling: Oh, they are beautiful. They are white. I am not beautiful.
I am an ugly duckling.
Storyteller: The Duckling sees himself in the water.
Ugly Duckling: I am not an ugly duckling now.
Swans: It's true! It's true! You are a beautiful white swan! Come with us!
/The Ugly Duckling flies with the swans./
Children: Mummy, look! What a beautiful swan!
Woman: Yes. He is very beautiful!
The Donkey and the Little Dog
Number of character: 3
Reading level: 3rd grade
1. pat – поляпати (по плечі),
2. bit – шматочок,
3. wag – махати (хвостом)
4. bray – ревти,
5. drove – продавати.
Narrator: A man had a little dog, and he was very fond of it. He would pat its head, and take it on his knee, and talk to it. Then he would give it little bits of food from his own plate. A donkey looked in at the window and saw the man and the dog.
Donkey: Why does he not make a pet of me? It is not fair. I work hard, and the dog only wags its tail, and barks, and jumps on its master's knee. It is not fair
Narrator: Then the donkey said to himself.
Donkey: If I do what the dog does, he may make a pet of me.
Narrator: So the donkey ran into the room. It brayed as loudly as it could. It wagged its tail so hard that it knocked over a jar on the table. Then it tried to jump on to its master's knee.
Master: Help! Help!
Narrator: Master thought the donkey was mad, and The Master shouted. Men came running in with sticks, and they beat the donkey till it ran out of the house, and they drove it back to the field.
Donkey: I only did what the dog does, and yet they make a pet of the dog, and they beat me with sticks. It is not fair.
The Donkey and the Little Dog
Narrator: A man had a little dog, and he was very fond of it. He would pat its head, and take it on his knee, and talk to it. Then he would give it little bits of food from his own plate. A donkey looked in at the window and saw the man and the dog.
Donkey: Why does he not make a pet of me? It is not fair. I work hard, and the dog only wags its tail, and barks, and jumps on its master's knee. It is not fair
Narrator: Then the donkey said to himself.
Donkey: If I do what the dog does, he may make a pet of me.
Narrator: So the donkey ran into the room. It brayed as loudly as it could. It wagged its tail so hard that it knocked over a jar on the table. Then it tried to jump on to its master's knee.
Master: Help! Help!
Narrator: Master thought the donkey was mad, and The Master shouted. Men came running in with sticks, and they beat the donkey till it ran out of the house, and they drove it back to the field.
Donkey: I only did what the dog does, and yet they make a pet of the dog, and they beat me with sticks. It is not fair.
The Donkey and the Little Dog
Narrator: A man had a little dog, and he was very fond of it. He would pat its head, and take it on his knee, and talk to it. Then he would give it little bits of food from his own plate. A donkey looked in at the window and saw the man and the dog.
Donkey: Why does he not make a pet of me? It is not fair. I work hard, and the dog only wags its tail, and barks, and jumps on its master's knee. It is not fair
Narrator: Then the donkey said to himself.
Donkey: If I do what the dog does, he may make a pet of me.
Narrator: So the donkey ran into the room. It brayed as loudly as it could. It wagged its tail so hard that it knocked over a jar on the table. Then it tried to jump on to its master's knee.
Master: Help! Help!
Narrator: Master thought the donkey was mad, and The Master shouted. Men came running in with sticks, and they beat the donkey till it ran out of the house, and they drove it back to the field.
Donkey: I only did what the dog does, and yet they make a pet of the dog, and they beat me with sticks. It is not fair.
The Donkey and the Little Dog
Narrator: A man had a little dog, and he was very fond of it. He would pat its head, and take it on his knee, and talk to it. Then he would give it little bits of food from his own plate. A donkey looked in at the window and saw the man and the dog.
Donkey: Why does he not make a pet of me? It is not fair. I work hard, and the dog only wags its tail, and barks, and jumps on its master's knee. It is not fair
Narrator: Then the donkey said to himself.
Donkey: If I do what the dog does, he may make a pet of me.
Narrator: So the donkey ran into the room. It brayed as loudly as it could. It wagged its tail so hard that it knocked over a jar on the table. Then it tried to jump on to its master's knee.
Master: Help! Help!
Narrator: Master thought the donkey was mad, and The Master shouted. Men came running in with sticks, and they beat the donkey till it ran out of the house, and they drove it back to the field.
Donkey: I only did what the dog does, and yet they make a pet of the dog, and they beat me with sticks. It is not fair.
The Turnip
Number of Characters: 7
Reading Level: 3-rd Grade Vocabulary:
1. Turnip - ріпа,
2. result – результат, 3.kitchen-garden - грядка.
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнуть разом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse (разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Turnip
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнутьразом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse (разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Turnip
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнуть разом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse
(разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію.)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Turnip
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнуть разом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse (разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Turnip
Little Cat
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнуть разом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse (разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Turnip
Little Dog
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнуть разом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse (разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Turnip
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнуть разом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse (разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Turnip
Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Тягне ріпку) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!
Granny: All right, grandpa. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny (тягнуть разом): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!
Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!
Little Dog: All right, Granddaughter. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us!
Little Dog: Pussycat, help us, please.
Little Cat: All right, Doggy. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it's too big for us.
Little Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here, help us, please.
Mouse: All right, Pussycat. I'm coming.
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (Падають)
The Turnip: Here I am!
Grandpa and Granny and Granddaughter and Little Dog and Little Cat and Mouse (разом): Oh! What a big turnip we have! (Танцюють під веселу мелодію)
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
Three Bears
Number of Characters: 4
Reading Level: 3-rd Grade Vocabulary:
1. empty – порожній,
2. either - будь-який,
3. to catch - ловити, впіймати.
Перша дія
(Ведмеді сидять за столом, збираючись їсти кашу)
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Father!
Father Bear: Thank you, dear!
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Baby Bear!
Baby Bear: Thank you, Mummy dear... Oh, it is too hot!
Father Bear: Then let us go for a walk!
(Ведмеді виходять з кімнати.)
Дія друга
(До кімнати входить Дівчинка й обдивляється навкруги.)
Little Girl: Whose room can it be? (Дивиться на стіл) I am hungry. (Сідає за стіл і куштує кашу спочатку з однієї миски, потім з другої) Oh, this porridge is too hot for me!.. Oh, this porridge is too cold for me... This porridge is just right for me. (З'їдає всю кашу з маленької миски)
(Чути гомін, ідуть Ведмеді. Дівчинка лякається і ховається за найменшим ліжком.)
