Позакласний захід. "Celebration of St. Valentine’s Day"

Про матеріал
Позакласний захід з англійської мови у 6-ому класі Objectives: • to extend pupils’ knowledge about St. Valentine’s Day; • to stimulate pupils’ thinking; • to develop pupils’ imagination; • to arouse pupils’ interest in learning the language; • to make pupils’ wits and agility their tools in studying.
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Celebration of  St. Valentine’s Day

Позакласний захід з англійської мови

у 6-ому класі



  • to extend pupils’ knowledge about St. Valentine’s Day;
  • to stimulate pupils’ thinking;
  • to develop pupils’ imagination;
  • to arouse pupils’ interest in learning the language;
  • to make pupils’ wits and agility their tools in studying.


Equipment: the halves of four hearts in different col¬ours; sentences written on the sheets of paper; a box of sweets; a notebook; a bag; a ring; a watch; tongue twisters written on separate pieces of paper; 6 cards for each couple (1, 2, 3); for motivating students it’s advisable to prepare some prizes, diplomas (tickets to the cinema, concert, museum).




T: Happy Valentine’s Day! I would like you to wish happiness on this day. Before we start I want you to answer these questions.

1. Where was St. Valentine born?

PI: He was born in Rome.

2. What is the colour of love?

P2: Red is the colour of love.

3. What do sweethearts usually present on this day?

P3: Valentine cards.

T: You are right. While celebrating St. Valentine’s Day we present each other a “valentine” card with some words of love.

Presenter: Every year on the 14th of February boys and girls, husbands and wives, friends and, neighbours celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. There are several different legends. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman God of Love. The first Valentine was a bishop, Christian martyr; who, before he was put to death by the Romans, sent a note of friendship to his jailer’s blind daughter on the 14th of February. Another legend has it that this man, the same Valentine loved by all, wrote notes from his jail cell to children and friends, who missed him.

St. Valentine’s Day is now a day for sweethearts. It is the holiday when you show your friends or loved ones that you care. You can send candies or flowers as a present; most people send “valentines”, greeting cards. Valentines can be sentimental, romantic, funny and friendly. People of all ages love to send and receive valentines. At school children make valentines for their classmates and put them in a large decorated box. And on the 14th of February the teacher opens the box and gives the valentines to the pupils. After the pupils read their valentines, they have a small party.

I think that this holiday is very important. And on this day all sweethearts must be together.



T. Look at these poems and fill in each gap with an ad¬jective from the box. Remember that the poems must rhyme.

Bright, busy, cheeky, clever, fair; funny, great, mean, sweet

1.1 like a girl called Nicky, She’s confident and (cheeky).

2. My darling Pete, You’re very (sweet).

3. Do you like me, Kate? I think you’re (great).

4.1 like a boy called Dean Because he’s never (mean).

5. Please, be my girlfriend, Lizzie! Don’t say that you’re too (busy).

6. Please, be my girlfriend, Claire!

I like you because you’re always (fair).

7. This poem’s for a boy called Andrew Knight. I like you because you’re kind and (bright).

8. You’re much sweeter than honey And you’re also very (funny).

9. I love you, Trevor, Because you’re (clever).


На дошці записано невеликий вірш. Учитель читає та пояснює слова, звертаючи увагу на складнощі у ви¬мові деяких із них. Вірш декілька разів прочитується учнями. Після цього вчитель дає 2-3 хвилини для його вивчення, учні повинні прочитати його напам’ять. Виграє той, хто безпомилково прочитає вірш.


The sun in the sky,

The moon in the cloud —

These are the beauties

I can’t live without.



1. She has….

a) very long hair (3)

b) medium length hair (2)

c) short hair (1)

2. She likes….

a) singing and dancing (2)

b) watching comedy films (1)

c) going to restaurants (3)

3. She likes wearing ….

a) jeans and T-shirts (1)

b) expensive designer clothes (3)

c) beautiful dresses (2)

4. She gives you ….

a) a CD (2)

b) a magazine (3)

c) a video (1)

5. On your date you go to ….

a) a fashion show (3)

b) Paris (1)

c) South America (2)

Add up your score and find out who is your ideal Val¬entine.

12-15 – Naomi Campbell;

8-10 – Madonna;

5-8 – Meg Ryan.


1. He has… .

a) short dark hair (1)

b) long dark hair (2).

c) short blond hair (3)

2. He likes….

a) singing and dancing (2)

b) playing jokes on people (1)

c)going to the cinema (3)

3. He likes wearing….

a) bright coloured suits (1)

b) black clothes (2)

c) jeans and T-shirts (3)

4. He gives you….

d) some beautiful flowers (1)

e) a pet monkey (2)

f) a joke mask (3)

5. On your date you go to….

g) Disneyland (2)

h) .Mexico (3)

i) New York (1)

Add up your score and find out who is your ideal Val¬entine.

- 12-15 – Leonardo DiCaprio;

- 8-10 – Michael Jackson;

- 5-8 — Jim Carrey.


У вчителя в коробці валентинки. Учень підходить до нього, бере з коробки валентинку, читає, кому вона призначена та дарує її учневі.





23 квітня 2021
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