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Tea party

Aims:  to develop general linguistic skills (pronunciation, vocabulary, basic grammar etc.); to increase competency of students in culture;

to develop speaking and reading and listening skills;

to develop communication skills,  self confidence

Materials: the photo of the Queen Elethabeth II, cards, videos, tea set, sweets.


 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen !

I’m very happy to invite you to our Royal party which takes place at school #6 today.


Pupils takes their seats to the music.


Traditional tea time in England is late afternoon, when world-famous 5 o’clock tea is served.

Girl : Tea first arrived in Britain in 1662 when King Charles II married the Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza. Catherine brought tea chests to England as part of her wedding dowry and soon popularized the custom of taking tea at court. (слайд 3)

Boy : And many years later tea drinking became still more popular, once again, thanks to the Royal Family. Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. (слайд 4)

 Afternoon tea, because it was usually taken in the late afternoon, is also called “low tea” because it was usually taken in a sitting room or withdrawing room where low tables were placed near sofas or chairs.


Before starting the party let us see how well do you know the things necessary for tea ceremony.

Every pupil take a word-card and have to put it near the appropriate thing on the table



Milk jug

Tea leaves

Tea strainers









D:\Documents\Inna Doc\Foto\tea party\IMG_20180129_135057.jpg  D:\Documents\Inna Doc\Foto\tea party\MVIMG_20180129_135808.jpg

English people usually have three types of tea: black, with lemon and milk tea. How do you think which is the most popular?

Maybe as people became more in a hurry they added milk to drink more quickly. It is possible that milk was used to cool the tea down when the hostess did not want to have her guests for too long.

 Another explanation of milk in tea is the fear to break the delicate porcelain teacups . however teacups which were made of. Real porcelain does not normally break but early examples of British porcelain cups sometimes fell apart. It was safer to put some milk first to reduce the temperature of the tea so the cups did not break.


There are three basic types of Afternoon , or Low tea; differing by the foods served. Aside from tea,

Cream Tea offers fresh baked scones, jam and cream.

Light Tea features tea, scones and sweets.

Full Tea offers tea, savories (tiny sandwiches), scones, sweets and dessert.

Video ‘British tea culture’ Video 3.04 – 4.03



Next question is

How to make milk tea?

You’ll watch the video now and then demonstrate how to make tea.



Task: put the sentences in right order and demonstrate the action.

  1. Select a good quality brand tea.
  2.  Boil the water.
  3. Warm the teapot with hot water first (fill it, and then drunk it out).
  4. Add one teaspoon for tea per cup plus one extra teaspoon for the pot.
  5. Pour boiling water . It is essential that the water is boiling, in order to release all the flavor of the tea.
  6. Wait! The tea needs time to develop its flavor, 3 or 5 minutes.
  7. Place the tea strainer over the top of the cup and pour the tea in.
  8. Add milk and sugar to taste.
  9. Enjoy your tea!

   D:\Documents\Inna Doc\Foto\tea party\MVIMG_20180129_140607.jpg

Five o’clock tea is a ceremony, a work of art. It is not only about a perfect combination of the tablecloth, the napkins, the flowers, the vases and the tea set; it means a certain way of behaving and talking too


Here are some ABC of tables manners for the english tea drinking. During drinking tea you must follow the next rules:

Pupils read the rules

-Take small, quite sips of your tea. Do not blow on the tea if it is too hot.

-When you are not drinking tea, place the cup on the saucer.

-You must lay sugar in the tea carefully.

-Don’t leave the slice of lemon in the cup as you sip your tea. It should be removed beforehand

-You must eat pie with the help of spoon but not hands

-You must not tap the spoon for a cup stiring tea.

-And one more: during drinking tea Englishmen speak only about pleasant thing



So you know everything about the eticuette and now you are ready to the tea ceremony!


I know you were preparing for thisevent and let’s listen how was it ( the dialogue.)

Jane: Hi Tom!

Jane: Didn’t you forget that we have got the invitation to the royal garden party?