Дія третя
(Ведмеді входять до кімнати і сідають за стіл.)
Father Bear: My plate is not full!
Mother Bear: My plate is not full either!
Baby Bear: And my plate is empty! (Вони роздивляються навколо.) Oh, and who is this? А little girl!
Father Вear: Let us catch her up!
Mother Bear: Let us catch her up!
Baby Вear: Yes, yes, let us eat her up!
Little Girl: No, you won't! (Втікає)
(Ведмеді намагаються наздогнати її, але всі падають на підлогу.)
Mother Bear: (обтрушуючись) It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell, too.
Baby Bear: And I fell because you fell!
All together: And the little girl has run away. Oh! Oh! Oh!
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
Three Bears
Mother Bear
Перша дія
(Ведмеді сидять за столом, збираючись їсти кашу)
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Father!
Father Bear: Thank you, dear!
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Baby Bear!
Baby Bear: Thank you, Mummy dear... Oh, it is too hot!
Father Bear: Then let us go for a walk!
(Ведмеді виходять з кімнати.)
Дія друга
(До кімнати входить Дівчинка й обдивляється навкруги.)
Little Girl: Whose room can it be? (Дивиться на стіл) I am hungry. (Сідає за стіл і куштує кашу спочатку з однієї миски, потім з другої) Oh, this porridge is too hot for me!.. Oh, this porridge is too cold for me... This porridge is just right for me. (З'їдає всю кашу з маленької миски)
(Чути гомін, ідуть Ведмеді. Дівчинка лякається і ховається за найменшим ліжком.)
Дія третя
(Ведмеді входять до кімнати і сідають за стіл.)
Father Bear: My plate is not full!
Mother Bear: My plate is not full either!
Baby Bear: And my plate is empty! (Вони роздивляються навколо.) Oh, and who is this? А little girl!
Father Вear: Let us catch her up!
Mother Bear: Let us catch her up!
Baby Вear: Yes, yes, let us eat her up!
Little Girl: No, you won't! (Втікає)
(Ведмеді намагаються наздогнати її, але всі падають на підлогу.)
Mother Bear: (обтрушуючись) It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell, too.
Baby Bear: And I fell because you fell!
All together: And the little girl has run away. Oh! Oh! Oh!
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
Three Bears
Father Bear
Перша дія
(Ведмеді сидять за столом, збираючись їсти кашу)
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Father!
Father Bear: Thank you, dear!
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Baby Bear!
Baby Bear: Thank you, Mummy dear... Oh, it is too hot!
Father Bear: Then let us go for a walk!
(Ведмеді виходять з кімнати.)
Дія друга
(До кімнати входить Дівчинка й обдивляється навкруги.)
Little Girl: Whose room can it be? (Дивиться на стіл) I am hungry. (Сідає за стіл і куштує кашу спочатку з однієї миски, потім з другої) Oh, this porridge is too hot for me!.. Oh, this porridge is too cold for me... This porridge is just right for me. (З'їдає всю кашу з маленької миски)
(Чути гомін, ідуть Ведмеді. Дівчинка лякається і ховається за найменшим ліжком.)
Дія третя
(Ведмеді входять до кімнати і сідають за стіл.)
Father Bear: My plate is not full!
Mother Bear: My plate is not full either!
Baby Bear: And my plate is empty! (Вони роздивляються навколо.) Oh, and who is this? А little girl!
Father Вear: Let us catch her up!
Mother Bear: Let us catch her up!
Baby Вear: Yes, yes, let us eat her up!
Little Girl: No, you won't! (Втікає)
(Ведмеді намагаються наздогнати її, але всі падають на підлогу.)
Mother Bear: (обтрушуючись) It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell, too.
Baby Bear: And I fell because you fell!
All together: And the little girl has run away. Oh! Oh! Oh!
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
Three Bears
Baby Bear
Перша дія
(Ведмеді сидять за столом, збираючись їсти кашу)
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Father!
Father Bear: Thank you, dear!
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Baby Bear!
Baby Bear: Thank you, Mummy dear... Oh, it is too hot!
Father Bear: Then let us go for a walk!
(Ведмеді виходять з кімнати.)
Дія друга
(До кімнати входить Дівчинка й обдивляється навкруги.)
Little Girl: Whose room can it be? (Дивиться на стіл) I am hungry. (Сідає за стіл і куштує кашу спочатку з однієї миски, потім з другої) Oh, this porridge is too hot for me!.. Oh, this porridge is too cold for me... This porridge is just right for me. (З'їдає всю кашу з маленької миски)
(Чути гомін, ідуть Ведмеді. Дівчинка лякається і ховається за найменшим ліжком.)
Дія третя
(Ведмеді входять до кімнати і сідають за стіл.)
Father Bear: My plate is not full!
Mother Bear: My plate is not full either!
Baby Bear: And my plate is empty! (Вони роздивляються навколо.) Oh, and who is this? А little girl!
Father Вear: Let us catch her up!
Mother Bear: Let us catch her up!
Baby Вear: Yes, yes, let us eat her up!
Little Girl: No, you won't! (Втікає)
(Ведмеді намагаються наздогнати її, але всі падають на підлогу.)
Mother Bear: (обтрушуючись) It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell, too.
Baby Bear: And I fell because you fell!
All together: And the little girl has run away. Oh! Oh! Oh!
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
Three Bears
Little Girl
Перша дія
(Ведмеді сидять за столом, збираючись їсти кашу)
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Father!
Father Bear: Thank you, dear!
Mother Bear: Take your plate, Baby Bear!
Baby Bear: Thank you, Mummy dear... Oh, it is too hot!
Father Bear: Then let us go for a walk!
(Ведмеді виходять з кімнати.)
Дія друга
(До кімнати входить Дівчинка й обдивляється навкруги.)
Little Girl: Whose room can it be? (Дивиться на стіл) I am hungry. (Сідає за стіл і куштує кашу спочатку з однієї миски, потім з другої) Oh, this porridge is too hot for me!.. Oh, this porridge is too cold for me... This porridge is just right for me. (З'їдає всю кашу з маленької миски)
(Чути гомін, ідуть Ведмеді. Дівчинка лякається і ховається за найменшим ліжком.)
Дія третя
(Ведмеді входять до кімнати і сідають за стіл.)
Father Bear: My plate is not full!
Mother Bear: My plate is not full either!
Baby Bear: And my plate is empty! (Вони роздивляються навколо.) Oh, and who is this? А little girl!
Father Вear: Let us catch her up!
Mother Bear: Let us catch her up!
