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“Brain Ring” Тема: Who knows English better? Цілі заходу: Практична: Закріпити вживання вже відомого лексичного матеріалу. Загальноосвітня: Поглибити лексичний запас учнів. Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та готовність до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні, удосконалити мовні здібності, розвивати кмітливість учнів. Виховна: виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування, формувати уважність та активність учнів. Teacher: Dear guests, teachers and students! We are glad to greet you here! We have gathered together to hold a “Brain Ring” contest. Two teams are going to compete today. And at the end of our contest we will find out which team knows English better. Our aim is to show students’ knowledge not only of English but Literature and Geography as well to widen outlook and encourage students to speak. We wish you to have a nice time at our “Brain Ring” contest! Our jury are….Let’s clap them. At first teams present their names and mottos…You’ll get 5 points for this task. Also each team will have it’s own color - Red or Green. For each right answer the team gets one multicolored square. ”. You’ll have 6 rounds. So, let’s start. Round 1 “Quiz. What do you know about Great Britain?” Teacher: Your task is to answer the questions about the UK in turn. Don’t cry out the answers or they wouldn’t be counted. Raise your hand to give the correct answer. In case your answer is correct the team will get 1 point. Each team will have 10 questions in this round. 1. What is the official name of Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) 2. What is the capital of Britain? ( London) 3. What parts does the UK consist of? ( England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) 4. What is the longest river of the UK? (The Severn) 5. What river does London stand on? ( The Thames) 6. What is the capital of Scotland? ( Edinburgh) 7. What is the symbol of England? ( Red Rose) 8. What river is the deepest of all British rivers? ( The Thames) 9. Who is the Head of the state? ( Queen) 10. What is the nickname of British flag? (Union Jack) 11. What is the favorite topic of conversation in the UK? ( the weather) 12. When do British people celebrate Christmas? ( on the 25th of December) 13. What is the symbol of Wales? ( the daffodil) 14. What is the symbol of Scotland? ( the thistle) 15. What’s the British national drink? ( tea) 16. What age do English children start going to school? ( at 5) 17. What is the color of London taxies? (black) 18. Does the UK have a written Constitution? (no) 19. What is the name of national Scottish costume? (kilt) 20. What is the color of double-deckers in London? (red) Round 2 “Who can complete more words?” Teacher: You need to make as many words as possible from the given letters. And one letter shouldn’t be used twice in a word. You have 1 minute. The team which has more words will win in this task and get five points. Here are the letters: THE UNITED KINGDOM Round 3. “ Different questions”. Teacher: Each team will have 12 questions. You should answer them in turn. Each team will have 12 different questions. 1. Where do kangaroos live? (Australia) 3. What’s the emblem of Easter? (an egg) 3. What is the national dish of the Ukrainians? (borshch) 4. What do pupils have between every lesson? ( breaks) 5. Name the fastest way of travelling? (the plane) 6. What season comes after winter? (spring) 7. When do people usually have breakfast? ( in the morning) 8. How many eyes has a man got? ( two) 9. Who wrote "Tom Sawyer” (Mark Twain) 10. I have already cleaned my room. What’s the tense? ( present perfect) 11. Name the odd word: tree, flower, sun, grass. ( sun) 12. What is the weather like usually in summer? ( hot, sunny) 13. What do pupils get at school? ( knowledge) 14. How many oceans are there in the world? (4) 15. What river does Kyiv stand on? ( Dnieper) 16. The sweetest ingredient which we put baking a cake? ( sugar) 17. It’s a domestic animal and it likes fish. ( A cat) 18. What can you do with a book? ( Read) 19 What color is snow? ( white) 20. When is Christmas celebrated in Ukraine? ( on the 7th of January) 21. Who discovered America? (Columbus) 22. Sam is sleeping now. Name the tense. ( present continuous) 23. What days of the week children don’t go to school? ( Saturday and Sunday) 24. This animal is the best man’s friend. ( dog) Round 4. “ Captain’s contest “ Teacher: Explain the word for your team. The captain explain the word and the team guesses what it is. Morning—it is time, when you get up Ice-cream--- it is cold and frozen, it can melt, children like to eat it Book—you can read it Summer--- it is a favorite season of all children New Year—it is a holiday, means the beginning of all, year Computer game—it is a game on computer House—it is the building where you live Subject—pupils learn it at school Teacher—this person teachers pupils at school Blackboard- pupils write with a chalk on it at school Winter- it is a cold season Summer holidays---they last two month, it is a favorite period of all children Traveling---it is a visiting of different countries The plane – it is the mean of transport when you fly Round 5 “Translate the words for 1 minute” Teacher: Who can translate 90 words for 1 minute. Let’s start. 1)Школа англійська говорити парта свято канікули Шоколад готувати запах пиріг кухня смачний будинок зелений чай море книга переклад люди родичі сім я цукерки овочі друг однокласник вечеря обід напої правильна їжа вода кімната мити посуд прати пилососи ти домашній улюбленець клітка допомога кролик гра запитання дитина дружна сім я Активний талановитий столиця країна велике місто містечко традиції обличчя хобі вік щасливий здоровий біг спорт стрибки читання яблуко помідор тв програма оповідання гучна музика початок кінець малюнок килим погода годинник ноутбук китайські палички парасолька дощ історія день народження подарунок відповідь святкування світ населення територія правила вихідний цікавість прикрашати ліс підтримка кудряве волосся навушники плакати. 2) Вчитель стільчик словник відсутній модний духовка підлога мрія працьовитий варені яйця незалежність батьки диск корисна їжа натовп здача вибори свобода художник ліжко квітка хлопець вулиця овочі рот вчений щасливий сиве волосся знаменитість теплий зима фіолетовий село футболка землетрус смачний шкідлива їжа краєвид прапор приз день народження посмішка слон гарненька картопля туфлі олівець будинок будувати річка плавати зима лютий морква зошит лампа вода лікар багатий складний метро журнал окуляри спідниця лінійка жовтий морква гумка півень кролик полуниця персик люстерко зубна паста печиво чорний дощовик лід сніг шафа блокнот високий корабель директор скрипка каблучка лис липень племінник мед Round 6: “ Riddles” Teacher: Each team will have 5 riddles. 1) What does a cat have that no other animal has? - Kittens. 2) What has two heads, four eyes, six legs, and a tail? - A cowboy riding his horse. 3) What always sleeps with its shoes on? - A Horse. 4) What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all? - The shadow of an elephant. 5) What two keys can't open any doors? -A Donkey, and a Monkey. 6)What is found over your head but under your hat? -Your Hair 7)Look at my face and you see somebody Look at my back and you see nobody. - A mirror 8) We have legs but cannot walk. -Tables/Chairs 9) What belongs to you, but is used more by your friends than by you? –Your name. 10) I'm useful for journeys when you're going far, need lots of petrol because I'm a CAR. Teacher: Thank you! You did well. And now it’s time for the last and the most difficult task. - count your points… So, the winner is the team … The game is over now. Thank you for the participation. You were great! And by the way, the friendship won! Good bye!
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“Brain Ring

