Позакласних захід з англійської мови "Традиції чаювання"

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови "Tea Unites Us" побудований у формі ток-шоу. Учасники заходу об'єднані у групи, що повідомляють інформацію про певну країну та представляють художній номер. Протягом заходу також проводиться робота із залученням глядачів до конкурсів.

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Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Акульшина Тетяна Станіславівна

Talk-show "Tea unites us"

        Тема: Традиції чаювання

        Мета:  - ознайомити учнів з традиціями чаювання у різних країнах світу: Китаї,

                        Японії, Великобританії, Індії, Росії та Україні;

   - формувати в учнів комунікативні вміння та навички;

   - стимулювати мотивацію та інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської

            мови, англійських пісень;

  - розвивати память, творчі здібності учнів;

   - виховувати позитивне ставлення та повагу до культури цих країн;

   - виховувати почуття відповідальності, культуру мовлення та уміння


       Обладнання:  емблеми команд, костюми, музичний  супровід, відео                    

                              презентація, пісні, прислів’я.

       Форма проведення: ток-шоу



P1: Good afternoon, dear friends! We're glad to see you at our party. Today we've gathered to speak about one of the most wonderful beverages in the world, about tea.

P2: We drink tea in the morning, in winter and in summer, we drink hot tea and iced tea, we drink black tea and green tea, when we feel good and drink it when we feel bad.

P1: It seems so easy and so usual to drink a cup of tea. But ask yourself, "How much do I know about tea?" almost all of us will say, "Not much really".

P2: So today's our aim is to know more about the origin of tea drinking, about traditions and customs of tea drinking in different countries, to become familiar with the sayings of famous people about tea.

P1: At the end of our party I think you'll be able to make and serve a good tea and to define the sort of tea at a glance. At first I propose you to listen to the representatives of "Chinese group".

Chinese group presentation

-    You know that tea drinking has its roots in the ancient China. The story of how the drinking of tea originated is really interesting. In 2737 B.C. Emperor Shen Nong was visiting a distant region of his country and stopped to rest.

-   The servants began to boil water for all to drink. By chance, dried leaves from nearly tree fell into the boiling water. When the emperor tasted it he liked an interesting refreshing flavour. According to the legend, this is the beginning of tea drinking.

-    There are three famous Chinese schools of tea preparing in the world. They are connected with Chinese dynasties Tang, Song and Ming. The school of Ming is the school of brewed tea. All modern people are acquainted with this school.

-   We suppose you'll agree that good tea means good water. Chinese people say that it is not enough to have good water, you need good boiling water. Tea must not stew after brewing. It's better to pour the remains of tea out and make a new fresh tea.

-    All tea things should be washed up with the boiling water and wiped with the towel. Teaspoons must be silver. You must keep tea far away from meat, fish and onion. They may spoil the aroma of tea.

-    In ancient China green tea was seen as "a way to unite human nature and soul". Methods of processing teas perfected during many centuries let you enjoy natural harmony of green tea flavours.

P2: Thanks to "Chinese group". It was really interesting, wasn't it? And now let's watch a video about Chinese tea ceremony.

P1: Thank you. And now we'll listen to "Japanese group".

Japanese group presentation

-    Nowadays Japan is famous for its tea ceremony all over the world. But only few people know that tea was brought to Japan from China. The Tea Ceremony requires years of personal training and practice.

-    Every family had a tea room where the tea ceremony took place. The interior of the room was very poor and atmosphere had to be very quiet. The needed things were the snow-white table-cloth and the white bamboo scoop for tea pouring.

-    The decoration of the room was a vase with flowers. The host or hostess tried to escape the symmetry. If the teapot was round, the jug for water was rectangular. The classical tea set in Japan consisted of 24 things.

-   Usually no more than 5 persons took part in the tea ceremony. The greatest and the most important thing about tea ceremony was to drink delicious well-prepared and well-served tea enjoying the harmony of form and colour.

-   The ceremony was like a performance at the theatre. People were supposed to talk silently. There was no sugar in the ceremonial tea. It was considered that sugar was an excess which spoiled the natural taste of the drink.

-    The tea ceremony almost hasn't changed since the old times. For example, you have to give a cup to your guest with a bow and by your left hand. Japanese proverb says, "If a man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty". We wish you always understand truth and beauty!

P1: Thank you very much for your wish. And now, dear friends, let's watch some elements of Japanese martial arts performed by the boys of the 6th form.

P2: And now, I have a question "Can you make and serve tea (black or green)?" Let's check up. Here you have 'instructions of making and serving tea'. Work in two groups from each form (for 3 pupils). Your task is to put the steps in the correct order. If you are ready, raise your hands. /slides/ And now let's check.