Baby Вear: Yes, yes, let us eat her up!
Little Girl: No, you won't! (Втікає)
(Ведмеді намагаються наздогнати її, але всі падають на підлогу.)
Mother Bear: (обтрушуючись) It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell, too.
Baby Bear: And I fell because you fell!
All together: And the little girl has run away. Oh! Oh! Oh!
(Усі персонажі виходять на сцену і вклоняються глядачам.)
The Friends of the Sun
Number of characters: 4
Reading level: 3rd Grade
1.alone – самотній,
2. twinkle – сяяти,
3. dandelion – кульбаба.
The Moon: You are brighter than me. But you are alone in the sky I am not alone. There are many stars in the sky.
Stars: Dear Moon, we twinkle and smile at you. We like you and you like us very much.
The Sun: I want to have as many friends as the Moon.
(The Sun was sad)
Spring: Why are you sad?
The Sun: I am bright but I am alone in the sky. The Moon has many friends. The Stars are the Moon’s friends.
Stars: We like Moon and he likes us very much!
Spring: Well, I can help you. Morning you will have many friends and they will love you very much.
(Next morning has come)
The Sun: I see many bright, yellow flowers. They grow in the parks, in the yards, in the streets, in the gardens. What are they called?
Spring: They called dandelions. They love you as much as the stars love the Moon. They open when you shine.
The Friends
of the Sun
The Moon
The Moon: You are brighter than me. But you are alone in the sky I am not alone. There are many stars in the sky.
Stars: Dear Moon, we twinkle and smile at you. We like you and you like us very much.
The Sun: I want to have as many friends as the Moon.
(The Sun was sad)
Spring: Why are you sad?
The Sun: I am bright but I am alone in the sky. The Moon has many friends. The Stars are the Moon’s friends.
Stars: We like Moon and he likes us very much!
Spring: Well, I can help you. Morning you will have many friends and they will love you very much.
(Next morning has come)
The Sun: I see many bright, yellow flowers. They grow in the parks, in the yards, in the streets, in the gardens. What are they called?
Spring: They called dandelions. They love you as much as the stars love the Moon. They open when you shine.
The Friends
of the Sun
The Moon: You are brighter than me. But you are alone in the sky I am not alone. There are many stars in the sky.
Stars: Dear Moon, we twinkle and smile at you. We like you and you like us very much.
The Sun: I want to have as many friends as the Moon.
(The Sun was sad)
Spring: Why are you sad?
The Sun: I am bright but I am alone in the sky. The Moon has many friends. The Stars are the Moon’s friends.
Stars: We like Moon and he likes us very much!
Spring: Well, I can help you. Morning you will have many friends and they will love you very much.
(Next morning has come)
The Sun: I see many bright, yellow flowers. They grow in the parks, in the yards, in the streets, in the gardens. What are they called?
Spring: They called dandelions. They love you as much as the stars love the Moon. They open when you shine.
The Friends
of the Sun
The Sun
The Moon: You are brighter than me. But you are alone in the sky I am not alone. There are many stars in the sky.
Stars: Dear Moon, we twinkle and smile at you. We like you and you like us very much.
The Sun: I want to have as many friends as the Moon.
(The Sun was sad)
Spring: Why are you sad?
The Sun: I am bright but I am alone in the sky. The Moon has many friends. The Stars are the Moon’s friends.
Stars: We like Moon and he likes us very much!
Spring: Well, I can help you. Morning you will have many friends and they will love you very much.
(Next morning has come)
The Sun: I see many bright, yellow flowers. They grow in the parks, in the yards, in the streets, in the gardens. What are they called?
Spring: They called dandelions. They love you as much as the stars love the Moon. They open when you shine.
The Friends
of the Sun
The Moon: You are brighter than me. But you are alone in the sky I am not alone. There are many stars in the sky.
Stars: Dear Moon, we twinkle and smile at you. We like you and you like us very much.
The Sun: I want to have as many friends as the Moon.
(The Sun was sad)
Spring: Why are you sad?
The Sun: I am bright but I am alone in the sky. The Moon has many friends. The Stars are the Moon’s friends.
Stars: We like Moon and he likes us very much!
Spring: Well, I can help you. Morning you will have many friends and they will love you very much.
(Next morning has come)
The Sun: I see many bright, yellow flowers. They grow in the parks, in the yards, in the streets, in the gardens. What are they called?
Spring: They called dandelions. They love you as much as the stars love the Moon. They open when you shine.
Number of Characters: 5
Reading Level: 4-rd Grade
1. jug - глечик,
2. mushroom - гриб,
3. sharp - гострий.
Дія перша
L.R.R.H.: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Hello.
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you
L.R.R.H .: I am here, Mother. What's the matter?
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her. (Дає кошик.)
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling!
( Червона Шапочка виходить.)
Дія друга
( Червона Шапочка у лісі.)
L.R.R.Н.: How nice it is in the wood! There are many trees, flowers, mushrooms. I'll pick up flowers for my granny!
(З'являється Вовк.)
The Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood. (Йде до Червоної Шапочки.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Mr Wolf.
The Wo1f: Where arc you going to, Little Red Riding Hood?
L.R.R.H.: I'm going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
The WoIf: Where does she live, your granny?
L.R.R.H.: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wo1f: Is it far from there?
L.R.R.H.: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good-bye, Mr Wolf!
(Вовк іде до Бабусиного будинку і стукає у двері.)
Дія третя
Granny: Who's there?
The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Granny: Come in, darling.
(Вовк вбігає, хоче схопити Бабусю, але вона втікає. Тоді він бере її великий капелюх, халат, одягається і лягає в ліжко. З'являється Червона Шапочка.)
L.R.R.H. ( співає під якусь веселу мелодію):
Clap, Clap, Clap,
Rap, Rap, Rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, Tap, Tap.
The Wolf: Who's there?
L.R.R.H.: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
( Червона Шапочка ставить кошика на стіл і дістає частування. Потім вона підходить ближче до ліжка Бабусі.)
L.R.R.Н.: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wo1f: The better to see you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wo1f: The better to hear you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wo1f: The better to eat you up!
(Вовк вистрибує з ліжка і хоче схопити Червону Шапочку.)
L.R.R.H.: Help! Help!
(Входять Бабуся і Мисливець, який наставляє рушницю на Вовка, чутно гучний звук пострілу, і Вовк падає на підлогу.)
Granny: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh, It's really nothing.
Granny and the Hunter and Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Thanks to all of you!
Дія перша
L.R.R.H.: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Hello.