Тема: Who knows English better?

Цілі заходу:

Практична: Закріпити вживання вже відомого лексичного матеріалу.

Загальноосвітня: Поглибити лексичний запас учнів.

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та готовність до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні, удосконалити мовні здібності, розвивати кмітливість учнів.

Виховна: виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування, формувати уважність та активність учнів.


Teacher: Dear guests, teachers and students! We are glad to greet you here! We have gathered together to hold a “Brain Ring” contest.

      Two teams are going to compete today. And at the end of our contest we will find out which team knows English better.

       Our aim is to show students’ knowledge not only of English but Literature and Geography as well to widen outlook and encourage students to speak.

         We wish you to have a nice time at our “Brain Ring” contest! Our jury are….Let’s clap them.

          At first teams present their names and mottos…You’ll get 5 points for this task. Also each team will have it’s own color - Red or Green. For each right answer the team gets one multicolored square. ”. You’ll have 6 rounds. So, let’s start.


Round 1 “Quiz. What do you know about Great Britain?”


    Teacher: Your task is to answer the questions about the UK in turn. Don’t cry out the answers or they wouldn’t be counted. Raise your hand to give the correct answer. In case your answer is correct the team will get 1 point. Each team will have 10 questions in this round.


  1. What is the official name of Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  2. What is the capital of Britain? ( London)
  3. What parts does the UK consist of? ( England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
  4. What is the longest river of the UK? (The Severn)
  5. What river does London stand on? ( The Thames)
  6. What is the capital of Scotland? ( Edinburgh)
  7. What is the symbol of England? ( Red Rose)
  8. What river is the deepest of all British rivers? ( The Thames)
  9.  Who is the Head of the state? ( Queen)
  10. What is the nickname of British flag? (Union Jack)
  11. What is the favorite topic of conversation in the UK? ( the weather)
  12. When do British people celebrate Christmas? ( on the 25th of December)
  13. What is the symbol of Wales? ( the daffodil)
  14. What is the symbol of Scotland? ( the thistle)
  15. What’s the British national drink? ( tea)
  16. What age do English children start going to school? ( at 5)
  17. What is the color of London taxies? (black)
  18. Does the UK have a written Constitution? (no)
  19. What is the name of national Scottish costume? (kilt)
  20. What is the color of double-deckers in London? (red)


         Round 2 “Who can complete more words?”


Teacher: You need to make as many words as possible from the given letters. And one letter shouldn’t be used twice in a word. You have 1 minute. The team which has more words will win in this task and get five points. Here are the letters:



 Round 3. “ Different questions”.

Teacher:  Each team will have 12 questions. You should answer them in turn. Each team will have 12 different questions.

