Позакласний захід " St. Valentines day"

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Позакласний захід “ St. Valentine’s Day “ Мета: - активізувати словниковий запас учнів; - вчити застосовувати практичні вміння і навички в створених ситуаціях; - розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів з використанням матеріалу, пов’язаного з історією, святами та традиціями Великобританії; - виховувати інтерес до оволодіння іноземною мовою.
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Позакласний захід

“ St. Valentine’s Day “


Мета: - активізувати словниковий запас учнів;

- вчити застосовувати практичні вміння і навички в створених


-  розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів з   використанням матеріалу, пов’язаного з історією, святами та традиціями Великобританії;

- виховувати інтерес до оволодіння іноземною мовою.

Обладнання: повітряні кульки з іменами відомих людей, картки у

              вигляді сердець із завданнями, ручки, чисті аркуші паперу,

              валентинки, зразки мелодій, призи.  


                                    Хід заходу.

( Звучить мелодія, назустріч один одному ідуть ведучі).

Ведуча 1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Ведуча 2: It’s lovely to see you at St. Valentine’s party!

Ведуча 1: I hope that Valentine’s Day will bring you lots of fun!

Ведуча 2: Do you know that in Europe and in the USA on this day boys

                  and girls, husbands and wives exchange with greetings,

                  presents and Valentine’s cards?

Ведуча 1: Yes, and do you know that this day is a religious one and has

                  roots in several legends?

Ведуча 2: Yes, I know one of this legends. It says that a long time ago

                  there was a priest in Rome. His name was Valentine.        

                  ClaudiusII   who was the Emperor at that time made a law 

                  against marring. But Valentine felt sorry for young people who  

                  were in love and he married them secretly. When Emperor

                  Claudius found out it, he sentenced Valentine to death. 

                  Valentine was executed on February, 14th. And since that time

                  this day had been celebrated by all who were in love as their


Ведуча 1: Isn’t that nice? And I know another legend. It is also about a 

                  man whose name was Valentine. He also lived in Rome when

                  Сlaudius II was Emperor. He helped Christians. Claudius was a        

                  pagan and hated Christians. So when he found out that     

                  Valentine helped Christians he put him to prison. Valentine fell

                   in love with the  prisoner’s daughter. And the legend says that

                   on February, 14th when Valentine was executed she got a 

                   massage  that said: “From your Valentine”. When the

                   Christianity became  a religion of Rome, the 14th of February

                   became a Christian holiday.

Ведуча 2: Many famous writers described love in their poems. And today we want you to listen to them. One of them is “A red, red rose…” by Robert Burns. (Додаток 1)

                  (Звучить вірш та переклад у виконанні учнів)

Ведуча 1: Many famous singers speak about this beautiful feeling in their songs. And now the girls of the 9th form will sing you the song “You are not alone” (Додаток 2) 

Ведуча 2: In different times and ages people loved each other. We 

                   propose you to find the famous pairs of lovers. We need two

                  girls and two boys.         

 (Учні знаходять пари відомих людей, написаних на повітряних кульках. Переможці отримують призи.)

  1. Romeo – Juliet
  2. Adam – Eve
  3. Napoleon – Josephine
  4. A. Zhdanov – K. Pushkariova
  5. Ruslan – Liudmila
  6. Kai – Gerda

Ведуча 1: I think you know the name of the famous English writer William Shakespeare. He wrote many poems, dramas and sonnets. And today the pupils of the 8th form want to recite them.

(Учні декламують сонети В. Шекспіра.)

Ведуча 2: And now listen to another song “I just called to say I love you…” (Додаток 3) 

Ведуча 1: Very often we can see love in dancing. And now you’ll see one     

                  of such stories.

(Учні 5-ого класу виконують танець «Ча-ча-ча»)

Ведуча 2: Now we need three pairs of boys and girls. Your task is to show 

                  us how beautiful you can dance.

(Звучить повільний танець.)

Ведуча 1: One of the well-known Russian poets Alexander Pushkin expressed his feelings in his poems “A Magic Moments I remember” and “I loved you once…”(Додаток 4) 

(Учні декламують вірші англійською та російською мовами.)

Ведуча2: The boys of the 9th form will sing you a song “All for love”

Ведуча1: Many people in love don’t know what to do in different situations. And we invite three pairs of boys and girls. Your task is to choose the situation and just do it.

(Пари витягують одну із ситуацій та виконують завдання.

  1. Meet the girl and introduce yourself.
  2. Invite the girl for a party.

                  3.  Congratulate the girl with birthday.

Ведуча 2: The girls of the 9th form will sing a song “Yesterday”   (Додаток 5)   

Ведуча 1: Do you know sweet words? We invite two pairs of boys and girls. Your task is to write as many sweet words what love can be as you can. The words must be adjectives.

(Пари записують якнайбільше прикметників, яким може бути кохання.)

Ведуча 2: Listen to one more song about love “You are my sunshine.”

                (Додаток 6) 

Ведуча 1: Pupils of our school expressed their feelings in the Valentine’s cards. And now they will present them to you.

(Звучить музика, учні читають валентинки і дарують їх.)

Ведуча 2: Our party is over. Thank you for your attention. Love and be loved!!!             