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you
L.R.R.H.: I am here, Mother. What's the matter?
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her. (Дає кошик.)
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling!
( Червона Шапочка виходить.)
Дія друга
( Червона Шапочка у лісі.)
L.R.R.Н.: How nice it is in the wood! There are many trees, flowers, mushrooms. I'll pick up flowers for my granny!
(З'являється Вовк.)
The Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood. (Йде до Червоної Шапочки.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Mr Wolf.
The Wolf: Where arc you going to, Little Red Riding Hood?
L.R.R.H.: I'm going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your granny?
L.R.R.H.: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from there?
L.R.R.H.: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good-bye, Mr Wolf!
(Вовк іде до Бабусиного будинку і стукає у двері.)
Дія третя
Granny: Who's there?
The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Granny: Come in, darling.
(Вовк вбігає, хоче схопити Бабусю, але вона втікає. Тоді він бере її великий капелюх, халат, одягається і лягає в ліжко. З'являється Червона Шапочка.)
L.R.R.H.: ( співає під якусь веселу мелодію):
Clap, Clap, Clap,
Rap, Rap, Rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, Tap, Tap.
The Wolf: Who's there?
L.R.R.H.: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
( Червона Шапочка ставить кошика на стіл і дістає частування. Потім вона підходить ближче до ліжка Бабусі.)
L.R.R.Н.: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wo1f: The better to see you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(Вовк вистрибує з ліжка і хоче схопити Червону Шапочку.)
L.R.R.H.: Help! Help!
(Входять Бабуся і Мисливець, який наставляє рушницю на Вовка, чутно гучний звук пострілу, і Вовк падає на підлогу.)
Granny: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh, It's really nothing.
Granny and the Hunter and Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Thanks to all of you!
Little Red
Riding Hood
Дія перша
L.R.R.H.: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Hello.
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you
L.R.R.H.: I am here, Mother. What's the matter?
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her. (Дає кошик.)
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling!
( Червона Шапочка виходить.)
Дія друга
( Червона Шапочка у лісі.)
L.R.R.Н.: How nice it is in the wood! There are many trees, flowers, mushrooms. I'll pick up flowers for my granny!
(З'являється Вовк.)
The Wolf : I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood. (Йде до Червоної Шапочки.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Mr Wolf.
The Wolf: Where arc you going to, Little Red Riding Hood?
L.R.R.H.: I'm going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your granny?
L.R.R.H.: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from there?
L.R.R.H.: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good-bye, Mr Wolf!
(Вовк іде до Бабусиного будинку і стукає у двері.)
Дія третя
Granny: Who's there?
The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Granny: Come in, darling.
(Вовк вбігає, хоче схопити Бабусю, але вона втікає. Тоді він бере її великий капелюх, халат, одягається і лягає в ліжко. З'являється Червона Шапочка.)
L.R.R.H. ( співає під якусь веселу мелодію):
Clap, Clap, Clap,
Rap, Rap, Rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, Tap, Tap.
The Wolf: Who's there?
L.R.R.H.: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
( Червона Шапочка ставить кошика на стіл і дістає частування. Потім вона підходить ближче до ліжка Бабусі.)
L.R.R.Н.: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(Вовк вистрибує з ліжка і хоче схопити Червону Шапочку.)
L.R.R.H.: Help! Help!
(Входять Бабуся і Мисливець, який наставляє рушницю на Вовка, чутно гучний звук пострілу, і Вовк падає на підлогу.)
Granny: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh, It's really nothing.
Granny and the Hunter and Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Thanks to all of you!
The Wolf
Дія перша
L.R.R.H.: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Hello.
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you
L.R.R.H.: I am here, Mother. What's the matter?
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her. (Дає кошик.)
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling!
( Червона Шапочка виходить.)
Дія друга
( Червона Шапочка у лісі.)
L.R.R.Н.: How nice it is in the wood! There are many trees, flowers, mushrooms. I'll pick up flowers for my granny!
(З'являється Вовк.)
The Wolf : I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood. (Йде до Червоної Шапочки.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Mr Wolf.
The Wolf: Where arc you going to, Little Red Riding Hood?
L.R.R.H.: I'm going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your granny?
L.R.R.H.: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from there?
L.R.R.H.: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good-bye, Mr Wolf!
(Вовк іде до Бабусиного будинку і стукає у двері.)
Дія третя
Granny: Who's there?
The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Granny: Come in, darling.
(Вовк вбігає, хоче схопити Бабусю, але вона втікає. Тоді він бере її великий капелюх, халат, одягається і лягає в ліжко. З'являється Червона Шапочка.)
L.R.R.H. ( співає під якусь веселу мелодію):
Clap, Clap, Clap,
Rap, Rap, Rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, Tap, Tap.
The Wolf: Who's there?
L.R.R.H.: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
( Червона Шапочка ставить кошика на стіл і дістає частування. Потім вона підходить ближче до ліжка Бабусі.)
L.R.R.Н.: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(Вовк вистрибує з ліжка і хоче схопити Червону Шапочку.)
L.R.R.H.: Help! Help!
(Входять Бабуся і Мисливець, який наставляє рушницю на Вовка, чутно гучний звук пострілу, і Вовк падає на підлогу.)
Granny: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh, It's really nothing.
Granny and the Hunter and Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Thanks to all of you!
Дія перша
L.R.R.H.: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Hello.
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you
L.R.R.H.: I am here, Mother. What's the matter?
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her. (Дає кошик.)
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling!
( Червона Шапочка виходить.)
Дія друга
( Червона Шапочка у лісі.)
L.R.R.Н.: How nice it is in the wood! There are many trees, flowers, mushrooms. I'll pick up flowers for my granny!
(З'являється Вовк.)
The Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood. (Йде до Червоної Шапочки.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Mr Wolf.
The Wolf: Where arc you going to, Little Red Riding Hood?
L.R.R.H.: I'm going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your granny?
L.R.R.H.: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from there?
L.R.R.H.: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf!
(Вовк іде до Бабусиного будинку і стукає у двері.)
Дія третя
Granny: Who's there?
The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Granny: Come in, darling.
(Вовк вбігає, хоче схопити Бабусю, але вона втікає. Тоді він бере її великий капелюх, халат, одягається і лягає в ліжко. З'являється Червона Шапочка.)
L.R.R.H. ( співає під якусь веселу мелодію):
Clap, Clap, Clap,
Rap, Rap, Rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, Tap, Tap.
The Wolf: Who's there?