1. Where do kangaroos live?  (Australia)

3. What’s the emblem of Easter?  (an egg)

3. What is the national dish of the Ukrainians? (borshch)

4. What do pupils have between every lesson? ( breaks)

5. Name the fastest way of travelling?  (the plane)

6. What season comes after winter? (spring)

7. When do people usually have breakfast? ( in the morning)

8. How many eyes has a man got? ( two)

9. Who wrote "Tom Sawyer” (Mark Twain)

10. I have already cleaned my room. What’s the tense? ( present perfect)

11. Name the odd word: tree, flower, sun, grass. ( sun)

12. What is the weather like usually in summer? ( hot, sunny)

13. What do pupils get at school? ( knowledge)

14. How many oceans are there in the world? (4)

15. What river does Kyiv stand on? ( Dnieper)

16. The sweetest ingredient which we put baking a cake? ( sugar)

17. It’s a domestic animal  and it likes fish. ( A cat)

18. What can you do with a book? ( Read)

19 What color is snow? ( white)

20. When is Christmas celebrated in Ukraine? ( on the 7th of January)

21. Who discovered America? (Columbus)

22. Sam is sleeping now. Name the tense. ( present continuous)

23. What days of the week children don’t go to school? ( Saturday and Sunday)

24. This animal is the best man’s friend. ( dog)

 Round 4. “ Captain’s contest “

Teacher:  Explain the word for your team. The captain explain the word and the team guesses what  it is.

Morning—it is time, when you get up

Ice-cream--- it is cold and frozen, it can melt, children like to eat it

Book—you can read it

Summer--- it is a favorite season of all children

New Year—it is a holiday, means the beginning of all, year

Computer game—it is a game on computer

House—it is the building where you live


Subject—pupils learn it at school

Teacher—this person teachers pupils at school

Blackboard- pupils write with a chalk on it at school

Winter- it is a cold season

Summer holidays---they last two month, it is a favorite period of all children

Traveling---it is a visiting of different countries

The plane – it is the mean of transport when you fly


Round 5 “Translate the words for 1 minute


Teacher: Who can translate 90 words for 1 minute. Let’s start.


1)Школа     англійська    говорити     парта     свято     канікули

Шоколад   готувати    запах     пиріг     кухня    смачний    будинок    зелений чай     море    книга    переклад     люди    родичі     сім я     цукерки    овочі    друг    однокласник  вечеря     обід     напої    правильна їжа     вода    кімната    мити посуд     прати     пилососи ти   домашній улюбленець     клітка   допомога   кролик    гра   запитання    дитина    дружна сім я        

Активний    талановитий     столиця     країна    велике місто     містечко    традиції     обличчя     хобі     вік      щасливий    здоровий   біг спорт     стрибки    читання    яблуко     помідор   тв програма    оповідання     гучна музика    початок      кінець  малюнок   килим  погода   годинник  ноутбук

    китайські палички    парасолька    дощ      історія   день народження    подарунок     відповідь      святкування   світ    населення      територія      правила    вихідний     цікавість     прикрашати     ліс    підтримка  кудряве волосся навушники  плакати.


2) Вчитель  стільчик  словник  відсутній  модний  духовка  підлога  мрія  працьовитий  варені яйця  незалежність  батьки  диск  корисна їжа  натовп  здача  вибори  свобода  художник   ліжко  квітка   хлопець  вулиця  овочі  рот  вчений  щасливий  сиве волосся  знаменитість  теплий  зима  фіолетовий  село  футболка  землетрус  смачний  шкідлива їжа  краєвид  прапор  приз  день народження  посмішка  слон  гарненька  картопля  туфлі  олівець  будинок  будувати  річка  плавати  зима  лютий  морква   зошит  лампа  вода  лікар  багатий  складний  метро  журнал  окуляри  спідниця  лінійка  жовтий  морква  гумка    півень  кролик  полуниця  персик  люстерко  зубна паста  печиво  чорний  дощовик  лід  сніг  шафа  блокнот  високий  корабель  директор  скрипка  каблучка  лис  липень  племінник  мед 


 Round 6: “ Riddles”


Teacher: Each team will have 5 riddles.

1) What does a cat have that no other animal has?

                     - Kittens.


2) What has two heads, four eyes, six legs, and a tail?

                      - A cowboy riding his horse.


3) What always sleeps with its shoes on?

                    - A Horse.


4) What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all?

                  - The shadow of an elephant.


5) What two keys can't open any doors?

            -A Donkey, and a Monkey.


6)What is found over your head but under your hat?

                  -Your Hair


7)Look at my face and you see somebody

Look at my back and you see nobody.

    - A mirror


8) We have legs but cannot walk.



9) What belongs to you, but is used more by your friends than by


            –Your name.


10)  I'm useful for journeys when you're going far,

need lots of petrol because I'm a CAR.


 Teacher: Thank you! You did well. And now it’s time for the last and the most difficult task. -  count your points… So, the winner is the team …

The game is over now. Thank you for the participation. You were great! And by the way, the friendship won! Good bye!





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