Jane: And I’ve even bought a new smart dress and a bonnet. Would you like to see my

new bonnet?

Jane: OK. I dream about the Royal Tea Party.

Tom: Hallo Jane!

Tom: No, I didn’t! I am so excited! I’ll see the Queen!

Tom: No, I’ll see it at the party.

Tom: And I dream about the fruit baskets and the Royal apple juice.


Welcome to English Royal  Tea Party.

Video. Music.

English people usually talk about the weather.

Pupils dialogues about weather with the demonstration of tables manners.

- The weather is great, isn’t it?

- Yes. It’s absolutely beautiful today.

- I wish it was like this more frequently.

- Me too.

- So what are you going to do this Saturday?

- I’m going to meet a friend of mine at the department store.

- Going to do a little shopping?

- Yes, I have to buy some presents for my parents.

- What’s the occasion?

- It’s their anniversary.

- That’s great. Do you need any help?

- Sure. Good idea!


A: Don't you think it's nice out?

B: Yes, I think so too.

A: I think that it's going to rain.

B: I hope that it does rain.

A: You like the rain?

B: The sky looks so clean after it rains. I love it.

A: I understand. Rain does make it smell cleaner.

B: I love most how it is at night after it rains.

A: How come?

B: You can see the stars so much more clearly after it rains.

A: I would love for it to rain today.

B: I would too.

D:\Documents\Inna Doc\Foto\tea party\MVIMG_20180129_142017.jpg



Let’s watch and listen to some information about the Royal party and after that have a quiz.



Three pupils read the information.

There are four Royal garden parties every year- one in Scotland and three at

Buckingham Palace in London. About 10,000 people go to each party.

The government

and many different charities all help to choose the guests.


The party starts at three o’clock in the afternoon. Two military bands play there.

The guests listen to music and walk around the beautiful gardens. They drink tea, coffee

or apple juice and eat sandwiches and cakes. In a hot day there is an extra surprise – an

ice-cream.  At a typical garden party, the guests consume around 27,000 cups of tea,

20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake.


At four o’clock, the Queen and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, join the party.

It’s a chance for the Royal Family to meet and talk to the public. Everyone has a chance

of speaking to Her Majesty and members of her family. The party finishes at six o’clock.

Questions about the Royal party.

I hope you understood everything. Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false.

Are the sentences true or false?

1. There are four Royal garden parties at Buckingham Palace in London every year.

2. The Royal Family chooses all the guests.

3. The Royal garden parties start at 3 and finish at 6 o’clock in the afternoon.

4. The guests drink tea, but they do not drink coffee or apple juice.

5. The guests do not eat at the parties.

6. The Queen and her husband go to all the garden parties.




To sum up, I’m sure such long lasting traditions unite people, make their life bright, happy and positive. People can overcome their difficulties easily. They join different generations together. In short, the more good traditions people have the more friendly they can be.

And now we invite everybody to Tea drinking. You are welcome!


D:\Documents\Inna Doc\Foto\tea party\IMG_20180129_143012.jpg


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "catherine of braganza tea"






Add one teaspoon for tea per cup plus one extra teaspoon for the pot.



Pour boiling water . It is essential that the water is boiling, in order to release all the flavor of the tea.



    Wait! The tea needs time to develop its           flavor, 3 or 5 minutes.



     Place the tea strainer over the top of the cup and pour the tea in



Add milk and sugar to taste.



Enjoy your tea!




Take small, quite sips of your tea. Do not blow on the tea if it is too hot.



When you are not drinking tea, place the cup on the saucer.



You must lay sugar in the tea carefully.




Food placed on a tired stand is to be eaten in a certain order, from top to bottom.



-Don’t leave the slice of lemon in the cup as you sip your tea. It should be removed beforehand



You must eat pie with the help of spoon but not hands



You must not tap the spoon for a cup stiring tea.



-And one more: during drinking tea Englishmen speak only about pleasant thing





23 березня 2019
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