L.R.R.H.: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
( Червона Шапочка ставить кошика на стіл і дістає частування. Потім вона підходить ближче до ліжка Бабусі.)
L.R.R.Н.: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(Вовк вистрибує з ліжка і хоче схопити Червону Шапочку.)
L.R.R.H.: Help! Help!
(Входять Бабуся і Мисливець, який наставляє рушницю на Вовка, чутно гучний звук пострілу, і Вовк падає на підлогу.)
Granny: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh, It's really nothing.
Granny and the Hunter and Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Thanks to all of you!
Дія перша
L.R.R.H.: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Hello.
Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you
L.R.R.H.: I am here, Mother. What's the matter? Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her. (Дає кошик.)
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum.
Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick any flowers or mushrooms there.
L.R.R.H.: All right, mum. Good-bye!
Mother: Good-bye, darling!
( Червона Шапочка виходить.)
Дія друга
( Червона Шапочка у лісі.)
L.R.R.Н.: How nice it is in the wood! There are many trees, flowers, mushrooms. I'll pick up flowers for my granny!
(З'являється Вовк.)
The Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood.
I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood. (Йде до Червоної Шапочки.) Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Mr Wolf.
The Wolf: Where arc you going to, Little Red Riding Hood?
L.R.R.H.: I'm going to my grandmother. It's her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.
The Wolf: Where does she live, your granny?
L.R.R.H.: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.
The Wolf: Is it far from there?
L.R.R.H.: No, it is not.
The Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood!
L.R.R.H.: Good-bye, Mr Wolf!
(Вовк іде до Бабусиного будинку і стукає у двері.)
Дія третя
Granny: Who's there?
The Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. Granny: Come in, darling.
(Вовк вбігає, хоче схопити Бабусю, але вона втікає. Тоді він бере її великий капелюх, халат, одягається і лягає в ліжко. З'являється Червона Шапочка.)
L.R.R.H. ( співає під якусь веселу мелодію):
Clap, Clap, Clap,
Rap, Rap, Rap,
I'm knocking at the door,
Tap, Tap, Tap.
The Wolf: Who's there?
L.R.R.H.: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
The Wolf: Come in, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: Good morning, Granny.
The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
( Червона Шапочка ставить кошика на стіл і дістає частування. Потім вона підходить ближче до ліжка Бабусі.)
L.R.R.Н.: Many happy returns of the day!
The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big eyes you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What big ears you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
L.R.R.H.: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!
The Wolf: The better to eat you up!
(Вовк вистрибує з ліжка і хоче схопити Червону Шапочку.)
L.R.R.H.: Help! Help!
(Входять Бабуся і Мисливець, який наставляє рушницю на Вовка, чутно гучний звук пострілу, і Вовк падає на підлогу.)
Granny: Oh, thank you very much!
The Hunter: Oh, It's really nothing.
Granny and the Hunter and Little Red Riding Hood: That's the end of the story. Thanks to all of you!
Love and Time
Number of character: 7.
Reading level: 4th grade.
1. richness – багатство,
2. vanity – марнославство,
3. sadness – сум,
4. voice – голос,
5. hold out – видержувати,
6. sullen – похмурий,
7. overjoyed – щасливий.
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Love and Time
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Love and Time
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Love and Time
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Love and Time
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Love and Time
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Love and Time
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Love and Timе
Narrator: Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a boat.
Love: Richness, can you take me with you?
Richness: Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you.
Narrator: Love next asked Vanity who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
Vanity: I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.
Narrator: Sadness was close by.
Love: Sadness, take me along with you.
Sadness: Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!
Narrator: Sadness said in a sullen voice. Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly, there was a voice.
Voice: Come, Love, I will take you.
Narrator: It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder.
Love: Who helped me?
Narrator: Asked Love.
Knowledge: It was Time
Narrator: Knowledge answered.
Love: Time?
Narrator: Thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge answered.
Knowledge: Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.
Twelve months
Number of characters: 5
Reading level: 4th Grade
1. pine-cone – соснова шишка,
2. fir-cone – ялинкова шишка,
3. raven – ворон,
4. soldiers – солдати.
First Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
Second Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
First Squirrel: Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year!
First Squirrel: It is a present for you – a pine – cone.
Second Squirrel: And a fir – cone – for you!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr! Hello, squirrels!
First Squirrel: Hello, old Raven! Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! How are you?
Raven: As before.
First Squirrel: Old Raven, how many times did you celebrate the New Year?
Raven: 150.
Second Squirrel: Oh!
First Squirrel: They say you know everything! Is it true?
Raven: Yes, it is.
Second Squirrel: Please, tell us something.
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr!
First Squirrel: We don’t understand your language!
Raven: You must study a foreign language!
First Squirrel: Hello, Hare!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! Are you frozen?
Hare: Am I frozen? No, I am hot! Squirrels, have you seen our Wolf?
First Squirrel: Why are looking for Wolf?
Hare: I am not looking for him, I am afraid of him!
Second Squirrel: Run away, Hare! It is Wolf!
Wolf: Squirrels, have you seen Hare?
First Squirrel: Yes, of course. Our Hare is looking for you.
Second Squirrel: Hare asked where you are.
Wolf: Well! Where is Hare? I’ll catch him!
First Squirrel: There!
Second Squirrel: There!
Raven: Look. Soldiers are coming here!
All together: Let’s run away.
Twelve months
First Squirrel
First Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
Second Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
First Squirrel: Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year!
First Squirrel: It is a present for you – a pine – cone.
Second Squirrel: And a fir – cone – for you!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr! Hello, squirrels!
First Squirrel: Hello, old Raven! Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! How are you?
Raven: As before.
First Squirrel: Old Raven, how many times did you celebrate the New Year?
Raven: 150.
Second Squirrel: Oh!
First Squirrel: They say you know everything! Is it true?
Raven: Yes, it is.
Second Squirrel: Please, tell us something.
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr!
First Squirrel: We don’t understand your language!
Raven: You must study a foreign language!
First Squirrel: Hello, Hare!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! Are you frozen?
Hare: Am I frozen? No, I am hot! Squirrels, have you seen our Wolf?
First Squirrel: Why are looking for Wolf?
Hare: I am not looking for him, I am afraid of him!
Second Squirrel: Run away, Hare! It is Wolf!
Wolf: Squirrels, have you seen Hare?
First Squirrel: Yes, of course. Our Hare is looking for you.
Second Squirrel: Hare asked where you are.
Wolf: Well! Where is Hare? I’ll catch him!
First Squirrel: There!
Second Squirrel: There!
Raven: Look. Soldiers are coming here!