Додаток 1

               A Red, Red Rose

O my Luve 's like a red, red rose     
That 's newly sprung in June:   
O my Luve 's like the melodie     
That's sweetly play'd in tune!     
            As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,             
            So deep in luve am I:   
            And I will luve thee still, my dear,     
            Till a' the seas gang dry:     
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,     
And the rocks melt wi' the sun;              
I will luve thee still, my dear,     
While the sands o' life shall run.     
            And fare thee weel, my only Luve,     
            And fare thee weel a while!   
            And I will come again, my Luve,             
            Tho' it were ten thousand mile.


Моя любов - рожевий квіт

         Моя любов - рожевий квіт

В весінньому саду,

Моя любов - веселий спів,

Що з ним я в світ іду.

            О, як тебе кохаю я,

            Єдиная моя!

            Тому коханню не зміліть,

            Хоч висхнуть всі моря.

Нехай посхнуть усі моря,

Потануть брили скал,

А ти навік любов моя,-

Аж згасне сонця пал,

            Прощай, прощай, мій рідний край,

            Прощай, моя любов,

            Та де б не був я, мила, знай -

            Прийду до тебе знов!


Додаток 2

                   You Are Not Alone

How deep is the ocean - how deep is your love?

I have a love in my eyes

And how do I feel when you can't get enough?

Halfway to your paradise

Oh, my love - is your love forever and a day

 Refrain: You are not alone - I'll be there for you

               You are not alone - anything I'll do

               You are not alone - you're the one for me

               You are not alone - that's no tragedy

                You are not alone - you're the one for me

                You are not alone - nothing comes for free

You're breaking the silence - you're breaking my heart

You're like a rose in the snow

I talk in my sleep -I don't tear apart

Baby, I never will go

                 Oh, my love - is your love forever and a day



Додаток 3

                    I Just Called to Say I Love You

No New Year's Day to celebrate

No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away

No first of spring, no song to sing

In fact here's just another ordinary day

            No April rain, no flowers bloom

            No wedding Saturday within the month of June

            But what it is, is something true

            Made up of these three words that I must say to you


I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart


No summer's high, no warm July

No harvest moon to light one tender August night

No autumn breeze, no falling leaves

Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

                    No Libra sun, no Halloween

             No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring

             But what it is, though old so new

             To fill your heart like no three words could ever do


I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care, I do

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart


Додаток 4



A magic moment I remember:

I raised my eyes and you were there,

A fleeting vision, the quintessence

Of all that's beautiful and rare

         I pray to mute despair and anguish,

         To vain the pursuits world esteems,

         Long did I hear your soothing accents,

         Long did your features haunt my dreams.

Time passed. A rebel storm-blast scattered

The reveries that once were mine

And I forgot your soothing accents,

Your features gracefully divine.

         In dark days of enforced retirement

         I gazed upon grey skies above

         With no ideals to inspire me

         No one to cry for, live for, love.

Then came a moment of reinessance,

I looked up - you again are there

A fleeting vision, the quintessence

Of all that's beautiful and rare



Я помню чудное мгновенье:

Передо мной явилась ты,

Как мимолетное виденье,

Как гений чистой красоты.     

       В томленьях грусти безнадежной,

       В тревогах шумной суеты,

       Звучал мне долго голос нежный

       И снились милые черты.

Шли годы. Бурь порыв мятежный

Рассеял прежние мечты,

И я забыл твой голос нежный,

Твои небесные черты.

        В глуши, во мраке заточенья

        Тянулись тихо дни мои

        Без божества, без вдохновенья,

        Без слез, без жизни, без любви.

Душе настало пробужденье:

И вот опять явилась ты,

Как мимолетное виденье,

Как гений чистой красоты.

        И сердце бьется в упоенье,  

        И для него воскресли вновь

        И божество, и вдохновенье,

        И жизнь, и слезы, и любовь.


          I loved you

I loved you and my love may still be there,

Deep in my soul remains to stay aglow.

That should not cause you any more despair-

I do not want to hurt you any more.

        I loved you unrequited in still wonder

        Through bouts of jealousy and diffidence.

        I loved you so sincerely and tender-

        God bless you with such love of someone else.


          Я вас любил

Я вас любил: любовь еще, быть может,

В душе моей угасла не совсем;

Но пусть она вас больше не тревожит;

Я не хочу печалить вас ничем.

       Я вас любил безмолвно, безнадежно,

       То робостью, то ревностью томим;

      Я вас любил так искренно, так нежно,

       Так дай вам бог любимой быть другим.


Додаток 5


Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

       Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,

       There's a shadow hanging over me.

       Oh, yesterday came suddenly.


       Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn’t say.

        I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

        Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.

        Now I need a place to hide away.

        Oh, I believe in yesterday.



Додаток 6


             You Are My Sunshine

My only sunshine.

You make me happy

When skies are grey.

You'll never know, dear,

How much I love you.

Please, don't take my sunshine away

The other night, dear,

As I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms.

When I awoke, dear,

I was mistaken

And I hung my head and cried.



I'll always love you

And make you happy

If you will only say the same

But if you leave me

To love another

You'll regret it all some day.



You told me once, dear

You really loved me

And no one else could come between

But now you've left me

And love another

You have shattered all my dreams.




16 січня 2020
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