Позакласний захід на тему:"Mother's Day"

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Сценарій інтегрованого ( англійською та французькою мовами) позакласного заходу, присвячений святкуванню Дня Матері
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Mother’s Day Party


Student 1. Good aftrrnoon,dear guests and everybody who has come here. We are very glad to see you at our celebration of coming Mother’s Day. On this day we want to congratulate all moms, grannies and future moms  in this hall and everywhere in the world and present them our concert.


Student 2. Mesdames et Messieurs! Nos chers amis! Nous vous saluons dans cette salle de fête et de la part de tous les participants nous vous invitons à passer avec nous quelques moments agréables dédiés à  l'approche de la fête des mères.


Student 1. Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries, in many different ways, and on different dates.

We all have Anna Jarvis to thank for the modern Mother’s Day celebrations, as she started a letter writing campaign to recognise a Mother’s Day. Anna never had any children, but wanted to carry out her own mother’s wishes of having a day just for moms. . Finally, in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation making Mother’s Day an official holiday, to take place the second Sunday of May.

Student 2. La fête des Mères  est une fête annuelle célébrée en l'honneur des mères en France.

À cette occasion, les enfants offrent des cadeaux à leur mère, des gâteaux, des fleurs  ou des objets qu'ils ont confectionnés à l'école ou à la maison. Cette fête est également célébrée par les adultes de tous âges pour honorer leur mère.

Student 1. Mother is the name of all things which are the dearest to people.

                   Nothing can be greater for you than your mother.

Student 2. Le deuxieme dimanche de mai nous celebrons le jour de la fete des mere. C’est pourqoi aujourd’hui nous allons parler de nos mere.

Form 2

. ,, Mother’’ means Kindness

    ,, Mother’’ means Patience

       And Happiness, too

     ,, Mother’’ means sharing and

     ,, Mother’’ means caring

     ,, Mother means all this…

        For ,, Mother’’ means you!

Student 2. La mere- c’est ls personne qui nous a donné la vie. La mere c’est la personne la plus chere du monde. La mere – c’est la personne la plus tendre du monde.

La poésie       

        Petite Maman

Un petit message,
Pour te dire que tournent des pages.
Les pages sont les années,
Pendant toutes lesquelles tu nous as bercé, aimé.
Tu nous as appris la vie,
Grâce à toi on en sourit.
Tu nous as montré le bonheur,
Et as consolé nos peur,
Je t'écris ce petit mot aujourd'hui, 
Pour te dire un grand merci.
De toutes les mamans tu es la meilleure,
Et je te garderai éternellement dans mon coeur.

Song” Mommy’

Student 1 To each of us mother is the dearest person. She is near us when we are small children and she is always ready to help us when we become older!

                 You are the sunlight in my day,

                  You are the moon I see far away.

                  You are the tree I lean upon,

                  You are the one that makes troubles be gone)

                  You are the one who taught me life,

                  How not to fight, and what is right.

                  You are the words inside my song,

                  You are my love, my life, my mom.

 “When I was a little baby,

You rocked me through the night.

When I got scared from a nightmare,

You took away my fright.

You chase away my fears.

You dry up all my tears.

You are always there.

And You always care.

You taught me how to smile.

Thank you, Thank you Mummy!

                                    I’m happy you’re my mom,

                   ‘Cause you take good care of me.

                    You love me and you show it,

                    So I’m as happy as can be!

                    I love you very much,

                    And so I want to say,

                     Thank you for all you do,

                    And Happy  Woman’s Day!


La chanson

Student 2. Dans beaucoup de langues, le mot mère commence par le son /m/. C'est le premier mot que l'enfant prononce et c'est le plus précieux dans le monde.


"M" is for the million things she gave me,

"O" means only that she's growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"

A word that means the world to me.

,, Six pupils’’

1st pupil: Who fed me when I was a child. And hushed me in her

arms so mild?


All together : - My mother:

2-nd pupil: Who sat and watched my childish head, when sleeping

in my little bed?

All together:- My mother.

3-rd pupil: When pain and sickness made me cry, who looked upon

my heavy eye?

All together: - My mother.

4-th pupil: Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay, and taught me often

how to play?

All together: My mother.

5-th pupil: Who ran to help me when I fell. and would some funny stories tell?

All together : - My mother.

6-th pupil : And can I ever stop to be so loving and so kind to thee who

was so kind to me, my mother?

All together: And when you are sick and old and grey, my healthy arm

shall be your stay, and will calm your pains away, my mother.


Dance ”You’re one in a million”

Student 2. Les mains de la mère ... Ils peuvent tout faire: laver, nettoyer, cuisiner, traiter, soigner leurs enfants, aider et faire beaucoup d’autres choses. Nous ne pouvons pas imaginer notre vie sans mères.

I’d like to tell you all about

A very stormy day,

While Daddy stayed at home with me

And Mummy went away.

He made the beds and swept the floor

and did the washing up.

And do you know, he broke a plate,

Two saucers and a cup.

Then when he bathed me, after tea,

he taught me how to swim,

And there were puddles on the floor

And drips all over him!

Then Mummy came home just in time

To see me getting down.

,, Next time I’ll stay at home,’’ she said,

,, While Daddy goes to town.’’

La chanson

Student 1 .We all love our mothers deeply.For everyone of us she is the most important person in our life because she gave us the birth and always helps us

Mothers teach us right from wrong,

Read with us, and sing us songs.

They make sure homework is done. 

They make learning much more fun.