All together: Let’s run away.
Twelve months
Second Squirrel
First Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
Second Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
First Squirrel: Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year!
First Squirrel: It is a present for you – a pine – cone.
Second Squirrel: And a fir – cone – for you!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr! Hello, squirrels!
First Squirrel: Hello, old Raven! Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! How are you?
Raven: As before.
First Squirrel: Old Raven, how many times did you celebrate the New Year?
Raven: 150.
Second Squirrel: Oh!
First Squirrel: They say you know everything! Is it true?
Raven: Yes, it is.
Second Squirrel: Please, tell us something.
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr!
First Squirrel: We don’t understand your language!
Raven: You must study a foreign language!
First Squirrel: Hello, Hare!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! Are you frozen?
Hare: Am I frozen? No, I am hot! Squirrels, have you seen our Wolf?
First Squirrel: Why are looking for Wolf?
Hare: I am not looking for him, I am afraid of him!
Second Squirrel: Run away, Hare! It is Wolf!
Wolf: Squirrels, have you seen Hare?
First Squirrel: Yes, of course. Our Hare is looking for you.
Second Squirrel: Hare asked where you are.
Wolf: Well! Where is Hare? I’ll catch him!
First Squirrel: There!
Second Squirrel: There!
Raven: Look. Soldiers are coming here!
All together: Let’s run away.
Twelve months
First Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
Second Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
First Squirrel: Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year!
First Squirrel: It is a present for you – a pine – cone.
Second Squirrel: And a fir – cone – for you!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr! Hello, squirrels!
First Squirrel: Hello, old Raven! Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! How are you?
Raven: As before.
First Squirrel: Old Raven, how many times did you celebrate the New Year?
Raven: 150.
Second Squirrel: Oh!
First Squirrel: They say you know everything! Is it true?
Raven: Yes, it is.
Second Squirrel: Please, tell us something.
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr!
First Squirrel: We don’t understand your language!
Raven: You must study a foreign language!
First Squirrel: Hello, Hare!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! Are you frozen?
Hare: Am I frozen? No, I am hot! Squirrels, have you seen our Wolf?
First Squirrel: Why are looking for Wolf?
Hare: I am not looking for him, I am afraid of him!
Second Squirrel: Run away, Hare! It is Wolf!
Wolf: Squirrels, have you seen Hare?
First Squirrel: Yes, of course. Our Hare is looking for you.
Second Squirrel: Hare asked where you are.
Wolf: Well! Where is Hare? I’ll catch him!
First Squirrel: There!
Second Squirrel: There!
Raven: Look. Soldiers are coming here!
All together: Let’s run away.
Twelve months
First Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
Second Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
First Squirrel: Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year!
First Squirrel: It is a present for you – a pine – cone.
Second Squirrel: And a fir – cone – for you!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr! Hello, squirrels!
First Squirrel: Hello, old Raven! Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! How are you?
Raven: As before.
First Squirrel: Old Raven, how many times did you celebrate the New Year?
Raven: 150.
Second Squirrel: Oh!
First Squirrel: They say you know everything! Is it true?
Raven: Yes, it is.
Second Squirrel: Please, tell us something.
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr!
First Squirrel: We don’t understand your language!
Raven: You must study a foreign language!
First Squirrel: Hello, Hare!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! Are you frozen?
Hare: Am I frozen? No, I am hot! Squirrels, have you seen our Wolf?
First Squirrel: Why are looking for Wolf?
Hare: I am not looking for him, I am afraid of him!
Second Squirrel: Run away, Hare! It is Wolf!
Wolf: Squirrels, have you seen Hare?
First Squirrel: Yes, of course. Our Hare is looking for you.
Second Squirrel: Hare asked where you are.
Wolf: Well! Where is Hare? I’ll catch him!
First Squirrel: There!
Second Squirrel: There!
Raven: Look. Soldiers are coming here!
All together: Let’s run away.
Twelve months
First Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
Second Squirrel: Hello, squirrel!
First Squirrel: Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year!
First Squirrel: It is a present for you – a pine – cone.
Second Squirrel: And a fir – cone – for you!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
First Squirrel: A pine – cone!
Second Squirrel: A fir – cone!
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr! Hello, squirrels!
First Squirrel: Hello, old Raven! Happy New Year!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! How are you?
Raven: As before.
First Squirrel: Old Raven, how many times did you celebrate the New Year?
Raven: 150.
Second Squirrel: Oh!
First Squirrel: They say you know everything! Is it true?
Raven: Yes, it is.
Second Squirrel: Please, tell us something.
Raven: Cr… Cr… Cr!
First Squirrel: We don’t understand your language!
Raven: You must study a foreign language!
First Squirrel: Hello, Hare!
Second Squirrel: Happy New Year! Are you frozen?
Hare: Am I frozen? No, I am hot! Squirrels, have you seen our Wolf?
First Squirrel: Why are looking for Wolf?
Hare: I am not looking for him, I am afraid of him!
Second Squirrel: Run away, Hare! It is Wolf!
Wolf: Squirrels, have you seen Hare?
First Squirrel: Yes, of course. Our Hare is looking for you.
Second Squirrel: Hare asked where you are.
Wolf: Well! Where is Hare? I’ll catch him!
First Squirrel: There!
Second Squirrel: There!
Raven: Look. Soldiers are coming here!
All together: Let’s run away.
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Number of characters: 8
Reading level: 4th grade
1. to feed – годувати
2. by and by – поступово
3. a wild boar – дикий кабан
4. to climb – лазити
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
Sir Cat-O-PUSS
Author: There was once a man, who had a cat so old? That he couldn’t even catch mice.
Man: What shall I do with this old cat of mine? How will I feed him? I think? I’ll take him to the forest and let him take care of himself.
Author: By and by a Fox came running up and saw the Cat.
Fox: Who are you?
Cat: I am Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Fox: Why don’t we get married, Sir Cat-O-Puss? I’ll be a good wife to you.
Author: The Cat agreed to marry the Fox. And the Fox took him with her house. She tried very hard to please the Cat. One day the Fox met a Rabbit.
Rabbit: I’m going to come and pay you a visit, Sister Fox.
Fox: You mustn’t do that. I have Sir Cat – O –Puss, living in my house now. He might claw you to death.
Narrator: The Rabbit ran off.
Author: Rabbit told the wolf, the Bear and the Wild Boar, what the Fox had said.
Narrator: They all got together and began to think, how they were to meet Sir Cat- O –Puss.
All together: Let’s invite him to dinner!
Wolf: I will go and get some meat for a borshch.
