Позакласний захід –гра з англійської мови у 2 класі «We are Quick-Minded»

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Позакласний захід-гра з англійської мови та презентація до заходу створені для учнів 2 класу до підручника Quick Minds 2 . Представлений матеріал допомагає в ігровій формі повторити і узагальнити лексику тем “The school bag”, “The zoo”, “My bedroom’’, “Come to my party” та “Off we go!’’
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Позакласний захід –гра з англійської мови у 2 класі We Are Quick-Minded ( За навчально-методичним комплексом "Quick Minds 2”)  Підготувала: Некрасова Ю. М. вчитель англійської мови КУ Сумської СШ № 2

Номер слайду 2

Цілі та завдання:повторити і закріпити вивчений лексичний матеріал тем: “The school bag”, “The zoo”, “ My bedroom’’, “Come to my party!” “ Off we go!’’;розвивати фонематичний слух за допомогою пісень;розвивати пам’ять і увагу; підвищити позитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови ; привчати учнів до групової форми роботи. Обладнання: проектор, ноутбук, приладдя для конкурсів

Номер слайду 3

Form: 2 We Are Quick-Minded"

Номер слайду 4

I. Introduce your team ( Team 1)Hello! Our team’s name is Readers. Our motto is“Today a reader tomorrow a leader”

Номер слайду 5

Song 1 “The zebra likes sausages…” ( Team 1) The zebra likes sausages, he doesn’t like peas. Some carrots and sausages, for the zebra please. Peas, peas, lovely peas… Someone come and eat them, my lovely peas. The hippo likes bananas, she doesn’t like peas. Some apples and bananas, for the hippo please. Peas, peas, lovely peas. …Someone come and eat them, my lovely peas. The parrot likes sandwiches, he doesn’t like peas. Some pizza and sandwiches, for the parrot please. Peas, peas, lovely peas…Someone come and eat them, my lovely peas.

Номер слайду 6

I. Introduce your team ( Team 2)Hello! Our team's name is English Learners. Our motto is “We learn better when learning is a game”

Номер слайду 7

Song 2 “Hey, listen, listen everyone…” (Team 2)Hey, listen, listen everyone. Our classroom’s a lot of fun. There’s a door in the board. There are some chairs on the wall. There’s a window in the cupboard, but that isn’t all. There are some cats on the bookcase. There’s a dog on the desk. And on the floor there’s a clock. Tick tock! Tick tock! Hey, listen, listen everyone. Our classroom’s a lot of fun.

Номер слайду 8

II. Beautiful flowers Put the dew drops on the proper flower(Choose the words on the appropriate topic)“The school bag”, “The zoo”, “ My bedroom’’, “Come to my party!”

Номер слайду 9

Choose the drops (words) on the topics “The School bag” and“ My bedroom’’ (Team 1) “The Zoo’’ and “Come to my party!” ( Team 2) lorry, bed, motorbike, board, mat, mouth, monkey, rubber, eyes, scooter, clock, sofa, mirror, tiger, notebook, boat, head, pen, parrot, lamp, computer, ears, wardrobe, hippo, bus, glasses, ruler, armchair, zebra, pencil, taxi, bear, face, table, crocodile, nose, skateboard, snake, hair, helicopter

Номер слайду 10

III. Colorful transport . (Topic “Off we go!’’) First, put letters in the correct order to know transport name and its colour. Team 1: rgene ubs Team 2: bckal arc Then, draw and colour your pictures.

Номер слайду 11

Song “It’s a big wide world out there…” It’s a big wide world out there, and there’s so much to see. Let’s fly around the world, why don’t you come with me?It’s a big wide world out there, and there’s so much to see. Let’s fly around the world, why don’t you come with me?I’m flying in my big blue plane and you can come with me. Come on! Let’s go! We’re off again. We’ve got a lot to see. It’s a big wide world out there, and there’s so much to see. Let’s fly around the world, why don’t you come with me?I’m driving in my small green car and you can come with me. We aren’t really going very far, We’re off to see the sea. It’s a big wide world out there, and there’s so much to see. Let’s fly around the world, why don’t you come with me?I’m driving my long red train and you can come with me. We’re flying in a rocket, Let’s see what we can see!

Номер слайду 12

IV. Mime the action. Team 1: 1) Please, listen! 2) Please, write! 3) Please, jump! 4) Please, drive a car! 5) Please, tick or cross! 6) Please, ride a motorbike! 7) Please, play football! 8) Please, fly in a rocket! 9) Please, draw! 10) Please, trace!Team 2: 1) Please, count! 2) Please, sing! 3) Please, run! 4) Please, fly a plane! 5) Please, match! 6) Please, drive a bus! 7) Please, measure a pencil! 8) Please, sail a boat! 9) Please, ride a scooter! 10) Please, read a book!

Номер слайду 13

V. Summing up. Saying goodbye.

Некрасова Юлія
19 березня 2023
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