Mothers are our shining stars:

Mothers make us who we are.(Adrian F7)

Student 2 La mere – c’est la personne la plus douce du monde. La mere –c’est la personne l’amour de laquelle est infinie. La mere – c’est la personne qui souffre quant son enfant est malheureux

La poésie             

  À toi maman

Maman, chaque soir je pusse ma force dans ton regard
Pour moi tu est la fleur du pouvoir
Une femme modèle car malgré la souffrance
De ton enfance
Tu t'es battu
Et tu a vaincu 
Les mots que tu me dis
A toi on ne les a jamais dit
Pour tous ce que tu a vécu je te respecte 
Je t'aime maman


You're a wonderful mother,

                 So gentle, yet so strong 

                 The many ways you show you care

                Always make me feel I belong.

                You're patient when I'm foolish;

                 You give guidance when I ask

                  It seems you can do most anything;

                 You're the master of every task  


Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,

Hundreds of shells on the shore together;

Hundreds of birds that go singing by;

Hundreds of bees in the sunny weather.

Hundreds of lambs in the purple clover;

Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,

But only one mother the wide world over

God made a wonderful mother,

A mother who never grows old;

He made her smile of the sunshine,

And he molded her heart of pure gold.

In her eyes he placed bright shining stars,

In her cheeks, fair roses you see;

God made a wonderful mother,

And he gave that dear mother to me

La mere c’est une personne qui a fait apparaitre dans nos yeux les plus belles etoiles.

La mere c’est la personne qui est toujours a cote de nous.

Ma petite maman

Chere maman
Car que tu le veuille ou non
Mon amour pour toi est aussi sans conditions
Il dépasse les montagnes et atteints les cieux
Il est tellement fort que maintenant tu ne te bats plus seul,
On est deux
Je donnerai tout pour que t'as vie devienne un conte de fée
Je te tend la main et espère que tu la prendra
Pour qu'on avance ensemble et non plus face a face
Ma petite maman, je t'aime plus que tu peux t'imaginer
Et je te souhaite une excellente fête des mères
A toi : la meilleure maman au monde !



Une parabole religieuse

Violeta:Il etait une fois une femme. Elle a eleve seule un fils. Elle lui a consacre  toute sa vie. Le fils l’aimait beaucoup.

  Ce jeune homme etait travailleur et genereux.

Un jour il est tombe amoureux d’une sorciere.La mere a compris que cette jeune fille n’etait pas pour son fils et lui a tout  explique. Mais l’amour est aveugle.

Liuda:Une fois la sorciere a dit a jeune homme. Nous serons ensemble si tu tues ta mere e m’apporte son coeur sur une assiette. Et le fils a tue sa mere.

En se dirigeant vers la jeune fille qu’il aimait il passait par la foret et il s’est griffe d’une branche. Soudain il a entendu la voix tendre de sa mere: “T’est tu fait mal, mon petit?”

Et tout a coup il a compris la crime qu’il avait commis.

   Il s’est dirige vers le couvent le plus proche et avait confesse son grand peche aux moines. Il est reste la comme novice.

Lida: Les annees sont passes et il est devenu moine sur le mont Athos.

    Dans la nuit des Paques les moines lui ont dit qu’il prie que sa mere lui pardonne.

 Si la veilleuse ne s’allume pas jusqu’a minuit sa mere ne l’avais pas pardonne. Il priait et pleurait sans cesse mais la veilleuse ne s’allumait pas.

  Deux minutes avant la minuit la veilleuse s’est allume.

 La mere a pardonne son fils, parce que l’ amour maternelle est infinie.

A religious parable

Once upon a time there was a woman.  She raised a son alone.  She dedicated him all her life.  The son loved her very much.

This young man was hardworking and generous.  One day he fell in love with a witch. The mother realized that this girl was not for her son and she explained everything to him.  But his love was blind.

Once the witch told to the young man:  “We will be together if you kill your mother and bring me her heart on a plate.”  And the son killed his mother.  Going to the girl he loved, he was passing through the forest and got hurt by a branch.  Suddenly he heard the tender voice of his mother: "Are you hurt, my child?"

And suddenly he understood the crime he had committed.  He went to the nearest convent and confessed his great sin to the monks.  He remained there as a novice.

The years passed and he became a monk on Mount Athos.  On the Easter night the monks told him to pray for his mother’s forgiveness.  If the night light does not turn on until midnight, his mother did not forgive him.  He prayed and cried incessantly, but the night light did not turn on.  Two minutes before midnight the night light turned on.  The mother has forgiven her son, because the maternal love is infinite.


Student 2. Chers professeurs, nous vous félicitons avec la fête qui  approche. Laissez la Mère de Dieu vous protéger toujours!

Student 1. All is well that ends well.

And now, dear teachers,

And our guests, we’d like

to say to you a few words too

because our party is coming to the end.

We wish you to have the whole

World in your hands.

We wish you a need of a song in your lands.

We wish you to follow your stars in your life,

We wish you to have pupils’ love in your school life.

We wish you to win a fortune in a game.

And may your life never be the same.

That is all for today. THANK YOU!!!



 1. Bright blue the sky,

 Sun up on high,

 That was the little boy’s picture,

 He drew for you,

 Wrote for you, too,

 Just to make clesr what he drew -


 May there always be sunshine,

 May there always be blue skies,

 May there always be Mummie,

 May there always be me!

2. My little friend,

 Listen, my friend,

 Peace is the dream of the people,

 Hearts old and young

 Never have done

 Singing the song you hqve sung.


 3.Soldier lad, stay!

 Hear what we say -

 War would make all of us losers.

 Peace is our prize,

 Millions of eyes

 Anxiously gaze at the skies.


7 жовтня 2020
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