Bear: And I will bring some honey for a dessert.
Author: They brought all these good things and set to cooking them. But they couldn’t agree as to which of them was to go and invite Sir Cat – O – Puss.
Bear: What will I do, if I’m forced to run for him? I will never be able to do it. Boar I’m rather clumsy, too. I’m afraid.
Wolf: And I’m old and can’t see to well.
Author: So, there left only the Rabbit
Narrator: He ran quickly to the Fox’s house.
Fox: What do you want, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Please, Fox, the Wolf, the Bear, and I, too, would very much like to have you and Sir Cat – O – Puss, dinning with us today.
Fox: That’s nice of you! I’ll certainly come, and Sir Cat – O – Puss will come with me. Only the four of you must hide, or he might claw you all to death!
Narrator: The Rabbit ran back.
Author: Rabbit told his friends about it. How frightened they were! The Bear climbed a tree, the Wolf sat behind a bush, the rabbit hit under it, and the Boar tried to hide beneath a pile of brushwood.
Narrator: The Fox arrived with Sir Cat – O – Puss at her side. She led him to the table.
Four friends: Has there ever been a beast so fierce! Nothing seems to be enough for him. He might eat us up too!
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss climbed up onto the table and began eating the food. When he had had fill, he curled up and fell asleep.
Author: The Boar was hiding beneath a pile of brushwood, with only his tail out, and a mosquito flew up just then and bit it. The Boar couldn’t hide himself, he twisted his tail, and Cat – O – Puss, who thought it was a mouse, rushed at it and caught it between his teeth. The Boar sprang up and ran away as fast as his legs could carry.
Narrator: Sir Cat – O – Puss leapt up into the tree, close to where the Bear was sitting. Seeing him, the bear climbed higher, but branches broke under him, and he tumbled down straight onto the Wolf’s back and nearly crushed him! The animals jumped up and rushed away.
Four friends: Sir Cat – O – Puss is small, but he nearly ate us up!
The Little Red Hen
Number of character: 5
Reading level: 4th grade
1. tend the garden – доглядати сад,
2. scrub the floor – мити підлогу,
3. beetle – жук,
4. wheat – пшениця,
5. mill – млин,
6. reap – жати.
Narrator: once on a time, in a cozy little house, a little red hen lived with her chickens. The little red hen worked very hard taking care of her house and her family.
She had three friends—a Duck, a Dog, and a Cat—who lived very near her. Every day she watched her three friends playing, but the little red hen didn't have time to play.
She started each day early in the morning. First she cooked breakfast for all her chickens. Then she made the beds and tended her garden. She cooked the meals, washed the clothes, and scrubbed the floors. She worked hard from morning till night.
But her three lazy friends—the Dog, the Cat, and the Duck—never seemed to work at all. They went for long walks in the sunshine, lay about in the soft grass, and spent their time reading stories and playing games.
One day, as the little red hen was scratching about in the yard looking for a nice beetle for her dinner, she came upon a grain of wheat. It gave her an idea.
Hen: who will plant this grain of wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat. So, she did. The grain of wheat sprouted, and it grew and grew until it was tall and golden and ready to cut.
Hen: who will cut the wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the cat. So she did it herself. Finally, the wheat was cut and ready to be ground into flour.
Hen: who will take the wheat to the mill?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will.
Narrator: and she did! Soon a little sack of fine flour came back from the mill.
Hen: who will make the flour into bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will do it myself.
Narrator: and she did. When the bread was baked, the little red hen took it from the oven. It was the most beautiful, crusty brown loaf she had ever seen.
Hen: who will eat the bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: I will!
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: I will!
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: I will!
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: oh, no you won't. I found the grain of wheat. I planted the wheat. I reaped the ripe grain. I took it to the mill. I baked the bread. I shall eat it myself!
Narrator: and she did.
The Little Red Hen
Narrator: once on a time, in a cozy little house, a little red hen lived with her chickens. The little red hen worked very hard taking care of her house and her family.
She had three friends—a Duck, a Dog, and a Cat—who lived very near her. Every day she watched her three friends playing, but the little red hen didn't have time to play.
She started each day early in the morning. First she cooked breakfast for all her chickens. Then she made the beds and tended her garden. She cooked the meals, washed the clothes, and scrubbed the floors. She worked hard from morning till night.
But her three lazy friends—the Dog, the Cat, and the Duck—never seemed to work at all. They went for long walks in the sunshine, lay about in the soft grass, and spent their time reading stories and playing games.
One day, as the little red hen was scratching about in the yard looking for a nice beetle for her dinner, she came upon a grain of wheat. It gave her an idea.
Hen: who will plant this grain of wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat. So, she did. The grain of wheat sprouted, and it grew and grew until it was tall and golden and ready to cut.
Hen: who will cut the wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the cat. So she did it herself. Finally, the wheat was cut and ready to be ground into flour.
Hen: who will take the wheat to the mill?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will.
Narrator: and she did! Soon a little sack of fine flour came back from the mill.
Hen: who will make the flour into bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will do it myself.
Narrator: and she did. When the bread was baked, the little red hen took it from the oven. It was the most beautiful, crusty brown loaf she had ever seen.
Hen: who will eat the bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: I will!
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: I will!
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: I will!
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: oh, no you won't. I found the grain of wheat. I planted the wheat. I reaped the ripe grain. I took it to the mill. I baked the bread. I shall eat it myself!
Narrator: and she did.
The Little Red Hen
Narrator: once on a time, in a cozy little house, a little red hen lived with her chickens. The little red hen worked very hard taking care of her house and her family.
She had three friends—a Duck, a Dog, and a Cat—who lived very near her. Every day she watched her three friends playing, but the little red hen didn't have time to play.
She started each day early in the morning. First she cooked breakfast for all her chickens. Then she made the beds and tended her garden. She cooked the meals, washed the clothes, and scrubbed the floors. She worked hard from morning till night.
But her three lazy friends—the Dog, the Cat, and the Duck—never seemed to work at all. They went for long walks in the sunshine, lay about in the soft grass, and spent their time reading stories and playing games.
One day, as the little red hen was scratching about in the yard looking for a nice beetle for her dinner, she came upon a grain of wheat. It gave her an idea.
Hen: who will plant this grain of wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat. So, she did. The grain of wheat sprouted, and it grew and grew until it was tall and golden and ready to cut.
Hen: who will cut the wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the cat. So she did it herself. Finally, the wheat was cut and ready to be ground into flour.
Hen: who will take the wheat to the mill?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will.