(One pupil demonstrates)

1.    Boil water for the tea.

2.    Pour a little of boiling water into a teapot to warm the pot.

3.    Put 3-4 teaspoons of tea (dry leaves) into a teapot.

4.    Pour the boiling water over the tea in the teapot.

5.    Put a tea-cosy on the pot to keep the tea good and hot.

6.    Let tea sit for at least 3-5 minutes.

7.    Pour the tea into the cup.

8.    Add sugar, milk, lemon,…everything you wish.

9.    Serve it with biscuits, cakes, sandwiches, scones, jam, honey, etc.

10.    Have a nice time while drinking tea.

P1: The third group which will tell us about traditions and customs of tea drinking is "British group."

British group presentation

-    In England the traditional time for tea is from 3 to 5 pm. The menu includes three courses served in this order: tea with small sandwiches, scones and cakes.

-   There are also special kinds of foods which are called Cream Tea (tea, scones, jam and cream), Light Tea (tea, scones, sweets) and Full Tea (tea, sandwiches, cakes, a dessert).

-    English people drink a lot of tea. Some English people have tea for breakfast, tea in the middle of the morning, tea after dinner, tea in the middle of the afternoon, tea at tea-time and tea with supper.

-    At work they take five or ten minutes in the middle of the morning and the afternoon to have a cup of tea. At tea-time they have one, two, three or more cups of tea, bread and butter, or cakes.

-   Some English families have "high tea" or big tea, and no supper. For high tea they may have cold meat, bread and butter, cakes, and, of course, a lot of tea.

-    The English always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses. In England many people usually drink tea with sugar and milk. Tea with lemon in it is called "Russian Tea" in England. 

-   William Gladstone said: "If you are heated, tea will cool you; if you are depressed, tea will cheer you; if you are exhausted, tea will calm you."

P2: Let's thank the British group for their report. It's really amazing that British people are so great tea drinkers. And now it's time for signing. / Children sing

P1: Next team that will tell us about national tea ceremony, tea traditions and customs is the "Russian group".

Russian group presentation

-   The tradition of tea drinking in Russia started in 1638. Mongol khan Altyn sent a present to the Russian tsar Mikhailo Fedorovych. It was more than 4 kilos of tea leaves.

-    Tea became a very popular drink in Russia. There was a special interior for tea ceremony in Russia. The oak tables, heavy chair, tea tins, cups, saucers, lumps of sugar and, of course, samovar.

-   First samovars appeared in the middle of the 18th century. They looked like a big pot with a lid. Later samovars were heated with coal and kerosene. In the 20th century they became electric.

-    Russians drink different sorts of tea - black, green, even tea made of leaves of black current and raspberry. But there is so-called "Russian tea". It's tea with lemon.

-   From the old times Russians like to drink tea and eat bubliki or baranki, pies and jam. Usually Russian tea ceremony starts with pouring tea by the hostess, guests sit closely to each other and begin chatting.

P2: Thanks a lot. As we know Russians like also to dance. / Girls dance /

      Next our guests will inform us about Indian tea. Let's thank them.

     Our young guest will dance for us.

P1: We've already heard about tea ceremonies in China, Japan, Britain and Russia. It's time, I think, to listen about our Ukrainian tea traditions.

Ukrainian group presentation

-   Speaking about Ukrainian tea traditions, it's interesting to note, that there is no ritual of tea-drinking in Ukraine. Ukrainians prefer herbal tea.

-   Herbal tea contains no real leaves. They are created from the flowers, berries, seeds, leaves and roots of many different plants.

-   In ancient times people believed that herbs had mystical powers. The secrets of making medical teas have been handed down from generation to generation.

-   The most widely used herbs are hawthorn, sea buckthorn, black chokeberry, dog rose, black elder, linden, mint, camomile, foal foot./ Ch demonstrate / There are a lot of ways of making herbal tea in Ukraine.

-    Here are the most popular recipes: Linden Tea - pour 1 litre of boiling water over 1 table-spoon of dried lime-blossoms. Leave to steep for 10 minutes. You may add a few leaves of mint for aroma.

-   Fruit Tea. Warm the pot. Put 1 table-spoon of dried willow-herbs in the pot. Add 4-5 pieces of apple or pears. Leave to steep for 5 minutes. Enjoy your herbal tea.

P2: Thank you very much. Now I suggest you to listen to a merry Ukrainian song and music sounds.

P1: So our party is coming to the end. I suppose you've got to know a lot about tea. Tea is really like a good friend.

P2: It warms you up when you are cold and sad. Tea gives you pleasure and lively mood.






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