Позакласний захід до дня Святого Патріка"Green Party "

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Позакласний захід до дня Святого Патріка"Green Party "- містить декілька сценок краєзнавчого характеру ,а також є конкурсом на краще виконання пісень та читання віршів англійською мовою
Перегляд файлу

Green Party


Мета: створення оптимальних умов для вияву обдарованих і талановитих дітей, формуванню гуманної особистості, ознайомлення учнів з маловідомим святом Великобританії. сприяння прищепленню шанобливого ставлення до культури, традицій та звичаїв англійського народу.

Обладнання: костюми, маски, картки для журі, призи,


 Звучить  ірландська музика (Слайд 1)

Ведучий: Good afternoon, ladies and gentelmen!

Ведуча:: Good afternoon, children! How are you ? I hope you are fine. There are a lot of merry holidays in the United Kingdom  and America. What are they?

Pupils: Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving day, Saint Valentine's day, Halloween etc.

Ведуча: And today we gathered here together to welcome spring and to celebrate spring holidays :Women’s Day , Easter. (Слайд 2)

Ведучий: On March 17, Irish people celebrate religious holiday, St. Patrick’s Day.

March Seventeen

Don’t be seen

Unless you’re wearing

A touch of green.

A skirt, a shirt

A button, a sock –

A splash of green

From the old shamrock.

If you don’t wear green

So, the Irish say –

You deserve a pinch

For St. Patrick’s day!

And today we have an excellent chance  to learn more about Saint Patrick' s day, to plunge into the atmosphere  of some fairy tale, to take part in virtual parade and to meet with leprechauns.   (Слайд 3)

Ведуча: Do you know who St. Patrick is? No?

St. Patrick is Ireland National Apostle.

St. Patrick’s Day with us,

The day when all that’s seen

To right and left and everywhere

Is green, green, green.

Ведучий: Yes, I know one of those legends. Let’s see film about it.

Показ фільму про святого Патріка.. (Слайд 4)

Ведуча: Dear friends, we begin our merriest competition. We’ll choose the best song and poem today

Ведучий: But first of all let us introduce to you our jury. They are….

Ведуча:The first participant is waiting for you! It’s ______________ and the poem “Spring” (Вірш 1)


A boy : What season is it now? Try to guess who this is. This is a very small man. When it is winter, he sleeps. But in spring he wakes up and he is hungry. He wears green shoes, a green hat, green jeans, and a green shirt.

A girl :Who is this?

Леприкон виглядає з-за ширми, потім виходить. Кліп“Little Leprechaun Song”


Ведуча: The second is ____________________ and her poem about Happiness…(Вірш 2)


A boy :Would you like some cake  ?

A girl : Yes, please. (Співає пісню і їсть тістечко – Леприкон непомітно забирає тістечко- залишає золоту монету) (Пісня1)

Ведучий: It’s time for the third  poem. (Вірш 3)

Ведуча:Now, listen to the song. The singer is… . With his song….. (Пісня2)

(Зявляється Св. Патрік)

St. Patrick: It’s Easter Sunday today. I’ll go to the garden and I’ll pluck a shamrock from the ground. (Йде , зриває клевер)

 I have a little shamrock

It’s green as green can be.

Watch me as I count the leaves

One, two, three.

(Рахує листочки)

St. Patrick: Look, it has a triple leaf and a single stem. This shamrock explains the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. It will be the national emblem of Ireland.

Ведучий: And now we invite you to real Easter Bonnet Parade.


Later the shamrock has really become the national emblem of Ireland.

 The shamrock is a little plant,

It’s leaf is three green hearts.

Ведуча: We wear it on St. Patrick’s Day

But that’s not where it starts.

 It comes from dear old Ireland,

And we want you all to know,

That Ireland is the only place

Where the real, wild shamrocks grow!

Meet our next рarticipant…. (Вірш 4)

Ведучий: Time for one more song (Пісня3)


Oh, have you seen a leprechaun?

A leprechaun? A leprechaun?

Oh, have you seen a leprechaun

Who comes from Ireland?

 Ведучий: Among the shamrocks he may hide

He may hide, he may hide.

Among the shamrocks he may hide

So catch him if you can.

Леприкон: I’m a little leprechaun, dress in green,

The tiniest man that you have ever seen.

If you ever catch me so it’s told

I’ll give you my pot of gold.

I have one silver shilling. It’s a magical coin. Look!

(Йде в магазин)

Shop Assistant: Can I help you?

Leprechaun: Yes, I want green belt.

Shop Assistant: Here you are. (Гном берет ремень, отдает шиллинг, уходит)

Shop Assistant: Oh, where is money?

Leprechaun: Here is my silver shilling. It returns to me each time it is paid out.

Ведуча: Thank you . So we ask our jury to announce the results of this exciting contest.

Ведучий:  Congratulations to our winners!

12 березня 2019
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