Narrator: and she did! Soon a little sack of fine flour came back from the mill.
Hen: who will make the flour into bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will do it myself.
Narrator: and she did. When the bread was baked, the little red hen took it from the oven. It was the most beautiful, crusty brown loaf she had ever seen.
Hen: who will eat the bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: I will!
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: I will!
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: I will!
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: oh, no you won't. I found the grain of wheat. I planted the wheat. I reaped the ripe grain. I took it to the mill. I baked the bread. I shall eat it myself!
Narrator: and she did.
The Little Red Hen
Narrator: once on a time, in a cozy little house, a little red hen lived with her chickens. The little red hen worked very hard taking care of her house and her family.
She had three friends—a Duck, a Dog, and a Cat—who lived very near her. Every day she watched her three friends playing, but the little red hen didn't have time to play.
She started each day early in the morning. First she cooked breakfast for all her chickens. Then she made the beds and tended her garden. She cooked the meals, washed the clothes, and scrubbed the floors. She worked hard from morning till night.
But her three lazy friends—the Dog, the Cat, and the Duck—never seemed to work at all. They went for long walks in the sunshine, lay about in the soft grass, and spent their time reading stories and playing games.
One day, as the little red hen was scratching about in the yard looking for a nice beetle for her dinner, she came upon a grain of wheat. It gave her an idea.
Hen: who will plant this grain of wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat. So, she did. The grain of wheat sprouted, and it grew and grew until it was tall and golden and ready to cut.
Hen: who will cut the wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the cat. So she did it herself. Finally, the wheat was cut and ready to be ground into flour.
Hen: who will take the wheat to the mill?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will.
Narrator: and she did! Soon a little sack of fine flour came back from the mill.
Hen: who will make the flour into bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will do it myself.
Narrator: and she did. When the bread was baked, the little red hen took it from the oven. It was the most beautiful, crusty brown loaf she had ever seen.
Hen: who will eat the bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: I will!
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: I will!
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: I will!
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: oh, no you won't. I found the grain of wheat. I planted the wheat. I reaped the ripe grain. I took it to the mill. I baked the bread. I shall eat it myself!
Narrator: and she did.
The Little Red Hen
Narrator: once on a time, in a cozy little house, a little red hen lived with her chickens. The little red hen worked very hard taking care of her house and her family.
She had three friends—a Duck, a Dog, and a Cat—who lived very near her. Every day she watched her three friends playing, but the little red hen didn't have time to play.
She started each day early in the morning. First she cooked breakfast for all her chickens. Then she made the beds and tended her garden. She cooked the meals, washed the clothes, and scrubbed the floors. She worked hard from morning till night.
But her three lazy friends—the Dog, the Cat, and the Duck—never seemed to work at all. They went for long walks in the sunshine, lay about in the soft grass, and spent their time reading stories and playing games.
One day, as the little red hen was scratching about in the yard looking for a nice beetle for her dinner, she came upon a grain of wheat. It gave her an idea.
Hen: who will plant this grain of wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat. So, she did. The grain of wheat sprouted, and it grew and grew until it was tall and golden and ready to cut.
Hen: who will cut the wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the cat. So she did it herself. Finally, the wheat was cut and ready to be ground into flour.
Hen: who will take the wheat to the mill?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will.
Narrator: and she did! Soon a little sack of fine flour came back from the mill.
Hen: who will make the flour into bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will do it myself.
Narrator: and she did. When the bread was baked, the little red hen took it from the oven. It was the most beautiful, crusty brown loaf she had ever seen.
Hen: who will eat the bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: I will!
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: I will!
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: I will!
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: oh, no you won't. I found the grain of wheat. I planted the wheat. I reaped the ripe grain. I took it to the mill. I baked the bread. I shall eat it myself!
Narrator: and she did.
The Little Red Hen
Narrator: once on a time, in a cozy little house, a little red hen lived with her chickens. The little red hen worked very hard taking care of her house and her family.
She had three friends—a Duck, a Dog, and a Cat—who lived very near her. Every day she watched her three friends playing, but the little red hen didn't have time to play.
She started each day early in the morning. First she cooked breakfast for all her chickens. Then she made the beds and tended her garden. She cooked the meals, washed the clothes, and scrubbed the floors. She worked hard from morning till night.
But her three lazy friends—the Dog, the Cat, and the Duck—never seemed to work at all. They went for long walks in the sunshine, lay about in the soft grass, and spent their time reading stories and playing games.
One day, as the little red hen was scratching about in the yard looking for a nice beetle for her dinner, she came upon a grain of wheat. It gave her an idea.
Hen: who will plant this grain of wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat. So, she did. The grain of wheat sprouted, and it grew and grew until it was tall and golden and ready to cut.
Hen: who will cut the wheat?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the cat. So she did it herself. Finally, the wheat was cut and ready to be ground into flour.
Hen: who will take the wheat to the mill?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will.
Narrator: and she did! Soon a little sack of fine flour came back from the mill.
Hen: who will make the flour into bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: not I.
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: not I.
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: not I.
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: then I will do it myself.
Narrator: and she did. When the bread was baked, the little red hen took it from the oven. It was the most beautiful, crusty brown loaf she had ever seen.
Hen: who will eat the bread?
Narrator: she asked of the Dog, the Duck, and the Cat.
Dog: I will!
Narrator: said the Dog.
Duck: I will!
Narrator: said the Duck.
Cat: I will!
Narrator: said the Cat.
Hen: oh, no you won't. I found the grain of wheat. I planted the wheat. I reaped the ripe grain. I took it to the mill. I baked the bread. I shall eat it myself!
Narrator: and she did.
Title of script:
Name of reader:
Character or role:
Yes |
No |
Voice: Did I speak clearly and with the right expression? Did I speak loudly enough for everyone to hear?
Character: Did I sound like the character or the narrator? Did I make that character come alive for the audience?
Use of facial Did my facial or body expressions add to the and/or body character or role I was reading? expression:
Confidence: Did I enjoy this experience? Would I like to do this again?
What would I do differently next time?
Please listen carefully to the Readers Theater performance today. As you listen, attend to the following items and "grade" those items with “+”, or “-“on the lines. Also listen to each character part and decide which is your favorite.
1. Clarity of voice ("Articulation"--words were clear and easy to understand)
2. Voice projection ("Loudness" was enough to be heard at the back of the room)
3. Voice inflection (Voices "rose and fell" as in real life)
4. Believability of character
5. Timing (parts were read smoothly without unscripted pauses)
6. What was your favorite character/part and why?
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